Patch 7.1.5: Der neue Build 23244 wurde auf den PTR aufgespielt

Im Verlauf der vergangenen Nacht haben die Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment den neuen Build 23244 auf den vermutlich noch einige Zeit lang aktiv laufenden PTR von Patch 7.1.5 aufgespielt und den auf diesem Server spielenden Personen dadurch dann wieder einmal eine Vielzahl von Veränderungen zum Testen zur Verfügung gestellt. Dabei beinhaltete diese neue Spielversion von Patch 7.1.5 unter anderem eine Reihe von Klassenänderungen, die bereits vor Kurzem angekündigten Anpassungen an den legendären Gegenständen, einen praktischen Buff für die Inschriftenkunde und einige weitere Kleinigkeiten. In folgender Zusammenfassung könnt ihr euch selbst durchlesen, was genau mit diesem neuen Build überarbeitet wurde.
Änderungen an den legendären Gegenständen:
- Velen’s Future Sight – Healing now increased by 15%, down from 20%. -204 Crit -204 Mastery +408 Haste
- Archimonde’s Hatred Reborn – Now gives a 40% max health shield down from 50%
- Prydaz, Xavaric’s Magnum Opus – Now shields for 25% of your Health, down from 30%. -757 Mastery +134 Crit +1,247 Haste
- Cinidaria, the Symbiote – now works on enemies above 90% health, up from 85%.
Death Knight
- The Instructor’s Fourth Lesson – Now bursts 1-3 Festering Wounds, down from 1-4
- Perseverance of the Ebon Martyr – Wording change
Demon Hunter
- Spirit of the Darkness Flame – Now heals for 100% of damage done, down from 150%. Now increases damage of next Fiery Brand by 15%, down from 20%.
- Delusions of Grandeur – Reduces cooldown on Metamorphosis for every 30 Fury spent, down from 15
- Anger of the Half-Giants – Demon Blades generate an extra 1 to 14 Fury, down from 1 to 20
- Oakheart’s Puny Quods – now grants 45 Rage plus an additional 15 Rage over 3 sec, rather than 40 Rage plus an additional 40 Rage over 4 sec.
- The Wildshaper’s Clutch – Now has a 30% proc chance, down from 40%.
- MKII Gyroscopic Stabilizer – now increases the Critical Strike chance of your next Aimed Shot by 15%, down from 20%.
- Ullr’s Feather Snowshoes – Now reduces Trueshot cooldown by 0.8 sec, down from 1 sec.
- Call of the Wild – Cooldown of all Aspects is reduced by 35% down from 50%
- The Apex Predator’s Claw – Now grants 5% increased damage, down from 10%.
- Ice Time – Now scales with 600% spell power, down from 1400%.
- Rhonin’s Assaulting Armwraps – Now has an 18% proc chance, down from 25%.
- Mystic Kilt of the Rune Master – Now grants 3% of mana, down from 4%.
- Zann’esu Journey – Flurry increases the damage of your next Blizzard by 35%, down from 50%.
- The Emperor’s Capacitor – Now increases damage of next Crackling Jade Lightning by 50%, down from 125%.
- Cenedril, Reflector of Hatred – Touch of Karma deals 150% increased damage instead of damage based on max health
- Chain of Thrayn – Healing and damage reduced for all specs.
- Whisper of the Nathrezim – Now increases damage by 15%, down from 25%.
- Liadrin’s Fury Unleashed – Now grants Holy Power every 4 sec, down from 2.5.
- Saruan’s Resolve – -612 Mastery
- Kam Xi’raff – now reduces the cost of damaging spells by 75%, down from 100%. -1103 Mastery
- The Dreadlord’s Deceit – Changes reverted to be identical to live
- Shadow Satyr’s Walk – Now restores 3 energy (down from 5) plus 1 Energy for every 3 (down from 2) yds between you and the target
- Insignia of Ravenholdt – Now grants 12% additional damage, down from 20%
- Zoldyck Family Training Shackles – Your Poisons and Bleeds deal 30% increased damage to targets below 30% health, down from 40% increased damage.
- Greenskin’s Waterlogged Wristcuffs – Now increases damage of your next Pistol Shot by 300%, down from 400%
- Uncertain Reminder – Heroism effects last 75% longer on you, down from 100%.
