Patch 7.2: Der neue Build 23578 wurde auf den PTR aufgespielt

Im Verlauf der vergangenen Nacht haben die Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment nun endlich den bereits vorgestern durch die offiziellen PTR Development Notes angekündigten neuen Build 23578 auf den aktuell laufenden PTR von Patch 7.2: Das Grabmal des Sargeras aufgespielt und diese Testphase dadurch dann wieder einmal um eine Reihe von neuen Inhalten erweitert. Dabei brachte diese neue Spielversion von Patch 7.2 neben den üblichen Klassenänderungen dann auch noch das Fliegen auf den verheerten Inseln, den Dungeon „Cathedral of Eternal Night”, die Set Boni für die T-20 Rüstungssets, eine Vielzahl von neuen Gegenständen und neue Versionen der herstellbaren legendären Ausrüstungsteile mit sich. In folgender Zusammenfassung könnt ihr euch jetzt selbst durchlesen, was für interessante Neuerungen dieser Build beinhaltete.
(Hier findet ihr die PTR Development Notes zu Build 23578)
Highlights aus diesem Build:
- Das Fliegen auf den verheerten Inseln wurde aktiviert.
- Die Questreihen zum Freischalten der neuen Klassen-Reittiere sind verfügbar.
- Der neue 5 Spieler Dungeon “Cathedral of Eternal Night” steht den Spielern zum Testen zur Verfügung.
- Die Set-Boni für das T-20 Set wurden implementiert (Liste weiter unten)
- Es gibt eine Reihe von neuen Erfolgen für das Grabmal des Sargeras: Glory of the Tomb Raider
- Die herstellbaren legendären Gegenstände besitzen nun Sockelplätze und Effekte (siehe weiter unten)
- Ein neues Spielzeug für Pepe:
A Tiny Set of Warglaives
- Spieler erhalten das Haustier „
Son of Skum“ durch die Pet Battle Dungeons.
- Es gibt einige neue Questsitem, die scheinbar aus dem Grabmal des Sargeras stammen:
Seal of the Deceiver,
Wailing Soul,
Worshippers Scrawlings,
Encrusted Naga Scale
- Die Artefaktangel erhält einen neuen Skin:
The Broken Hook
Tome of the Hybrid Beast: Jäger können nach der Freischaltung ihres Klassen-Reittiers eine neue Art von geflügelten Wildtieren als Begleiter zählen.
- Es gibt eine Vielzahl von neuen Missionen.
- Dieser Build beinhaltet mehrere legendäre Verbesserungen für Champion (Liste).
Die Effekte der herstellbaren Legendaries:
Die mit Berufen herstellbaren legendären Ausrüstungsteile besitzen nun drei prismatische Sockelplätze und ihre einzigartigen Effekte.
- Celumbra, the Night’s Dichotomy – You are able to see invisible and stealthed enemies during the day and and reduces the distance at which enemies will attack you by 15 yards during the night.
- The Sentinel’s Eternal Refuge – Each time you kill an enemy, you gain 5% movement speed for 5 min, stacking up to 5 times. At 5 stacks, while you are out of combat you turn into a Wisp, increasing your movement speed further and granting you the ability to fly.
- Vigilance Perch – Each time you kill an enemy, you gain 5% movement speed for 5 min, stacking up to 5 times. At 5 stacks, while you are out of combat you turn into a Spirit Owl, increasing your movement speed further and granting you the ability to fly.
Die T-20 Set Boni:
Death Knight
- Item – Death Knight T20 Blood 2P Bonus (New) Blood Boil heals you for 25% of the damage it deals.
- Item – Death Knight T20 Blood 4P Bonus (New) Blood Boil has a 25% chance to grant you 0 Versatility for until cancelled.
- Item – Death Knight T20 Frost 2P Bonus (New) Empower Rune Weapon increases your damage dealt by 20% for 10 sec.
- Item – Death Knight T20 Frost 4P Bonus (New) Reduce the cooldown of Empower Rune Weapon by 1 second for every 60 Runic Power spent.
- Item – Death Knight T20 Unholy 2P Bonus (New) Death Coil causes one of your Army of the Dead ghouls to explode, dealing [ 150% of AP ] damage to up to 0 nearby enemies.
