Overwatch: Die Patchnotes zu Patch 1.49.1

In der vergangenen Nacht haben die für Overwatch zuständigen Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment den neuen Patch 1.49.1 auf die Liveserver dieses beliebten Hero Shooter aufgespielt und dadurch dann wieder einmal eine Reihe von kleineren Änderungen an diesem Spiel durchgeführt. Den derzeit auf der offiziellen Communityseite von Overwatch vorhandenen Patchnotes zu diesem Update zufolge hat dieser Patch eine Reihe von notwendigen Fehlerbehebungen, einige Spielbalanceänderungen an ausgewählten Helden und eine Obergrenze für das durch Platzierungsmatches erreibare Spielniveau (3900) mit sich gebracht. Zusätzlich dazu haben die Entwickler durch diesen Patch dafür gesorgt, dass die Rangliste von Overwatch sich jetzt in einen Modus mit Rollenwahl und einen Modus ohne Rollenwahl aufteilt. Beide Spielmodi besitzen ein eigenständiges Spielniveau und eigene Ranglisten. Weitere Informationen zu den Inhalten von Patch1.49.1 findet ihr in den folgenden offiziellen Patchnotes.
Overwatch Retail Patch Notes – June 30, 2020:
- To share your feedback, please post in the General Discussion forum.
- For a list of known issues, visit our Bug Report forum.
- For troubleshooting assistance, visit our Technical Support forum.
Competitive Updates
Open Queue Added to Competitive Play
Starting with Season 23, Competitive Play will support both Role Queue and Open Queue. These will be separate queues, so you won’t see Role Queue teams playing against Open Queue teams. Open Queue will have its own SR and leaderboard, separate from the role-specific Role Queue SRs and leaderboards.
Adjustments to Seasonal Placements for High SR Players
Beginning with Season 23, the maximum Skill Rating (SR) earned after a player completes each season’s placements has been capped at 3900 SR. Players are still matched with other players of similar skill, as we want to keep matches as fair and fun as possible. As each player participates in more games during the current season, their SR will slowly rise to reach a value that fully reflects their current skill.
This change is intended to address many of the issues that SR Decay tried to fix, but in a more positive manner that rewards staying active and playing more games instead of penalizing players for not playing enough. Achieving a very high SR at the end of a season can no longer be achieved by completing a mere five placement matches. This does mean you may see larger SR differences between all the players in a very high SR match than in previous seasons, as two similar and highly skilled players might have different SRs based on how many games they’ve played during the season.
Hero Updates
- With recent improvements to Ashe’s weapon her overall damage output has increased significantly. Toning Dynamite down will lower her overall damage while keeping her damage output focused on her rifle.
- Dynamite
- Cooldown increased from 10 to 12 seconds
- Dynamite
- Granting additional maximum health is a powerful ability and has proven too effective when combined with the additional healing of Repair Pack. Brigitte’s barrier will now provide more protection up front, enabling her to withstand more directed fire, but will also have a longer downtime if it is destroyed.
- Repair Pack
- No longer grants an additional armor health pool
- Barrier Shield
- Maximum health increased from 200 to 250
- Regeneration rate decreased from 100 to 85 health per second
- Cooldown when destroyed increased from 3 to 5 seconds
- Repair Pack
- These buffs are aimed at making D.Va feel more fluid and responsive to play.
- Fusion Cannons
- Movement penalty reduced from 50 to 40%
- Defense Matrix
- Cooldown reduced from 1.5 to 1 second
- Micro Missiles
- Activation delay reduced from 0.5 to 0.25 seconds
- Fusion Cannons
- These are a couple quality of life changes for Junkrat. This makes it possible to do some Concussion Mine jumps that were no longer possible after a previous increase to its projectile speed.
- Concussion Mine
- Trigger delay reduced from 0.156 to 0.1 seconds
- RIP-Tire
- Time to take control of Junkrat post detonation has been reduced from 1.5 to 0.9 seconds
- Concussion Mine
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug with patch notes truncation for the Taiwanese locale
- Fixed a bug with specific hero ultimate voicelines playing both their friendly and enemy team variations
- Ashe
- Fixed a bug with an Incorrect shadow displayed across the hood of the Little Red skin
- Lucio
- Fixed a bug with Lucio being able to switch to Heal Song while stunned
- Reinhardt
- Fixed a bug with fire strike appearing invisible for allies
- Roadhog
- Fixed a bug that allowed Roadhog to hook Baptiste’s Immortality Field
- Wrecking Ball
- Fixed a bug where Wrecking Ball could hit an enemy much faster than intended with Roll Damage