- The Deceiver’s Blood Pact – Proc chance reduced to 15%, down from 30%
- Eye of the Twisting Nether – Damage bonus is now 1,5% down from 2%
- Pristine Proto-Scale Girdle – Now scales with 18% spell power, down from 40%
- Focuser of Jonat, the Elder – Now increases the healing of your next Chain Heal by 10%, down from 15%
- Akainu’s Absolute Justice – Lava Lash deals 50% increased damage up from 30%
- Al’Akir’s Acrimony – Chain Lightning deals 10% increased damage up from 5%
- Reap and Sow – now grants 2 sec duration per soul, down from 2.5
- Lessons of Space-Time – Now increases damage by 10%, down from 15%.
- Zeks Exterminatus – Now 1.5 PPM, down from 2 PPM.
- Wakener’s Loyalty – Now increases the damage of your next Thal’kiel’s Consumption by 3%, down from 5%.
- Sin’dorei Spite – Now grants 15% increased damage, down from 30%.
- Hood of Eternal Disdain – Agony deals its full damage 10% faster, down from 20%.
- Magistrike Restraints – Chaos Bolt has a 20% chance to strike an additional enemy within 30 yards, down from 30%
- Feretory of Souls – Chance of generating a Soul Shard is now 10%, down from 15%
- Alythess’s Pyrogenics – Rain of Fire increases fire damage by 10% up from 7%
- Sacrolash’s Dark Strike – -490 Crit +490 Mastery
- Ayala’s Stone Heart – Now has 1.8 procs per minute, down from 3. -223 Crit +223 Mastery
- Kazzalax, Fujieda’s Fury – Now stacks up to 4 times, down from 5.
- Archavon’s Heavy Hand – Mortal Strike refunds 8 rage, down from 15
- Ceann-Ar Charger – Gain 8 Rage whenever you enrage, down from 10 rage
- Vantus Rune: Cenarius Reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Cenarius. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
8, Roseate Pigment x 30.4, Roseate Pigment x 15. - Vantus Rune: Cenarius Craft a Vantus Rune: Cenarius. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
10, Roseate Pigment x 30.5, Roseate Pigment x 15. - Vantus Rune: Cenarius Greatly reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Cenarius. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
6, Roseate Pigment x 30.3, Roseate Pigment x 15. - Vantus Rune: Chronomatic Anomaly Greatly reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Chronomatic Anomaly. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
6, Roseate Pigment x 30.3, Roseate Pigment x 15. - Vantus Rune: Chronomatic Anomaly Reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Chronomatic Anomaly. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
6, Roseate Pigment x 40.3, Roseate Pigment x 20. - Vantus Rune: Chronomatic Anomaly Craft a Vantus Rune: Chronomatic Anomaly. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
6, Roseate Pigment x 50.3, Roseate Pigment x 25. - Vantus Rune: Dragons of Nightmare Greatly reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Dragons of Nightmare. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
6, Roseate Pigment x 30.3, Roseate Pigment x 15. - Vantus Rune: Dragons of Nightmare Reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Dragons of Nightmare. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
8, Roseate Pigment x 30.4, Roseate Pigment x 15. - Vantus Rune: Dragons of Nightmare Craft a Vantus Rune: Dragons of Nightmare. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
10, Roseate Pigment x 30.5, Roseate Pigment x 15. - Vantus Rune: Elerethe Renferal Reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Elerethe Renferal. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
8, Roseate Pigment x 30.4, Roseate Pigment x 15. - Vantus Rune: Elerethe Renferal Greatly reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Elerethe Renferal. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
6, Roseate Pigment x 30.3, Roseate Pigment x 15. - Vantus Rune: Elerethe Renferal Craft a Vantus Rune: Elerethe Renferal. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
10, Roseate Pigment x 30.5, Roseate Pigment x 15. - Vantus Rune: Grand Magistrix Elisande Greatly reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Grand Magistrix Elisande. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
6, Roseate Pigment x 30.3, Roseate Pigment x 15. - Vantus Rune: Grand Magistrix Elisande Craft a Vantus Rune: Grand Magistrix Elisande. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
6, Roseate Pigment x 50.3, Roseate Pigment x 25. - Vantus Rune: Grand Magistrix Elisande Reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Grand Magistrix Elisande. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
6, Roseate Pigment x 40.3, Roseate Pigment x 20. - Vantus Rune: Guarm Greatly reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Guarm. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment
x 2, Roseate Pigment x 50.Roseate Pigment x 25. - Vantus Rune: Guarm Craft a Vantus Rune: Guarm. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment
x 2, Roseate Pigment x 70.Roseate Pigment x 35. - Vantus Rune: Guarm Reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Guarm. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment
