Sanktum der Herrschaft: Die Beute und die Fähigkeiten der Bosse

Da der PTR zu dem kommenden Patch 9.1: Ketten der Herrschaft in der vergangenen Nacht nun endlich offiziell gestartet wurde, konnten die Data Miner der Community nun auch endlich einen Blick darauf werfen, was für Bosse sich eigentlich in dem neuen Schlachtzug „Sanktum der Herrschaft“ befinden. Auch wenn dieser neue Raid zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt noch nicht komplett fertiggestellt wurde und viele Inhalte noch immer Platzhalter darstellen, so konnten Data Miner aber zumindest schon einmal viele Beutestücke (mit falschen Namen) und die grundlegenden Mechaniken dieser kommenden Encounter entdecken. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit verdienen dabei dann auf jeden Fall die bei Sylvanas erhältlichen Gegenstände DNT – PH – 9.1 Raid Bow 2 und
PH – DNT – 9.1 Raid Quiver, die beide nur für Jäger interessante passive Effekte besitzen. Genauere Details zu den Fähigkeiten und der Beute der Bosse aus dem Sanktum der Herrschaft findet ihr in der folgenden Übersicht.
The Tarragrue:
The Tarragrue crushes intruders before dissolving once more into the mists of Torghast.
The Tarragrue: A massive almagamation of Maw energy and armor roams Torghast, eternally searching for intruders. (PH text)
Overpower: The Tarragrue slams its target, inflicting 110166 Physical damage and stunning it for 4 sec. This strike applies Crushed Armor.
Crushed Armor: Increases Physical damage taken by 200% for 20 sec.
Chains of Eternity: The Tarragrue focuses spectral chains upon a player. After 8 sec, the chains fly forth and stun the first target struck, inflicting 50 Physical damage and pulling them to their death.
Eternal Ruin: The Tarragrue pulverizes to dust those caught by Chains of Eternity, inflicting 550195 Physical damage and stunning them for 12 sec.
Predator’s Howl: The Tarragrue howls, causing an aura of dread to form around players for 21 sec. This causes each target to radiate Unshakeable Dread every 3 sec.
Unshakeable Dread: Causes other players within 5 yds to flee in fear for 8 sec.
Hungering Mist: The Tarragrue dissolves into the mists of Torghast, forming several images. These images erupt and inflict 110166 Shadow damage to all players within 25 yds.
Remnant of Forgotten Torments: The Jailer calls down the memory of a forgotten Torment, which assaults players until it is absorbed. (Heroic, Mythic)
Remnant: Upper Reaches‘ Might: The Might of the Upper Reaches increases Physical damage done by the Jailer’s forces by 50%. A player may lessen this effect by absorbing some of the Torment. This causes the player to take 10% increased Physical damage for 10 min.
Remnant: Mort’regar’s Echoes: Mort’regar’s Echoes increase Magic damage done by the Jailer’s forces by 50%. A player may lessen this effect by absorbing some of the Torment. This causes the player to take 10% increased Magic damage for 10 min.
Remnant: Soulforge Heat: Soulforge Heat periodically inflicts 13771 Fire damage to all players. A player may lessen this effect by absorbing some of the Torment. This causes the player to take 5 Fire damage every 5 sec for 10 min.
Grasp of Death: The Jailer’s grasp tightens around a player, inflicting 13780 Shadow damage every 2 sec for 40 sec.
Fury of the Ages: Echoing rage fills the caster, increasing damage done by 25% and haste by 25% for 30 sec.
The Jailer’s Gaze: At 10% health remaining, The Tarragrue calls out to the Jailer. This removes all Anima Powers from players and grants The Tarragrue an additional 500% damage done until it dies. (Normal, Heroic, Mythic)
The Eye of the Jailer:
Long ago, Odyn traded his eye to Mueh’zala to glimpse into the Shadowlands, and long since the Jailer has twisted that eye to his own ends, to maintain sight on his sadistic domain of torment.
Stygian Abductors: [PH] The Eye of the Jailer summons Stygian Abductors to drag players off the platform and send their souls screaming into the Maw. (Heroic, Mythic)
Dragging Chains: Chains strike an enemy and all enemies nearby for 0 Shadow damage.
The abductor tries to pull chained players off the platform, being less effective when trying to pull higher numbers of targets, even risking being dragged to the platform if enough players run against the chains. -
Assailing Lance: Grounded Stygian Abductors throw their lance at their current target, inflicting 22033 Physical damage and applying a bleed that inflicts 4407 Physical damage every 1.5 sec. for 15 sec.
Soul Shatter: A surge of soul energy inflicts 27541 Shadow damage to the target and splits their soul in three. Shards of the shattered soul inflict damage to the target, reduce movement speed, and damage and healing done until the target joins with the pieces of their shattered soul.
Summon Deathseekers: The Eye of the Jailer brands the souls of all players with a Deathseeker Eye that shall follow them and afflict them with Soul Gaze. (Mythic)
Deathseeker Eye
Soul Gaze: Dark energy seeps into the soul of players who gaze into a Deathseeker Eye, inflicting 8262 Shadow damage and applying Immediate Extermination every 2 sec.
Immediate Extermination: Reduces healing taken by 10% per application for 10 sec.
Stage One: His Gaze Upon You
Piercing Lens: The Eye propels a sharp pinpoint of force at a target, inflicting 22033 Physical damage.
Crashing Chain: The Eye of the Jailer inflicts 120 Shadow damage to its current target. Any damage not mitigated chains to up to 50% of the raid size.
The Jailer’s Ire: The Eye of the Jailer channels a powerful beam of energy and sweeps its gaze across the platform, inflicting 82624 Shadow damage every 1 sec. and knocking back any targets who stand in it.
Soul Sliver: The Eyes flanking the Eye of the Jailer inflict 13771 Shadow damage to random targets.
Stage Two: Double Vision
Stygian Ejection: The Eye of the Jailer ejects a Rotseeker and Slothseeker Eye and cloaks itself in a Stygian Shield, inflicting 82624 Shadow damage to players at the landing locations of the eyes.
Titanic Death Gaze: The Eye of the Jailer focuses its energy into a massive blast, inflicting 22033 Shadow damage to all players.
Cascading Chain: The Eye of the Jailer penetrates the soul of the target, inflicting 11017 Shadow damage and cascading to a target within 8 yds., increasing damage with each jump.
Slothseeker Eye: Slothseeker Eyes drain the joy and hope of all the souls around them.
Compounding Suffering: The Slothseeker Eye will cast Slothful Corruption on all players every 3 sec. when within 30 yds of the active Rotseeker Eye.
