WoW Legion: Der neue Build 20773 für die Alpha

Während der in dieser Nacht durchgeführten Wartungsarbeiten an der Testphase zu World of Warcrafts kommender Erweiterung „Legion“ haben die Mitarbeiter von Blizzard den neuen Build 20773 auf die Testserver aufgespielt, der einige Neuerungen in diese Spielversion implementiert. Dazu gehören neben den üblichen Klassenänderungen und Anpassungen am Spiel auch erste Versionen der Artefaktwaffen für die verschiedenen Spezialisierungen der spielbaren Klassen.
Ansonsten sprechen die gefundenen Sounddateien aus diesem Build dafür, dass die Entwickler mit diesem Update dann zumindest die zweite Hälfte der Startzone für die Klasse der Dämonenjäger freischalten und die aktuell laufende Testphase zu „Legion“ zumindest ein wenig erweitern. Ob diese Aufgaben dann allerdings sofort zur Verfügung stehen werden, steht aktuell noch nicht fest.
Highlights aus dem Build:
- Die Artefakte der einzelnen Spezialisierungen sind in diesem Build enthalten.
- Es gibt einige neue Sounddateien, die für weitere Aufgaben im Startgebiet der Dämonenjäger sprechen.
- Die Entwickler haben weitere Klassenänderungen aufgespielt.
- „Crispy Bacon“ ist ein neues Bufffood, welches Spielern einen von sechs möglichen Buffs gewährt.
- Die „
Peddlefeet’s Buffing Creme“ deutet darauf hin, dass es Neuerungen für das „Liebe liegt in der Luft“-Event geben wird.
- Neue Verkleidung: „Guy Incognito“ Costume„
- Es gibt neue Karten für bestimmte Zonen in der Spielwelt.
- Das Item „Leystone Hoofplates“ erhöht das Tempo mit Reittieren um 20%.
- Der Talentrechner von mmo-champion wurde aktualisiert.
Die Artefaktwaffen:
- Schild:
Scale of the Earth-Warder
- Zweihandaxt:
Maw of the Damned
- Bogen:
Thas’dorah, Legacy of the Windrunners
- Schusswaffe:
- Einhandkolben:
- Einhandkolben:
The Silver Hand
- Einhandkolben:
Scepter of Azshara
- Stangenwaffe:
- Einhandschwert:
- Einhandschwert:
- Einhandschwert:
- Einhandschwert:
- Einhandschwert:
- Zweihandschwert:
Odyn’s Fury
- Zweihandschwert:
Stromkar, the Warbreaker
- Zweihandschwert:
- Zweihandschwert:
- Kriegsgleve:
- Kriegsgleve:
Aldrachi Warblades
- Kriegsgleve:
- Kriegsgleve:
- Kriegsgleve:
- Kriegsgleve:
- Kriegsgleve:
Aldrachi Warblades
- Kriegsgleve:
- Stab:
G’Hanir, the Mother Tree
- Stab:
T’uure, Beacon of the Naaru
- Stab:
Scythe of Elune
- Faustwaffe:
- Faustwaffe:
Claws of Ursoc
- Faustwaffe:
Claws of Ursoc
- Faustwaffe:
- Faustwaffe:
The Fist of Ra-Den
- Dolch:
Fangs of Ashamane
- Dolch:
- Dolch:
Fangs of the Devourer
- Dolch:
Fangs of Ashamane
- Dolch:
Xal’atath, Blade of the Black Empire
Neue Sounddateien:
Korvas Bloodthorn
Kayn Sunfury
Hellish Imp
God King Skovald
Neue Szenarien:
- Against the Void
- Legion Invasion
- Legion Invasion
- The Maw of Nashal
- Hillsbrad Foothills Invasion
- Wrath of Azshara
- Halls of Valor
- Neltharion’s Lair
- Darkheart Thicket
- The Maw of Souls
- The Dark Riders
- The Scythe Reclaimed – Claim the Scythe of Elune.
- Tides of Glory
- The Dark Riders
- The Violet Hold
- The Forge of the Guardian
- Test Progress Bar
- Halls of Valor
- Halls of Valor – Prove your worth and claim the Aegis of Aggramar.
Neue Karten:
Death Knight
- Talents
- Bloodworms If your Death Strike
or Breath of Sindragosawould heal you past full health, you create a Blood Worm. Blood Worms explode if they aren’t fed for 10 seconds or when you drop below 50% health, healing you for the 100% total amount of excess healing. Death Knight – LvL 15 Talent. - Gathering Storm Name Changed from Soul Asylum to Gathering Storm.
Hungering Runeblade now starts with 5 souls already trapped, and the damage of the explosion is increased by 15%Remorseless Winter deals 4% more damage with each successive wave. Death Knight – LvL 30 Talent. - Gorefiend’s Grasp Shadowy tendrils coil around all enemies within 20 yards of a target (hostile or friendly), pulling them to the target’s location. Death Knight – LvL 90 Talent. 30 yd range. Instant.
60 sec cooldown.2 min cooldown. - March of the Damned
You cannot be slowed below 100% movement speed, and the duration of effects that remove control of your character are reduced by 20%Become immune to all movement impairing effects, and effects that cause you to lose control of your character for 10 sec. Does not break effects in progress. Death Knight – LvL 60 Talent.Instant. 1.2 min cooldown. - Rune Tap
Consume two Runes to generate 60 Runic PowerConsume a Rune to restore 20% of your heath. You may recast the ability within 3 sec without triggering the cooldown. Death Knight – LvL 15 Talent. 2 Runes. Instant.30 sec cooldown.2 min cooldown.
- Bloodworms If your Death Strike
- Blood
- Vampiric Blood Embrace your undeath, increasing your maximum health by
100%0% and increasing all healing received by 100%. Death Knight – Blood Spec. Instant. 3 min cooldown.
- Vampiric Blood Embrace your undeath, increasing your maximum health by
- Frost
- Remorseless Winter Name Changed from Hungering Runeblade to Remorseless Winter. Drain the warmth of life from all nearby enemies
each second for 20 sec, absorbing fragments of their souls and dealing 0 Frost damage. If you accumulate 25 fragments the cooldown of this ability is reset and you radiate a blast of cold, dealing [*200% of AP*] Frost damage to all enemies near youfor 20 sec, dealing 0 Frost damage each second. Death Knight – Frost Spec. 2 Runes. Instant. 20 sec cooldown.
- Remorseless Winter Name Changed from Hungering Runeblade to Remorseless Winter. Drain the warmth of life from all nearby enemies
Demon Hunter
- Talents
- Demon Reborn All your cooldowns are reset when you
use Metamorphosis.invoke Metamorphosis. Demon Hunter – LvL 45 Talent. - Desperate Instincts (New) You automatically cast Blur when you fall below 30% health. If activated automatically, the cooldown is reduced by 25 sec. Demon Hunter – LvL 60 Talent.
- Feed the Demon (New) Increases the duration of your Metamorphosis by 5 sec every time you consume a Shattered Soul. Demon Hunter – LvL 45 Talent.