x 2, Roseate Pigment x 60.Roseate Pigment x 30. - Vantus Rune: Gul’dan Greatly reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Gul’dan. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
6, Roseate Pigment x 30.3, Roseate Pigment x 15. - Vantus Rune: Gul’dan Reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Gul’dan. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
6, Roseate Pigment x 40.3, Roseate Pigment x 20. - Vantus Rune: Gul’dan Craft a Vantus Rune: Gul’dan. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
6, Roseate Pigment x 50.3, Roseate Pigment x 25. - Vantus Rune: Helya Greatly reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Helya. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment
x 2, Roseate Pigment x 50.Roseate Pigment x 25. - Vantus Rune: Helya Reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Helya. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment
x 2, Roseate Pigment x 60.Roseate Pigment x 30. - Vantus Rune: Helya Craft a Vantus Rune: Helya. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment
x 2, Roseate Pigment x 70.Roseate Pigment x 35. - Vantus Rune: High Botanist Tel’arn Reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: High Botanist Tel’arn. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
6, Roseate Pigment x 40.3, Roseate Pigment x 20. - Vantus Rune: High Botanist Tel’arn Greatly reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: High Botanist Tel’arn. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
6, Roseate Pigment x 30.3, Roseate Pigment x 15. - Vantus Rune: High Botanist Tel’arn Craft a Vantus Rune: High Botanist Tel’arn. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
6, Roseate Pigment x 50.3, Roseate Pigment x 25. - Vantus Rune: Il’gynoth, The Heart of Corruption Reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Il’gynoth, The Heart of Corruption. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
8, Roseate Pigment x 30.4, Roseate Pigment x 15. - Vantus Rune: Il’gynoth, The Heart of Corruption Craft a Vantus Rune: Il’gynoth, The Heart of Corruption. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
10, Roseate Pigment x 30.5, Roseate Pigment x 15. - Vantus Rune: Il’gynoth, The Heart of Corruption Greatly reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Il’gynoth, The Heart of Corruption. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
6, Roseate Pigment x 30.3, Roseate Pigment x 15. - Vantus Rune: Krosus Greatly reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Krosus. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
6, Roseate Pigment x 30.3, Roseate Pigment x 15. - Vantus Rune: Krosus Craft a Vantus Rune: Krosus. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
6, Roseate Pigment x 50.3, Roseate Pigment x 25. - Vantus Rune: Krosus Reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Krosus. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
6, Roseate Pigment x 40.3, Roseate Pigment x 20. - Vantus Rune: Nythendra Reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Nythendra. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
8, Roseate Pigment x 30.4, Roseate Pigment x 15. - Vantus Rune: Nythendra Craft a Vantus Rune: Nythendra. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
10, Roseate Pigment x 30.5, Roseate Pigment x 15. - Vantus Rune: Nythendra Greatly reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Nythendra. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
6, Roseate Pigment x 30.3, Roseate Pigment x 15. - Vantus Rune: Odyn Reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Odyn. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment
x 2, Roseate Pigment x 60.Roseate Pigment x 30. - Vantus Rune: Odyn Greatly reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Odyn. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment
x 2, Roseate Pigment x 50.Roseate Pigment x 25. - Vantus Rune: Odyn Craft a Vantus Rune: Odyn. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment
x 2, Roseate Pigment x 70.Roseate Pigment x 35. - Vantus Rune: Skorpyron Craft a Vantus Rune: Skorpyron. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
6, Roseate Pigment x 50.3, Roseate Pigment x 25. - Vantus Rune: Skorpyron Reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Skorpyron. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
6, Roseate Pigment x 40.3, Roseate Pigment x 20. - Vantus Rune: Skorpyron Greatly reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Skorpyron. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
6, Roseate Pigment x 30.3, Roseate Pigment x 15. - Vantus Rune: Spellblade Aluriel Reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Spellblade Aluriel. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
6, Roseate Pigment x 40.3, Roseate Pigment x 20. - Vantus Rune: Spellblade Aluriel Craft a Vantus Rune: Spellblade Aluriel. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