- Item – Death Knight T20 Unholy 4P Bonus (New) Each rune you spend reduces the cooldown of Army of the Dead by 3.0 seconds.
Demon Hunter
- Item – Demon Hunter T20 Havoc 2P Bonus (New) Blade Dance refunds 40 Fury when it hits an enemy.
- Item – Demon Hunter T20 Havoc 4P Bonus (New) Blade Dance’s critical Strike chance is increased by 50%.
- Item – Demon Hunter T20 Vengeance 2P Bonus (New) Enemies burning from your Sigil of Flame deal 5% reduced damage to you.
- Item – Demon Hunter T20 Vengeance 4P Bonus (New) After creating a Sigil of Flame, you gain 0 Versatility for 8 sec.
- Item – Druid T20 Balance 2P Bonus (New) Increase your Astral Power generation by 10% and your maximum Astral Power by 30.
- Item – Druid T20 Balance 4P Bonus (New) Starsurge and Starfall increase your Haste by 3% for 15 sec. Stacks up to 5 times, but gaining a stack does not refresh the duration.
- Item – Druid T20 Feral 2P Bonus (New) Gain 2 Energy each time Rip deals damage.
- Item – Druid T20 Feral 4P Bonus (New) Rip deals 15% increased damage and lasts 8 sec longer.
- Item – Druid T20 Guardian 2P Bonus (New) Frenzied Regeneration triggers up to a 40% reduced cooldown based on your current health when you use it. More reduced cooldown when used at lower health.
- Item – Druid T20 Guardian 4P Bonus (New) Ironfur and Mark of Ursol reduce the cooldown of Frenzied Regeneration by 2.0 seconds.
- Item – Druid T20 Restoration 2P Bonus (New) Swiftmend has up to 40% reduced cooldown based on the current health of your target. More reduced cooldown when used on a lower health target.
- T20 Resto Druid 4pc is currently: Swiftmend increases your Efflorescence healing by 300% for 8 seconds. (Source)
- Item – Hunter T20 Beast Mastery 2P Bonus (New) Cobra Shot, Multi-shot, and Kill Command increase the damage bonus of Bestial Wrath by 1.5% for its remaining duration.
- Item – Hunter T20 Beast Mastery 4P Bonus (New) Cobra Shot, Multi-shot, and Kill Command deal 20% increased damage while Bestial Wrath is active.
- Item – Hunter T20 Marksmanship 2P Bonus (New) Aimed Shot reduces the cast time of your next Aimed Shot by 20% and reduces its Focus cost by 20%.
- Item – Hunter T20 Marksmanship 4P Bonus (New) Casting two Aimed Shots in a row increases your Critical Strike damage by 15% for 6 sec.
- Item – Hunter T20 Survival 2P Bonus (New) Lacerate deals 15% increased damage and Flanking Strike increases the duration of your Lacerate by 6 sec.
- Item – Hunter T20 Survival 4P Bonus (New) Mongoose Bite consumes 3.0 seconds of your Lacerate on your target, instantly dealing 3.0 seconds worth of remaining damage.
- Item – Mage T20 Arcane 2P Bonus (New) Greater Invisibility instantly grants you 4 Arcane Charges. When you leave Greater Invisibility, your damage is increased by 20% for 12 sec.
- Item – Mage T20 Arcane 4P Bonus (New) Casting Arcane Missiles reduces the remaining cooldown on Greater Invisibility by 5.0 sec.
- Item – Mage T20 Fire 2P Bonus (New) Fireball has a 15% chance to make your next Pyroblast or Flamestrike a guaranteed Critical Strike.
- Item – Mage T20 Fire 4P Bonus (New) Pyroblast and Flamestrike increases the damage of your next Pyroblast or Flamestrike by 10% for 8 sec.
- Item – Mage T20 Frost 2P Bonus (New) Frozen Orb increases your Critical Strike damage by 30% for 10 seconds.
- Item – Mage T20 Frost 4P Bonus (New) The cooldown of Frozen Orb is reduced by 5 sec whenever you gain Brain Freeze.
- Item – Monk T20 Brewmaster 2P Bonus (New) Your attacks have a chance to grant you Effusion, causing your next Effuse to be instant and heal for 400% more.
