Patch 7.2.5: Der neue Build 24076 wurde auf den PTR aufgespielt

Gestern Abend spielten die für die Entwicklung von World of Warcraft verantwortlichen Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment den neuen Build 24076 auf den aktuell noch immer laufenden PTR für den vermutlich bereits im Juni 2017 erscheinenden Patch 7.2.5 auf und erweiterten diese öffentlich zugängliche Testphase dadurch dann wieder einmal um eine Reihe von Neuerungen. Dabei beinhaltete dieses neue Update für Patch 7.2.5 neben den für solch einen Build üblichen Klassenänderungen und Anpassungen an den Artefakteigenschaften dann auch noch einige interessante neue Erbstücke, mehrere neue legendäre Ringe, Neuerungen für den Dunkelmondjahrmarkt, Veränderungen für die T-20 Set Boni, Rüstungssets für das „Chromie Scenario“ und mehrere andere Kleinigkeiten. Folgend findet ihr nun die freundlicherweise auch dieses Mal wieder von Community Manager Lore verfassten PTR Development Notes zu Build 24076 und eine Zusammenfassung der bisher von Data Minern in diesem Update entdeckten Inhalte und Änderungen.
PTR Development Notes – Build 24076
This week’s update doesn’t bring any major additions to the PTR, but does have a few changes worth calling out.
We’re enabling the Kirin Tor Tavern Crawl for some additional testing. While it’s not exactly new to 7.2.5, we’d still appreciate any testing we can get, as we want to be sure we’ve ironed out all the bugs. There should be an NPC in Dalaran who can direct you to the right place.
We’ll also be turning on Black Temple Timewalking again. As you’ve probably surmised, last week’s test had to be cancelled at the last minute, so this time we’re just going to open it up for testing on Friday and leave it open all weekend. We’ve done some difficulty tuning since the last time it was available, so please give it a look and let us know how it goes!
The Chromie scenario will not be available for testing this week; as we’ve been playing through it ourselves, we’ve been finding opportunities to add some additional polish and shine in a few areas, and want to have all of that in place before opening it up for feedback. We really like the direction it’s headed, though, and hope you will too once we’ve got it ready for PTR in the next week or so.
There’s another round of class changes in this build, including some fairly significant changes to Vengeance Demon Hunter meant to help clean up the rotation a little bit (particularly in regards to Soul Fragments). Not all of these changes will be immediately apparent from reading tooltips, so we’d love to hear your thoughts after spending some time with them in-game.
You’ll also see a few changes to set bonuses in this build. We’re continuing to make tuning adjustments to Tier 20 set bonuses, and a few of those will be in this build. You may also see a number of changes to Tier 19 (Nighthold) set bonuses. This is to ensure that the Tier 20 pieces are a reasonable upgrade over Tier 19, without having to make the Tier 20 bonuses blatantly overpowered. Please keep in mind when testing these changes that we’re still working on overall class balance for 7.2.5.
Thanks, and happy testing!
Highlights aus diesem Build:
- Dieser Build beinhaltete mehrere neue Erbstücke, die Twinks scheinbar die Flugpunkte von bestimmten Kontinenten beibringen. Somit müssen diese Charaktere diese Flugpunkte nicht mehr selbst aufsuchen und können sofort zu allen Orten in dem jeweiligen Kontinent fliegen.
- Erbstücke lassen sich auf Stufe 110 aufwerten:
Weathered Heirloom Scabbard,
Weathered Heirloom Armor Casing
- Es gibt nun eine Reihe von legendären Ringen, die die Talente von Spielern aktivieren (siehe weiter unten).
- Neue Gegenstände für die Zeitwanderungen:
- Neue Gegenstände für den Herausforderungsmodus in dem Haustierkampf-Dungeon der Todesminen.
- Dieser Build brachte viele kosmetische Kopfbedeckungen für den Dunkelmondjahrmarkt mit sich. Weiter unten könnt ihr euch die Modelle dieser Items anschauen.
- In diesem Build ist auch noch ein Rüstungsset für das „Chromie Scenario“ vorhanden. Unter „Neue Modelle“ könnt ihr euch die Versionen für Stoff und Leder anschauen.
Neue legendäre Gegenstände:
Dieser neue Build beinhaltet eine Reihe von neuen legendären Ringen, die je nach gewählter Spezialisierung des eigenen Helden ein anderes Talent aus dem PvE Talentbaum ihres Trägers aktivieren.
