Shadowlands: Legendäre Affixe für Schamanen und Priester

Der in der vergangenen Nacht auf die Server der geschlossenen Alpha von Shadowlands aufgespielte neuen Build 34902 beinhaltete unter anderem auch wieder eine Reihe von neuen Zaubern, die höchstwahrscheinlich weitere legendäre Affixe für die in Torghast herstellbaren legendären Ausrüstungsteile der nächsten Erweiterung darstellen. Die dieses Mal gefundenen Affixe dieser Art sind dabei dann für Priester und Schamanen bestimmt und bilden eine gute Mischung aus neu erfundenen Effekten und aus der Vergangenheit bekannten Boni. Die folgende Übersicht listet jetzt auf, welche legendären Affixe in Build 34902 gefunden wurden und den Schamanen oder Priestern des Spiels in der Zukunft vermutlich zur Verfügung stehen werden.
Legendäre Affixe für Priester:
Cauterizing Shadows When Shadow Word: Pain expires on a target, 5 allies within 20 yards of the target are healed for 6% of their maximum health.
- Original Source: Torghast Anima Power
Schaden Fluorite
- Original Source: Torghast Anima Power
Restored Faith Leap of Faith instead causes you to leap to your target, and has 2 charges.
- Inspired by: Retired Glyph: Glyph of Restored Faith.
The Penitent One – Power Word: Radiance has a 50% chance to cause your next Penance to fire 3 extra bolts.
Crystalline Reflection Power Word: Shield instantly heals the target for (30% of Spell power) and reflects 30% of damage absorbed.
- Original Sources: Old Glyph (Spell #33201) / Torghast Anima Power
Reflective Shield and Legion PvP Talent
Strength of Soul
- Original Sources: Old Glyph (Spell #33201) / Torghast Anima Power
Kiss of Death Reduces Shadow Word: Death’s cooldown by 8 sec and causes its damage to trigger Atonement.
Clarity of Mind During Rapture, Power Word: Shield costs 20% less mana and applies 6 second longer Atonements.
- Inspired by: Priest T19 Disc 4p
Item – Priest T19 Discipline 4P Bonus
- Inspired by: Priest T19 Disc 4p
The Alabaster Lady – Prayer of Mending healing has a 8% chance to grant you Apotheosis for 8 sec.
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
The Alabaster Lady
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
Harmonious Apparatus Circle of Healing, Holy Fire, and Prayer of Mending reduce the cooldown of Holy Word: Sanctify, Holy Word: Chastise, and Holy Word: Serenity by 4s.
- Inspired by: Priest T17 Holy 4p
Item – Priest T17 Holy 4P Bonus
- Inspired by: Priest T17 Holy 4p
Flash Concentration Each time you cast Flash Heal, your next Heal cast within 15s has its casting time reduced by 1 sec and healing increased by 10%, stacking up to 3 times.
- Inspired by: Priest T4 Holy 4p
Heal Discount
- Inspired by: Priest T4 Holy 4p
Divine Image When you use a Holy Word spell, you have a chance to summon an image of a Naaru at your side. For 15 sec, whenever you cast a spell, the Naaru will cast a similar spell.
- Original Source[/b]: Legion Artifact Trait
Invoke the Naaru
- Original Source[/b]: Legion Artifact Trait
Painbreaker Psalm Shadow Word: Death consumes 6 sec of Shadow Word: Pain and Vampiric Touch, instantly dealing that damage to the target and generating 10 Insanity.
- Original Source: Torghast Anima Power
Painbreaker Psalm
- Original Source: Torghast Anima Power
Shadowflame Prism Your Shadowfiend or Mindbender deals 20% additional damage as Shadowflame damage, and the cooldown on Shadowfiend and Mindbender is reduced by 40%.
- Original Source: Priest T12 Shadow 2p
Item – Priest T12 Shadow 2P Bonus
- Original Source: Priest T12 Shadow 2p
Call to the Void Mind Flay has a chance to spawn a Void Tendril that channels Mind Flay at your target for 10 seconds, generating 3 insanity when it deals damage.
- Original Source: Legion Artifact Trait
Call to the Void
- Original Source: Legion Artifact Trait
Legendäre Affixe für Schamanen:
Ancestral Reminder Heroism / Bloodlust or any similar effects last an additional 20.0 sec on you, and you gain an extra 10% Haste from any Heroism / Bloodlust type effect.