- Item – Monk T20 Brewmaster 4P Bonus (New) After consuming Effusion, you clear 25% of your Staggered damage.
- Item – Monk T20 Mistweaver 2P Bonus (New) Your healing spell casts have a 10% chance to grant Surge of Mists, reducing the cost of your next Enveloping Mist by 75%.
- Item – Monk T20 Mistweaver 4P Bonus (New) Consuming Surge of Mists resets the cooldown of Thunder Focus Tea.
- Item – Monk T20 Windwalker 2P Bonus (New) Rising Sun Kick applies Rising Fist to the target for 8 sec, increasing the critical strike chance of your Fists of Fury against the target by 25%.
- Item – Monk T20 Windwalker 4P Bonus (New) Fists of Fury increases the critical strike chance of your next Rising Sun Kick by 50%.
- Item – Paladin T20 Holy 2P Bonus (New) Light of Dawn has up to 40% reduced cooldown based on the current health of your targets. More reduced cooldown when it heals lower health targets.
- Item – Paladin T20 Holy 4P Bonus (New) Light of Dawn grants you Dawn’s Light, increasing the healing of your next spell by 25%.
- Item – Paladin T20 Protection 2P Bonus (New) Judgment has a 25% chance to reset the cooldown of Avenger’s Shield.
- Item – Paladin T20 Protection 4P Bonus (New) Enemies hit by Avenger’s Shield deal 5% reduced damage to you for 5 sec.
- Item – Paladin T20 Retribution 2P Bonus (New) Blade of Justice generates 1 additional Holy Power.
- Item – Paladin T20 Retribution 4P Bonus (New) Judgment also increases the damage of Blade of Justice.
- Item – Priest T20 Discipline 2P Bonus (New) The first bolt of light from your Penance deals an additional 200% damage.
- Item – Priest T20 Discipline 4P Bonus (New) Power Word: Shield has a 25% chance to cause your next Penance to be free and have 50% reduced cooldown.
- Item – Priest T20 Holy 2P Bonus (New) Serendipity reduces the cooldown of your Holy Words by an additional 1.5 sec.
- Item – Priest T20 Holy 4P Bonus (New) Your Holy Words have a 40% chance to trigger a 50% reduced cooldown.
- Item – Priest T20 Shadow 2P Bonus (New) Shadowfiend’s damage is increased by up to 200% based on your current Insanity.
- Item – Priest T20 Shadow 4P Bonus (New) Mind Blast reduces the cooldown of Shadowfiend by 3.0%.
- Item – Rogue T20 Assassination 2P Bonus (New) Garrote’s cooldown is reduced by 6.0 sec.
- Item – Rogue T20 Assassination 4P Bonus (New) Garrote generates 1 additional combo point and deals 20% increased damage.
- Item – Rogue T20 Outlaw 2P Bonus (New) Free Pistol Shots increase your critical strike chance by 10% for 8 seconds.
- Item – Rogue T20 Outlaw 4P Bonus (New) Adrenaline Rush persists for 15 sec longer at half power.
- Item – Rogue T20 Subtlety 2P Bonus (New) Symbols of Death costs 30 less Energy.
- Item – Rogue T20 Subtlety 4P Bonus (New) Symbols of Death causes your next 3 Shadowstrikes to critically strike.
- Item – Shaman T20 Elemental 2P Bonus (New) While Fire Elemental is active, your Flame Shock deals 75% increased damage over time and always critically strikes.
- Item – Shaman T20 Elemental 4P Bonus (New) Reduce the cooldown of Fire Elemental by 2.0 sec when Flame Shock periodic damage deals a critical strike.
- Item – Shaman T20 Enhancement 2P Bonus (New) Crash Lightning increases your critical strike chance by 5% for 16 sec.
- Item – Shaman T20 Enhancement 4P Bonus (New) Stormstrike critical strikes increase the damage of your next Crash Lightning by 30%, stacking up to 10 times.
- Item – Shaman T20 Restoration 2P Bonus (New) Your healing spells casts have a 10% chance to increase the Critical Strike chance of your next Riptide by 100%.
- Item – Shaman T20 Restoration 4P Bonus (New) When Riptide’s initial heal critically strikes, the healing of your next Healing Rain is increased by 50%.