Crushing Fatigue: The Indolent Eye slams the area in front of it with the crushing force of fatigue, inflicting 33050 Physical damage, reducing movement speed of targets hit and increasing their damage taken by 10% for 6 sec.
Slothful Corruption: The Indolent Eye exhausts random targets with lassitude, fatiguing them with 3305 Shadow damage every 1.5 sec. for 21 sec, and reducing spell casting, ranged attack speed, and movement by 40%.
Dying Corruption: The Slothseeker Eye casts Slothful Corruption at all players every 8 sec. while the Rotseeker Eye is not dead.
Desolate Vision: The seeker eye teleports to a focal point and desolates the ground around them, inflicting 48473 Shadow damage every 1.5 sec. to those who stand in the area. (Mythic)
Rotseeker Eye: Rotseeker Eyes corrupt the world around them, twisting it with the Jailer’s Misery.
Compounding Suffering: The Rotseeker Eye will cast Spreading Misery on all players every 3 sec. when within 30 yds of the active Slothseeker Eye.
Jailer’s Misery: The Jailer’s Misery inflicts 6059 Shadow damage to players who stand in the area.
Spreading Misery: The Rotseeker Eye spreads misery into the souls of random targets, inflicting 11 Shadow damage every 1 sec. for until canceled. Upon removal, the misery spreads to the ground beneath the target, leaving a pool of Jailer’s Misery.
Dying Misery: The Rotseeker Eye casts Spreading Misery at all players every 8 sec. while the Slothseeker Eye is not dead.
Desolate Vision: The seeker eye teleports to a focal point and desolates the ground around them, inflicting 48473 Shadow damage every 1.5 sec. to those who stand in the area. (Mythic)
Stage Three: Immediate Extermination:
[PH] The Eye of the Jailer enrages and starts to drain the life of all mortal souls to damn them to the Maw for an eternity. The Eye of the Jailer maintains all of its Stage One abilities, and gains new ones as well.
Cascading Chain: The Eye of the Jailer penetrates the soul of the target, inflicting 11017 Shadow damage and cascading to a target within 8 yds., increasing damage with each jump.
The Nine:
Stage One: The Unending Voice:
Kyra and Signe stand as a first line of defense, preventing intruders from continuing.
Kyra, The Unending: Kyra stands at the ready with her blade, prepared to strike down her foes.
Unending Strike: Kyra slashes out with her blade, causing the target to suffer 41312 Physical damage and take 10% increased damage for 25 sec. This effect stacks.
Spectral blades strike all players, inflicting 6610 Physical damage for each stack.-
Repeating Slash: Spectral blades slash out at a player, inflicting 6610 Physical damage.
Formless Mass: Kyra calls forth a formless mass of Maw energy that only exists to devour life.
Siphon Vitality: Inflicts 16525 Shadow damage to all players within 100 yds, healing the Formless Mass for the same amount.
Wings of Rage: Upon reaching 100 energy, Kyra beats her wings for 7 sec and pulls in all players. Upon completion, Wings of Rage inflicts 66099 Physical damage to all players within 10 yds, stunning them for 10 sec.
Signe, The Voice: Signe speaks to lost souls, twisting their thoughts.
Soulful Blast: Signe blasts her target with dark energy, inflicting 16525 Shadow damage.
Song of Dissolution: Signe sings a shredding song that applies dissolution every 1.5 sec for 6 sec. This effect inflicts 2203 Shadow damage every 1 sec for 5 sec and stacks.
Reverberating Refrain: Upon reaching 100 energy, Signe sings of the end for 7 sec and pushes away all players. Upon completion, Reverberating Refrain inflicts 66099 Shadow damage to all players further than 10 yds, causing them to flee in fear for 6 sec.
Call of the Val’kyr: Skyja calls for her fallen compatriots, drawing some of them forth to attack players.
Agatha’s Eternal Blade: Agatha slashes out in straight lines through the area, inflicting 44066 Physical damage and knocking back targets struck.
Daschla’s Mighty Anvil: Daschla’s massive hammer falls from above, inflicting 33012 Shadow damage to players within 20 yds of the impact location.
Annhylde’s Bright Aegis: Annhylde creates a shield of protective energy for her allies for 40 sec, reducing damage taken by 90%.
Aradne’s Falling Strike: Aradne marks several locations for a falling slash. After 8 sec, she strikes those locations, inflicting 19279 Shadow damage. For each location, if no players are struck, she instead inflicts 70 Shadow damage to all players.
Brynja’s Mournful Dirge: Brynja marks players with a death song, inflicting 3305 Shadow damage every 1 sec for 6 sec. Upon expiration, the song inflicts 35817 Shadow damage to other players within 5 yds.
Arthura’s Crushing Gaze: Arthura focuses the chill of Icecrown upon a player. After 8 sec, she slams the ground, inflicting 400 Frost damage, divided evenly between all players within 10 yds.
Fragments of Destiny: Icy fragments form around random players, inflicting 3856 Frost damage every 1 sec. When dispelled, these fragments jump to the nearest player.
If all fragments are on the same player, they are removed to form a Shard of Destiny. (Mythic)-
Shard of Destiny: Standing within 10 yds of a Shard of Destiny inflicts 8262 Frost damage every 1 sec and reduces movement speed by 50%.
Stage Two: The First of the Mawsworn:
When Kyra or Signe reach 20% health remaining, Skyja enters the fray and takes matters into her own hands.
Skyja, The First: Skyja was the first to swear fealty to the powers of the Maw.
Pierce Soul: Skyja pierces the soul of her target, inflicting 41312 Physical damage. This effect reduces the target’s movement speed by 10% and healing received by 10% for 30 sec and stacks.
Fragments of Destiny: Icy fragments form around random players, inflicting 3856 Frost damage every 1 sec. When dispelled, these fragments jump to the nearest player.
If all fragments are on the same player, they are removed to form a Shard of Destiny. (Normal, Heroic, Mythic)-
Shard of Destiny: Standing within 10 yds of a Shard of Destiny inflicts 8262 Frost damage every 1 sec and reduces movement speed by 50%.
Resentment: Skyja releases negative emotions, inflicting 4407 Shadow damage to all players.
Link Essence: Skyja links the souls of players together. If any of the players take damage, they additionally radiate 150% of that damage split among all other linked players. (Heroic, Mythic)
Word of Recall: Skyja instantly recalls her previous commands for Call of the Val’kyr.