- Netherwalk
Instant.Slip into the nether, increasing movement speed by 100% and becoming immune to damage, but unable to attack. Lasts 5 sec. Replaces Blur. Demon Hunter – LvL 60 Talent. Instant. 1.5 min cooldown.
- Demon Reborn All your cooldowns are reset when you
- Rebirth Returns the spirit to the body, restoring a dead target to life with 60% health and 20% mana. Castable in combat. 3 Rage. 40 yd range. Instant. 10 min cooldown.
- Talents
- Force of Nature (New) Summons a stand of 0 Treants which will immediately taunt enemies in the targeted area, and attack nearby enemies for 15 sec. Can’t be cast in Flight Form. Druid – LvL 90 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. 2 min cooldown.
- Starlord When your Solar and Lunar spells are empowered, their cast time is reduced by
50%. Druid – LvL 15 Talent.10%. Druid – LvL 15 Talent.
- Balance
- Celestial Alignment
The CelestialsThe celestial bodies align, increasing the damage of all Lunar and Solar spells by 30% for 15 sec. Additionally, your Lunar Strike and Solar Wrath generate 50% additional Astral Power. Can’t be cast in Travel Form, Aquatic Form, Flight Form. Druid – Balance Spec. Instant. 3 min cooldown.
- Celestial Alignment
- Aspect of the Turtle You deflect all attacks and take
30%0% less damage for 8 sec, but you cannot attack. Instant. 3 min cooldown. - Call Eagle Spirit Name Changed from Call Greater Eagle to Call Eagle Spirit.
Teleports the casterCalls an eagle spirit that carries the hunter to the Trueshot Lodge. 10 sec cast. 60 sec cooldown. - Mechanical Transponder Name Changed from Mechanically Synchronized to Mechanical Transponder
- Talents
- Light Em Up Targets affected by your Flare take 10% extra damage from all of your attacks. Hunter – LvL 75 Talent.
- Marksmanship
- Aimed Shot A powerful aimed shot that deals (
435%350% of weapon damage) Physical damage. Hunter – Marksmanship Spec. 50 Focus. 40 yd range. Instant. - Lone Wolf Your damage dealt with Auto Shot,
SteadyArcane Shot and Aimed Shot is increased by 30%. Hunter – Marksmanship Spec.
- Aimed Shot A powerful aimed shot that deals (
- Frozen Orb Launches an orb of swirling ice forward, dealing
[*1 + 47.9% of Spell Power*0;] Frost damage every 1 sec to all nearby enemy targets for 10 sec. Grants the Mage 1 charge of Fingers of Frost when it first reaches a target. Targets damaged by the Frost Orb are slowed by 30% for215 sec. 100 yd range. Instant. 6 sec cooldown. - Talents
- Arctic Gale Name Changed from Arctic Gale – NYI to Arctic Gale.
1.5 sec cast. Grants X haste, + Consume all Frozen effects and gain haste for every effect consumed. Mage – LvL 90 Talent.Damage dealt by Blizzard is increased by 30% and the area covered is increased by 20%. Mage – LvL 90 Talent. - Bitter Cold Name Changed from Bitter Cold – NYI to Bitter Cold.
Increases damage of Frozen Orb, Frozen OrbThe damage of Frozen Orb is increased by 10%, and now generates 2 charges ofFoF when it hits. Mage – LvL 60 Talent.Fingers of Frost when it first reaches a target. Mage – LvL 60 Talent. - Blast Wave Causes an explosion around the target enemy or ally, dealing [*1 + 200% of Spell Power*] Fire damage to all enemies within 8 yards, and reducing movement speed by 70% for 4 sec. A primary enemy target will take 100% increased damage. Mage – LvL
7560 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. 25 sec cooldown. - Bone Chilling Name Changed from Bone Chilling – NYI to Bone Chilling. Whenever you attempt to chill a target, you
chill yourself with a stacking debuff. The higher the debuff, the more damage all your frost spells deal, but the slower you move. Mage – LvL 15 Talent.gain Bone Chilling, which lasts 6 sec and stacks up to 100 times. Each stack of Bone Chilling increases all Frost damage you deal by 1%. Mage – LvL 15 Talent. - Conflagration Enemies affected by Ignite have a chance to Flare Up for 3 sec. While Flared Up, nearby enemies take
1[*1 + 20% of Spell Power* Fire damage each second. Mage – LvL 15 Talent. - Controlled Burn Name Changed from Controlled Burn – NYI to Controlled Burn. When you gain Heating Up, theres a 10% chance to instantly go into Hot Streak. This chance is increased by your Critical Strike. Mage – LvL 60 Talent.
- Erosion Name Changed from Cascade – NYI to Erosion.
Enemies hit by Arcane Barrage have a chance to throw a barrage at a nearby enemy. Mage – LvL 90 Talent.Erode the targets resistances, increasing damage taken by all of your Arcane spells by 20% for 10 sec. Mage – LvL 90 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. 60 sec cooldown. - Fire Starter Name Changed from Fire Starter – NYI to Fire Starter.
Fireball has an X% chance to chain to a nearby ignited target. Mage – LvL 15 Talent.Fireball can now chain to up to 1 nearby targets. Mage – LvL 15 Talent. - Flame Patch Name Changed from Flame Patch – NYI to Flame Patch. Flamestrike ignites the ground that its cast on, leaving a patch of fire behind which continues to burn enemies in it for
X[*1 + 20% of Spell Power*] Fire damage per second for the next 15 seconds.Does not stack. Mage – LvL 90 Talent.Mage – LvL 90 Talent. - Ice Floes Your next Mage spell can be cast while moving. Castable while another spell is in progress and unaffected by global cooldown. Max 3 charges. Mage – LvL
45 Talent. Instant.75 Talent. Instant. - Ice Nova Causes a whirl of icy wind around the target enemy or ally, dealing [*1 + 250% of Spell Power*] Frost damage to all enemies within 8 yards, and freezing them in place for 2 sec. A primary enemy target will take 100% increased damage. Mage – LvL
7560 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. 25 sec cooldown. - Incanter’s Flow Magical energy flows through you while in combat, building up to 20% increased damage and then diminishing down to 4% increased damage, cycling every 10 sec. Mage – LvL
60 Talent.45 Talent. - Kindling Your Fireball
, Frostfire Bolt, Pyroblast, and Inferno Blast critical strikes reduce the cooldown remaining on Combustion by 1 sec. Mage – LvL 100 Talent. - Rune of Power Places a Rune of Power on the ground for
3 min10 sec which increases your spell damage by15%50% while you stand within 8 yds. You may place up to 2 Runes of Power at one time. Mage – LvL 45 Talent. 30 yd range. 1.5 sec cast.10 sec cooldown. - Supernova Causes a pulse of arcane energy around the target enemy or ally, dealing [*1 + 190% of Spell Power*] Arcane damage to all enemies within 8 yards, and knocking them upward. A primary enemy target will take 100% increased damage. Mage – LvL
7560 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. 25 sec cooldown. - Words of Power Name Changed from Words of Power – NYI to Words of Power. Channeling Evocation now generates 1
Arcane Charge every 1.5 seconds. Mage – LvL 60 Talent.charges of Arcane Missiles every 2 secs. Mage – LvL 60 Talent.