6, Roseate Pigment x 50.3, Roseate Pigment x 25. - Vantus Rune: Spellblade Aluriel Greatly reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Spellblade Aluriel. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
6, Roseate Pigment x 30.3, Roseate Pigment x 15. - Vantus Rune: Star Augur Etraeus Greatly reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Star Augur Etraeus. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
6, Roseate Pigment x 30.3, Roseate Pigment x 15. - Vantus Rune: Star Augur Etraeus Craft a Vantus Rune: Star Augur Etraeus. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
6, Roseate Pigment x 50.3, Roseate Pigment x 25. - Vantus Rune: Star Augur Etraeus Reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Star Augur Etraeus. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
6, Roseate Pigment x 40.3, Roseate Pigment x 20. - Vantus Rune: Tichondrius Reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Tichondrius. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
6, Roseate Pigment x 40.3, Roseate Pigment x 20. - Vantus Rune: Tichondrius Craft a Vantus Rune: Tichondrius. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
6, Roseate Pigment x 50.3, Roseate Pigment x 25. - Vantus Rune: Tichondrius Greatly reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Tichondrius. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
6, Roseate Pigment x 30.3, Roseate Pigment x 15. - Vantus Rune: Trilliax Craft a Vantus Rune: Trilliax. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
6, Roseate Pigment x 50.3, Roseate Pigment x 25. - Vantus Rune: Trilliax Greatly reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Trilliax. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
6, Roseate Pigment x 30.3, Roseate Pigment x 15. - Vantus Rune: Trilliax Reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Trilliax. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
6, Roseate Pigment x 40.3, Roseate Pigment x 20. - Vantus Rune: Ursoc Craft a Vantus Rune: Ursoc. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
10, Roseate Pigment x 30.5, Roseate Pigment x 15. - Vantus Rune: Ursoc Reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Ursoc. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
8, Roseate Pigment x 30.4, Roseate Pigment x 15. - Vantus Rune: Ursoc Greatly reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Ursoc. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
6, Roseate Pigment x 30.3, Roseate Pigment x 15. - Vantus Rune: Xavius Craft a Vantus Rune: Xavius. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
10, Roseate Pigment x 30.5, Roseate Pigment x 15. - Vantus Rune: Xavius Greatly reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Xavius. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
6, Roseate Pigment x 30.3, Roseate Pigment x 15. - Vantus Rune: Xavius Reduces the materials required to craft a Vantus Rune: Xavius. Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Sallow Pigment x
8, Roseate Pigment x 30.4, Roseate Pigment x 15.
Anpassungen an Talenten:
- Shadow
- Misery Name changed from „Shadow Crash“ to „Misery“. Row 6, Column 2. Spell:
Shadow CrashMisery - Shadow Crash Name changed from „Mind Spike“ to „Shadow Crash“. Row 7, Column 2. Spell:
Mind SpikeShadow Crash
- Misery Name changed from „Shadow Crash“ to „Misery“. Row 6, Column 2. Spell:
Anpassungen an den Artefakten:
Death Knight
- Apocalypse (Rank 1) Strikes the enemy, dealing (900% of weapon damage) Physical damage and bursting
allup to 6 Festering Wounds on the target, summoning a member of your Army of the Dead for 0 for each burst Festering Wound.
Änderungen an den Klassenauren:
(Passive Buffs/Nerfs für bestimmte Klassen)
Unholy Death Knight: Modifies Damage/Healing Done 3%
Vengeance Demon Hunter: Modifies Damage/Healing Done 4%
Feral Druid: Modifies Damage/Healing Done 4%
Guardian Druid: Modifies Damage/Healing Done 4%
Beast Mastery Hunter: Modifies Damage/Healing Done 4%
Survival Hunter: Modifies Damage/Healing Done 7%
Brewmaster Monk: Modifies Damage/Healing Done 4%
Windwalker Monk: Modifies Damage/Healing Done 4%
Retribution Paladin: Modifies Damage/Healing Done 12%
Outlaw Rogue: Modifies Damage/Healing Done 7%
Subtlety Rogue: Modifies Damage/Healing Done 12%
Destruction Warlock: Modifies Damage/Healing Done 4%
Fury Warrior: Modifies Damage/Healing Done 5%
Arms Warrior: Modifies Damage/Healing Done 5%
Death Knight
- Apocalypse Strikes the enemy, dealing (900% of weapon damage) Physical damage and bursting
allup to 6 Festering Wounds on the target, summoning a member of your Army of the Dead for 15 sec for each burst Festering Wound. Artifact. Melee range. Instant. 1.5 min cooldown. - Unholy Death Knight Damage and periodic damage of Clawing Shadows, Death and Decay, Death Coil, Death Strike, Festering Strike, Scourge Strike, and Soul Reaper increased by 3%.