- Inspired by: Legion Legendary
Uncertain Reminder
- Inspired by: Legion Legendary
Deeptremor Stone Earth Elemental has a permanent Earthquake attached to it.
- Original Source: Torghast Anima Power
Deeptremor Stone
- Original Source: Torghast Anima Power
Deeply Rooted Elements
- Elemental: Casting Lava Burst has a 5% chance to activate Ascendance for 6.0 sec.
- Restoration: Casting Riptide has a 5% chance to activate Ascendance for 6.0 sec.
- Enhancement: Using Stormstrike has a 5% chance to activate Ascendance for 6.0 sec.
- Inspired by: Legion Legendary
Smoldering Heart
Chains of Devastation Casting Chain Heal makes your next Chain Lightning instant cast. Casting Chain Lightning makes your next Chain Heal instant cast.
Skybreaker’s Fiery Demise Flame Shock damage over time critical strikes reduce the cooldown of Storm Elemental / Fire Elemental by 1.0 sec, and Flame Shock has a 30% increased critical strike chance.
- Inspired by: Shaman T20 Elemental 4pc
Item – Shaman T20 Elemental 4P Bonus
- Inspired by: Shaman T20 Elemental 4pc
Elemental Equilibrium Dealing direct Fire damage increases the damage of your next Frost spell by 30%. Dealing Frost damage increases the damage of your next Nature spell by 25%. Dealing Nature damage increases the damage of your next Fire spell by 20%.
Echoes of Great Sundering When you consume 6 or more stacks of Fulmination with Earth Shock, your next Earthquake will be instant cast and deal 6% additional damage.
- Inspired by: Legion Legendary
Echoes of the Great Sundering
- Inspired by: Legion Legendary
Windspeaker’s Lava Resurgence When you consume 6 or more stacks of Fulmination with Earth Shock, gain Lava Surge and increase the damage of your next Lava Burst by 6%.
- Inspired by: Torghast Anima Power
Molten Shock
- Inspired by: Torghast Anima Power
Doom Winds – Dropping Windfury Totem grants you 100% inceased chance to gain Windfury Weapon for 8 sec. This can only occur once every 1 min.
- Inspired by: Legion Artifact Weapon ability
Doom Winds
- Inspired by: Legion Artifact Weapon ability
- Legacy of the Frost Witch – Consuming 5 stacks of Maelstrom Weapon will reset the cooldown of Stormstrike and cause your next Stormstrike to deal 100% increased damage.
- Witch Doctor’s Wolf Bones – Increases the chance to gain a stack of Maelstrom Weapon by 5%, and whenever you gain a stack of Maelstrom Weapon, the cooldown of Feral Spirits is reduced by 2.0 sec.
- Primal Lava Actuators – Each time Flame Shock deals Periodic damage, increase the damage of your next Lava Lash by 10% and reduce the cooldown of Lava Lash by 0.5 sec.
- Inspired by: Shaman T16 Enhancement 4p
Item – Shaman T16 Enhancement 4P Bonus
- Inspired by: Shaman T16 Enhancement 4p
Jonat’s Natural Focus – Healing Wave and Healing Surge increase the healing done by your next Chain Heal by 0%, stacking up to 0 times.
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
Focuser of Jonat, the Elder
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
Spiritwalker’s Tidal Totem – After using Mana Tide Totem, the cast time of Healing Wave and Chain Heal is reduced by 50%, and the mana cost of Chain Heal and Healing Wave is reduced by 100% for 10 sec.
- Inspired by: Shaman T13 Restoration 2p
Item – Shaman T13 Restoration 2P Bonus (Mana Tide)
- Inspired by: Shaman T13 Restoration 2p
- Primal Tide Core – Every 4 casts of Riptide also applies Riptide to another friendly target near your Riptide target.
Earthen Harmony – Earth Shield healing is increased by 300% if your Earth Shield target is below 50% health, and Healing Wave adds a stack of Earth Shield to your target, up to 9 maximum stacks.
- Inspired by: Shaman T16 Restoration 2p
Item – Shaman T16 Restoration 2P Bonus
- Inspired by: Shaman T16 Restoration 2p