- Item – Warlock T20 Affliction 2P Bonus (New) Your Unstable Affliction damage has a 101% chance to cause your next Drain Soul cast to deal 20% additional increased damage each time it deals damage.
- Item – Warlock T20 Affliction 4P Bonus (New) Fully channeling a Drain Soul grants you 0% Haste for until cancelled.
- Item – Warlock T20 Demonology 2P Bonus (New) Shadowbolt has a 20% chance to reset the cooldown of Call Dreadstalkers.
- Item – Warlock T20 Demonology 4P Bonus (New) Call Dreadstalkers automatically triggers Demonic Empowerment.
- Item – Warlock T20 Destruction 2P Bonus (New) Incinerate has a 15% chance to generate 1 Soul Shard.
- Item – Warlock T20 Destruction 4P Bonus (New) Chaos Bolt empowers your next Chaos Bolt to always gain maximum benefit from your Mastery: Chaotic Energies.
- Item – Warrior T20 Arms 2P Bonus (New) Colossus Smash reduces the cooldown of Ravager by 1.2 sec.
- Item – Warrior T20 Arms 4P Bonus (New) While Ravager is active, you automatically cast a total of 4 Mortal Strikes at random nearby enemies.
- Item – Warrior T20 Fury 2P Bonus (New) Raging Blow has an 10% chance to generate 40 additional Rage.
- Item – Warrior T20 Fury 4P Bonus (New) Enrage generates 6 Rage and heals you for 3% of your maximum health over its duration.
- Item – Warrior T20 Protection 2P Bonus (New) Berserker Rage generates 0 Rage.
Neue Karten:
Neue Icons:
- Black Arrow Fires a Black Arrow at the target, dealing [ 4 + 130% of AP ] Shadow damage over 8 sec and summoning a Dark Minion to taunt it for the duration. When you kill an enemy, the remaining cooldown on Black Arrow will reset. Marksmanship Hunter – Level 30 Talent.
4010 Focus. 40 yd range. Instant. 15 sec cooldown.
- Living Bomb The target becomes a Living Bomb, taking [ 4 +
25%29.5% of Spell Power ] Fire damage over 4 sec, and then exploding to deal an additional [ 1 +80%94.4% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to the target and all other enemies within 10 yards. Other enemies hit by this explosion also become a Living Bomb, but this effect cannot spread further. Unlimited range. Instant. - Phoenix’s Flames Hurls a Phoenix that causes [ 1 +
330%389.4% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to the target and splashes[ 110%[ 129.8% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to other nearby enemies. This damage is always a critical strike. Artifact. 40 yd range. Instant.
- Cinderstorm Throws a spread of 6 cinders that travel in an arc, each dealing
[ 65%[ 76.7% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to enemies it hits. Damage increased by 30% if the target is affected by your Ignite. Fire Mage – Level 100 Talent. 1% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast. 9 sec cooldown. - Flame Patch Flamestrike leaves behind a patch of flames which burns enemies within it for [ 8 +
200%236% of Spell Power ] Fire damage over 8 sec. Fire Mage – Level 90 Talent. - Living Bomb The target becomes a Living Bomb, taking [ 4 +
25%29.5% of Spell Power ] Fire damage over 4 sec, and then exploding to deal an additional [ 1 +80%94.4% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to the target and all other enemies within 10 yards. Other enemies hit by this explosion also become a Living Bomb, but this effect cannot spread further. Fire Mage – Level 90 Talent. 1.5% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 12 sec cooldown. - Meteor Calls down a meteor which lands at the target location after 3 sec, dealing [ 1 +
1,100%1,298% of Spell Power ] Fire damage, split evenly between all targets within 8 yards, and burns the ground, dealing[ 280%[ 330.4% of Spell Power ] Fire damage over 8 sec to all enemies in the area. Fire Mage – Level 100 Talent. 1% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 45 sec cooldown.