Soul of the Archdruid – Druid – Soul of the Forest
Soul of the Archmage – Mage – PH
Soul of the Deathlord – Death Knight – Bursting Sores / Foul Bulwark / Gathering Storm
Soul of the Huntmaster – Hunter – Animal Instincts / Dire Stable / Lock and Load
Soul of the Slayer – Demon Hunter – PH
Soul of the Shadowblade – Rogue – Vigor
Neue Modelle:
Neue Icons:
Neue Karten:
Beschreibungen der Micro-Feiertage:
- Auction House Dance Party (New) – Description: „The main auction houses in Orgrimmar and Stormwind have been cleaned out and turned into Dance Parties for the day! Crowd on in and show some faction pride!“
- Call of the Scarab (New) – Description: „On this date, the Scarab Gong was rung, opening the gates of Ahn’Qiraj. Represent your faction by gathering supplies or by slaying Twilight and Qiraji forces. The winning faction gets to fly their banner next to the Scarab Gong for the rest of the year!“
- Glowcap Festival (New) – Description: „Today, the sporelings of Sporeggar in Zangarmarsh hold their annual mushroom festival. Help them keep the great Fshoo alive as long as possible!“
- Hatching of the Hippogryphs (New) – Description: „Today is the day that the Frayfeather hippogryphs hatch. Head to Frayfeather Highlands in Feralas to witness the spectacle firsthand!“
- Kirin Tor Tavern Crawl (New) – Description: „The mages of Azeroth like to relax, too. Hop into a portal at your local watering hole and join the Tavern Crawl!“
- March of the Tadpoles (New) – Description: „Today, the baby Winterfin murlocs of Borean Tundra complete their trip across the Westrift.“
- Moonkin Festival (New) – Description: „A wonderful celebration of all things Moonkin is happening today in Moonglade. Stop by and see what you can learn!“
- Spring Balloon Festival (New) – Description: „The skies are clear, the wind is calm… it’s a great day for hot air ballooning. Hop into a hot air balloon, enjoy the scenery, and make some new friends!“
- The Great Gnomeregan Run (New) – Description: „Join the Gnomes as they celebrate their unrelenting moxie! Race across the Eastern Kingdoms, from Gnomeregan down to Booty Bay!“
- Thousand Boat Bash (New) – Description: „The citizens of Azeroth need a break. Let’s go boating in Thousand Needles!“
- Trial of Style (New) – Description: „Dust off those pauldrons and compete in a fashion competition of Azerothian proportions! Speak to a transmogrifier NPC in any major city to participate in the Trial of Style!“
- Un’Goro Madness (New) – Description: „The dinosaurs in Un’goro are getting restless. Time to go pay them a visit!“
- Volunteer Guard Day (New) – Description: „Today, the denizens of Azeroth and Draenor take some time to celebrate the hard work that their guards perform. /Salute a guard to show you care!“
Änderungen an den T-Set Boni:
Death Knight
- Item – Death Knight T19 Frost 4P Bonus Howling Blast now generates
86 Runic Power while Rime is active. - Item – Death Knight T20 Frost 2P Bonus
Empower Rune Weapon increases your damage dealt by 20% for 10 sec.Obliterate has a 10% chance to deal damage a second time. - Item – Death Knight T20 Frost 4P Bonus
Reduce the cooldown of Empower Rune Weapon by 1 second for every 60 Runic Power spent.When Obliterate deals damage, you have a 10% chance for your next Frost Strike to consume no Runic Power. - Item – Death Knight T20 Unholy 2P Bonus Each ghoul summoned by Army of the Dead increases
damage dealt by 0% for 0.your damage dealt by 15% for 3 sec. Duration extends and does not stack. - Item – Death Knight T20 Unholy 4P Bonus Each rune you spend reduces the cooldown of Army of the Dead by
4.0 seconds.6.0 seconds.
Demon Hunter
- Item – Demon Hunter T19 Havoc 4P Bonus Increases your Chaos Strike critical strike chance by
- Item – Druid T20 Guardian 2P Bonus
Frenzied Regeneration triggers up to a 40% reduced cooldownThe cooldown of Frenzied Regeneration is reduced by up to 40% based on your current health when you use it.More reduced cooldownCooldown is reduced more when used at lower health. - Item – Druid T20 Restoration 2P Bonus
Swiftmend triggers up to 40% reduced cooldownThe cooldown of Swiftmend is reduced by up to 40% based on the current health ofyour target. More reduced cooldown when usedthe target. Cooldown is reduced more when cast on a lower health target.
