WoW Legion: Die Digital Deluxe Edition wurde um eine neue kosmetische Belohnung für Diablo 3 erweitert

Im Verlauf des heutigen Abends haben die Entwickler offiziell verkündet, dass sie eine weitere kosmetische Belohnung zu der Digital Deluxe Edition von World of Warcrafts kommender Erweiterung „Legion“ hinzugefügt haben. Dabei handelt es sich dann um einen speziellen Helm für Diablo 3. Reaper of Souls, der auf dem Design von Illidan Sturmgrimm aus TBC basiert und die Charaktere der Spieler dann durch die Transmogrifikation mit einem Paar an Hörnern und der entsprechenden Augenbinde ausstattet.
Interessanterweise wird dieser neue Gegenstand scheinbar bereits in dieser Woche durch den neuen Patch 2.4 für Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls auf den Liveservern freigeschaltet, sodass die Vorbesteller der Digital Deluxe Edition diese kosmetische Belohnung dann beinahe sofort verwenden können.
New Item Added to World of Warcraft®: Legion™ Digital Deluxe Bonuses
We’ve added something new to the collection of goodies you get when you purchase the Digital Deluxe Edition of World of Warcraft: Legion. Take on the terrors of Diablo III in style with the Legion-inspired Demon Hunter helm transmog. Wear it with the Wings of the Betrayer, and you’ll truly look the part as you hunt demons across Sanctuary. Both of these items, along with everything else in the Digital Deluxe Edition, are available in-game now when you pre-purchase.
Don’t be caught unprepared for the Burning Legion’s assault on Azeroth beginning this summer. By pre-purchasing now, you’ll receive a level-100 character boost to use immediately, along with early access to the Demon Hunter hero class prior to the expansion’s release.*
World of Warcraft: Legion is filled with features and content that will transform Azeroth’s heroes into Legion-slaying avatars of vengeance, including:
- New Hero Class: Demon Hunter—Unleash the demon within as an all-new melee hero class gifted with preternatural mobility—and the ability to metamorphose into hellish new forms.
- New Feature: Artifact Weapons—Smite the Legion with class-specific weapons of lore. Unlock awesome abilities and traits, and customize your weapon to suit your needs.
- New Continent: The Broken Isles—Discover the fate of a lost night elf civilization, confront twisted fragments of the Emerald Nightmare, and hunt agents of the Legion in all-new zones.
- Boost to Level 100—Come fully prepared to battle the Legion with a level-100 character boost, and fight alongside your friends in this epic new chapter of World of Warcraft—available immediately upon pre-purchase*.
- New Feature: Class Halls (aka Order Halls)—Unite fellow NPC members of your class’s order to carry out missions at your command.
- New PvP Honor System—Fight for fame, glory, and a range of new PvP-specific powers as you face the opposing faction in Arenas and Battlegrounds.
Digital Deluxe Edition – Pets, Mounts, and More
In addition to the Standard Edition, the new expansion is available in a Digital Deluxe Edition, which contains a cache of Legion-inspired in-game bonuses for World of Warcraft and other Blizzard games (available upon or before the expansion’s launch), including:
World of Warcraft – Illidari Felstalker Mount and Nibbles Pet—Stalk the invading demonic forces atop one of the Burning Legion’s own twisted hounds of war, and summon a delightfully demented companion to keep you warm by the fel fire—both available immediately upon pre-purchase.
- Heroes of the Storm – Felstalker Mount—Charge down the lanes of the Nexus and wreak havoc on the opposing team astride this fierce fanged terror.
- StarCraft II – Fel Protoss Portraits—Take back Aiur in infernal style with psionic-infused StarCraft II portraits of Illidan and Gul’dan.
- Diablo III – Wings of the Betrayer—Equip your hero with Illidan’s wings and strike terror into the hearts of Sanctuary’s demons.
- NEW! Diablo III – Demon Hunter Helm Transmog—Complete your fel-infused look with the new Demon Hunter helm transmog. Just add wings and you’ll be the true terror of Sanctuary.
Visit the Shop to learn more about everything the Standard and Digital Deluxe Editions have to offer.
*Players upgrading from World of Warcraft Starter Edition must wait for trial restrictions to be removed (up to 72 hours) before using character boost. Demon Hunter early access timing will be announced at a later date. Only one Demon Hunter per realm; requires at least one level 70 character on realm. Legion launch in summer 2016 (winter 2016 in regions in southern hemisphere).
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