- Dragon’s Breath Enemies in a cone in front of you take [ 1 +
250%295% of Spell Power ] Fire damage and are disoriented for 4 sec. Damage will cancel the effect. Mage – Fire Spec. 4% of Base Mana. Instant. 20 sec cooldown. - Fireball Throws a fiery ball that causes [ 1 +
200%236% of Spell Power ] Fire damage. Mage – Fire Spec. 2% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2.2 sec cast. - Flamestrike Calls down a pillar of fire, burning all enemies within the area for [ 1 +
230%271.4% of Spell Power ] Fire damage and reducing their movement speed by 50% for 8 sec. Mage – Fire Spec. 2.5% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 4 sec cast. - Pyroblast Hurls an immense fiery boulder that causes [ 1 +
420%495.6% of Spell Power ] Fire damage. Mage – Fire Spec. 2% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 4.5 sec cast. - Scorch Scorches an enemy for [ 1 +
60%70.8% of Spell Power ] Fire damage. Castable while moving. Mage – Fire Spec. 1% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast.
Fire & Frost
- Fire Blast (Arcane, Frost) Blasts the enemy for
[ 160%[ 188.8% of Spell Power ] Fire damage. - Fire Blast (Fire) Blasts the enemy for
[ 160%[ 188.8% of Spell Power ] Fire damage.
- Chi Burst Brewmaster: Hurls a torrent of Chi energy up to 40 yds forward, dealing
[ 1 + 275%[ 412.5% of AP ] Nature damage to all enemies, and[ 1 + 412.5% of AP0;] healing to the Monk and all allies in its path. Casting Chi Burst does not prevent avoiding attacks. Windwalker:Hurls a torrent of Chi energy up to 40 yds forward, dealing [ 1 + 302.5% of AP ] Nature damage to all enemies, and [ 1 + 412.5% of AP ] healing to the Monk and all allies in its path.Mistweaver: Hurls a torrent of Chi energy up to 40 yds forward, dealing[ 1 + 275%[ 412.5% of AP ] Nature damage to all enemies, and[ 1 + 412.5% of AP0;] healing to the Monk and all allies in its path. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Chi Burst Brewmaster: Hurls a torrent of Chi energy up to 40 yds forward, dealing
[ 1 + 275%[ 412.5% of AP ] Nature damage to all enemies, and[ 1 + 412.5% of AP0;] healing to the Monk and all allies in its path. Casting Chi Burst does not prevent avoiding attacks. Windwalker:Hurls a torrent of Chi energy up to 40 yds forward, dealing [ 1 + 302.5% of AP ] Nature damage to all enemies, and [ 1 + 412.5% of AP ] healing to the Monk and all allies in its path.Mistweaver: Hurls a torrent of Chi energy up to 40 yds forward, dealing[ 1 + 275%[ 412.5% of AP ] Nature damage to all enemies, and[ 1 + 412.5% of AP0;] healing to the Monk and all allies in its path. Monk – Level 15 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. 30 sec cooldown.
- Smite (Holy) Smites an enemy for [ 225% of Spell Power ] Holy damage and has a
1%20% chance to reset the cooldown of Holy Fire.
- Reap Souls Consume all Tormented Souls collected by Ulthalesh, increasing your damage by 10% and doubling the effect of all of Ulthalesh’s other traits for 5 sec per soul consumed. Ulthalesh collects Tormented Souls from each target you kill and occasionally escaped souls it previously collected. Artifact. Instant.5 sec cooldown.
Anpassungen an den Artefakteigenschaften:
Death Knight
- Fortitude of the Ebon Blade (Rank 1) Increases damage by 10%, Armor by
10%, and Stamina by 25%.20%, and Stamina by 10%.
- Ferocity of the Ebon Blade (Rank 1) Increases damage by 10% and Stamina by
- Cunning of the Ebon Blade (Rank 1) Increases damage by 10% and Stamina by
Demon Hunter
- Illidari Ferocity (Rank 1) Increases damage by 10% and Stamina by
- Illidari Durability (Rank 1) Increases damage by 10%, Armor by
10%, and Stamina by 25%.20%, and Stamina by 10%.
- Radiance of the Cenarion Circle (Rank 1) Increases damage by 10% and Stamina by
- Ferocity of the Cenarion Circle (Rank 1) Increases damage by 10% and Stamina by
- Fortitude of the Cenarion Circle (Rank 1) Increases damage by 10%, Armor by
10%, and Stamina by 25%.12%, and Stamina by 10%.