- Item – Hunter T19 Beast Mastery 2P Bonus Dire Beast reduces the cooldown of Bestial Wrath by an additional
8 sec.4 sec. - Item – Hunter T19 Marksmanship 2P Bonus
Every 35Every 45 Focus you spend reduces the cooldown of Trueshot by 1 sec. - Item – Hunter T19 Survival 2P Bonus Flanking Strike now has
32 times the normal chance to trigger Hunting Companion. - Item – Hunter T19 Survival 4P Bonus When Mongoose Fury reaches 6 applications, you gain
20%15% increased damage to all abilities for 10 sec. - Item – Hunter T20 Beast Mastery 2P Bonus Cobra Shot, Multi-shot, and Kill Command increase the damage bonus of Bestial Wrath by
1.0% for its remaining duration.1.5% for its remaining duration. - Item – Hunter T20 Beast Mastery 2P Bonus Driver Cobra Shot, Multi-shot, and Kill Command increase the damage bonus of Bestial Wrath by
1.0%1.5% for its remaining duration. Instant. - Item – Hunter T20 Beast Mastery 4P Bonus Cobra Shot, Multi-Shot, and Kill Command deal
10%15% increased damage while Bestial Wrath is active. - Item – Hunter T20 Survival 2P Bonus
NYI –Lacerate Deals 15% additional damage and lasts 6.0 sec longer.
- Item – Mage T19 Frost 2P Bonus Frost Bolt has a
10%8% increased chance to trigger Brain Freeze.
- Item – Monk T19 Mistweaver 2P Bonus Renewing Mist has a
2%1% increased chance to increase the healing of your next Vivify. - Item – Monk T20 Brewmaster 2P Bonus
NYI – Your attacks have a chance to grant you Effusion, causing your next Effuse to be instant and heal for 400% more.Consuming a brew has a 100% chance to generate a Gift of the Ox Healing Sphere. - Item – Monk T20 Brewmaster 4P Bonus
NYI – After consuming Effusion, you clear 25% of your Staggered damage.When a Gift of the Ox Healing Sphere is consumed, your current Stagger amount is lowered by 5%. - Item – Monk T20 Mistweaver 2P Bonus Your healing spell casts have a
10%chance to grant Surge of Mists, reducing the cost of your next Enveloping Mist by 75%.Approximately 2 procs per minute. - Item – Monk T20 Windwalker 2P Bonus
NYI – Rising Sun Kick applies Rising Fist to the target for 8 sec, increasingWhen Fists of Fury ends the critical strike chance ofyour Fists of Fury against the target by 25%.Rising Sun Kick is increased by 50% for 5 sec. - Item – Monk T20 Windwalker 4P Bonus
Fists of Fury increases the critical strike chance of your next Rising Sun Kick by 50%.Rising Sun Kick critical strikes reduce the cooldown of Fists of Fury by 2.0 sec.
- Item – Paladin T19 Protection 4P Bonus Shield of the Righteous has a
35%25% chance to reset the cooldown on Light of the Protector. - Item – Paladin T19 Retribution 2P Bonus Your Holy Power spending attacks deal
10% more damage.7% more damage. - Item – Paladin T20 Holy 2P Bonus
Not Yet Designed.Reduces the cooldown of Light of Dawn by 2.0 sec. - Item – Paladin T20 Holy 4P Bonus
Not Yet Designed.For 5 sec after casting Light of Dawn, your healing spells will transfer an additional 40% to your Beacon of Light target. - Item – Paladin T20 Retribution 4P Bonus Judgment also increases the damage of Blade of Justice by
15 for 6 sec.15% for 8 sec.
- Item – Priest T19 Shadow 4P Bonus
For 4For 2.5 sec after activating Voidform, the cooldown on Void Bolt is reduced by 100%. - Item – Priest T20 Shadow 2P Bonus
NYI – Shadowfiend’s damage dealt is increased by up to 180%, based on your current Insanity.Mind Flay damage increases the damage of your next Mind Blast by 3% and its Insanity generation by 100. Stacks up to 10 times. - Item – Priest T20 Shadow 4P Bonus
NYI – Mind Blast reduces the cooldown of Shadowfiend by 3.0 sec.Insanity drains 25% slower while in Voidform.
- Item – Rogue T19 Assassination 2P Bonus Mutilate also causes the target to Bleed for
30%20% additional damage over 8 sec. - Item – Rogue T19 Assassination 4P Bonus Envenom deals
10%7% additional damage per Bleed you have on the target.
- Item – Shaman T19 Elemental 4P Bonus Elemental Focus increases damage and healing by an additional
10%.7%. - Item – Shaman T19 Enhancement 2P Bonus
Stormbringer also increases the critical strike chance of Stormstrike by 40%.Stormstrike’s damage is increased by 10% - Item – Shaman T20 Elemental 2P Bonus While Fire Elemental is active, your Flame Shock deals
75%100% increased damage over time and always critically strikes. - Item – Shaman T20 Elemental 4P Bonus Reduce the cooldown of Fire Elemental by
[ 0.1000 * ms12.0;] sec when Flame Shock periodic damage deals a critical strike.