- Arctic Gale Name Changed from Arctic Gale – NYI to Arctic Gale.
- Arcane
- Arcane Barrage Launches bolts of arcane energy at the enemy target, causing [*1 +
74.7%250% of Spell Power*] Arcane damage. Consumes all Arcane Charges. Arcane Barrage’s damage is increased by 50% per Arcane Charge, and it hits 1 additional nearby targets per Arcane Charge for 50% damage. Mage – Arcane Spec. 0.5% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 3 sec cooldown. - Arcane Blast Blasts the target with energy, dealing [*1 +
250%200% of Spell Power*] Arcane damage and generating an Arcane Charge. Arcane Blast’s damage is increased by 50% per Arcane Charge, and its mana cost is increased by 100% per Arcane Charge. Mage – Arcane Spec. 5% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2.2 sec cast.
- Arcane Barrage Launches bolts of arcane energy at the enemy target, causing [*1 +
- Fire
- Flamestrike Calls down a pillar of fire, burning all enemies within the area for
[*1 + 125% of Spell Power*1;] Fire damage and reducing their movement speed by 50% for 8 sec. Mage – Fire Spec. 3% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 4 sec cast.
- Flamestrike Calls down a pillar of fire, burning all enemies within the area for
- Frost
- Blizzard Ice shards pelt the target area doing
0[*220.2% of Spell Power* Frost damage over 0 and slowing enemies by50%30% for 15 sec%. Each time Blizzard deals damage, it reduces the cooldown of Frozen Orb by 0.5 sec. Mage – Frost Spec. 5% of Base Mana. 35 yd range. 8 sec cast (Channeled). 8 sec cooldown. - Cone of Cold Targets in a cone in front of the caster take
[*23.85% of Spell Power*0;] Frost damage and are slowed by60% for 630% for 15 sec. Mage – Frost Spec. 4% of Base Mana. Instant. 12 sec cooldown. - Frost Armor Increases Haste by 8% and causes enemies who strike the caster to be slowed by
30% for 5 sec. Mage – Frost Spec.0% for 0. Mage – Frost Spec. - Frostbolt Launches a bolt of frost at the enemy, causing
[*1 + 178.7% of Spell Power*0;] Frost damage and slowing movement speed by 30% for 15 sec. Mage – Frost Spec. 4% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast. - Frozen Orb Launches an orb of swirling ice forward, dealing
[*1 + 47.9% of Spell Power*0;] Frost damage every 1 sec to all nearby enemy targets for 10 sec. Grants the Mage 1 charge of Fingers of Frost when it first reaches a target. Targets damaged by the Frost Orb are slowed by 30% for215 sec. Mage – Frost Spec. 10% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 10 sec cast (Channeled). 60 sec cooldown.
- Blizzard Ice shards pelt the target area doing
- Blackout Kick
Brewmaster:Kick with a blast of Chi energy, dealing[*642.9% of Mainhand Min DPS + 321.4% of Offhand Min DPS + 214.3% of AP – 8*] to [*642.9% of Mainhand Max DPS + 321.4% of Offhand Max DPS + 214.3% of AP + 8*] Physical damage. Shares cooldown with Breath of Fire. Mistweaver: Kick with a blast of Chi energy, dealing [*642.9% of Mainhand Min DPS + 321.4% of Offhand Min DPS + 214.3% of AP – 8*] to [*642.9% of Mainhand Max DPS + 321.4% of Offhand Max DPS + 214.3% of AP + 8*] Physical damage. Windwalker: Kick with a blast of Chi energy, dealing [*675% of Mainhand Min DPS + 337.5% of Offhand Min DPS + 225% of AP – 8*] to [*675% of Mainhand Max DPS + 337.5% of Offhand Max DPS + 225% of AP + 8*[*325% of AP*;] Physical damage. 1 Chi. Melee range. Instant. 3 sec cooldown. - Breath of Fire Targets in front of the caster take [*2 +
43.69%131.08% of AP*] Fire damage. If affected by Keg Smash, they will also burn for [*8 + 19.6% of AP*] Fire damage over 8 sec.Shares cooldown with Blackout Kick. Unlimited range. Instant.Unlimited range. Instant. - Crackling Jade Lightning Channel Jade lightning, causing [*4
+ 28.18% ofAP*] Nature damage over 4 sec to the target and sometimes knocking back melee attackers. 40 yd range. 4 sec cast (Channeled). - Fists of Fury
Brewmaster, Mistweaver:Pummel all targets in front of you, dealing[*2,142.9% of Mainhand Min DPS + 1,071.4% of Offhand Min DPS + 1,428.6% of AP + 2,142.9% of Mainhand Max DPS + 1,071.4% of Offhand Max DPS*] damage over 4 sec. Deals reduced damage to secondary targets. Can be channeled while moving. Windwalker: Pummel all targets in front of you, dealing [*2,250% of Mainhand Min DPS + 1,125% of Offhand Min DPS + 1,500% of AP + 2,250% of Mainhand Max DPS + 1,125% of Offhand Max DPS*[*2,500% of AP*;] damage over 4 sec. Deals reduced damage to secondary targets. Can be channeled while moving. Melee range. Instant. - Spinning Crane Kick
Brewmaster, Mistweaver:You spin while kicking in the air, dealing[*514.3% of Mainhand Min DPS + 257.1% of Offhand Min DPS + 342.9% of AP + 514.3% of Mainhand Max DPS + 257.1% of Offhand Max DPS*] damage over 1.5 sec to enemies within 8 yds. Windwalker: You spin while kicking in the air, dealing [*540% of Mainhand Min DPS + 270% of Offhand Min DPS + 360% of AP + 540% of Mainhand Max DPS + 270% of Offhand Max DPS*[*600% of AP*;] damage over 1.5 sec to enemies within 8 yds. Instant. - Tiger Palm (Brewmaster) Attack with the palm of your hand, dealing
[*118.3% of Mainhand Min DPS + 59.1% of Offhand Min DPS + 39.4% of AP – 1*] to [*118.3% of Mainhand Max DPS + 59.1% of Offhand Max DPS + 39.4% of AP + 1*] damage.[*1 + 70% of AP*] damage. - Tiger Palm (Mistweaver) Attack with the palm of your hand, dealing
[*118.3% of Mainhand Min DPS + 59.1% of Offhand Min DPS + 39.4% of AP – 1*] to [*118.3% of Mainhand Max DPS + 59.1% of Offhand Max DPS + 39.4% of AP + 1*] damage.[*1 + 70% of AP*] damage. - Tiger Palm (Windwalker) Attack with the palm of your hand, dealing
[*124.2% of Mainhand Min DPS + 62.1% of Offhand Min DPS + 41.4% of AP – 1*] to [*124.2% of Mainhand Max DPS + 62.1% of Offhand Max DPS + 41.4% of AP + 1*[*1 + 70% of AP*;] damage and generating 1 Chi. - Vivify Cause a surge of invigorating mists around the target, healing them and their 2 nearest injured allies for
[*1 + 200%[*250% of Spell Power*]. Limited to 3 targets.Monk – Mistweaver Spec. 5% of Base Mana4% of Base Mana / 20 Energy / 20 Energy. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast. - Talents
- Refreshing Jade Wind Summon a whirling tornado around you, causing [*355.5% of Spell Power*] healing over 6 sec to up to 6 allies within 8 yards. Monk – LvL 90 Talent.
