Shadowlands: Neue Medien für eine Reihe von Klassen

Mit dem gestern Abend für die geschlossene Beta von Shadowlands veröffentlichten Build 35256 haben die Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment unter anderem eine Reihe von brandneuen oder überarbeiteten Medien in diese Testphase implementiert, die die Spieler von WoW in der Zukunft vermutlich als Sockelsteine für die Talentbäume ihrer Seelenbande nutzen dürfen. Diese unterschiedlichen Medien wirken sich dabei dann alle auf spezielle Fähigkeiten oder Pakt-Fähigkeiten von unterschiedlichen Klassen aus und liefern ihren Besitzern dadurch dann eine Reihe von mächtigen Vorteilen. Dazu gehören ein erhöhter Schadensausstoß, eine verlängerte Dauer, reduzierte Abklingzeiten oder Ressourcenkosten und Boni auf die Überlebenschancen der Spieler. Wer die Entwicklung von Shadowlands gespannt verfolgt und schon jetzt einen Blick auf diese neuen Medien werfen möchte, der findet folgend eine Übersicht zu allen bisher von Data Minern in Build 35256 entdeckten Objekten dieser Art.
Brutal Grasp (Potency Conduit) Abomination Limb deals 50.0% increased damage to enemies it pulls to you.
Convocation of the Dead (Potency Conduit) When a Festering Wound bursts the cooldown of Apocalypse is reduced by 0.5 sec.
Debilitating Malady (Potency Conduit) Blood Boil increases the damage enemies take from your Blood Plague by 1.0% for 6 sec, stacks up to 3 times.
Impenetrable Gloom (Potency Conduit) Swarming Mist’s damage and dodge chance is increased by 5.0% for the first 4 sec.
Lingering Plague (Potency Conduit) Scourge Strike extends the duration of your Virulent plague by 0.3 sec.
Proliferation (Potency Conduit) Shackle the Unworth has a 100.0% chance to spread to a nearby enemy each time it deals damage.
Unleashed Frenzy (Potency Conduit) Frost Strike increases your strength by 1.0% for 6 seconds, stacks up to 5 times.
Dancing with Fate (Potency Conduit) Blade Dance has a 5% chance to apply Essence Break.
The cooldown of Blur is reduced by 10 sec.
Vengeance, Initial:
The cooldown of Fiery Brand is reduced by 10 sec.
Your movement speed is increased by 5% after casting Fel Rush
Vengeance, Initial:
Your movement speed is increased by 5% after casting Infernal Strike
Growing Inferno (Potency Conduit) Immolation Aura’s damage is increases by an additional 5% each time it deals damage.
Your movement speed is increased by 15% after casting Fel Rush
Vengeance, Initial:
Your movement speed is increased by 15% after casting Infernal Strike
Shattered Restoration (Endurance Conduit) The healing of Shattered Souls is increased by 10%.
Viscous Ink (Endurance Conduit) Demonic Wards [an additional]8%.
Empowered Release (Potency Conduit) Flayed Shot has an additional 5% chance to proc Flayer’s Mark and it increases the damage of your next Kill Shot by 5.0%.
Enfeebled Mark (Potency Conduit) Your attacks and abilities deal 5.0% increased damage to enemies inside Resonating Arrow.
Markman’s Advantage (Endurance Conduit) Hunter’s Mark decreases the damage the target deals to you by 3.0%.
Necrotic Barrage (Potency Conduit) Death Chakram generates an additional 2 Focus and the damage is increased by 5.0%.
Rejuvenating Wind (Endurance Conduit) Exhilaration heals you for an additional 10.0% of your maximum health over 8 sec.
Spirit Attunement (Potency Conduit) Wild Spirits duration is increased by 3 sec and the damage dealt is increased by 10.0%.
Divine Call (Endurance Conduit) Divine Shield’s cooldown is reduced by 5 sec when you take damage. This effect can only trigger once every 30 sec.
Echoing Blessings (Finesse Conduit) After it ends, Blessing of Freedom increases the target’s movement speed by 15% for 8 sec. After Blessing of Protection or Blessing of Sacrifice ends, the target takes cFFFFFFFF15% less damage for 8 sec.
Golden Path (Endurance Conduit) Consecration heals you for 50% of Consecration’s damage every sec while standing within it.
Light’s Reach (Potency Conduit) Blade of Justice’s range is increased by 2 yds and deals 20% more damage.
Shielding Words (Endurance Conduit) Word of Glory applies absorb shield that lasts 10 sec for 15% healing on the Paladin when used.
Stalwart as a Crusader (Finesse Conduit) Crusader Aura reduces all allies‘ Fear duration by 30%.
Truth’s Wake (Potency Conduit) Wake of Ashes burns the target for an additional 10% damage over 6 sec.
Wrench Evil (Finesse Conduit) Turn Evil’s cast time is reduced by 50% and its range is increased by 10 yds.
Charitable Soul (Endurance Conduit) Casting Power Word: Shield on an ally also shields you for 10% of the amount for 10 sec.
Category changed from Uncategorized to Soulbind Conduits-
Clear Mind
(Endurance Conduit(Finesse Conduit) Dispel Magic, Purify, and Mass Dispel cost 20% less mana. -
Holy Oration (Potency Conduit) Spells that reduce the cooldowns of your Holy Words reduce them by 5% more.
Category changed from Uncategorized to Soulbind Conduits -
Resonant Words (Potency Conduit)
Guardian Spirit’s duration is increased 5 sec, and it increases healing received by an additional 10%.Casting a Holy Word spell increases the healing of your next Heal or Flash Heal by 10%. Translucent Image (Endurance Conduit) For the first 2 sec of Fade, you take
5%%5% less damage.
Elysian Dirge (Potency Conduit) Vesper Totem is 100% more effective against the target nearest to it.
Essential Extraction (Potency Conduit) Fae Transfusion deals 10% increased damage, and channels 10% faster.
Lavish Harvest (Potency Conduit) The critical strike chance of Chain Harvest is increased by 10.0%.
Tumbling Waves (Potency Conduit) Primordial Wave has a 20% chance to not incur its cooldown.
Accrued Vitality (Endurance Conduit) Drain Life heals for x% of the amount drained over 10 sec.
Resolute Barrier (Endurance Conduit) Attacks received that deal at least 5% of your health decrease Unending Resolve’s cooldown by 10 seconds. Cannot occur more than once every 30 sec.
Shade of Terror (Finesse Conduit) Damage required to break your Fear effects is increased by x%.
Harrowing Punishment (Potency Conduit) Condemn’s damage dealt and prevented are increased by 8% for each nearby enemy, up to 40%.
Piercing Verdict (Potency Conduit) Spear of Bastion’s instant damage and Rage generation are increased by 20%.
Veteran’s Repute (Potency Conduit) Brandishing the Conqueror’s Banner immediately grants you 5 Glory, and while the banner is planted your Strength is increased by 12%.