Patch 7.3: Der Dungeon „Seat of the Triumvirate“

Mit dem in der Nacht von Dienstag auf Mittwoch auf den öffentlichen Testserver von Patch 7.3 aufgespielten neuen Build 24608 haben die Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment diese Testphase unter anderem um den neuen Dungeon „Seat of the Triumvirate“ erweitert, der aus diesem Grund nun endlich allen daran interessierten Spielern zum Ausprobieren zur Verfügung steht. Passend dazu haben die Mitarbeiter der besonders für ihre Guides bekannten Internetseite „“ in der vergangenen Nacht nun ein äußerst informatives Vorschauvideo zu diesem neuen Dungeon veröffentlicht, welches den Zuschauern ganz genau zeigt, wie diese Instanz eigentlich von innen aussieht und welche Bosse dort auf die Spieler warten. Weiter unten in diesem Artikel findet ihr nun dieses Vorschauvideo und einige weitere nützliche Informationen zu dem „Seat of the Triumvirate“.
Die Erfolge dieses Dungeons:
Darker Side – Defeat L’ura in Seat of the Triumvirate with all party members affected by Crushing Darkness on Mythic Difficulty.
Heroic: Seat of the Triumvirate – Defeat L’ura in Seat of the Triumvirate on Heroic difficulty or higher.
Let it All Out – Have Darkfang destroy 4 Sealed Void Caches using Shadow Pounce in Seat of the Triumvirate on Mythic Difficulty.
Mythic: Seat of the Triumvirate – Defeat L’ura in Seat of the Triumvirate on Mythic difficulty.
Welcome the Void – Bring Urjad from the void realm using Void Tear, then defeat him and Zuraal the Ascended in Seat of the Triumvirate on Mythic Difficulty.
Die Bosse in diesem Dungeon:
- Zuraal the Ascended
- Beschreibung: Zuraal represents the Shadowguard’s first success at creating a void-infused broken whose mind has not fallen into madness. A renowned brawler in his past life. Zuraal uses his newfound dark strength to empower his attacks and decimate his foes.
- Saprish
- Beschreibung: The ever-tactical Saprish deploys the forces of the Shadowguard with calculated precision. Though a skilled commander and strategist, Saprish relishes taking a direct hand in battle. He turns his foes‘ weaknesses against them, leaving his vulnerable adversaries at the mercy of his voracious pets.
- Viceroy Nezhar
- Beschreibung: Like others of his ilk, Viceroy Nezhar is obsessed with harnessing the power of the Void to serve his own ambitions. Drawn to the Seat of the Triumvirate by the immense darkness emanating from deep within. Nezhar will stop at nighing to claim it for his own. Given the viceroy’s experiments at infusing vessels with the power of shadow, the implications of what he might accomplish on Argus are dire indeed.
- L’ura
- Beschreibung: When Velen and his followers fled Argus aboard the Genedar, the naaru L’ura stayed behind to buy the draenei time to escape. Kil’jaeden, enraged by this betrayal, ordered the wounded naaru sealed away in the Seat of the Triumvirate. Over the long millennia that passed, L’ura fell from Light to Void. Her elegant song of courage and hope became a shadowy dirge of despair, luring those seeking to lay claim to her power.
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