Overwatch: Ein neuer Patch brachte die Overwatch League mit sich

Am heutigen Dienstag, den 09. Januar 2018, veröffentlichten die für Overwatch verantwortlichen Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment mal wieder einen weiteren neuen Content Patch für Windows-PC, PlayStation 4 und Xbox One, der mittlerweile in allen Spielregionen der Welt aktiv sein sollte. Den gleichzeitig damit in den Foren veröffentlichten englischen Patchnotes zufolge bestand dieser neue Patch abgesehen von einer Reihe von Fehlerbehebungen und einigen kleineren Anpassungen hauptsächlich aus den Inhalten für die am 11. Januar startende Overwatch League. Dabei handelte es sich dann um über 300 neue Ligaskins, ein Interface zum direkten Kauf dieser Waren mit der neuen Währung „Ligamarken“, ein im Spiel vorhandener Zeitplan und die Option zum Anschauen von laufenden Partien über den Client des Spiels.
Um die Veröffentlichung dieser Inhalte und den bald anstehenden Start der Overwatch League gebührend zu feiern, erhalten alle Spieler beim Einloggen in diesen Titel zusätzlich zu den von Anfang an kostenlosen Sprays und Icons der einzelnen Teams netterweise auch noch einmalig 100 Ligamarken geschenkt. Da jeder der zu dieser Liga gehörenden Skins jeweils 100 dieser Marken (5 Euro/Dollar) kostet, können daran interessierte Personen sich also direkt einen Skin dieser Art für ihren favorisierten Helden zulegen. Leider ist die Verteilung dieser kostenlosen Währung nur bis zum 13. Februar 2018 in allen Spielregionen aktiv, weshalb Spieler sich nicht allzuviel Zeit mit dem Einloggen in Overwatch lassen sollten.
Weiter unten in diesem Artikel findet ihr nun sowohl die offiziellen Patchnotes zu dem heutigen Update als auch eine kurze Übersicht zu den Kosten der Ligamarken. Eine Übersicht der einzelnen Skins steht euch im Spiel selbst zur Verfügung.
Home-team skins are now available! Support the #OWL2018 team (or teams) of your choice.
— Overwatch League (@overwatchleague) 9. Januar 2018
Log in before February 9th and get enough League Tokens for one free skin. pic.twitter.com/htL6atYcVb
Die Preise für die Ligamarken:
- 100 Marken = 4.99 Euro
- 200 Marken = 9.99 Euro
- 400 Marken = 19.99 Euro
- 900 Marken = 39.99 Euro
- 2600 Marken = 99.99 Euro
Overwatch Patch Notes – January 9, 2018
A new patch is now live on Windows PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Read below to learn more about the latest changes.
Introducing Overwatch League Team Skins
Time to suit up! Overwatch League home-team skins are now live and can be purchased via our new League Token system, which allows players to directly support their favorite Overwatch League team (or teams!). Home-team skins are available for all 12 OVerwatch League teams and all 26 Overwatch heroes.
To learn more about Overwatch League team skins and League Tokens, click here.
