Update: Neue Dialoge für Teldrassil und die Schlacht um Lordaeron

Update: Der in der Nacht von Donnerstag auf Freitag auf die Alphaserver der kommenden Erweiterung „Battle for Azeroth“ aufgespielte neue Build 26095 brachte unter anderem mehrere komplett neue Dialoge für die in diesem MMORPG vorhandenen NPCs mit sich, die sich interessanterweise auch dieses Mal wieder mit dem von der Horde durchgeführten Angriff auf Teldrassil beschäftigten. Während sich einer dieser Dialoge einfach nur um die Verteidigung der Nachtelfen und ihren Einsatz von Irrwichten dreht, so verändert der zweite Dialog leider den Grund dafür, warum die Horde sich eigentlich nach Teldrassil begibt und weshalb Sylvannas diesen Ort angreift. In dem neuen Gespräch ist Sylvanas leider nicht mehr länger über die Zukunft der Horde oder die Kinder dieser Fraktion besorgt, sondern sie konzentriert sich einzig und allein auf die Beschaffung von möglichst viel Azerite. Folgend könnt ihr euch die neuen DiIaloge aus Build 26096 bei Interesse selbst durchlesen.
Ein veränderter Dialog
Der von Sylvanas Windläufer im Vorfeld des Angriffs auf Teldrassil gesprochene Dialog wurde mit diesem Build noch einmal ein wenig überarbeitet und stellenweise durch einen komplett neuen Text ersetzt.
Der alte Text:
„The Horde’s children, and their children’s children, will curse our memories as they burn.
If life had any mercy at all, you and I would exist in peace for the rest of our days. We have both seen enough of war, but neither of us has seen the last of it.
The Horde and the Alliance have been at a stalemate. Both of our armies have been exhausted against the Legion.
But therein, I see an opportunity.“
„We take this azerite and use it to conquer Kalimdor.
We build the greatest empire ever known; one that is untouchable against the Alliance.
With the seas parting our lands, rather than mere borders, we can live and prosper without conflict.
That is how you ensure the survival of the Horde for the next hundred years, $n.“
Der neue Text:
„What is certain is that Teldrassil and its Night Elves pose a clear threat to the peace and safety of the Horde on Kalimdor.
Darnassus will serve as a safe harbor for smuggling azerite to the Eastern Kingdoms. We simply cannot allow this to occur.
To win this war, we must control the azerite. To control the azerite, we must eliminate the Kal’dorei threat.
We do not have time to waste.“
Neu: Wisp Strategy
A wall of wisps? Hah! That is nothing that our Dark Rangers and demolishers cannot overcome, my lady.
The scouting party I led to Malfurion underestimated the wisps as you do now, Nathanos. You may want to note that they did not return.
We cannot kill them — well — not enough of them to matter. But we may be able to disperse them.
Interesting. The wisps are just responding to Malfurion’s call. But what if more of the forest were to cry out for help?
That is precisely what I was thinking. $n, would you be so kind as to test our theory?
„The Warchief wants to scare off the wisps, eh? I have just the thing.
You wanna fly this thing? Or do you wanna drop the bombs?“
I can fly. Lighting the forest on fire isn’t my style.
„I’m still trying to figure out the space for this. We may need to clear some trees out or get a tree asset that I can make glow.
Pretend it was awesome and that wisps broke out from the wall, creating visible cracks where you bombed.“
Hmmm, this wisps were dispersing? Excellent. Our plan may just work.
$n, make yourself useful around camp. We need to keep the Kal’dorei’s attention while I come up with a solution to our wisp problem.
Der gestern Abend auf die Alphaserver von Battle for Azeroth aufgespielte neue Build 26032 brachte unter anderem einige zuvor nicht in dieser Spielversion vorhanden gewesene Dialoge mit sich, die für die im Spiel stattfindende Verbrennung von Teldrassil und die zu Beginn dieser kommenden Erweiterung angesetzte Schlacht um Lordaeron bestimmt sind. Auch wenn diese neuen Dialoge nur einen kleinen Teil dieser wichtigen Ereignisse beschreiben und sich ohne den durch die Szenen im Spiel gelieferten Kontext gelegentlich sehr schwer verstehen lassen, so versorgen diese Texte die wartenden Spieler aber trotzdem bereits mit einigen neuen Informationen zu den Hintergründen des nächsten Addons.
Die vielleicht interessanteste Unterhaltung aus diesen Dialogen gehört zu der Verbrennung von Teldrassil und findet zwischen Sylvanas Windläufer und einem ihrer Anhänger statt. In diesem kurzen Gespräch erklärt die aktuelle Anführerin der Horde ihrem Gesprächspartner, warum diese Fraktion eigentlich Teldrassil angreift, welche Rolle das Azerite spielt und wie ihre langfristigen Pläne aussehen. Diesem Dialog zufolge entschied Sylvanas sich für einen Angriff auf die Nachtelfen, weil das in Battle for Azeroth an die Oberfläche dringende Azerite die Kriegsführung auf Azeroth in der nahen Zukunft stark verändern wird und sie vorher die alleinige Herrschaft über Kalimdor erringen möchte. Durch die Kontrolle dieses Kontinents müsste die Horde sich nicht mehr nur auf Grenzen zwischen Ländern verlassen, sondern sie hätte das Meer als natürliche Barriere zwischen sich selbst und die Allianz gebracht. Solch eine Barriere sichert in den Augen von Sylvanas das Überleben der Horde für die nächsten 100 Jahre.