- Item – Warlock T17 Destruction 2P Bonus
Immolate has an additional 4% chance to generate a Soul Shard.Immolate deals 10% increased damage. - Item – Warlock T19 Affliction 4P Bonus Agony has
1.151.10 times the normal chance to generate a Soul Shard. - Item – Warlock T19 Demonology 4P Bonus Dreadstalkers last
4 sec longer.3 sec longer. - Item – Warlock T19 Destruction 4P Bonus Conflagrate gains an additional charge and
3 sec reduced cooldown.has 2 sec reduced cooldown. - Item – Warlock T20 Affliction 2P Bonus
NYI – Corruption Generates Soul ShardsCorruption has a chance to generate a soul shard whenever it deals damage. Approximately 1.5 procs per minute. - Item – Warlock T20 Affliction 4P Bonus
NYI –Spending a Soul Shard has a 25% chance to grant you0% Haste for 8 sec.15% Haste for 8 sec. - Item – Warlock T20 Demonology 2P Bonus
ShadowboltShadow Bolt has a 20% chance to reset the cooldown of Call Dreadstalkers. - Item – Warlock T20 Demonology 4P Bonus When you cast Call Dreadstalkers, you gain
10 Haste for 5 sec.10% Haste for 5 sec. - Item – Warlock T20 Destruction 2P Bonus
Incinerate generatesIncinerate has a 100% chance to generate 1 additional Soul Shard Fragment.
- Item – Warrior T19 Arms 2P Bonus Increases the duration of Battle Cry by
2 sec.1 sec. - Item – Warrior T19 Fury 4P Bonus Increases the duration of your Enrage by
1.5 sec.1.0 sec. - Item – Warrior T20 Arms 2P Bonus Name changed from „Item – Warrior T20 Arms 4P Bonus“ to „Item – Warrior T20 Arms 2P Bonus“. Colossus Smash reduces the cooldown of Bladestorm by
2.0 sec.3.0 sec. - Item – Warrior T20 Arms 4P Bonus Name changed from „Item – Warrior T20 Arms 2P Bonus“ to „Item – Warrior T20 Arms 4P Bonus“.
Änderungen an Artefakteigenschaften:
- Unerring Arrows (Rank 1) Increases the effectiveness of Vulnerability by
4%.3%. - Unerring Arrows (Rank 2) Increases the effectiveness of Vulnerability by
8%.6%. - Unerring Arrows (Rank 3) Increases the effectiveness of Vulnerability by
12%.9%. - Unerring Arrows (Rank 4) Increases the effectiveness of Vulnerability by
16%.12%. - Unerring Arrows (Rank 5) Increases the effectiveness of Vulnerability by
20%.15%. - Unerring Arrows (Rank 6) Increases the effectiveness of Vulnerability by
24%.18%. - Unerring Arrows (Rank 7) Increases the effectiveness of Vulnerability by
28%.21%. - Unerring Arrows (Rank 8) Increases the effectiveness of Vulnerability by
- Wind Surge (Rank 1) Increases damage dealt by Windfury by
5%.8%. - Wind Surge (Rank 2) Increases damage dealt by Windfury by
10%.16%. - Wind Surge (Rank 3) Increases damage dealt by Windfury by
15%.24%. - Wind Surge (Rank 4) Increases damage dealt by Windfury by
20%.32%. - Wind Surge (Rank 5) Increases damage dealt by Windfury by
25%.40%. - Wind Surge (Rank 6) Increases damage dealt by Windfury by
30%.48%. - Wind Surge (Rank 7) Increases damage dealt by Windfury by
35%.56%. - Wind Surge (Rank 8) Increases damage dealt by Windfury by
Death Knight
- Unholy Frenzy When a Festering Wound bursts, you gain
100%125% increased attack speed for 2.5 sec. Unholy Death Knight – Level 58 Talent.
- Sudden Doom Your auto attacks have a chance to make your next Death Coil cost no Runic Power. Death Knight – Unholy Spec. Approximately
3.45 procs per minute.2.88 procs per minute. - Unholy Death Knight Increases damage/healing of Apocalypse, Clawing Shadows, Death and Decay, Death Strike, Festering Strike, Outbreak, Scourge Strike, Soul Reaper by
3%5%. Increases periodic damage/healing of Apocalypse, Clawing Shadows, Death and Decay, Death Strike, Festering Strike, Outbreak, Scourge Strike, Soul Reaper by3%. Death Knight – Unholy Spec.5%. Death Knight – Unholy Spec.