Wings of Rage: Upon reaching 100 energy, Kyra beats her wings for 7 sec and pulls in all players. Upon completion, Wings of Rage inflicts 66099 Physical damage to all players within 10 yds, stunning them for 10 sec. (Mythic)
Reverberating Refrain: Upon reaching 100 energy, Signe sings of the end for 7 sec and pushes away all players. Upon completion, Reverberating Refrain inflicts 66099 Shadow damage to all players further than 10 yds, causing them to flee in fear for 6 sec. (Mythic)
Call of the Val’kyr: Skyja calls for her fallen compatriots, drawing some of them forth to attack players.
Agatha’s Eternal Blade: Agatha slashes out in straight lines through the area, inflicting 44066 Physical damage and knocking back targets struck.
Daschla’s Mighty Anvil: Daschla’s massive hammer falls from above, inflicting 33012 Shadow damage to players within 20 yds of the impact location.
Annhylde’s Bright Aegis: Annhylde creates a shield of protective energy for her allies for 40 sec, reducing damage taken by 90%.
Aradne’s Falling Strike: Aradne marks several locations for a falling slash. After 8 sec, she strikes those locations, inflicting 19279 Shadow damage. For each location, if no players are struck, she instead inflicts 70 Shadow damage to all players.
Brynja’s Mournful Dirge: Brynja marks players with a death song, inflicting 3305 Shadow damage every 1 sec for 6 sec. Upon expiration, the song inflicts 35817 Shadow damage to other players within 5 yds.
Arthura’s Crushing Gaze: Arthura focuses the chill of Icecrown upon a player. After 8 sec, she slams the ground, inflicting 400 Frost damage, divided evenly between all players within 10 yds.
Remnant of Ner’zhu:
Encased in shadowsteel, this lost soul spends its eternity in torment.
Aura of Spite: Inflicts 4402 Shadow damage to all players every 3 sec. This damage increases as Shadowscourge has its armor pieces removed.
Orb of Torment: Immune to damage until hit by [Blight]. Once the Orb of Torment is reduced to 1 hp it will continue to damage players with [Unrelenting Torment] until it is carried to the edge of the platform and thrown off.
Eternal Torment: The Orb or Torment is immune to all damage until this shield is removed via Blight.
Torment: Shoots random players with Shadow energy, causing them to suffer 11029 Shadow damage every 3 sec. for 15 sec.
Unrelenting Torment: The Orb of Torment begins to pulse with lethal energy, inflicting 11029 Frost damage to all players every 1 sec.
The Orb of Torment uses this ability when its health is depleted and continues until it is thrown off the edge of the platform.
- Curse of Malevolence: Curses random targets with Malevolence, inflicting 3851 Shadow damage every 1 sec. for 21 sec. When this effect ends all players are knocked back from the victim’s location. The explosion forms a pool of Lingering Malevolence that will inflict Shadow damage to all players who remain within its confines.
- The duration of Curse of Malevolence varies with the number of targets hit.
Lingering Malevolence: Standing in Lingering Malevolence inflicts 16531 Shadow damage every 1 sec.
Suffering: Strikes the target for 16531 Physical damage.
The victim takes an additional 50% damage from Blight for 30 sec. -
Helm of Blight: Blight always originates from wherever the Helm of Blight is located.
Blight: Strikes all players in a straight line through the target for 16531 Shadow damage.
Victims takes an additional 50% damage from Suffering for 30 sec. -
Blight automatically targets a tank once the Helm of Blight reaches 100 energy.
Orbs of Torment in the path of Blight have their Eternal Torment removed.
Malicious Gauntlets: While Shadowscourge still wears the Malicious Gauntlets, Grasp of Malice fans outward in all directions. Once the gauntlets are removed, Grasp of Malice fans outward in a semicircle.
- Grasp of Malice: Summons ethereal fingers of Malice that will collapse inward, inflicting 5502 Shadow damage every 1 sec. for 10 sec. to all players caught in the grasp. When the Malicious Gauntlets are knocked off of the Animated Armor, they will move to random locations and fire outward in a fan.
Pauldrons of Agony: Victims of Burst of Agony need to run from wherever the Pauldrons of Agony are currently located.
Burst of Agony: Plants a seed of Agony in random players that inflicts 11029 Fire damage every 3 sec. After 12 sec., victims unleash 100 Fire damage to all players. This damage decreases the further victims are from the center of the explosion.
The size of the explosion’s lethal area decreases the further the victim is from the caster.
When the Pauldrons of Agony are detached, victims should run from the Pauldrons of Agony to decrease the size of the lethal explosion area.
Soulrender Dormazai:
Soulrender Dormazain serves the Painsmith, tasked to extract potent Anima stores from hellaciously brutish captives of Torghast to serve as fuel for the Jailer’s armies. Step inside the Vessel of Torment with Dormazain as he goes to work on Garrosh Hellscream, former Warchief of the True Iron Horde.
Soulrender Dormazain: Defeat Dormazain before Garrosh is pushed too far, reverberating Hellscream and destroying the torture chamber and everything along with it.
Torment: Dormazain torments Garrosh, unleashing cones of Anima inflicting 60594 Shadow damage and 13771 Shadow damage every 2 sec for 6 sec to players caught in the wake. This effect stacks.
Encore of Torment: In a gruesome exhibition, Dormazain retraces Torments previously inflicted upon Garrosh, causing the last locations struck by Torment to erupt in the same order they were previously cast.
Mawsworn Agonizer
Defiance: Garrosh’s anima overwhelms the caster with defiance, becoming immune to all forms of crowd control and increasing all damage done by 200%.
Mawsworn Overlord (Mythic)
Infuse Defiance: Mawsworn Overlords empower nearby Mawsworn Agonizers within 16 yds, temporarily granting Defiance while in the effect.
Defiance: Garrosh’s anima overwhelms the caster with defiance, becoming immune to all forms of crowd control and increasing all damage done by 200%.
Defiant: If allowed to reach Garrosh, Mawsworn Overlords instead empower nearby Mawsworn Agonizers within 50 yds, temporarily granting Defiance while in the effect.
Brand of Torment: Dormazain brands players, debilitating any players in the effect with Tormented. Tormented inflicts 22 Shadow damage every 2 sec to all players and Mawsworn within 25 yds.
Tormented Mawsworn receive increased damage taken by 50%.-
Tormented: Increases damage received by 50% to nearby Mawsowrn within 5 yds and inflicting 11017 Shadow damage every 2 sec to nearby Allies and Mawsworn within 5 yds.
Ruinblade: Dormazain plunges Ruinblade into his current target, inflicting 66099 Physical damage and increasing Physical damage taken by 100% for 40 sec. This effect stacks.
Warmonger Shackles: The Tormentor binds Garrosh with ghastly shackles interlinked by casualties of war, causing Garrosh to Hellscream until freed. Move at least 40 yards away from the Warmonger Shackle to snap it.
Snapping all Warmonger Shackles interrupts Hellscream.
