Patch 7.2: Es wurden weitere Raidtests angekündigt

In der vergangenen Nacht hat sich World of Warcrafts Game Director Ion „Watcher“ Hazzikostas wieder einmal in den Battle.Net Foren zu Wort gemeldet und dort dann in einem kurzen Bluepost verkündet, dass die Entwickler dieses Titels am kommenden Freitag, den 17. Februar 2017, weitere Raidtests auf dem derzeit laufenden PTR zu Patch 7.2: Das Grabmal des Sargeras durchführen möchten. Während dieser mehrstündigen Testphase können dann alle daran interessierten Tester erneut in die heroische Variante des Grabmals des Sargeras eindringen und dort dann zusammen mit ihrem Schlachtzug gegen die beiden Encounter „Demonic Inquisition“ und „Mistress Sassz’ine“ kämpfen.
Zusätzlich zu diesen zeitlich leider sehr limitierten Raidtests soll am kommenden Wochenende dann auch noch eine etwas längere Testphase für die normale Schwierigkeit dieses kommenden Schlachtzugs stattfinden, die den Spielern auf dem PTR die normalen Versionen der vier zu diesem Zeitpunkt testbar gewesenen Bosse „Goroth“, „Demonic Inquisition“, „Harjatan“ und „Mistress Sassz’ine“ zum Ausprobieren zur Verfügung stellen wird. Weitere Informationen zu den Tests der normalen Schwierigkeit werden vermutlich im Laufe des morgigen Abends in einem weiteren Bluepost folgen.
Folgend findet ihr nun neben einigen hilfreichen Fakten zu dem genauen Ablauf dieser anstehenden Raidtests dann auch noch eine Übersicht zu den Mechaniken der morgen Abend auf dem PTR bekämpfbaren Encounter.
On Friday, February 17, we will be conducting a raid test of two more Tomb of Sargeras Heroic bosses. Remember that Heroic difficulty scales for any group size between 10 and 30 players, so feel free to assemble and bring a group of any size within that range.
Friday, February 17
- Demonic Inquisition – Heroic Tomb of Sargeras
- 13:00 PST (16:00 EST, 22:00 CET)
- Mistress Sassz’ine – Heroic Tomb of Sargeras
- 14:00 PST (17:00 EST, 23:00 CET)
After testing concludes on Friday, we plan to open Normal Tomb of Sargeras over the weekend, with Goroth, Demonic Inquisition, Harjatan, and Mistress Sassz’ine available.
Hinweis: Die Zeitangaben weiter oben können sich jederzeit ändern. Dies liegt daran, dass dies eine Testphase ist und die Entwickler jeweils die Zeiten bzw. Bosse nutzen, die ihnen am besten passen.
Demonic Inquisition:
Anticipating the arrival of mortal forces invading the Tomb of Sargeras, Kil’jaeden has called on his best captors, Atrigan and Belac, to lock down the interlopers and prevent them from using the Pillars to advance deeper into the dungeon.
Overview: Atrigan and Belac share health.
Both Atrigan and Belac’s abilities all inflict [Torment]. Reaching full [Torment] results in [Unbearable Torment].-
Damage Dealers:
[Confess] when at full [Torment] to collect Remnants of Hope from Belac’s cage and alleviate [Unbearable Torment].
Avoid attacking Atrigan and Belac during [Bone Saw] and [Fel Squall] respectively, so you don’t incur additional [Torment]. -
[Confess] when at full [Torment] to collect Remnants of Hope from Belac’s cage and alleviate [Unbearable Torment].
Stagger dispelling [Echoing Anguish] so as not to inflict the raid to too many instances of [Anguished Outburst] at once. -
[Confess] when at full [Torment] to collect Remnants of Hope from Belac’s cage and alleviate [Unbearable Torment].
Coordinate with the other tank so only one has to [Confess] at a time.
Avoid attacking Atrigan and Belac during [Bone Saw] and [Fel Squall] respectively, so you don’t incur additional [Torment].
Torment: Torment increases when attacks and abilities from Atrigan and Belac strike players. Players that reach full Torment are afflicted with Unbearable Torment and must Confess in order to remove the effect.
Unbearable Torment: The inquisition has broken you. All damage done is reduced by 20%, your chance to hit is reduced by 90% your healing done is reduced by 25%, and all damage taken is increased by 90%.
Confess: You confess your actions against the Legion to the demonic inquisition and are transported into Belac’s fel prison.
Bone Scythe: Atrigan wields a Bone Scythe. All attacks made by Atrigan apply 2 Torment.
Scythe Sweep: Atrigan swings his mighty Bone Scythe, inflicting 975000 to 1025000 Physical damage and 20 Torment to all enemies in front of him.
Bone Saw: Inflicts 1000000 Physical damage and 4 Torment to nearby enemies every 1 sec. Atrigan’s movement speed is slowed by 75%. Attacking Atrigan during Bone Saw causes the attacker to gain Torment.
Anguished Outburst: Tormenting energy bursts forth from the affected player, inflicting 975000 to 1025000 Shadow damage and 10 Torment to players within 8 yards.
Echoing Anguish: Belac targets multiple players with phantasmal torture devices, which inflict 250000 Shadow damage and 2 Torment every 1 sec for 12 sec. When this effect is removed, nearby players are struck by Anguished Outburst.
Tormenting Burst: Tormenting energy explodes out from Belac, inflicting 292500 to 307500 Shadow damage and 10 Torment to all players.