Demon Hunter
- Metamorphosis Leap into the air and land with explosive force, dealing [ 200% of AP ] Chaos damage to enemies within 8 yds, and stunning them for 3 sec. Players are Dazed for 3 sec instead. Upon landing, you are transformed into a hellish demon for 30 sec, greatly empowering your Chaos Strike and Blade Dance abilities, gaining 30% Leech, and 25% Haste. 40 yd range. Instant. 5 min cooldown.
- Blade Turning (New) Parrying an attack increases your Pain generation by 20% for 5 sec. Vengeance Demon Hunter – Level 108 Talent.
- Burning Alive Every 2 sec, your Fiery Brand deals
[ 45%[ 52% of AP ] Fire damage and spreads to one nearby enemy. Vengeance Demon Hunter – Level 100 Talent. - Demonic Infusion Draw from the power of the Twisting Nether to instantly activate and then refill your charges of Demon Spikes. Generates 60 Pain. Vengeance Demon Hunter – Level 110 Talent. Instant.
2 min cooldown.1.5 min cooldown. - Feast of Souls Soul Cleave heals you for an additional
[ 390%[ 468% of AP * Percent Health ] over 6 sec. Vengeance Demon Hunter – Level 100 Talent. - Fel Devastation Unleash the fel within you, damaging enemies directly in front of you for [ 10 +
900%1,150% of AP ] Fire damage over 2 sec. Causing damage also heals you for up to 0 health. Vengeance Demon Hunter – Level 108 Talent. 300 Pain. 20 yd range. 2 sec cast (Channeled). 60 sec cooldown. - Fracture Brutally slam your target for (
1,134%1,420% of weapon damage) Physical damage, and shatter two Lesser Soul Fragments from them. Vengeance Demon Hunter – Level 104 Talent. 200 Pain. Melee range. Instant. - Spirit Bomb (New) Consume all Soul Fragments within 25 yds and then explode, afflicting nearby enemies with Frailty for 20 sec and damaging them for [ 400% of AP ] Fire per fragment. You heal for 20% of all damage you deal to enemies with Frailty. Vengeance Demon Hunter – Level 108 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant.
- Immolation Aura Engulf yourself in flames, instantly causing
[ 193.5%[ 243% of AP ] Fire damage to enemies within 8 yards and radiating[ 45%[ 69% of AP ] Fire damage every sec. Lasts 6 sec. Generates 20 Pain over 6 sec. Demon Hunter – Vengeance Spec. Instant. 15 sec cooldown. - Infernal Strike Leap through the air toward a targeted location, dealing [ 1 +
252%316% of AP ] Fire damage to all enemies within 6 yards. Demon Hunter – Vengeance Spec. 30 yd range. Instant. 0.8 sec cooldown. - Shear Shears an enemy for (
270%340% of weapon damage) Physical damage, and has a small chance to shatter a Lesser Soul Fragment from your target that heals you for 0 health when consumed. Generates 10 Pain. Demon Hunter – Vengeance Spec. Melee range. Instant. - Sigil of Flame Place a Sigil of Flame at the target location that activates after 2 sec. Deals
[ 148.5%[ 186% of AP ] Fire damage, and an additional[ 54%[ 68% of AP ] Fire damage over 6 sec, to all enemies affected by the sigil. Demon Hunter – Vengeance Spec. 30 yd range. Instant. 30 sec cooldown. - Soul Cleave Viciously strike all enemies in front of you for up to [ 2.000 *
270%340% of weapon damage ] Physical damage and heal yourself for up to[ 1,100%[ 1,320% of AP ], based on Pain spent. Consumes all Soul Fragments within 25 yds. Demon Hunter – Vengeance Spec.300 Pain. Melee range. Instant.250 Pain. Melee range. Instant. - Throw Glaive Throw a demonic glaive at the target, dealing (
135%170% of weapon damage) Physical damage. The glaive can ricochet to 2 additional enemies within 10 yards. Generates high threat. Demon Hunter – Vengeance Spec. 30 yd range. Instant. 3 sec cooldown. - Vengeance Demon Hunter Increases damage/healing of Fiery Brand, Immolation Aura, Infernal Strike, Shear by
9%0%. Increases damage/healing of Blade Dance, Chaos Nova, Chaos Strike, Demon’s Bite, Fel Eruption, Felblade, Fracture, Fury of the Illidari, Immolation Aura, Mana Break, Mana Rift, Metamorphosis, Shear, Sigil of Chains, Sigil of Flame, Sigil of Misery, Sigil of Silence, Soul Carver, Soul Cleave, Spirit Bomb, Throw Glaive by 100. Increases damage/healing of Blade Dance, Felblade, Immolation Aura, Mana Rift, Shear, Throw Glaive by 100. Decreases damage/healing of Felblade by50%. Demon Hunter – Vengeance Spec.35%. Demon Hunter – Vengeance Spec.
