Heroes: Die Fähigkeiten von Johanna

Auch wenn Kael´Thas Sonnenwanderer vermutlich als nächster Held in Heroes of the Storm implementiert werden soll, so haben die Entwickler dieses Titels bereits verkündet, dass sie gleichzeitig auch noch an der Kreuzritterin Johanna aus Diablo 3 als spielbaren Charakter arbeiten. Die meisten Daten für diesen vermutlich nach Kael´Thas kommenden Helden befinden sich bereits jetzt auf den Servern von Heroes of the Storm, weshalb einige Data Miner auch erste Informationen zu den Fähigkeiten von Johanna entdecken konnten. Da der Kreuzritter in Diablo 3 über eine Vielzahl von nützlichen Angriffen verfügt, ist es recht interessant zu erfahren, welche diese Fähigkeiten von den Entwicklern bei Blizzard für ihr Moba übernommen wurden. Selbstverständlich besitzen diese Angriffe dann auch noch jeweils eine Vielzahl von Talenten, die ebenfalls bereits entdeckt wurden.
Fähigkeiten im Video:
Die Fähigkeiten:
Die Talente:
- Level 1
- Regeneration Master
- Increases Health Regeneration by 4 per second. Every 3 Regeneration Globes gathered increases this bonus by 4.
- Reinforce
- Using Basic Abilities reduces the next Basic Attack against you by 50%. Maximum 2 stacks.
- Knight Takes Pawn
- Condemn deals 80 additional damage to Minions and Mercenaries and stuns them for 4 seconds.
- Righteous Smash
- Punish restores 10 Mana per enemy hit.
- Regeneration Master
- Level 4
- Amplified Healing
- Increases regeneration effects and all healing received by 30%.
- Eternal Retaliation
- Condemn’s cooldown is lowered by 0.75 seconds for each enemy affected. Maximum of 10 targets.
- Roar
- Increases Punish damage by 50%.
- Laws of Hope
- Regenerate 1 Health per second.Activate to heal 20% of your max Health over 4 seconds.
- Amplified Healing
- Level 7
- Battle Momentum
- Basic Attacks reduce Ability cooldowns by 0.5 seconds.
- Conviction
- Condemn increases your Movement Speed by 25% for 1 second.
- Sins Exposed
- Shield Glare marks enemies for 4 seconds. The next time any ally damages them, they take 30 extra damage and the mark is removed.
- The Crusade Marches On
- Basic and Heroic Abilities lower the cooldown of Iron Skin by 1.5 seconds.
- Battle Momentum
- Level 10
- Falling Sword
- You leap towards an area. While in the air, you can steer the landing location by moving. After 2 seconds you land, dealing 120 damage to nearby enemies and knocking them into the air.
- Blessed Shield
- Deal 70 damage and stun the first enemy hit for 2 seconds. Blessed Shield then bounces to 2 nearby enemies, dealing 35 damage and stunning them for 1 second.
- Falling Sword
- Level 13
- Burning Rage
- Deal 10 damage per second to nearby enemies.
- Spell Shield
- Upon taking Ability Damage, reduce that damage and further Ability Damage by 50% for 2 seconds. Can only trigger once every 30 seconds.
- Hold Your Ground
- Increases Iron Skin’s Shield by 20%, and if the Shield is destroyed by damage the cooldown is reduced by 4 seconds.
- Subdue
- Increases Punish’s slow to 80% decaying over 3 seconds.
- Burning Rage
- Level 16
- Imposing Presence
Enemies that attack you have their Attack Speed slowed by 50%.
- Blessed Hammer
Condemn also creates a hammer that spirals around you, dealing 40 damage to enemies it hits.
- Holy Renewal
Every enemy Hero affected by Shield Glare heals you for 100.
- Fanaticism
While Iron Skin is active, gain 8% Movement Speed each time you take damage. Stacks up to 40%.
- Imposing Presence
- Level 20
- Storm Shield
- Activate to give all nearby allied Heroes a Shield for 20% of their max Health for 3 seconds.
- Indestructible
- Upon taking fatal damage, gain a Shield equal to your maximum Health for 5 seconds. This ability has a 120 second cooldown.
- Radiating Faith
- Increases Blessed Shield’s range by 25%, the distance the shield bounces by 25%, and maximum enemies hit by 2.
- Heaven’s Fury
- While in the air, holy bolts rain down on enemies dealing 25 damage and reducing the cooldown of Falling Sword by 2 seconds for each enemy hit.
- Storm Shield