Snapping a Warmonger Shackle Unleashes Tyranny.
Unleashed Tyranny: Upon snapping a Warmonger Shackle, the interlinked souls connecting the chains retaliate in unison, unleashing a nova of Tyranny inflicting 33049 Nature damage to all players.
Hellscream: While subjected to Warmonger’s Shackles, Garrosh bellows a lethal roar which can only be interrupted if Warmonger Shackles are removed.
Hellscream: Pushed to the edge of annihilation, Garrosh bellows a hellacious roar inflicting 0 Physical damage to all players every 1 sec.
Lok’tar ogar! -
In Heroic difficulty and Mythic difficulties, Hellscream also fears all players.
Soul Manacles: Binds the soul of a player upon snapping a Warmonger Shackle, preventing them from interacting with Warmonger Shackles and inflicting 3856 Shadow damage every 2 sec for 1.5 min. (Heroic, Mythic)
Garrosh Hellscream: Witness torment inflicted upon Garrosh, unleashing torrents of powerful Anima which impact the playspace and empower Mawsworn in excruciating ways.
Hellscream: While subjected to Warmonger’s Shackles, Garrosh bellows a lethal roar which can only be interrupted if Warmonger Shackles are removed.
Hellscream: Pushed to the edge of annihilation, Garrosh bellows a hellacious roar inflicting 0 Physical damage to all players every 1 sec.
Lok’tar ogar! -
In Heroic and Mythic difficulties, Hellscream also fears all players.
Rendered Soul: The Torments inflicted upon Garrosh have shattered his soul, causing it to splinter periodically into the playspace, inflcting 33050 Shadow damage to all players within 5 yds of the impact. (Mythic, Heroic)
Vessel of Torment: Mawsworn Agonizers allowed to reach Garrosh become empowered with Defiance.
The River of Souls wanes on the life force of nearby players, inflicting 8262 Shadow damage every 0.2 sec and reducing damage and healing done by 100%.-
Defiance: Garrosh’s anima overwhelms the caster with defiance, becoming immune to all forms of crowd control and increasing all damage done by 200%.
Painsmith Razna:
ph text
Spiked Arena:
Painsmith Raznal uses the very room around him to attack the player, causing the spike floor to activate in various patterns. Players hit are afflicted by [Spiked].
Spiked: Spikes shoot from the floor, inflicting 16525 Physical damage and stunning the target for 2 sec.
Stage One: Ready to Ball?:
At the beginning of the fight, Painsmith Raznal gains the [Stygian Ball] ability.
Stygian Ball: Summons a Stygian Ball, which fixates on a random player and chases them, inflicting 11017 Physical damage and stunning any player hit by the Stygian Ball for 3 sec. If the ball reaches its target, it casts Stygian Explosion.
Hitting the Stygian Ball knocks it backwards.
Charged: The Stygian ball is charged with dark energy, which is released when attacked, knocking it backwards from the attacker.
Crushed: Crushed by a Stygian Ball, inflicting 11017 Physical damage and stunning you for 3 sec.
Stygian Explosion: The Stygian Ball explodes, inflicting 19279 Shadow damage to all enemies and stunning them for 5 sec.
Dread Shear: Marks the target with a dark mark. After 5 seconds, the boss throws a ghostly scythe at the enemy, inflicting 200 Shadow damage to the target.
This damage is reduced the further away the target is from the boss.
Additionally, Dread Shear inflicts 35 Shadow damage to all players.
Devastate: At 100 Energy, the boss charges a random enemy, inflicting 440663 Shadow damage, split between all players within 6 yards of the target.
Additionally, the spike floor activates, causing a ripple of spikes to cascade away from the impact point.
Iron Maiden: Summons an iron maiden, which casts Torment’s Grasp on a random player.
Torment’s Grasp: Pulls a random player towards the Iron Maiden with increasing strength. If the player is pulled in, they are afflicted with Spiked Doom.
Destroying the Iron Maiden clears both Torment’s Grasp and Spiked Doom from the player.
Spiked Doom: Inflicts 8262 Physical damage every 1 sec and stuns the player.
Intermission: An a-MAZE-ing time.:
At 66% health, Painsmith Raznal retreats to his dais and starts infusing his weapon with the help of his Tormentor’s Assistants. When the assistants are defeated, Painsmith Raznal returns to engage the raid.
However, to get to the assistants, the raid must pass through a maze of spike traps to reach them. The maze is hidden, and stepping on an incorrect tile causes the trap to activate, inflicting Physical damage and stunning the player.
Dark Font: A dark font of power appears in the arena, granting players who touch it Dark Power.
Dark Power: Fills the player with dark energy, allowing them break Tormentor Assistant’s Soul Barrier.
Tormentor’s Assistant
Soul Barrier: Wraps the caster in barrier of souls, making them immune to all damage.
Crushing Stomp: Stomps the ground hard, inflicting 16525 Physical damage and knocking back all players. Each cast of Crushing Stomp increases the knockback of subsequent casts.
Soul Smash: The boss imbues his weapon with souls every 6 sec, inflicting 1377 Shadow to all players. This damage increases with each cast.
Incorrect Stabbing: Stepping on the wrong tile in the maze causes spikes to shoot upwards, inflicting 1102 Physical damage and stunning the player for 3 sec.
Burning Turret
Stygian Flames: Darkened fires lash out at the player, inflicting 13771 Shadow damage.
Stage Two: It’s not yours, it’s Soul Mine!:
During this phase, Painsmith Raznal stops casting [Stygian Ball] and gains [Soul Mine].
Soul Mine: The boss throws out multiple explosives at random enemies.
Stepping on a Soul Mine, having a Stygian Ball roll over it, or having the spike floor activate underneath it causes the Soul Mine to explode, inflicting 6885
Shadow damage and increasing damage taken from further Soul Mines by 100% for 5 sec.
Dread Shear: Marks the target with a dark mark. After 5 seconds, the boss throws a ghostly scythe at the enemy, inflicting 200 Shadow damage to the target.
This damage is reduced the further away the target is from the boss.
Additionally, Dread Shear inflicts 35 Shadow damage to all players.
Devastate: At 100 Energy, the boss charges a random enemy, inflicting 440663 Shadow damage, split between all players within 6 yards of the target.
Additionally, the spike floor activates, causing a ripple of spikes to cascade away from the impact point.
Iron Maiden: Summons an iron maiden, which casts Torment’s Grasp on a random player.
Torment’s Grasp: Pulls a random player towards the Iron Maiden with increasing strength. If the player is pulled in, they are afflicted with Spiked Doom.
Destroying the Iron Maiden clears both Torment’s Grasp and Spiked Doom from the player.