- Incarnation: Chosen of Elune An improved Moonkin Form that increases the damage of all your spells by 35% and causes your Lunar Strike and Solar Wrath to generate
50%0% additional Astral Power. Lasts 30 sec. You may shapeshift in and out of this improved Moonkin Form for its duration. Druid – Level 75 Talent. Instant. 3 min cooldown.
PvP Talents
- Sharpened Claws Increases the damage done by your Swipe and Thrash by
50%25%. Guardian Druid – Tier 4 PvP Talent.
- Marked Shot Rapidly fires shots at all targets with your Hunter’s Mark, dealing (550% of weapon damage) Physical damage and making them Vulnerable for 7 sec. Vulnerable Damage taken from Aimed Shot increased by
100%30% for 7 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Chimaera Shot A two-headed shot that hits your primary target and another nearby target, dealing (
600%720% of weapon damage) Nature damage to one and (600%720% of weapon damage) Frost damage to the other. Generates 10 Focus for each target hit. Beast Mastery Hunter – Level 30 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. 15 sec cooldown. - Patient Sniper Gain the patience of a veteran sniper, increasing the damage bonus of Vulnerable by
10%6% every 1 sec. Marksmanship Hunter – Level 60 Talent. - Piercing Shot A powerful shot which deals up to (
1,000%1,550% of weapon damage) Physical damage to the target and up to (500%775% of weapon damage) Physical damage to all enemies between you and the target. Damage increased against targets with Vulnerable. Marksmanship Hunter – Level 100 Talent. 20 Focus. 40 yd range. Instant. 30 sec cooldown. - Sidewinders Launches Sidewinders that travel toward the target, weaving back and forth and dealing
[ 400%[ 500% of AP ] Nature damage to each target they hit. Cannot hit the same target twice. Applies Vulnerable to all targets hit. Generates 35 Focus. Also replaces Multi-Shot. Marksmanship Hunter – Level 100 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant.
Beast Mastery
- Beast Mastery Hunter Increases damage/healing of Chimaera Shot, Cobra Shot, Kill Command by
20%. Increases buff duration of Bestial Wrath by 5,0005%. Increases damage/healing of Bestial Wrath by 5. Decreases damage/healing of A Murder of Crows by 45. Increases damage/healing of Volley by 50%. Hunter – Beast Mastery Spec. - Bestial Wrath (Beast Mastery) Sends you and your pet into a rage, increasing all damage you both deal by 25% for
10 sec.15 sec. Bestial Wrath’s remaining cooldown is reduced by1512 sec each time you use Dire Beast. - Bestial Wrath (Marksmanship, Survival) Sends you and your pet into a rage, increasing all damage you both deal by 25% for
10 sec.15 sec. - Bestial Wrath Bestial Wrath’s remaining cooldown is reduced by
1512 sec each time you use Dire Beast. Hunter – Beast Mastery Spec. - Kill Command (Beast Mastery) Give the command to kill, causing your pet to savagely deal [ 0.04 * Level +
13.3% of RAP + 1 + 265.5% of RAP or 2 + 531%15.9% of RAP + 1 + 318.6% of RAP or 2 + 637.2% of RAP ] Physical damage to its target. - Kill Command (Marksmanship, Survival) Give the command to kill, causing your pet to savagely deal [ 0.04 * Level +
11.3% of RAP + 1 + 225% of RAP or 2 + 450%13.5% of RAP + 1 + 270% of RAP or 2 + 540% of RAP ] Physical damage to its target.
Beast Mastery & Marksmanship
- Cobra Shot A quick shot causing [ 0.035 * Level *
450% of weapon damage + 0.294 * 450% of weapon damage or 450%540% of weapon damage + 0.294 * 540% of weapon damage or 540% of weapon damage ] Physical damage. Hunter – Beast Mastery & Marksmanship Spec. 40 Focus. 40 yd range. Instant.
- Aimed Shot (Beast Mastery) A powerful aimed shot that deals [ 0.619 *
275%425% of weapon damage or 0.038 * Level *275% of weapon damage + 0.238 * 275% of weapon damage or 275%425% of weapon damage + 0.238 * 425% of weapon damage or 425% of weapon damage ] Physical damage. Damage increased by100%50% against a target you have not yet damaged. - Aimed Shot (Marksmanship, Survival) A powerful aimed shot that deals [ 0.619 *
275%425% of weapon damage or 0.038 * Level *275% of weapon damage + 0.238 * 275% of weapon damage or 275%425% of weapon damage + 0.238 * 425% of weapon damage or 425% of weapon damage ] Physical damage. Damage increased by100%50% against a target you have not yet damaged. - Marked Shot Rapidly fires shots at all targets with your Hunter’s Mark, dealing (550% of weapon damage) Physical damage and making them Vulnerable for 7 sec. Vulnerable Damage taken from Aimed Shot increased by
100%30% for 7 sec. Hunter – Marksmanship Spec. 25 Focus. 40 yd range. Instant.