Der Angriff auf Teldrassil :
It is uncertain, Warchief.
Warchief, may I ask why we want to capture Teldrassil?
„Time is sensitive here, but I respect that you seek to know more.
<Sylvanas points to Silithus on the map>.
No matter what I do, THIS will change the balance of power.
And azerite sightings are coming in from across the world, $n. We still do not know its full potential, we only know that it will create a new generation of warfare.
What will war look like in twenty years? In a hundred?“
„The Horde’s children, and their children’s children, will curse our memories as they burn.
If life had any mercy at all, you and I would exist in peace for the rest of our days. We have both seen enough of war, but neither of us has seen the last of it.
The Horde and the Alliance have been at a stalemate. Both of our armies have been exhausted against the Legion.
But therein, I see an opportunity.“
„We take this azerite and use it to conquer Kalimdor.
We build the greatest empire ever known; one that is untouchable against the Alliance.
With the seas parting our lands, rather than mere borders, we can live and prosper without conflict.
That is how you ensure the survival of the Horde for the next hundred years, $n.“
Die Schlacht um Lordaeron;
Heroes! Focus on the reinforcements first. Then we can deal with the shaman’s threat!
And do it quickly! My ice barriers won’t hold forever!
Not so fast!
His winds are strong, but together we are stronger! Persevere, champions!
To my side, quickly! We must keep pushing before the Horde has a chance to react!
Today, we will claim our victory over the Eastern Kingdoms and take back that which was stolen from us so long ago.
We stand as one to fight for those who were lost at the battle for Teldrassil – for the families who have lost their homelands.
That despicably cowardly act of war, made it clear that we must fight for the survival of our next hundred generations.
Make haste! The Warchief awaits!
Yes, Warchief.
Then it’s time to finish this once and for all. Saurfang, rally your troops. I will prepare the Azerite Machine.
Champions! Your Warchief commands you! It is time to take arms against the Alliance!
Their numbers are strong, but we are stronger. We are the horde! We conquer those who would bring us harm!
Lok’tar ogar!
Soldiers of the Horde! Your brothers and sisters lie wounded on the battlefield! There is no honor in this victory if we abandon our own!
Slay them all, champions! Mark my words, King Anduin and his army did not come here for our amusement – they mean to destroy us! Show them no mercy, for they would show you none in return!
Maintain your honor, heroes. Lok-narash
Gas masks! Get ya‘ gas masks here! And uh, if you’re feelin‘ sassy – you can pick up one of these backpacks and get to werk! Heh he hehhhh.
Meet with Lor’themar. QUICKLY! Do not fail me, Nathanos!
I obey, my queen.
DO NOT QUESTION ME, SAURFANG. We must draw their attention from my War Machine so it can destroy the towers. Casualties are inevitable…
Maybe you don’t care if your people die so long as it is honorable, but to me, this Horde is worth saving. Anyone who disagrees does not deserve to stand among us.
So die your warrior’s death, High Overlord Saurfang. It means little to me. Perhaps I will raise your broken body to serve me once more.
Or perhaps you will have a chance to say hello to your son.
The Undercity is no longer safe for civilians. The war rages above, and dozens of spies have infested our city walls.
Our the Alliance enemies are striking against the Undercity and seek to claim Lordaeron for their own.
We have herded the cowards to the Mage District and have secured the rest of the Undercity.
Your mission is to flush these worms out of hiding, eliminate them, and ensure that our citizens are evacuated safely to Orgrimmar.
Lor’themar, I want you to command our rangers from the flank! Position them on the rooftops!
The pleasure is mine, Dark Lord.
Baine! Gather the catapults and every apothecary you can find. Send them to the keep at once!
Yes, commander. Where is Saurfang?
There is no time! We have but precious moments before we lose our terrain advantage!
The chokepoint we create will funnel them through the side of the keep and thin their ranks. We will outnumber them 10 to 1 if we are out in the open!
Understood. I will meet you as soon as I can.
No. Lor’themar and I will handle the interlopers. I can’t risk leaving the Warchief unguarded. You are not to leave her side.
How long are you expecting to hold them off? What is the Warchief’s strategy?
It is better if she tells you herself, now go!
They cannot press their assault forever. Stay strong!
Lordaeron belongs to the Forsaken! Do not back down, heroes!
Jaina, Genn – help me with Nathanos and Lor’themar. Alleria, take the rest of our troops and focus on routing the army! Start with those archers on the rooftops!
The Void Elves… they just… their numbers are endless…
We must have faith in the Warchief, Lorthemar.