12.5%9% of Base Mana. Instant. 6 sec cooldown. - Rushing Jade Wind
Brewmaster, Mistweaver:Summon a whirling tornado around you, causing[*771.4% of Mainhand Min DPS + 385.7% of Offhand Min DPS + 514.3% of AP + 771.4% of Mainhand Max DPS + 385.7% of Offhand Max DPS*] damage over 6 sec to enemies within 8 yards. Windwalker: Summon a whirling tornado around you, causing [*810% of Mainhand Min DPS + 405% of Offhand Min DPS + 540% of AP + 810% of Mainhand Max DPS + 405% of Offhand Max DPS*[*450% of AP*;] damage over 6 sec to enemies within 8 yards. Monk – LvL 90 Talent. 1 Chi. Instant. 6 sec cooldown. - Serenity (Brewmaster)
While in this state, all Chi consumers are free.While in this state, you deal 30% increased damage and healing, and all Chi consumers are free, and have half their normal cooldown. Replaces Tigereye Brew. - Serenity (Mistweaver, Windwalker)
While in this state, all Chi consumers are free.While in this state, you deal 30% increased damage and healing, and all Chi consumers are free, and have half their normal cooldown. Replaces Tigereye Brew. - Special Delivery
Brewmaster, Mistweaver: When you drink Ironskin or Purifying Brew, you have a 30% chance to toss a keg high into the air that lands nearby after 3 sec, dealing[*994.3% of Mainhand Min DPS + 497.1% of Offhand Min DPS + 331.4% of AP – 12*] to [*994.3% of Mainhand Max DPS + 497.1% of Offhand Max DPS + 331.4% of AP + 12*] damage to all enemies within 8 yards and reducing their movement speed by 50% for 15 sec. Windwalker: When you drink Ironskin or Purifying Brew, you have a 30% chance to toss a keg high into the air that lands nearby after 3 sec, dealing [*1,044% of Mainhand Min DPS + 522% of Offhand Min DPS + 348% of AP – 12*] to [*1,044% of Mainhand Max DPS + 522% of Offhand Max DPS + 348% of AP + 12*[*600% of AP*;] damage to all enemies within 8 yards and reducing their movement speed by 50% for 15 sec. Monk – LvL 90 Talent. - Spinning Dragon Strike
Brewmaster, Mistweaver:Perform a devastating spinning upward strike, dealing[*1,285.7% of Mainhand Min DPS + 642.9% of Offhand Min DPS + 857.1% of AP + 1,285.7% of Mainhand Max DPS + 642.9% of Offhand Max DPS*] damage to all enemies around you. Only usable while Fists of Fury and Rising Sun Kick are on cooldown. Windwalker: Perform a devastating spinning upward strike, dealing [*1,350% of Mainhand Min DPS + 675% of Offhand Min DPS + 900% of AP + 1,350% of Mainhand Max DPS + 675% of Offhand Max DPS*[*900% of AP*;] damage to all enemies around you. Only usable while Fists of Fury and Rising Sun Kick are on cooldown. Monk – LvL 100 Talent. Instant. 20 sec cooldown.
- Refreshing Jade Wind Summon a whirling tornado around you, causing [*355.5% of Spell Power*] healing over 6 sec to up to 6 allies within 8 yards. Monk – LvL 90 Talent.
- Brewmaster
- Blackout Strike (New) Strike with a blast of Chi energy, dealing [*325% of AP*] Physical damage. Monk – Brewmaster Spec. Melee range. Instant. 3 sec cooldown.
- Breath of Fire Targets in front of the caster take [*2 +
43.69%131.08% of AP*] Fire damage. If affected by Keg Smash, they will also burn for [*8 + 19.6% of AP*] Fire damage over 8 sec.Shares cooldown with Blackout Kick.Monk – Brewmaster Spec. 2 Chi. Instant.3 sec cooldown.15 sec cooldown. - Keg Smash
Brewmaster, Mistweaver:Smash a keg of brew on the target, dealing[*994.3% of Mainhand Min DPS + 497.1% of Offhand Min DPS + 331.4% of AP – 12*] to [*994.3% of Mainhand Max DPS + 497.1% of Offhand Max DPS + 331.4% of AP + 12*] damage to all enemies within 8 yds and reducing their movement speed by 50% for 15 sec. Reduces the remaining cooldown on your Brews by 4 sec. Windwalker: Smash a keg of brew on the target, dealing [*1,044% of Mainhand Min DPS + 522% of Offhand Min DPS + 348% of AP – 12*] to [*1,044% of Mainhand Max DPS + 522% of Offhand Max DPS + 348% of AP + 12*[*1 + 600% of AP*;] damage to all enemies within 8 yds and reducing their movement speed by 50% for 15 sec. Reduces the remaining cooldown on your Brews by 4 sec. Monk – Brewmaster Spec. 40 Energy. 15 yd range. Instant. 8 sec cooldown. - Mistweaver
- Effuse A fast and efficient spell, healing the target for 0. Monk – Mistweaver Spec. 1.8% of Base Mana / 30 Energy / 30 Energy. 40 yd range.
1.5 sec cast.1 sec cast. - Essence Font Unleash a rapid twirl of healing bolts at up to 6 allies within 25 yds, every 1,002 sec for 3 sec. Each bolt heals the target for
[*80%[*90% of Spell Power*], plus an additional[*15%[*20% of Spell Power*] over 6 sec. Monk – Mistweaver Spec. 8% of Base Mana. 3 sec cast (Channeled). - Soothing Mist Your Effuse, Enveloping Mist, and Vivify also trigger Soothing Mist. After casting these spells, you continue to channel healing mists into the target, healing them for [*1 +
60%40% of Spell Power*] every 0.5 sec, until you take any other action. Monk – Mistweaver Spec. 40 yd range.