- Bone Chilling Whenever you attempt to chill a target, you gain Bone Chilling, increasing
the damage of your spellsFrost damage you deal by 0.5% for 8 sec, stacking up to 12 times. Frost Mage – Level 15 Talent.
PvP Talents
- Prismatic Cloak After you Blink,
spells have a 100% chance to miss you for 1.5you take 50% less magical damage for 2 sec. Mage Any2 Role – Tier 2 PvP Talent.
- Refreshing Jade Wind Summon a whirling tornado around you, causing [ 429% of Spell Power ] healing over 9 sec to up to 6 allies within
810 yards. Mistweaver Monk – Level 90 Talent. 3.5% of Base Mana. Instant. 9 sec cooldown.
PvP Talents
- Way of the Crane Increases your Physical damage by 50%, you remove and become immune to all stun, snare and root effects and you heal up to 3 nearest allies for 200% of all damage done. Lasts 15 sec. Mistweaver Monk – Tier 3 PvP Talent. Instant. 45 sec cooldown.
- Essence Font (Brewmaster, Windwalker) Castable while moving.
- Essence Font (Mistweaver) Castable while moving.
- Life Cocoon Encases the target in a cocoon of Chi energy for 12 sec, absorbing
[ 3,116.4%[ 4,200% of Spell Power + 1 ] damage and increasing all healing over time received by 50%. Monk – Mistweaver Spec. 2.4% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 3 min cooldown. - Thunder Focus Tea (Brewmaster, Windwalker) Essence Font:
Castable while moving.Channels 100% faster. - Thunder Focus Tea (Mistweaver) Essence Font:
Castable while moving.Channels 100% faster.
- Divine Hammer Divine Hammers spin around you, damaging enemies within 8 yds for (
90%68% of weapon damage) Holy damage instantly and every 2 sec for 12 sec. Generates 2 Holy Power. Retribution Paladin – Level 60 Talent. Instant. 12 sec cooldown.
- Retribution Paladin Increases damage/healing of Blade of Justice, Consecration, Crusader Strike, Eye for an Eye, Judgment, Justicar’s Vengeance, Wake of Ashes, Zeal by
12%16%. Increases periodic damage/healing of Execution Sentence and Wake of Ashes by12%16%. Increases damage/healing of Flash of Light by 42%. Increases power cost of Flash of Light by 22%. Increases damage/healing of Crusader Strike and Judgment by 13%. Increases damage/healing of Consecration by 100%. Paladin – Retribution Spec.
- Clarity of Will Shields the target with a protective ward for 20 sec, absorbing [ 900% of Spell Power ] damage.
Discipline Priest – Level 90Priest – Level 75 Talent. 2.8% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast. - Power Word: Solace Strikes an enemy with heavenly power, dealing
[ 300%[ 350% of Spell Power ] Holy damage and restoring 1.00% of your maximum mana. Priest – Level 60 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. 12 sec cooldown. - Purge the Wicked Cleanses the target with fire, causing 0 Fire damage and an additional [ 52% of Spell Power ] Fire damage over 20 sec. Spreads to an additional nearby enemy when you cast Penance on the target. Can’t be cast in Shadowform. Discipline Priest – Level
10090 Talent. 2% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. - Sanctuary Smite’s absorption effect is increased by 50%.
Priest – Level 75 Talent.Discipline Priest – Level 75 Talent. - Shadow Covenant Draws on the power of shadow to heal up to 5 injured allies within 30 yds of the target for [ 500% of Spell Power ], but leaves a shell on them that absorbs the next [ 250% of Spell Power ] healing they receive within 6 sec. Can be cast in Spirit of Redemption. Can’t be cast in Shadowform.
DisciplinePriest – Level 75 Talent. 5% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant.
PvP Talents
- Spiritual Cleansing Purify no longer has a cooldown, and costs 50% less mana, but only dispels 1 Magic and Disease effect. Priest Any2 Role – Tier 2 PvP Talent.
- Ultimate Radiance Your Power Word: Radiance is now instant cast and the healing is increased by
250% but now has a 6 sec cooldown200%. Discipline Priest – Tier 4 PvP Talent.
- Flametongue Attack Scorches your target, dealing [ 1 + 150% of AP ] Fire damage, and enhances your weapons with fire for 16 sec, causing each weapon attack to deal up to
[ 15.6%[ 20% of AP ] Fire damage, based on weapon speed. Unlimited range. Instant.