- Grace of the Cenarion Circle (Rank 1) Increases healing done by 10%, damage done by 10%, and Stamina by
Beast Mastery
- Bond of the Unseen Path (Rank 1) Increases damage by 10% and Stamina by
- Acuity of the Unseen Path (Rank 1) Increases damage by 10% and Stamina by
- Ferocity of the Unseen Path (Rank 1) Increases damage by 10% and Stamina by
- Intensity of the Tirisgarde (Rank 1) Increases damage by 10% and Stamina by
- Instability of the Tirisgarde (Rank 1) Increases damage by 10% and Stamina by
25%.10%. - Phoenix’s Flames (Rank 1) Hurls a Phoenix that causes [ 1 +
330%389.4% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to the target and splashes[ 110%[ 129.8% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to other nearby enemies. This damage is always a critical strike.
- Frigidity of the Tirisgarde (Rank 1) Increases damage by 10% and Stamina by
- Endurance of the Broken Temple (Rank 1) Increases damage by 10%, Armor by
10%, and Stamina by 25%.35%, and Stamina by 10%.
- Mists of the Broken Temple (Rank 1) Increases healing done by 10%, damage done by 10%, and Stamina by
- Ferocity of the Broken Temple (Rank 1) Increases damage by 10% and Stamina by
- Light of the Silver Hand (Rank 1) Increases healing done by 10%, damage done by 10%, and Stamina by
- Bulwark of the Silver Hand (Rank 1) Increases damage by 10%, Armor by
10%, and Stamina by 25%.20%, and Stamina by 10%.
- Ferocity of the Silver Hand (Rank 1)
Templar’s Verdict increases the damage of your next Blade of Justice by 10%.Increases damage by 10% and Stamina by 10%.
- Tyranny of Pain (Rank 1) Pain Suppression also heals the target for
0% of damage prevented.33% of damage prevented. - Will of the Conclave (Rank 1) Increases healing done by
5%, damage done by 5%, and Stamina by 25%.10%, damage done by 10%, and Stamina by 10%.
- Light of the Conclave (Rank 1) Increases healing done by 10%, damage done by 10%, and Stamina by
- Darkness of the Conclave (Rank 1) Increases damage by 10% and Stamina by
25%.10%. - Mental Fortitude (Rank 1) Healing from Vampiric Touch when you are at maximum health will shield you for the same amount. Shield cannot exceed
[ 8%[ 4% of Total Health ] damage absorbed.
- Bag of Tricks (Rank 1)
Envenom has a chanceEnvenom and Rupture have a 3.0% chance per combo point spent to smash a vial of poison at the target’s location, creating a pool of acidic death that deals [ 6 + 720% of AP ] Nature damage over 3 sec to all enemies within it. - Silence of the Uncrowned (Rank 1) Increases damage by 10% and Stamina by
25%.10%. - Urge to Kill (Rank 1) Activating Vendetta
refills all of your Energy.grants 60 energy plus an addtional 0 energy over 2 sec.
- Bravado of the Uncrowned (Rank 1) Increases damage by 10% and Stamina by
- Shadows of the Uncrowned (Rank 1) Increases damage by 10% and Stamina by
- Power of the Earthen Ring (Rank 1) Increases damage by 10% and Stamina by
- Might of the Earthen Ring (Rank 1) Increases damage by 10% and Stamina by
- Echo of the Earthen Ring (Rank 1) Increases healing done by 10%, damage done by 10%, and Stamina by
- Degradation of the Black Harvest (Rank 1) Increases damage by 10% and Stamina by
- Swarms of the Black Harvest (Rank 1) Increases damage by 10% and Stamina by
- Flames of the Black Harvest (Rank 1)
Increases the damage of Conflagrate by 10%.Increases damage by 10% and Stamina by 10%.
- Arms of the Valarjar (Rank 1) Increases damage by 10% and Stamina by
25%.10%. - Executioner’s Precision (Rank 1) Execute causes your next Mortal Strike to deal
0% more damage.50% more damage.
- Fury of the Valarjar (Rank 1) Increases damage by 10% and Stamina by
- Protection of the Valarjar (Rank 1) Increases damage by 10%, Armor by
10%, and Stamina by 25%.20%, and Stamina by 10%.