- Windwalker
- Dual Wield You may equip one-handed weapons in your off-hand. Monk – Windwalker &
Brewmaster Spec.Spec. - Fists of Fury
Brewmaster, Mistweaver:Pummel all targets in front of you, dealing[*2,142.9% of Mainhand Min DPS + 1,071.4% of Offhand Min DPS + 1,428.6% of AP + 2,142.9% of Mainhand Max DPS + 1,071.4% of Offhand Max DPS*] damage over 4 sec. Deals reduced damage to secondary targets. Can be channeled while moving. Windwalker: Pummel all targets in front of you, dealing [*2,250% of Mainhand Min DPS + 1,125% of Offhand Min DPS + 1,500% of AP + 2,250% of Mainhand Max DPS + 1,125% of Offhand Max DPS*[*2,500% of AP*;] damage over 4 sec. Deals reduced damage to secondary targets. Can be channeled while moving. Monk – Windwalker Spec. 3 Chi. Melee range. 4 sec cast (Channeled). 20 sec cooldown. - Tigereye Brew Consumes Tigereye Brew, gaining 30% increased damage and healing dealt for 15 sec. Monk – Windwalker Spec. Instant.
1.5 min cooldown.
- Dual Wield You may equip one-handed weapons in your off-hand. Monk – Windwalker &
- Windwalker & Mistweaver
- Rising Sun Kick (Brewmaster, Mistweaver) You kick upwards, dealing
[*1,285.7% of Mainhand Min DPS + 642.9% of Offhand Min DPS + 428.6% of AP – 15*] to [*1,285.7% of Mainhand Max DPS + 642.9% of Offhand Max DPS + 428.6% of AP + 15*] damage.[*750% of AP*] damage. - Rising Sun Kick (Windwalker) You kick upwards, dealing
[*1,350% of Mainhand Min DPS + 675% of Offhand Min DPS + 450% of AP – 16*] to [*1,350% of Mainhand Max DPS + 675% of Offhand Max DPS + 450% of AP + 16*[*750% of AP*;] damage, and reducing the effectiveness of healing on the target for 10 sec. - Spinning Crane Kick
Brewmaster, Mistweaver:You spin while kicking in the air, dealing[*514.3% of Mainhand Min DPS + 257.1% of Offhand Min DPS + 342.9% of AP + 514.3% of Mainhand Max DPS + 257.1% of Offhand Max DPS*] damage over 1.5 sec to enemies within 8 yds. Windwalker: You spin while kicking in the air, dealing [*540% of Mainhand Min DPS + 270% of Offhand Min DPS + 360% of AP + 540% of Mainhand Max DPS + 270% of Offhand Max DPS*[*600% of AP*;] damage over 1.5 sec to enemies within 8 yds. Monk – Windwalker & Mistweaver Spec. 1 Chi / 1 Chi / 2% of Base Mana. Instant.
- Rising Sun Kick (Brewmaster, Mistweaver) You kick upwards, dealing
- Talents
- Consecration Consecrates the land beneath you, causing [*9 + 360% of AP*] Holy damage over 9 sec to enemies who enter the area.
Instant. 9 sec cooldown.Paladin – LvL 15 Talent. Instant. 9 sec cooldown. - Divine Steed (New) Summons your Holy Charger to ride for 4 sec, increasing movement speed by 100%. Useable while indoors or in combat. Paladin – LvL 90 Talent. Instant. 60 sec cooldown.
- Consecration Consecrates the land beneath you, causing [*9 + 360% of AP*] Holy damage over 9 sec to enemies who enter the area.
- Holy
- Reprisal Melee attacks against you cause your next Crusader Strike to deal 200% additional damage. Paladin – Holy Spec.
- Protection
- Divine Steed Summons your Holy Charger to ride for 4 sec, increasing movement speed by 100%. Useable while indoors or in combat. Paladin –
LvL 90 Talent. Instant. 60 sec cooldown.Protection Spec. Instant. 60 sec cooldown.
- Divine Steed Summons your Holy Charger to ride for 4 sec, increasing movement speed by 100%. Useable while indoors or in combat. Paladin –
- Protection & Holy
- Consecration Consecrates the land beneath you, causing [*9 + 360% of AP*] Holy damage over 9 sec to enemies who enter the area. Paladin –
LvL 15 Talent. Instant. 9 sec cooldown.Protection & Holy Spec. Instant. 9 sec cooldown.
- Consecration Consecrates the land beneath you, causing [*9 + 360% of AP*] Holy damage over 9 sec to enemies who enter the area. Paladin –
- Retribution
- Blessing of Kings Name Changed from Blessing of Kings [NYI] to Blessing of Kings. Places a blessing on an ally that grants them an absorption shield. It absorbs up to
333[*130.6% of Holy Spell Power* damage, and will be refreshed to full strength every 6 sec, even if fully consumed.Limit 3. 30 yd range. Instant.You may only have 3 total active of Blessing of Kings, Blessing of Might, and Blessing of Wisdom. Paladin – Retribution Spec. 30 yd range. Instant. - Blessing of Might Name Changed from Blessing of Might [NYI] to Blessing of Might. Places a blessing on an ally that causes their attacks to have a
chance to deal an additional 333 Holy damage. Limit 3. 30 yd range. Instant.10% chance to deal 30% additional damage as Holy. You may only have 3 total active of Blessing of Kings, Blessing of Might, and Blessing of Wisdom. Paladin – Retribution Spec. 30 yd range. Instant. - Blessing of Wisdom (New) Places a blessing on an ally that causes them to gain 1% of maximum mana every 15 sec, and have a chance when damage is taken to be healed for 5% of maximum health. You may only have 3 total active of Blessing of Kings, Blessing of Might, and Blessing of Wisdom. Paladin – Retribution Spec. Instant.
- Blessing of Kings Name Changed from Blessing of Kings [NYI] to Blessing of Kings. Places a blessing on an ally that grants them an absorption shield. It absorbs up to
- Dominate Mind Controls a mind up to level
441 for 30 sec. Does not work versus Mechanical beings. or players. This spell shares diminishing returns with otherincapacitatingdisorienting effects. Can be cast in Shadowform. Priest – LvL 45 Talent. 0.5% of Base Mana. 30 yd range. 30 sec cast (Channeled). - Talents
- Dominant Mind (New) You may also control your own character while Dominate Mind is active. Priest – LvL 45 Talent.
- Mind Bomb (New) Unleashes a psychic explosion, stunning all enemies within 0 yds of the target for 3 sec. Replaces Psychic Scream. Priest – LvL 45 Talent. 30 yd range. 1.5 sec cast. 30 sec cooldown.
- Mind Spike Blasts the target for 1 Shadowfrost damage and increases the damage done by your next Mind Blast within 15 sec by 50%, stacking up to 5 times. Generates 5 Insanity. Replaces Mind Flay. Priest – LvL 100 Talent. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast.
- Mindbender (Shadow) Caster receives
25 Insanity when the Mindbender attacks. - Purge the Wicked Cleanse the target with fire, causing [*150% of Spell Power*] Fire damage and an additional [*65% of Spell Power*] Fire damage over
until cancelled20 sec. Spreads to an additional nearby enemy when you cast Penance on the target. Can’t be cast in Shadowform. Priest – LvL 100 Talent. 2% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 10 sec cooldown. - Shadow Crash (New) Hurl a bolt of slow-moving Shadow energy at the destination, dealing [*200% of Spell Power*] damage to all targets within 8 yards. Generates 15 Insanity. Priest – LvL 90 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. 30 sec cooldown.