Spiked Doom: Inflicts 8262 Physical damage every 1 sec and stuns the player.
Intermission: I’m so a-MAZE-ed!:
Painsmith Raznal starts his second intermission at 33% health, creating a second maze for navigation.
Stage Three: Mix it up:
In addition to his regular abilities, Painsmith Raznal can also cast both [Stygian Ball] and [Soul Mine].
Stygian Ball: Summons a Stygian Ball, which fixates on a random player and chases them, inflicting 11017 Physical damage and stunning any player hit by the
Stygian Ball for 3 sec. If the ball reaches its target, it casts Stygian Explosion.
Hitting the Stygian Ball knocks it backwards.
Charged: The Stygian ball is charged with dark energy, which is released when attacked, knocking it backwards from the attacker.
Crushed: Crushed by a Stygian Ball, inflicting 11017 Physical damage and stunning you for 3 sec.
Stygian Explosion: The Stygian Ball explodes, inflicting 19279 Shadow damage to all enemies and stunning them for 5 sec.
Soul Mine: The boss throws out multiple explosives at random enemies.
Stepping on a Soul Mine, having a Stygian Ball roll over it, or having the spike floor activate underneath it causes the Soul Mine to explode, inflicting 6885
Shadow damage and increasing damage taken from further Soul Mines by 100% for 5 sec.
Dread Shear: Marks the target with a dark mark. After 5 seconds, the boss throws a ghostly scythe at the enemy, inflicting 200 Shadow damage to the target.
This damage is reduced the further away the target is from the boss.
Additionally, Dread Shear inflicts 35 Shadow damage to all players.
Devastate: At 100 Energy, the boss charges a random enemy, inflicting 440663 Shadow damage, split between all players within 6 yards of the target.
Additionally, the spike floor activates, causing a ripple of spikes to cascade away from the impact point.
Iron Maiden: Summons an iron maiden, which casts Torment’s Grasp on a random player.
Torment’s Grasp: Pulls a random player towards the Iron Maiden with increasing strength. If the player is pulled in, they are afflicted with Spiked Doom.
Destroying the Iron Maiden clears both Torment’s Grasp and Spiked Doom from the player.
Spiked Doom: Inflicts 8262 Physical damage every 1 sec and stuns the player.
Intermission: Maze Version 2:
At 66% health, Painsmith Raznal retreats to his dais and starts working on his machinations, creating a maze for the raid to deal with. When the turrets in the maze are defeated, Painsmith Raznal returns to engage the raid.
Burning Turret
Stygian Flames: Darkened fires lash out at the player, inflicting 13771 Shadow damage.
Maw Smoke: Darkened smoke swirls around the caster, obscuring vision to it.
Soul Smash: The boss imbues his weapon with souls every 6 sec, inflicting 1377 Shadow to all players. This damage increases with each cast.
Incorrect Stabbing: Stepping on the wrong tile in the maze causes spikes to shoot upwards, inflicting 1102 Physical damage and stunning the player for 3 sec.
Soul Cage
Soul Cage: Pulls a Soul cage from the depths of the lava, with a Tortured Soul within.
Tortured Wail: Lets out a terrible wail, fearing all players for 2 sec.
Guardian of the First Ones:
[PH Text]Beute:
Energy Cores
Energizing Link: The Guardian links with a nearby Energy Core, granting it 4 energy every 1 sec.
Radiant Energy: While active, the Energy Core emits a field of Radiant Energy. Players standing in the area take 90% reduced damage from Unstable Energy.
Unstable Energy: While linked to The Guardian, Energy Cores emit pulses of Unstable Energy inflicting 38558 Arcane damage to all players every 1 sec.
Meltdown: The core violently erupts, inflicting 77116 Aracane damage to players within 15 yards and 38558 Arcane damage to players further than 15 yards.
The Guardian
Purging Protocol: Upon reaching 0 energy the Guardian pulses inflicting 27541 Arcane damage to all players every 5 sec, and increases damage done by Purging Protocol by 100%.
Elimination Pattern: The Guardian performs a two part attack on their primary target.
Shatter: The Guardian smashes their target, inflicting 82624 Physical damage and increases Physical damage taken by 100% for 40 sec.
Obliterate: The Guardian strikes the target, inflicting 121182 Physical damage.
Disintegration: The Guardian disintegrates players in a line in front of it, inflicting 38558 Arcane damage to players struck. This effect also stuns players struck and inflicts an additional 5508 Arcane damage every 1 sec for 6 sec.
Form Sentry: The Guardian originates a sentry that patrols around the Guardian and inflicts 20 Arcane damage to random players every 0.5 sec. Sentry units maintain a Suppression Field while active.
Suppression Field: The Sentry maintains a Suppression Field beneath it. Inflicting 3305 Arcane damage every 2 sec and pacifying players standing in the area.
Threat Neutralization: The Guardian marks several players and blasts them and allies within 10 yards for 24787 Arcane damage.
Fatescribe Roh-Kalo:
Once a fatescribe entrusted with Korthia’s countless secrets, the Mawsworn seized Roh-Kalo and bound him to the Jailer’s will. With Torghast’s power at his disposal, Roh-Kalo seeks to author a new fate for the Shadowlands.
Stage One: Scrying Fate:
Fatescribe Roh-Kalo twists fate itself into a weapon, reading players and spells to exploit their predictable weaknesses.
Grim Portent: Fatescribe Roh-Kalo binds up to 3 players to runes on the Loom of Fates.
After 12 sec, if a bound player is within the rune, Roh-Kalo inflicts 45 Shadow damage to all players within the rune.
If a rune expires without its bound player inside, Roh-Kalo inflicts 135 Shadow damage to all players. (Mythic)
Heroic Destiny: Fatescribe Roh-Kalo twists the current threat target’s threads of fate, inflicting 8262 Shadow damage every 2 sec for 8 sec.
When this effect expires, the threads of fate rebound violently, creating a Burden of Destiny and inflicting up to 95 Shadow damage to all players.
This damage is reduced the further away players are from the blast.
Burden of Destiny
Burden of Destiny: A shade of the player spawns and fixates the player after 75 sec., inflicting 8262 Shadow damage every 2 sec and increasing damage taken by 75%.
If the shade comes within 5 yards or reaches full energy, it triggers Overwhelming Burden.
Killing the shade removes this effect.
Overwhelming Burden: Inflicts 55083 Shadow damage to all players every 2 sec for 10 sec.
Probe Fate: When Fatescribe Roh-Kalo gains a new primary threat target, he eagerly probes the new target’s fate several times in search of weakness. Probe Fate inflicts 35804 Shadow damage to the current threat target.
