Heroes: Die Gewinner des Fan Art Wettbewerbs

Bereits vor einigen Wochen haben die Mitarbeiter von Blizzard zusammen mit den Verantwortlichen der Seite „deviantart.com“ einen speziellen Fan Art Wettbewerb zu Heroes of the Storm gestartet, der siegreiche Künstler mit mehreren Tausend US-Dollar und anderen Preisen belohnen sollte. Nachdem dieser Wettbewerb nun einige Zeit lang lief, haben die Entwickler mittlerweile nun endlich die Gewinner dieses Events gekührt und die ersten drei Plätze in einem Blogeintrag auf ihrer Seite vorgestellt. Zusätzlich zu den siegreichen Bildern gibt es zu jedem Fan Art auch immer eine Liste mit den jeweiligen Preisen und ein kurzes Kommentar der Preisrichter.
(Hier findet ihr Einsendungen, die nicht gut genug für die Top 3 waren.)
Der erste Platz:
„Encounter“ by TamplierPainter
TamplierPainter has won:
- A framed sketch by Sam Didier, Senior Art Director for Heroes of the Storm, inspired by the winning entry
- A framed print of the 1st place entry signed by the Heroes of the Storm Creative Team
- $6,000 USD
- $250 in Battle.net Balance (USD) and a signed boxed copy of Heroes of the Storm
- 8,000 DeviantArt Points
- 1-year Premium Membership to DeviantArt.com
Kommentar der Preisrichter:
- The Lightbringer against the Demon Hunter. The rendering of this piece is unbelievable. It looks like an oil painting done by one of the old masters. The sheer power of the paladin’s attack is balanced beautifully by the elegance of Valla’s riposte. I especially enjoy that the artist chose to create Uther and Valla wearing their Master armor variants. Another point of interest to me is Grimskull Nazeebo lurking in the background with his gargantuan. Although he hails from the Diablo-verse like the Demon Hunter, it is unclear to the me which side he is actually fighting for and, depending on the outcome of this battle, the victor may still have another battle on their hands.
Der zweite Platz:
Kuzinskiy has won:
- A framed print of the 2nd place entry signed by the Heroes of the Storm Creative Team
- $3,000 USD
- $150 Battle.net Balance (USD) and a signed boxed copy of Heroes of the Storm
- 4,000 DeviantArt Points
- 6-month Premium Membership to DeviantArt.com
Kommentar der Preisrichter:
- This piece represents the glorious mayhem that is Heroes of the Storm! Blue verses Red. Warcraft versus StarCraft versus Diablo (literally). This is what the game is all about: all of our heroes and villains locked in a rousing brawl of heroic proportions, and let’s not forget another aspect of the game…smashing the hell out of the innumerable nameless minions! These guys are real heroes as well since no matter how hard our toughest characters massacre them, they keep coming back to the fight!
Der dritte Platz:
„Battle against Grave Golem“ by Samarskiy
Samarskiy has won:
- A framed print of the 3rd place entry signed by the Heroes of the Storm Creative Team
- $1,000 USD
- $100 Battle.net Balance (USD) and a signed boxed copy of Heroes of the Storm
- 4,000 DeviantArt Points
- 6-month Premium Membership to DeviantArt.com
Kommentar der Preisrichter:
- I love this piece for so many reasons. All the heroes chosen for this image are perfect representations of our three worlds, but the real star of this image is the Grave Golem. Grave Golems were specifically created for Heroes of the Storm and are found on the various battlegrounds in our game. To see some of our oldest and most memorable heroes teaming up against one of our newest additions to the Blizzard world really lets me know that we are still creating creatures people are invested in.
(Weitere Informaitonen zu den Preisträgern und diesem Wettbewerb findet ihr hier.)