Demon Hunter
- Vengeance Demon Hunter Increases damage/healing done by Annihilation, Blade Dance, Chaos Strike, Death Sweep, Demon Blades, Demon Rend, Demon’s Bite, Demon’s Blade, Fel Eruption, Felblade, Fracture, Fury of the Illidari, Immolation Aura, Inferno, Mana Break, Mana Rift, Metamorphosis, Sever, Shear, Sigil of Chains, Sigil of Flame, Sigil of Misery, Sigil of Silence, Soul Carver, Soul Cleave, Spirit Bomb, The Hunt, and Throw Glaive by 4%. Increases periodic damage/healing done by Blade Dance, Death Sweep, Demon’s Blade, Felblade, Immolation Aura, Inferno, Mana Rift, Sever, Shear, and Throw Glaive by 4%. Demon Hunter – Vengeance Spec.
- Feral Druid Increases damage/healing done by Maim, Rake, Shred, and Thrash by 4%. Increases periodic damage/healing done by Rake and Thrash by 4%. Druid – Feral Spec.
- Guardian Druid Increases damage/healing done by Mangle, Maul, and Thrash by 4%. Increases periodic damage/healing done by Thrash by 4%. Druid – Guardian Spec.
- Marked Shot Rapidly fires shots at all targets with your Hunter’s Mark, dealing (450% of weapon damage) Physical damage and making them Vulnerable for
76 sec. Vulnerable Damage taken from Aimed Shot increased by 100% for76 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Black Arrow Fires a Black Arrow at the target, dealing [ 4 + 130% of AP ] Shadow damage over 8 sec and summoning a Dark Minion to taunt it for the duration. When you kill an enemy, the remaining cooldown on Black Arrow will reset. Marksmanship Hunter – Level 30 Talent.
4010 Focus. 40 yd range. Instant. 15 sec cooldown. - Serpent Sting Targets hit by your Raptor Strike and Carve are also affected by Serpent Sting, dealing [ 5 +
115%144% of AP ] Nature damage over 15 sec. Survival Hunter – Level 90 Talent. - True Aim Each successive Arcane Shot or Aimed Shot fired at the same target increases the damage those Shots deal to the target by 2%, stacking up to
810 times. Limit 1 target. Marksmanship Hunter – Level 30 Talent.
Beast Mastery
- Beast Mastery Hunter Increases damage/healing done by Chimaera Shot, Cobra Shot, and Kill Command by 4%. Hunter – Beast Mastery Spec.
- Arcane Shot A quick shot that causes [ 0.615 *
150%200% of weapon damage or 0.038 * Level *150% of weapon damage + 0.231 * 150% of weapon damage or 150%200% of weapon damage + 0.231 * 200% of weapon damage or 200% of weapon damage ] Arcane damage. Generates 5 Focus. Hunter – Marksmanship Spec. 40 yd range. Instant. - Marked Shot Rapidly fires shots at all targets with your Hunter’s Mark, dealing (450% of weapon damage) Physical damage and making them Vulnerable for
76 sec. Vulnerable Damage taken from Aimed Shot increased by 100% for76 sec. Hunter – Marksmanship Spec. 30 Focus. 40 yd range. Instant.
Marksmanship & Beast Mastery
- Multi-Shot (Beast Mastery) Fires several missiles, hitting your current target and all enemies within 8 yards for (
75%100% of weapon damage) Physical damage and triggering Beast Cleave - Multi-Shot (Marksmanship) Fires several missiles, hitting your current target and all enemies within 8 yards for (
75%100% of weapon damage) Physical damage Generates 2 Focus per target hit.
- Survival Hunter Increases damage/healing done by Butchery, Carve, Flanking Strike, Lacerate, and Raptor Strike by
25%7%. Increases periodic damage/healing done by Lacerate by25%7%. Hunter – Survival Spec.