Fated Conjunction: Fatescribe Roh-Kalo triggers a Fated Conjunction, causing four beams of energy to erupt from around the space after a 6 second delay.
The beams inflict 46820 Shadow damage to targets caught in the blast, and increase damage taken from Fated Conjunction by 50% for 1 min.
Call of Eternity: Inflicts 8 Shadow damage every 2 sec for 8 sec.
The target explodes on expiration, striking all players within 20 yards for 30296 Shadow damage. The explosion leaves behind an Echo of Eternity.
Echo of Eternity: 8 sec sec after players are afflicted by Call of Eternity, all Echoes of Eternity explode and are destroyed in the process, inflicting 44066 Shadow damage to all players within 20 yards of the Echo. (Heroic, Mythic)
Stage Two: Defying Destiny:
Fatescribe Roh-Kalo activates the Loom of Fates, amplifing those threads which empower him and hasten the demise of his enemies.
The Loom of Fates
Realignment: Clockwise: An odd number of players within an active rune rotates the attached ring clockwise.
Realignment: Counterclockwise: An even number of players within an active rune rotates the attached ring counterclockwise.
Realign Fate: Fatescribe Roh-Kalo activates the Loom of Fate, pushing the runes representing his own fate into a new alignment. While he is doing so, his damage taken is reduced by 99%.
The power derived from this builds in Roh-Kalo, until he is able to invoke the Darkest Destiny for all players.
Realigning the runes to their original orientation re-connects Roh-Kalo to his true fate.
Fatespawn Anomaly
Anomalous Blast: Strikes a single nearby enemy for 13771 Shadow damage instantly and 6610 Shadow damage every 2 sec for 8 sec.
Fate Fragment: Fragments of possible fates pass through the arena as Fatescribe Roh-Kalo realigns his own fate.
Touching one of these fragments triggers Frayed Fate.
Frayed Fate: The player’s threads of fate fray after contact with a Fate Fragment, inflicting 38558 Shadow damage instantly and slowing the player’s movement by 33 for 4 sec.
Darkest Destiny: With fate realigned in his favor, Fatescribe Roh-Kalo invokes the darkest possible destiny, ensuring swift and unceremonious deaths for all players.
Unstable Fate: Inflicts 7712 Shadow damage to all players every 3 sec.
Stage Three: Fated Terminus:
Desperate to gain any edge he can, Fatescribe Roh-Kalo begins to meddle with his enemies‘ fates while he continues his assault.
The Loom of Fates
Realignment: Clockwise: An odd number of players within an active rune rotates the attached ring clockwise.
Realignment: Counterclockwise: An even number of players within an active rune rotates the attached ring counterclockwise.
Extemporaneous Fate: Fatescribe Roh-Kalo hastily adjusts the Loom of Fates to invoke an Extemporaneous Fate.
If any rune remains out of place after 30 sec, Roh-Kalo invokes Darkest Destiny.
Darkest Destiny: With fate realigned in his favor, Fatescribe Roh-Kalo invokes the darkest possible destiny, ensuring swift and unceremonious deaths for all players.
Heroic Destiny: Fatescribe Roh-Kalo twists the current threat target’s threads of fate, inflicting 8262 Shadow damage every 2 sec for 8 sec.
When this effect expires, the threads of fate rebound violently, creating a Burden of Destiny and inflicting up to 95 Shadow damage to all players.
This damage is reduced the further away players are from the blast.
Burden of Destiny
Burden of Destiny: A shade of the player spawns and fixates the player after 75 sec., inflicting 8262 Shadow damage every 2 sec and increasing damage taken by 75%.
If the shade comes within 5 yards or reaches full energy, it triggers Overwhelming Burden.
Killing the shade removes this effect.-
Overwhelming Burden: Inflicts 55083 Shadow damage to all players every 2 sec for 10 sec.
- Probe Fate inflicts 35804 Shadow damage to the current threat target.
Fated Conjunction: Fatescribe Roh-Kalo triggers a Fated Conjunction, causing four beams of energy to erupt from around the space after a 6 second delay.
The beams inflict 46820 Shadow damage to targets caught in the blast, and increase damage taken from Fated Conjunction by 50% for 1 min.
Call of Eternity: Inflicts 8 Shadow damage every 2 sec for 8 sec.
The target explodes on expiration, striking all players within 20 yards for 30296 Shadow damage. The explosion leaves behind an Echo of Eternity.
Echo of Eternity: 8 sec sec after players are afflicted by Call of Eternity, all Echoes of Eternity explode and are destroyed in the process, inflicting 44066 Shadow damage to all players within 20 yards of the Echo. (Mythic, Heroic)
The nafarious Kel’Thuzad awaits at the end of the soul stream where the lich is able to draw power from an unlimited well. All his schemes and machinations have led to this final confrontation, where he has plotted your ultimate demise.
Stage One: Chains and Ice: Kel’Thuzad unleashes the forces of frost and shadow on the players. With his command over death, even those that succumb to his power are not spared his wrath.
Howling Blizzard: When depleted of mana, Kel’Thuzad summons a blizzard that creates ice patches. Standing in an ice patch inflicts 49575 Frost damage every 5 sec.
These patches grow over 20 sec before exploding, inflicting 120 Frost damage to enemies within 8 yards.
Dark Evocation: The lich summons dead players to fight by his side.
Soul Fracture: Kel’Thuzad inflicts 44066 Shadow damage and knocks the player back shattering their soul into Soul Shards.
Soul Shard: Created by Soul Fracture.
Piercing Wail: The shard screams, inflicting 16525 Shadow damage to all players.
Soul Exhaustion: Each Soul Shard summoned leaves a stack of Soul Exhaustion on the target, reducing healing received by 20% and increasing damage from Ice Shard by 80%. This effect stacks.
Glacial Wrath: Kel’Thuzad summons Glacial Spikes at player destinations, inflicting 10 Frost damage to players within 6 yards and knocking them back.
Glacial Spike
Shatter: Once summoned, the Glacial Spike loses 5% health every 2 sec. On death the spike shatters, inflicting 40 Frost damage to all players and an additional 5 Frost damage every 1 sec for 10 sec. This effect stacks.
Call of the Dead: Summons Frostbound Devoted into the fight.
Frostbound Devoted: Summoned during Call of the Dead.
Corpse Detonation: Touching a Frostbound Devoted inflicts 60 Shadow damage to enemies within 0 and knocks them back.
Oblivion’s Echo: Kel’Thuzad debuffs random players causing them to silence their allies within 10 yards for 10 sec.
After the aura expires, the wearer drops a field of silence at their destination.