- Surrender to Madness Surrender to the Old Gods, sacrificing your soul for ultimate power. All your Insanity-generating abilities generate 300% more Insanity, until you exit Voidform, and then you die. Requires Voidform. Priest – LvL 100 Talent. Instant. 10 min cooldown.
- Void Ray (New) Each time your Mind Flay deals damage, you gain 10% increased Mind Flay damage for 3 sec, stacking up to 6 times. Priest – LvL 60 Talent.
- Holy
- Holy Word: Serenity Perform a miracle, healing an ally for [*1 +
1,600%2,000% of Spell Power*]. Can be cast in Spirit of Redemption. Can’t be cast in Shadowform. Priest – Holy Spec. 4% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 60 sec cooldown. - Prayer of Healing A powerful prayer that heals up to 5 injured allies within
1520 yds of the target for [*300% of Spell Power*]. Can be cast in Spirit of Redemption. Can’t be cast in Shadowform. Priest – Holy Spec.8%6% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2.5 sec cast.
- Holy Word: Serenity Perform a miracle, healing an ally for [*1 +
- Shadow
- Mind Blast Blasts the target’s mind for [*1 + 220% of Spell Power*] Shadow damage. Generates
1520 Insanity. Priest – Shadow Spec. All Shadow Orbs. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast. 9 sec cooldown. - Mind Flay Assault the target’s mind with Shadow energy, causing [*3 + 39.6% of Spell Power*] Shadow damage over 3 sec and slowing their movement speed by 50%. Generates [*10 + 0.4% of Spell Power*] Insanity over the duration. Can be cast in Shadowform. Priest – Shadow Spec. 40 yd range. 3 sec cast (Channeled).
- Void Bolt (New) Sends a bolt of pure void energy at the enemy, causing [*1 + 400% of Spell Power*] Shadow damage and extending the duration of Shadow Word: Pain and Vampiric Touch by 3 sec. Only useable in Voidform. Priest – Shadow Spec. 40 yd range. Instant. 6 sec cooldown.
- Mind Blast Blasts the target’s mind for [*1 + 220% of Spell Power*] Shadow damage. Generates
- Talents
- Enveloping Shadows (New) Finishing move that consumes combo points to generate twice as many combo points over time. Lasts longer per combo point. 1 point : 4 seconds 2 points: 8 seconds 3 points: 12 seconds 4 points: 16 seconds 5 points: 20 seconds Rogue – LvL 90 Talent. 25 Energy. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Subtlety, Assassination, Outlaw
- Vanish Allows you to vanish from sight, entering
an improved stealth mode for 3 secstealth while in combat. For the first 3 sec after vanishing, damage and harmful effects received will not break stealth. Also breaks movement impairing effects. Rogue – Subtlety, Assassination, Outlaw Spec. Instant. 2 min cooldown.
- Vanish Allows you to vanish from sight, entering
- Lightning Bolt Fires a bolt of lightning at the target, dealing
1[*1 + AP* Nature damage. 1.75% of Base Mana. 30 yd range. Instant. - Talents
- Ascendance The Shaman transforms into a Water Ascendant for
6030 sec. While in this form, all healing done is duplicated and distributed evenly among nearby allies. Shaman – LvL 100 Talent. Instant.2 min cooldown.5 min cooldown. - Ascendance The Shaman transforms into an Air Ascendant for
6030 sec. While in this form, auto-attacks and Stormstrike become Wind attacks, bypassing armor, and having a 30 yard range. Shaman – LvL 100 Talent. Instant.10 min cooldown.5 min cooldown. - Ascendance The Shaman transforms into a Flame Ascendant for
6030 sec. While in this form, Lava Burst has no cooldown and Chain Lightning is empowered to become Lava Beam. Shaman – LvL 100 Talent. Instant.10 min cooldown.5 min cooldown.
- Ascendance The Shaman transforms into a Water Ascendant for
- Enhancement
- Flametongue Scorch your target with fiery power, dealing [*1 + 95% of
Spell Power*AP*;] Fire damage, and enhancing your weapons. Each of your weapon attacks causes up to [*7.5% of AP*] additional Fire damage, based on weapon speed. Lasts 16 sec. Shaman – Enhancement Spec. 10 yd range. Instant. 12 sec cooldown. - Frostbrand Attack your enemy for [*1 + 92.5% of
Spell Power*AP*;] Frost damage, and reduce their movement speed by 50%. Lasts 8 sec. Shaman – Enhancement Spec. 20 Lunar Power. 10 yd range. Instant. - Rockbiter Assault your target with earthen power, dealing [*1 + 152.5% of
Spell Power*] Nature damage, and generating 15AP*] Nature damage, and generating 10 Maelstrom. Shaman – Enhancement Spec. 10 yd range. Instant.
- Flametongue Scorch your target with fiery power, dealing [*1 + 95% of
- Enhancement & Elemental
- Healing Surge Heals a friendly target for
up to [*412.5% of Spell Power*] based on0, and an extra Nature Spell Power1 for every Maelstrom spent. Shaman – Enhancement & Elemental Spec. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast. - Enhancement, Elemental, Restoration
- Wind Shear Disrupts the target’s concentration with a burst of wind, interrupting spellcasting and preventing any spell in that school from being cast for 3 sec. Shaman – Enhancement & Elemental Restoration Spec. 25 yd range. Instant. 12 sec cooldown.
- Healing Surge Heals a friendly target for
- Restoration
- Healing Surge A quick but expensive surge of healing energy that restores [*450% of Spell Power*] of a friendly target’s health. Shaman – Restoration Spec.
20.7%16% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast.
- Healing Surge A quick but expensive surge of healing energy that restores [*450% of Spell Power*] of a friendly target’s health. Shaman – Restoration Spec.
- Ritual of Return Teleports the caster to
the Seat of the DarkenerDreadscar Rift. Casting Ritual of Return while inthe Seat of the DarkenerDreadscar Rift will return the Warlock back to near their departure point. 0.1% of Base Mana. 10 sec cast. 60 sec cooldown. - Shadow Bolt
2.52 sec cast. - Talents
- Backdraft Name Changed from Burning Embers to Backdraft.
Your Backdraft from Conflagrate now lasts an additional 3Your Conflagrate reduces the cast times of Incinerate and Chaos Bolt by 30% for 5 sec. Warlock – LvL 15 Talent. - Hand of Doom Hand of Gul’dan now also applies Doom to all enemies that it hits
when it consumes at least 3 Soul Shards. Warlock – LvL 60 Talent.Warlock – LvL 60 Talent. - Roaring Blaze When you
IncinerateConflagrate an Immolated target, the remaining damage of the Immolate is increased by10%50%. Refreshing Immolate will return it to its normal damage. Warlock – LvL 30 Talent. - Shadowflame Lob a ball of Shadowflame at the target, dealing 0 Shadowflame damage, and [*30% of Spell Power*] Shadowflame damage over 8 sec, stacking. Generates 1 Soul Shard. Warlock – LvL 15 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant.