- Frostbolt Launches a bolt of frost at the enemy, causing [ 1 +
195%175% of Spell Power ] Frost damage and slowing movement speed by 50% for 15 sec. Mage – Frost Spec. 2% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast.
- Greater Blessing of Kings Places a blessing on an ally that grants them an absorption shield. It absorbs up to
[ 180%[ 270% of Holy Spell Power ] damage, and will be refreshed to full strength every 6 sec, even if fully consumed.You may only have 3 Greater Blessings active at one timeLimit 1. Limited to 1 target. Paladin – Retribution Spec. 30 yd range. Instant. - Greater Blessing of Wisdom Places a blessing on an ally that causes them to regenerate 1% of maximum health and mana per
15 sec. You may only have 3 Greater Blessings active at one time10 sec. Limit 1. Limited to 1 target. Paladin – Retribution Spec. 30 yd range. Instant. - Retribution Paladin Increases damage/healing done by Crusader Strike, Consecration, Divine Storm, Eye for an Eye, Justicar’s Vengeance, Judgment, and Zeal by 12%. Increases periodic damage/healing done by Wake of Ashes by 12%. Paladin – Retribution Spec.
- Legacy of the Void Void Eruption may be cast anytime your Insanity level is
70 or higher65 or higher$@switch[], and Voidform increases Shadow damage dealt by an additional 0%. Shadow Priest – Level 100 Talent. - Misery (New) Vampiric Touch also applies Shadow Word: Pain to the target. Shadow Priest – Level 90 Talent.
- Shadow Crash Hurl a bolt of slow-moving Shadow energy at the destination, dealing [ 960% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all targets within 8 yards. Generates 15 Insanity. Shadow Priest – Level
90100 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. 30 sec cooldown.
- Voidform
When Voidform ends, you return to normal Shadowform, and you gain Lingering Insanity, allowing the Haste bonus to persist for 60 sec or until you next enter Voidform.
- Outlaw Rogue Increases damage/healing done by Ambush, Between the Eyes, Blunderbuss, Cannonball Barrage, Death from Above, Ghostly Strike, Killing Spree, Killing Spree Off-Hand, Pistol Shot, Run Through, and Saber Slash by
0%7%. Rogue – Outlaw Spec.
- Subtlety Rogue Increases damage/healing done by Backstab, Death from Above, Eviscerate, Finality: Eviscerate, Gloomblade, Poisoned Knife, Shadowstrike, Shuriken Storm, Shuriken Toss, and Tendon Slice by
7%12%. Increases periodic damage/healing done by Finality: Nightblade, Nightblade, and Weaponmaster by7%12%. Rogue – Subtlety Spec.
- Boulderfist Slams your target with the power of stone, dealing [ 1 + 250% of AP ] Nature damage and enhancing your weapons for 10 sec, increasing$@switch[] your critical strike chance by
5%0% and all damage you deal by 5%. Generates 25 Maelstrom. 2 charges. Enhancement Shaman – Level 15 Talent. 10 yd range. Instant.7.5 sec recharge. 2 charges.6 sec recharge. 2 charges.
PvP Talents
- Control of Lava Lava Burst damage increased by
50%25%. Your Flame Shock damage over time has a 10% chance to reset the remaining cooldown on Lava Burst, and increase its damage by50%25%, stacking up to 3 times. Elemental Shaman – Tier 4 PvP Talent.
- Rockbiter Assaults your target with earthen power, dealing [ 1 + 155% of AP ] Nature damage. Generates
1520 Maelstrom. Shaman – Enhancement Spec. 10 yd range. Instant.
- Shadowburn Blasts a target for [ 1 + 315% of Spell Power ]
ShadowShadowflame damage. Generates 1 Soul Shards, and anadditional1additional 1 if the target dies within 5 sec. 1 charge. Destruction Warlock – Level 15 Talent. 2% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 12 sec recharge. 1 charge.
- Heavy Repercussions Shield Slam extends the duration of Shield Block by
1.51.0 sec, and Shield Block increases the damage of Shield Slam by an additional 30%. Protection Warrior – Level 100 Talent.
- Revenge Swing in a wide arc, dealing [ 1 +
650%440% of AP ] damage to all enemies in front of you. Your successful dodges and parries cause your next Revenge to become free. Warrior – Protection Spec. 30 Rage. Melee range. Instant. 3 sec cooldown.