Frost Blast: Kel’Thuzad hurls a chunk of ice at an enemy, inflicting 150 Frost damage divided evenly among players within 8 yards, 12 Frost damage every 1 sec and rooting them for 6 sec.
Ice Shard: Hurls an ice shard at the target that inflicts 100% attack damage as Physical.
Stage Two: The Phylactery Opens:
When Kel’Thuzad is defeated, the phylactery opens and restores him to life once more. While open, players can enter the phylactery to battle the last remnant of Kel’Thuzad’s soul.
Necrotic Miasma: Continually inflicts 551 Shadow damage every 2 sec as long as a player is within the phylactery.
This effect stacks. -
Necrotic Surge: Each time Kel’Thuzad is revived by the phylactery, necrotic power surges through him increasing his damage done by 5%. Additionally, each stack also increases the number of players targeted by Oblivion’s Echo and Glacial Wrath.This effect stacks.
- Necrotic Destruction: The phylactery empowers Kel’Thuzad, restoring him to full health. While it remains open, Kel’Thuzad gathers power to inflict 66099 Shadow damage to all players.
March of the Forsaken: Kel’Thuzad drags souls from oblivion and onto the battlefield.
Demolish: The abomination slams their target, inflicting 20 Physical damage.
Soul Reaver
Banshee’s Cry: Every 1 sec the spirit launches missiles at random player that inflicts 8469 Shadow damage.
Frostbound Devoted
Corpse Detonation: Touching a Frostbound Devoted inflicts 60 Shadow damage to enemies within 0 and knocks them back.
Remnant of Kel’Thuzad
Shadow Fissure: The Remnant constantly opens fissures at random target destinations, inflicting 41312 Shadow damage to enemies within 4 yards and knocking them back.
Freezing Blast: A cresting wave of ice surges over players in a line in front of the caster, dealing 25 Frost damage on impact and rooting them for 4 sec.
Stage Three: The Final Stand:
With the phylactery destroyed, true death awaits the lich. Cornered like a wild beast, Kel’Thuzad unleashes the armies of the dead to make his violent last stand.
Onslaught of the Damned: Kel’Thuzad calls to the armies of the damned to his aid. Slain players are also added to these ranks, now in the thrall of the lich.
Demolish: The abomination slams their target, inflicting 20 Physical damage.
Soul Reaver
Banshee’s Cry: Every 1 sec the spirit launches missiles at random player that inflicts 8469 Shadow damage.
Frostbound Devoted
Corpse Detonation: Touching a Frostbound Devoted inflicts 60 Shadow damage to enemies within 0 and knocks them back.
Necrotic Obliteration: At 10% health, Kel’Thuzad gathers power to inflict 66099 Shadow damage to all players.
Soul Fracture: Kel’Thuzad inflicts 44066 Shadow damage and knocks the player back shattering their soul into Soul Shards.
Soul Shard: Created by Soul Fracture.
Piercing Wail: The shard screams, inflicting 16525 Shadow damage to all players.
Soul Exhaustion: Each Soul Shard summoned leaves a stack of Soul Exhaustion on the target, reducing healing received by 20% and increasing damage from Ice Shard by 80%.
This effect stacks.
Glacial Wrath: Kel’Thuzad summons Glacial Spikes at player destinations, inflicting 10 Frost damage to players within 6 yards and knocking them back.
Glacial Spike
Shatter: Once summoned, the Glacial Spike loses 5% health every 2 sec. On death the spike shatters, inflicting 40 Frost damage to all players and an additional 5 Frost damage every 1 sec for 10 sec.
This effect stacks.
Oblivion’s Echo: Kel’Thuzad debuffs random players causing them to silence their allies within 10 yards for 10 sec.
After the aura expires, the wearer drops a field of silence at their destination.
Frost Blast: Kel’Thuzad hurls a chunk of ice at an enemy, inflicting 150 Frost damage divided evenly among players within 8 yards, 12 Frost damage every 1 sec and rooting them for 6 sec.
Ice Shard: Hurls an ice shard at the target that inflicts 100% attack damage as Physical.
Sylvanas Windrunner:
ph text
Stage One: A Cycle of Hatred:
„We have forgotten what makes us strong.“
Players battle against Sylvanas atop Torghast while the Jailer remains elusive.
Wailing Arrow: Launches a terror-infused arrow at a player, inflicting 30 Shadow damage and additionally inflicting up to 100 Shadow damage to all other players, decreasing in damage based on distance from the point of impact.
Windrunner: Sylvanas Windrunner is by far one of the most talented fighters from Azeroth, and can execute multiple abilities in quick succession, rapidly changing position to suit her combat needs. While under the effects of Windrunner, spells and abilities strike Sylvanas where she cast Windrunner.
Withering Fire: Releases a volley of arrows, inflicting 8262 Shadow damage to affected players.
Barbed Arrow: Withering Fire leaves a Barbed Arrow in targets, bleeding for 2203 Physical damage every 3 sec. This effect stacks.
Barbed Arrow stacks increase the strength of Domination Chains.
Defiling Shot: Looses a cavalcade of infused arrows, erupting for 33050 Shadow damage to players within 5 yards of the point of impact.
Shadow Dagger: Heaves corrupted blades, inflicting 11017 Shadow damage every 1 sec for 9 sec to all struck targets.
Domination Chains: Sylvanas fires a salvo of Domination Arrows at targeted locations, inflicting 30 Shadow damage to enemies within 6 yards, then chains players to them. These chains pull players inflicting 2203 Shadow damage every second until defeated.
This effect stacks based on the number of Barbed Arrows in the target, replacing the effect of Barbed Arrow.
Domination Arrow: Shrouds an arrow in Domination essence. Upon death, this essence releases, afflicting chained players with Domination Sickness.
Domination Sickness: Taints afflicted players, exploding for 38558 Shadow damage to additional players within 15 yards after 6 sec, applying Domination Sickness.
Death Fog: Enshrouds an area in darkness, inflicting 30 Shadow damage and afflicting enemies within a deathly cloud, absorbing 32871 healing and inflicting 2203 Shadow damage every 3 sec. (100 – 75)% of all healing bypasses this absorb. This effect begins at 5 stacks, and each period attempts to transfer 1 stack to a nearby player within 5 yards.
Ranger’s Heartseeker: Sylvanas gains a stack of Ranger’s Heartseeker every 5 sec. Upon reaching 3 stacks Sylvanas can replace a Ranger Shot with a triple burst of Ranger’s Heartseeker into her target. Each arrow inflicts 50 Physical damage and 40 Shadow damage, applying Banshee’s Mark.
Banshee’s Mark: Inflicts 1652 Shadow damage every second for 15 sec. This effect stacks.