Fel Squall: Inflicts 1000000 Fire damage and 4 Torment to nearby enemies every 5 sec. Attacking Belac during Fel Squall causes the attacker to gain Torment.
Shadow Bolt Volley: Hurls a bolt of dark magic at an enemy, inflicting 323750 Shadow damage.
Tormented Fragment: When prisoners escape Belac’s cage these fragments of the Tormented Soul abscond alongside them. (Mythic)
Harrowing Reconstitution: As the Tormented Fragments attempt to reform their thrashing increases in intensity. All damage done by all Tormented Fragments is increased by 15% whenever a new Fragment escapes Belac’s cage. (Mythic)
Explosive Anguish: Tormented Fragments violently release all their pent up torment and anguish upon death, inflicting 1950000 to 2050000 Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yards. (Mythic)
Mistress Sassz’ine:
Mistress Sassz’ine has spent a lifetime binding the denizens of the ocean to her dark will. With this power, she summons nightmares from the briny depths to wash away any who dare challenge her.
Overview: Handpicked to watch over the flooded passageways, Mistress Sassz’ine stands ready to retrieve the Tidestone from those foolish enough to enter her domain.
Damage Dealers:
Slay Abyss Stalkers at the correct time to ensure that [Concealing Murk] is available for [Slicing Tornado].
Stand behind [Concealing Murk] to prevent being struck by [Slicing Tornado].
Bring [Befouling Ink] to Sarukel, The Unending Hunger when he opens his [Devouring Maw]. -
Stand behind [Concealing Murk] to prevent being struck by [Slicing Tornado].
Bring [Befouling Ink] to Sarukel, The Unending Hunger when he opens his [Devouring Maw]. -
When afflicted with [Burden of Pain], attempt to minimize Physical damage taken.
Stand behind [Concealing Murk] to prevent being struck by [Slicing Tornado].
Delicious Bufferfish: Picking up a Delicious Bufferfish grants an additional 2% damage dealt. Healers instead restore 500 mana every 1 sec. These effects increase every 5 sec, up to 50 stacks.
Taking any damage causes the Delicious Bufferfish to drop onto the ground. (Mythic)-
Dread Shark: A Dread Shark may catch the scent of a Delicious Bufferfish! It will devour the Bufferfish and all players within 10 yds after 6 sec. (Mythic)
Hydra Shot: Marks players for a piercing Hydra Shot. After 6 sec, each arrow inflicts 2700000 Physical damage to all targets up to that player, split among those struck. Each player struck also gains a stack of Hydra Acid. (Heroic, Mythic, Normal)
Hydra Acid: Hydra acid covers a target, inflicting 124800 Nature damage every 1 sec for 6 sec. This effect stacks and stuns for 6 sec upon reaching 2 or more stacks.
Burden of Pain: Curses a target with wracking pain. 100% of all Physical damage the player suffers while the curse is in effect is additionally shared to all other players.
From the Abyss: Beckon forth three Abyss Stalkers from the depths.
Dark Depths: Step through the shadows, striking a random player with Jaws from the Deep. (Heroic, Mythic)
Jaws from the Deep: Bites a player, inflicting 245700 to 258300 Shadow damage immediately with an additional 212940 Shadow damage every 1 sec for 4 sec.
Abyss Stalker: Abyss Stalkers‘ melee attacks inflict shadow damage to their target instead of physical damage.
Concealing Murk: Upon death, Abyss Stalkers release a cloud of Concealing Murk for 20 sec. Players within the cloud suffer 233220 Shadow damage every 2 sec and have their hit chance reduced by 75%.
Stage One: Ten Thousand Fangs: Thousands of creatures rise from the depths of the ocean to assist their mistress.
Slicing Tornado: Slicing tornados sweep across the platform, inflicting 288600 Physical damage every 1 sec for 20 sec. A Slicing Tornado coming into contact with Concealing Murk reduces its efficacy.
Thundering Shock: Jellyfish rise up from the waters, charging up to inflict 1512225 to 1589775 Nature damage and stun players within 6 yds for 4 sec. Striking a murloc with Thundering Shock knocks it off a player and makes it vulnerable to attack.
Consuming Hunger: Beckons forth several Razorjaw Waverunners, which attach themselves to players, inflicting 312741 Physical damage every 2 sec. Being struck with Thundering Shock knocks the murloc off of the target, making it vulnerable to attack.
Stage Two: Terrors of the Deep: Deep sea leviathans approach and answer the call of their master.
Beckon Sarukel: Mistress Sassz’ine calls forth Sarukel, the Unending Hunger to swallow everything whole.
- Summon Ossunet: Mistress Sassz’ine calls forth Ossunet, the Darkness to obstruct her foes.
Call Vellius: Mistress Sassz’ine calls forth Vellius, the Drowning Tide to smash her enemies.
Stage Three: Vast Oceans of Wrath: Mistress Sassz’ine uses her full powers to wipe away her enemies.
Summon Ossunet: Mistress Sassz’ine calls forth Ossunet, the Darkness to obstruct her foes.
- Call Vellius: Mistress Sassz’ine calls forth Vellius, the Drowning Tide to smash her enemies.
- Consuming Hunger: Beckons forth several Razorjaw Waverunners, which attach themselves to players, inflicting 312741 Physical damage every 2 sec. Being struck with Thundering Shock knocks the murloc off of the target, making it vulnerable to attack.
Slicing Tornado: Slicing tornados sweep across the platform, inflicting 288600 Physical damage every 1 sec for 20 sec. A Slicing Tornado coming into contact with Concealing Murk reduces its efficacy.