- Backdraft Name Changed from Burning Embers to Backdraft.
- Destruction
- Chaos Bolt Unleashes a devastating blast of chaos, causing [*1 + 319% of Spell Power or 1 + 275% of Spell Power*] Shadow damage. Chaos Bolt always critically strikes and your critical strike chance increases its damage. Warlock – Destruction Spec. 0 Soul Shard. 40 yd range.
2.5 sec cast.3 sec cast. - Conflagrate Triggers an explosion of fire on the target, dealing [*1 + 204.1% of Spell Power*] Fire damage and generating a Soul Shard.
Also causes Backdraft, reducing the cast times of Incinerate and Chaos Bolt by 30% for 5 sec.Warlock – Destruction Spec. 2% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant.
- Chaos Bolt Unleashes a devastating blast of chaos, causing [*1 + 319% of Spell Power or 1 + 275% of Spell Power*] Shadow damage. Chaos Bolt always critically strikes and your critical strike chance increases its damage. Warlock – Destruction Spec. 0 Soul Shard. 40 yd range.
- Talents
- Best Served Cold Revenge generates
21 additional Rage for each target that it hits. Warrior – LvL 75 Talent. - Furious Charge You take 20% less damage for
5sec5 sec after Charging. Warrior – LvL 30 Talent. - Inspiring Presence (New) You inspire your allies within 60, granting them 3% Leech. Warrior – LvL 60 Talent.
- Overpower Instantly overpower the enemy causing (
125%250% of weapon damage) Physical damage. Cannot be blocked, dodged or parried. Overpower has a 60% increased chance to be a critical strike. Your attacks have a chance to activate Overpower. Warrior – LvL 45 Talent. 10 Rage. Melee range. Instant. - Ultimatum (New) Your Shield Slam critical strikes make your next Heroic Strike cost no Rage and be a guaranteed critical strike. Warrior – LvL 45 Talent.
- Best Served Cold Revenge generates
- Protection
- Focused Rage Focus your Rage into your next Devastate or Shield Slam, causing it to deal [*105% of AP*] additional damage. This ability is not on the global cooldown. Warrior – Protection Spec. 30 Rage. Melee range. Instant. 1.5 sec cooldown.
Neue Anhänger:
- Koltira Deathweaver Name Changed from Koltira Deathweaver / Thassarian to Koltira Deathweaver
- Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker Name Changed from Lord Maxwell Tyrosus to Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker
- Thassarian (New) – Level 100 Rare Follower. Item Level 700. Alliance Source: Class: Death Knight Quest: Always a Knight of the Ebon Blade Zone: Azsuna.
- The Monkey King (New) – Level 100 Rare Follower. Item Level 700. Alliance Source: Class: Monk Quest: The Adventure Continues Zone: The Wandering Isle.
- Druid Champion 1 Name Changed from Besandran Shatterfury / Faal to Druid Champion 1
- Druid Champion 2 (New) – Level 90 Uncommon Follower. Item Level 600.
- Druid Champion 3 (New) – Level 90 Uncommon Follower. Item Level 600.
Fähigkeiten für Bosse:
- A Mother’s Love
Inflicts 100,000Inflicts 76,923 Nature damage to the target every 1 sec. 100 yd range. Instant. - Anguished Souls
Inflics 100,000Inflics 76,924 Shadow damage every 1 sec. 100 yd range. Instant. - Arugal’s Gift
Inflicts 560,000Inflicts 430,770 Shadow damage to an enemy after 15 sec. 20 yd range. 2.5 sec cast. - Barreling Momentum Ursoc charges through any players to his target, inflicting 435,000 Physical damage
and applying Unbalancedto all targets in his path.100 yd range. Instant.and knocking them back. 100 yd range. Instant. - Beam Glazer’s beam inflicts
100,00076,923 Fire damage to all enemies in its path. 100 yd range. Instant. - Corrupted Touch (New) Corrupts an enemy upon death, causing them to explode after 10 sec, inflicting 150,000 Shadow damage to themselves and all allies within 8 yards. Instant.
- Cruel Trap Once snared, stepping out of the trap’s radius causes the victim to suffer
200,000153,846 Fire damage every second they remain outside. 100 yd range. Instant. - Dark Offering The siphoned spirit sacrifices itself upon reaching Lethon, healing Ysondre and Lethon for
1,500,000 health. Unlimited range. Instant.1,875,000 health. Unlimited range. Instant. - Deafening Screech The caster screeches, infliciting
380,000292,308 Physical damage to all targets in front of the caster. Victims are slienced for 3 sec. 100 yd range. Instant. - Desecration Decreases move speed by 50%. Inflicts
100,00076,923 Shadow damage every 1 sec. 15 yd range. Instant. - Detonate Embers build up intense heat over time. If they are not defeated within 5 sec they will detonate for
200,000153,846 Fire damage to all enemies. 100 yd range. 5 sec cast. - Detonate As the Fel Scorcher dies it inflicts
150,000115,384 Fire damage to all enemies nearby and Immolates any other Fel Scorchers nearby. The death of the caster ignites all other Fel Scorchers nearby, increasing their Scorch and Inferno Blast damage by 25% per application. 100 yd range. Instant. - Detonation The Moonglaive detonates, unleashing a burst of Fel energy that inflicts 400,000 Fire damage to all enemies within 10 yards. All victims will take an additional 50%
Physicaldamage for the next 10 sec. 100 yd range. Instant. - Devour The caster gnaws on the target, preventing all actions and inflicting
150,000115,384 Physical damage per sec. 100 yd range. Instant. - Earthquake
Inflicts 48,000Inflicts 36,923 damage to enemies within 0 yards and knocks them down, silencing them for 4 sec. Instant. - Earthshaking Stomp Stomps the ground, inflicting
360,000288,000 Physical damage to all players and knocking them back. 1.2 sec cast. - Explode Sacrifices the caster’s life in order to inflict
500,000384,616 Fire damage to nearby enemies. Instant. 10 min cooldown. - Explode Sacrifices the caster’s life in order to inflict
500,000384,616 Frost damage to nearby enemies. Instant. 10 min cooldown. - Eye Sore
Inflicts 100,000Inflicts 76,923 Arcane damage to the target every second. The victim is slowed by 65% 100 yd range. Instant. - Fel Detonation The Fel Trap detonates, knocking enemies within 5 yards into the air and inflicting
280,000215,384 Fire damage to the them. 100 yd range. Instant. - Fel Explosion The caster unleashes an explosion of Fel energy, inflicting
475,000365,384 Fire damage to all players. Instant. - Fel Gaze Enemies caught in the caster’s gaze suffer
200,000153,846 Fire damage and are knocked back. 100 yd range. Instant. - Fel Glaive
Inflicts 190,000Inflicts 146,154 Fire damage to the target. 100 yd range. Instant. - Fel Slash Name Changed from Shadow Slash to Fel Slash
- Flesh to Stone