- Empowered Stormlash Stormlash now spreads to 1 additional target and deals
50%25% additional damage. Enhancement Shaman – Level 75 Talent. - Tempest
Your main hand attacks have an additional 5% chance to trigger StormbringerStormbringer increases the critical strike chance of your next Stormstrike by 40%. Enhancement Shaman – Level 75 Talent.
PvP Talents
- Fire and Ice (New) Flame Shock and Frost Shock no longer consume additional Maelstrom. Increases the duration of Flame Shock and Frost Shock by 100%, and the damage of Frost Shock by 100%. Elemental Shaman – Tier 4 PvP Talent.
- Spectral Recovery While in Ghost Wolf, you heal 3% health every 2 sec. Increases the movement speed of Ghost Wolf by an additional 10%. Shaman Any2 Role – Tier 3 PvP Talent.
- Tidebringer Every 8 sec, the cast time of your next Chain Heal is reduced by 50%. and jump distance increased by 100%. Maximum of 2 charges. Restoration Shaman – Tier 3 PvP Talent.
- Enhancement Shaman Increases damage/healing of Crash Lightning, Earthen Spike, Flametongue, Flametongue Attack, Frostbrand, Lava Lash, Lightning Bolt, Rockbiter, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Sundering, Windfury Attack, Windsong, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand by
4%7%. Increases periodic damage/healing of Crash Lightning, Earthen Spike, Flametongue, Flametongue Attack, Frostbrand, Lava Lash, Lightning Bolt, Rockbiter, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Sundering, Windfury Attack, Windsong, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand by4%7%. Increases damage/healing of Crash Lightning, Earthen Spike, Flametongue, Flametongue Attack, Frostbrand, Lava Lash, Lightning Bolt, Rockbiter, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Sundering, Windfury Attack, Windsong, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand by4. Shaman – Enhancement Spec.7. Shaman – Enhancement Spec. - Flametongue Scorches your target, dealing [ 1 + 150% of AP ] Fire damage, and enhances your weapons with fire for 16 sec, causing each weapon attack to deal up to
[ 15.6%[ 20% of AP ] Fire damage, based on weapon speed. Shaman – Enhancement Spec. 10 yd range. Instant. 12 sec cooldown. - Lightning Bolt Fires a bolt of lightning at the target, dealing
[ 56.25%[ 48% of Spell Power ] Nature damage. Shaman – Enhancement Spec. 40 yd range. Instant. - Stormbringer Each of your main hand attacks has a
5%8% chance to reset the remaining cooldown on Stormstrike, and cause your next Stormstrike to cost 50% less Maelstrom and trigger no cooldown. Shaman – Enhancement Spec.
- Death’s Embrace Agony, Corruption, Unstable Affliction, Seed of Corruption, and Drain Soul deal up to 50% increased damage on targets below 35% health.
Warlock – Level 100 Talent.Higher damage increase against lower health targets. Warlock – Level 100 Talent. - Haunt A ghostly soul haunts the target, dealing [ 1 + 800% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing your damage dealt to the target by 20% for 15 sec. If the target dies, Haunt’s cooldown is reset. Affliction Warlock – Level 15 Talent. 5% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast. 25 sec cooldown.
- Reverse Entropy Chaos Bolt and Rain of Fire restore 35% of your maximum mana and deal
5%8% increased damage. Destruction Warlock – Level 30 Talent. - Shadowburn Blasts a target for [ 1 + 315% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage. Generates
45 Soul Shard Fragments and an additional45 Soul Shard Fragments if the target dies within 5 sec. Destruction Warlock – Level 15 Talent. 2% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. - Wreak Havoc
ReduceReduces the cooldown of Havoc by 20 sec. Destruction Warlock – Level 100 Talent.
- Conflagrate Triggers an explosion on the target, dealing [ 1 + 226.55% of Spell Power ] Fire damage. Generates
45 Soul Shard Fragments. Warlock – Destruction Spec. 2% of Base Chi. 40 yd range. Instant. - Destruction Warlock Increases damage/healing of Cataclysm, Chaos Bolt, Conflagrate, Doom, Firebolt, Immolate, Incinerate, Rain of Fire, Shadowburn, Singe Magic by 21%. Decreases effect #1 value of Soul Conduit by
8. Warlock – Destruction Spec.5. Warlock – Destruction Spec. - Mastery: Chaotic Energies Your spells deal
a random amount of additional damage, up to 24%. Damage you take is reduced by a random amount, up to 5.328%. Warlock – Destruction Spec.8% increased damage, plus a random amount of up to 8% additional increased damage. You take 2% reduced damage, plus a random amount of up to 2% additional reduced damage. Warlock – Destruction Spec.