- Players can now watch the Overwatch League stream via the Overwatch League menu option when games are live
- [PS4/XB1] Players can now bind all communication wheel options to a gamepad button
- [PS4/XB1] An option to press and hold crouch rather than toggling the ability has been added under Options > Controls > Movement
- [PS4/XB1] A slider for “Friendly Aim Assist Strength” has been added to Ana’s control options under Options > Controls > Hero. This will make it easier to aim at allies
- Weapon accuracy is no longer increased or decreased when shooting at Genji’s Deflect or abilities that block projectiles (e.g. Winston’s Barrier Projector or Mei’s Ice Wall)
- Zenyatta’s Orb of Discord and Orb of Harmony will now display its target’s health bar
- Fixed an issue that prevented earned items from being displayed when a Loot Box was opened
- Fixed a bug that caused a duplicate “Current Competitive Season” selection to appear in the Career Profile dropdown menu
- [PC] Fixed a bug that prevented players from being able to navigate in-game menus with the tab key
- Fixed a bug that prevented UI elements for Tracer’s Blink from displaying when switching between first- and third-person view in spectator mode
- Fixed a bug that prevented the ammo count for Doomfist’s Hand Cannon from displaying when switching between first- and third-person view in spectator mode
- Fixed a bug that prevented the Bastion and Torbjörn bots from pathing to some areas on the first point of Eichenwalde
- Fixed a bug that caused the Lúcio bot to fall off the map while navigating King’s Row
Competitive Play
- Fixed a bug that caused the meters remaining to display twice when players approached the final five meters on Escort and Escort/Assault maps
Game Browser and Custom Games
- Fixed a bug that prevented the Ultimate Duration Custom Game modification from properly adjusting Soldier: 76’s Ultimate length
- Fixed a bug that caused the Play of the Game highlight and the end-of-match screen to not display for the last player to die in the match
- Fixed a bug that prevented Doomfist’s Rocket Punch from destroying breakable objects
- Fixed a bug that could cause Doomfist’s Rocket Punch knock back to be inconsistent if he collided with an enemy using a movement ability (e.g. Winston’s Leap)
- Fixed a latency issue that caused Doomfist’s Rocket Punch to travel through an enemy instead of dealing damage
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused Doomfist’s Rocket Punch’s directional movement to be unpredictable
- Fixed an issue that allowed enemies to jump over Doomfist’s Rocket Punch instead of taking damage
- Fixed a bug that caused enemy players hit by Doomfist’s Rocket Punch to sometimes move along the wall impacted instead of taking damage
- Fixed a bug that caused Doomfist to move along the terrain if he impacted it with Rocket Punch
- Fixed an issue that caused enemies hit by Doomfist’s Rocket Punch to impact inclines instead of traveling up them
- Fixed a bug that caused Doomfist’s Rocket Punch to deal wall impact damage to Mercy if she used Valkyrie
- Fixed a bug that caused Doomfist’s Rocket Punch to activate before intended if he was near Mei’s Ice Wall
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Doomfist to fall through the ground if he used Seismic Slam on inclines
- Fixed an issue that canceled Doomfist’s Seismic Slam when it was unable to reach the targeted location
- [PC] Fixed a bug that caused Junkrat’s RIP-Tire camera perspective to linger on the target after detonating
- [PC] Fixed a bug that caused Junkrat’s RIP-Tire to be silent to enemies while traveling on rooftops or when airborne
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Snowball’s antenna to stretch out of proportion when Mei’s Beekeeper skin was equipped
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Mercy’s Resurrect “Reviving” message to remain on the targeted player’s screen after the cast was finished
- Fixed a bug that caused players targeted by Mercy’s Resurrect to no longer see their Respawn timer if her cast was interrupted by an enemy
- Fixed a bug that caused players targeted by Mercy’s Resurrect to no longer see their Respawn timer if her cast was interrupted by an enemy
- Fixed a bug that prevented players from using Moira’s Biotic Orb if she used Fade or died while using Biotic Orb
- Fixed an issue that caused Moira’s “Ultimate almost ready” voiceline to sometimes play when her Coalescence was fully charged
- Fixed a bug that caused Reinhardt’s Charge to knock back enemies instead of pinning them
- Fixed a bug that caused the visual effects of Sombra’s EMP to display when the ability was interrupted by an enemy player
- Fixed a bug that caused Sombra to face the incorrect direction after she teleported with Translocator
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Torbjörn’s turrets to not fully heal when he used Molton Core
- Fixed a bug that prevented Carbon Zenyatta’s in-game portrait from displaying the correct color
- Fixed a bug on Eichenwalde that caused the “Checkpoint Reached” voiceline to play when the payload reached its final destination
- Fixed a bug that allowed Reaper to Shadow Step to unintended locations on Horizon Lunar Colony