WoW Legion: Ein Blogeintrag und eine Grafik zum erneuten Start der Alpha

Im Verlauf des heutigen Abends haben die Entwickler von World of Warcraft sowohl einen neuen Blogeintrag als auch eine recht übersichtliche Grafik auf ihrer offiziellen Seite veröffentlicht, die sich beide mit dem heute durchgeführten erneuten Start der Alpha zu der kommenden Erweiterung „Legion“ beschäftigen. Während der Artikel der Mitarbeiter von Blizzard eine Vielzahl von Informationen zu den neuen Inhalten und der Anmeldung für diese Testphase beinhaltet, so stellt die neue Grafik im Grunde einfach nur kurz dar, welche Spezialisierungen, Dungeons und Zonen aktuell in der Alpha verfügbar sind.
The Legion Alpha Test Is Back
Our gnomish engineers have returned from their adorable little Winter Veil vacation to bring the Legion alpha test back online—and they’ve made a few updates in the process!
In addition to all of the content that was previously included in the alpha, testers can now explore the new Val’Sharah zone and delve into the new Darkheart Thicket dungeon. The Shaman Order Hall is also now available, and the new Demon Hunter Vengeance (tank) spec is ready for testing. The raid boss Ursoc has also made an appearance . . . and he can bearly wait to meet you. Character copy is currently disabled, but testers can create high-level characters using templates we’ve provided.
As a reminder, there’s no NDA (non-disclosure agreement) for the Legion alpha test, so participants are free to stream the game and share screenshots or movies. Please keep in mind that Legion is still in development—we’ll be making changes as we continue to prepare for the upcoming beta test, and what you’ll see during the alpha test is not necessarily representative of the final game.
Players selected to participate in the alpha test will receive an email invitation directing them to download and install the alpha client directly through desktop app. As always, please be aware of phishing attempts—if you’re unsure whether your invitation is legitimate, please log in to to verify whether you can install and play the Legion alpha.
Getting Started
- 1.If you’ve been selected to participate in the Legion alpha, your account will already be flagged for access.
- 2.Make sure your graphics drivers are up to date.
- 3.Run the desktop app—it may need to update itself if you haven’t run it recently. If you don’t have it installed, get started here.
- 4.Once is installed and updated, select World of Warcraft from the list of games on the left.
- 5.In the Region/Account drop-down menu above the Play button, choose Alpha: Legion (listed under In Development), then click Install.
- 6.Allow installation to complete, and click Play.
Once you’ve launched the game, use the Legion alpha template to create a character. This is located near the Enter World button.
Legion concept art
click to enlarge
Providing Feedback
We’d love to hear about your experiences on the Broken Isles, so once you’ve had a chance to play, please send us your feedback.
- For general feedback, use the in-game Feedback interface.
- For crashes, please use the Crash Reporter feature that appears when the client crashes.
- For general game bugs, use the in-game Bug Report interface.
- If you’re getting a wrong version error, please uninstall and reinstall the client.
- Discuss the alpha with your fellow testers in our Legion alpha General Discussion and Bug Report forums.
How do I opt in?
Once you’ve set up a account and have attached at least one Blizzard game, you can choose to opt in to future beta tests from the Beta Profile page—just check the box next to which games you’re interested in testing. Once that’s complete, it’s simply a matter of waiting for an invitation.
Hey azurios, ich wollte hier an dieser Stelle mal Danke sagen, dafuer dass du immer so fleißig Sachen postest, auch wenn keiner Kommentare schreibt. Ich weiß aus Erfahrung das es Teilweise sehr frustrierend sein kann wenn man nicht sieht ob Andere überhaupt lesen, zu schätzen wissen das man sich Mühe mit etwas macht. Danke dafür! weiter so
Naja man sieht ja, ob Leute die Seite besuchen oder nicht. Daher ist das im Grunde kein Problem.
Dennoch danke ich dir für die netten Worte.