Intermission: A Monument to our Suffering:
„You are unfit to wear this crown.“
Upon reaching 80% health, Sylvanas chains all players with [Domination Chains], then casts [Rive], destroying the tower itself.
Domination Chains: Sylvanas fires a salvo of Domination Arrows at targeted locations, inflicting 30 Shadow damage to enemies within 6 yards, then chains players to them. These chains pull players inflicting 2203 Shadow damage every second until defeated.
This effect stacks based on the number of Barbed Arrows in the target, replacing the effect of Barbed Arrow. -
Rive: Rips fragments of Torghast, sending them in a targeted direction inflicting 165249 Physical damage to all players in the chunk’s path.
Riven Debris: Ejects abominable detritus along the travel path, inflicting 55083 Shadow damage to targets within 5 yards of the impact location.
Banshee Wail: Lets forth a shrill scream, inflicting between (27541 * (30 / 100)) and 27541 Shadow damage based on each targeted player’s health percentage to players within 8 yards of the targeted player, interrupting players for 6 sec and silencing for 1 sec.
Stage Two: The Banshee Queen:
„What are we if not slaves to this torment?“
Sylvanas enters [Banshee Form], taking to the skies to waylay players‘ persuit of the Jailer as he ascends. Thrall and Jaina lend their aid by casting [Call Earth] and [Channel Ice], respectively, but must be kept free from interruptions while doing so.
Banshee Wail: Lets forth a shrill scream, inflicting between (27541 * (30 / 100)) and 27541 Shadow damage based on each targeted player’s health percentage to players within 8 yards of the targeted player, interrupting players for 6 sec and silencing for 1 sec.
Haunting Wave: Releases rolling energy, pushing away enemies upon contact with the waves and inflicting 15 Shadow damage every half-second.
Death Fog: Enshrouds an area in darkness, inflicting 30 Shadow damage and afflicting enemies within a deathly cloud, absorbing 32871 healing and inflicting 2203 Shadow damage every 3 sec. (100 – 75)% of all healing bypasses this absorb. This effect begins at 5 stacks, and each period attempts to transfer 1 stack to a nearby player within 5 yards.
Banshee Form: Gains the ability to fly.
Banshee Shroud: Enshrouds Sylvanas in darkness, reducing damage taken by 99%.
Forces of the Maw
Maw Guard
Accursed Might: Empowers the caster with accursed magic, increasing damage done by 50% and total health by 30%. This effect stacks.
Unstoppable Force: Slams the ground, inflicting 16525 Physical damage to enemies within 5 yards of the point of impact.
Maw Spiked Guard
Enflame: Imbues the caster with a burning rage, causing successful melee swings to inflict 22033 Fire damage to their current target and an additional 5508 Fire damage to all other players within 60 yards.
Destabilize: Channels destabilizing magic into afflicted targets, stunning them, inflicting 275 Shadow damage every second and additionally absorbing healing equal to 10% of the target’s health for 6 sec. This effect stacks.
Maw Kyrian LT
Lashing Strike: Charges towards an enemy, striking them for 44066 Physical damage and additionally applies Lashing Wound.
Lashing Wound
Crushing Dread: Sows immense anxiety in a target, erupting for 5508 Shadow damage to the nearest 5 targets every 3 sec for 30 sec, additionally increasing Crushing Dread damage by 10%. This effect stacks. Upon removal, this effect transfers to another player until the caster is defeated.
Maw Spiked Mage LT
These orbs increase their damage by 40% every 6 sec. This effect stacks.
Curse of Lethargy: Curses afflicted targets, inflicting 8262 Shadow damage plus an additional 1652 Shadow damage every 5 sec and reducing movement speed by 30% for 3 sec. Each cast grants Lethargic Focus, increasing this curse’s duration by 1 seconds.
Mawsworn Construct LT
Mawsworn Construct Giant LT
Calamity: Focuses anima into afflicted players every 3 sec for 4.5 sec. This anima explodes after 3 sec, inflicting 70 Shadow damage, divided amongst players within 8 yards.
Woe: Releases a barrage of woe in a targeted direction, inflicting 38558 Shadowstrike damage and increasing Woe damage taken by 100% for 30 sec to players in a frontal cone. This effect stacks, and cannot be dodged, blocked, or parried, and cannot miss.
Stage Three: The Freedom of Choice:
„Nothing can stop what is to come.“
Sylvanas follows the players‘ traversal, greeting them for the final showdown between Death and inevitability in the Jailer’s master plan.
Banshee’s Curse: Inflicts 2754 Shadow damage every second. This effect stacks. Upon removal, this effect coalesces into a pool of shadow on the ground. Any player touching the pool gains Banshee’s Curse, consuming the pool.
Cursed Arrows: Releases a volley of arrows, inflicting 8262 Shadow damage to affected players, applying Banshee’s Curse.
Cursed Heartseeker: Sylvanas gains a stack of Cursed Heartseeker every 7 sec. Upon reaching 3 stacks Sylvanas can replace a Ranger Shot with a triple burst of Cursed Heartseeker into her target. Each arrow inflicts 45 Physical damage and 35 Shadow damage, applying Banshee’s Curse.
Wailing Arrow: Launches a terror-infused arrow at a player, inflicting 30 Shadow damage and additionally inflicting up to 100 Shadow damage to all other players, decreasing in damage based on distance from the point of impact.
Death Fog: Enshrouds an area in darkness, inflicting 30 Shadow damage and afflicting enemies within a deathly cloud, absorbing 32871 healing and inflicting 2203 Shadow damage every 3 sec. (100 – 75)% of all healing bypasses this absorb. This effect begins at 5 stacks, and each period attempts to transfer 1 stack to a nearby player within 5 yards.
Banshee Scream: Lets forth a shrill scream, inflicting between (30296 * (30 / 100)) and 27541 Shadow damage based on each targeted player’s health percentage to players within 8 yards of the targeted player, interrupting players for 9 sec and silencing for 1 sec. Manifests Banshee Fury for each Banshee’s Curse stack, ejecting the Banshee’s Curse.
Banshee Fury: Inflicts 16525 Shadow damage to players within 40 yards.
Shadow Dagger: Heaves corrupted blades, inflicting 11017 Shadow damage every 1 sec for 9 sec to all struck targets.
Raze: Unloads a Death-empowered arrow, annihilating the impact location inflicting 22033 Shadow damage to targets within 30 yards and additionally desecrates the area, inflicting 20 Shadow damage every 0.5 sec. This additionally destroys the Purifying Field connections to and from the contaminated area.
Purifying Field: The chamber engages a defensive configuration providing players with access to traverse the arena.
Purifies players who cross through the field, cleaning all curse effects and relocating the player to the next platform.