Inflicts 50,000Inflicts 38,461 Physical damage and slowly turns enemies to stone, reducing movement speed by 5% per stack. Causes petrification at 10 stacks. 100 Mana. 100 yd range. 2 sec cast. - Gloom (New) Lethon causes nightmares to periodically fall from above, inflicting 310,125 Shadow damage to players within 10 yds of the impact area. Lethon uses this ability while grounded. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Ground Slam Winds up for a viscious ground strike, dealing
280,000165,680 damage to all enemies within 4 yards of the impact location. 3 sec cast. - Hatred The caster channels their Hatred, resulting in a beam of Fel energy that eminates from their eyes. Standing in the beam inflicts
240,000184,616 Fire damage to the victim. 100 yd range. Instant. - Hatred The caster channels their Hatred, resulting in a beam of Fel energy that eminates from their eyes. Standing in the beam inflicts
300,000230,769 Fire damage to the victim. 100 yd range. Instant. - Inferno Blast
Inflicts 50,000Inflicts 38,461 Fire damage to a random enemy. Limited to 1 target. 100 yd range. 3 sec cast. - Infest
Inflicts 100,000Inflicts 76,923 Shadow damage to the target. 100 yd range. Instant. - Lava The victim burns for
200,000153,846 Fire damage every second. 100 yd range. Instant. - Lava Players who walk through Lava absorb it; but will suffer
100,00076,923 Fire damage per 3 sec. If an Ember absorbs the Lava, it will deal increased damage. This effect stacks. 100 yd range. Instant. - Lingering Gaze The caster concentrates their gaze into an Ethereal eye and projects it at the target. When the eye lands it will create a zone of Lingering Gaze. Players who remain in this zone suffer
150,000115,384 Shadow damage each second and are slowed. 100 yd range. Instant. - Meteor
Deals 1,680,000Deals 1,292,308 Fire damage, split between all enemies within 8 yards of the impact crater. Unlimited range. Instant. - Mortar Victims within 3 yards of the impact suffer
112,00086,154 Fire damage. 100 yd range. Instant. - Nightmare Blast Launches a ball of nightmare essence, inflicting 375,000 Shadow damage to players struck and knocking them back. This tears open a Nightmare Rift for
3060 sec. 200 yd range. Instant. - Nightmarish Cacophony Name Changed from Nightmarish Cacophany to Nightmarish Cacophony.
WheneverWhenever Ursoc roars, he leaves behind a Nightmare Image. On subsequent Ursoc roars, the Nightmare Image also releases a mighty roar, inflicting 500,000 Shadow damage divided evenly among all players within 20 yds. This effect causes players to run in fear for 6 sec. 3 sec cast. - Pulse The caster creates a pulse of energy that will bounce around the room until it comes into contact with either a player or the caster. Coming into contact with the Pulse results in the victim suffering
200,000153,846 Arcane damage. 100 yd range. Instant. - Pyroblast
Inflicts 200,000Inflicts 153,846 Fire damage to an enemy and scorches the target for an additional50,00038,461 damage every 3 sec. for 12 sec. 40 yd range. Instant. - Ragnarok Inflicts 270,000 Fire damage to all enemies every 1.5 sec for 9 sec. Each cast increases the damage of Ragnarok by
25%. 300 yd range. Instant.0%. 300 yd range. Instant. - Razors Roots the target in place and inflicts
100,00076,923 Physical damage every 3 sec. 100 yd range. Instant. 3 sec cooldown. - Roaring Cacophony Name Changed from Roaring Cacophany to Roaring Cacophony
- Roaring Cacophony Name Changed from Roaring Cacophany to Roaring Cacophony
- Roaring Cacophony Name Changed from Roaring Cacophany to Roaring Cacophony. Releases a mighty roar, inflicting 3,672,000 Physical damage divided evenly among all players within 20 yds.
This effect leaves behind a Nightmare Image. 3 sec cast.3 sec cast. - Screams of the Dead Lets out a bone chilling scream, inflicting 120,000 Shadow damage and fearing enemies within 12 yards for 5 sec. 100 yd range.
2 sec cast.3 sec cast. - Seed of Corruption Imbeds a demon seed in the enemy target, causing
[*600,000[*461,538 + 16.7% of Spell Power*] Shadow damage over 18 sec. When the target takes600,000461,538 total damage, the seed will detonate, inflicting Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yards of the target. 550 Mana. 30 yd range. 2 sec cast. - Shadow Crash Fires a missile towards an enemy at range. When this missile lands, it deals
200,000153,846 Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yards of that location and100,00076,923 Shadow damage to enemies within the area every 1 sec for 20 sec. Unlimited range. Instant. - Shadow Crash Fires a missile towards an enemy at range. When this missile lands, it deals
200,000153,846 Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yards of that location and100,00076,923 Shadow damage to enemies within the area every 1 sec for 20 sec. Unlimited range. Instant. - Shadowflame
Inflicts 160,000Inflicts 123,077 Shadowflame damage to enemies in a 0-yard cone in front of the caster and disorients them for 3 sec. 2 sec cast. - Shatter Launches the spikes protruding from the caster into surrounding enemies, dealing
275,000211,538 damage to all enemies within 15 yards. 3 sec cast. 4 sec cooldown. - Slime Trail The caster leaves behind a trail of extremely caustic, sticky slime. Stepping into the slime will slow the target 80% and inflict
100,00076,923 Nature damage every 1 seconds. 100 yd range. Instant. - Spark Sparks of electricity issue out from the caster. All players caught in the path of these Sparks suffer
140,000107,692 Nature damage. Damage jumps to any other targets within 4 yards of the initial victim. 100 yd range. Instant. - Spear of Light Odyn creates a spear of light at a player’s location inflicting 350,000 Holy damage to all players within 8 yards and
175,00097,500 Holy damage to all other players. In addition, each spear inflicts 75,000 Holy damage every 2 sec to all nearby players. 200 yd range. Instant. - Spear of Light Odyn creates a spear of light at a player’s location inflicting 350,000 Holy damage to all players within 8 yards and
175,00097,500 Holy damage to all other players. In addition, each spear inflicts 75,000 Holy damage every 2 sec to all nearby players. 200 yd range. Instant. - Stone Block Launches a stone block at the target, inflicting
100,00076,923 Physical damage to enemies within 3 yards. 100 yd range. Instant. - Throw Dynamite
Inflicts 150,000Inflicts 115,384 Fire damage to all enemies in a selected area. 30 yd range. 1 sec cast. - Thunderclap Damages all nearby enemies for
100,00076,923 nature damage 20 yd range. 1.5 sec cast. 5 sec cooldown. - Torment The caster focuses their hate on the victim, inflicting
150,000115,384 Fire damage divided among all enemies within 5 yards every 1 sec. 100 yd range. Instant. - Unleash Fury
Inflicts 150,000Inflicts 115,385 Fire damage to all nearby enemies. 3 sec cast. - Vengeance Hits the target for
190,000146,154 Shadow damage. 100 yd range. 0.5 sec cast.