Diablo 3: Die Patchnotes zu PTR-Patch 2.6.7

Gestern Abend verkündeten die Entwickler von Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls überraschenderweise durch einen Beitrag auf ihrer offiziellen Communityseite, dass sie den neuen Patch 2.6.7 bereits am 17. Oktober 2019 auf ihren öffentlichen Testserver aufspielen möchten. Dieses Update wird danach dann einige Zeit lang auf dem PTR aktiv sein und es allen daran interessierten Spielern erlauben die Inhalte aus diesem Patch bereits vor ihrer geplanten Veröffentlichung auszuprobieren. Neben den üblichen Fehlerbehebungen und Balanceänderungen beinhaltet Patch 2.6.7 auch noch neue Rüstungssets für Mönche und Kreuzfahrer, einen neuen saisonalen Effekt für die anstehende neunzehnte Saison und ein nur für die Konsolen bestimmter Hinweis darauf, dass die Entwickler die Daten der Spieler nicht an andere Unternehmen oder Personen verkaufen. Weitere Informationen zu diesem angeblich noch vor dem Ende des Jahres erscheinenden Patch findet ihr in den folgenden englischen Patchnotes zu dieser kommenden Spielversion.
The one-week PTR testing period for 2.6.7 begins October 17 and we need your help to make Season 19 better than ever! We’ve begun introducing brand new class sets to Diablo III as outlined in our Ongoing Support blog, heavily revised several Barbarian Legendaries at the direct request of the community and continued to iterate on our approach to Seasonal buffs and how they can change up the overall gameplay experience. Take a look at the preliminary patch notes below and start theorycrafting; Patch 2.6.7 will be arriving before the end of the year!
Die Patchnotes zu Patch 2.6.7:
Last updated October 14 @ 10:00 a.m. PST.
- Greater Rift Keystones are now subject to vacuum pick-up
- A note regarding the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) has been added, clearly stating we do not sell account information. For more information regarding the CCPA, please see here. (Console Only)
- Developer Note: One of the biggest pieces of feedback from Season 18’s buff was that the Triune bonus didn’t stick with your character while you adventured. With Season 19, we’ve altered course as well as upped the ante by experimenting with new mechanics to add an element of both chaos and power to the battlefield. It should feel a bit like Pandemonium, and it may be a consideration whether or not you want to reset your total kill streak for a particular killstreak bonus versus continuously maintain the overall effect (especially as the highest level killstreak rewards will be harder to leverage in situations like Greater Rifts). Killstreaks with higher kill count requirements are more powerful, and we’re looking forward to seeing what players think of and do with them!
- The buff for Season 19, the Season of Eternal Conflict, has been added
- Pandemonium
- For the duration of the Season, all players will have a stacking buff that that persists as long as you have hit or killed a monster within the last 5 seconds
- Each stack gives 0.05% movement speed and 0.1% bonus damage. This bonus caps at 50% movement and 100% damage (1000 stacks)
- In addition, after reaching a certain number of kills in a row, a power is unleashed, dealing an amount of scaling damage based on player level and difficulty or Greater Rift level:
- 15 Kills: Five massive energy twisters are unleashed
- 30 Kills: Dark Geysers form beneath enemies
- 50 Kills: Exploding Chickens seek and destroy
- 100 Kills: Corpses rain from the sky
- 150 Kills: A wide Frost Nova freezes enemies
- 200 Kills: Treasure chests fall from the sky
- 300 Kills: A ring of fire engulfs everything
- 400 Kills: Meteors hail from above
- 500 Kills: Angels descend upon the battlefield to fight for your cause
- 1000 Kills: ???
- Powers are tracked at a group level; this means only one power can be active in play at a time, regardless of the number of players in a group
- Pandemonium
- Developer Note: With Patch 2.6.7, we are beginning to roll out new class sets for every class in Diablo III. For the Season of Eternal Conflict, we’re focusing on the two classes that embody the Light and wield some form of Holy elemental damage: Crusader and Monk. You’ll also find a handful of retuned or newly added Legendary powers intended to synergize with the new class sets. We did a lot of community research into which skills were most requested by players as well as most underrepresented in current builds, and we hope you’re as excited as we are for these new gameplay options. The other class sets will be coming in later patches, so if your class isn’t represented this time around, fret not—they’re coming in a future patch!
- You’ll also notice a significant number of Barbarian item changes in this patch. While the Barbarian class set will be coming at a later date, we have very much heard the War Cry from our dedicated Barbarian community and implemented a number of changes heavily inspired by extremely thorough feedback. While not every suggestion has been taken at a 1:1 parity, the thoughtful analysis helped guide us to changes we could implement in this patch. Thanks very much to the community members who expressed their concerns in a respectful, constructive manner. It’s very helpful, and we greatly appreciate the thought and effort that went into making your voices heard!
- New Crusader Set: Aegis of Valor
- 2-Piece Bonus: The charged bolts from Fist of the Heavens has a chance to cast another Fist of the Heavens
- 4-Piece Bonus: Hitting with Fist of the Heavens reduces damage taken by 1% for 5 seconds. Stacks up to 50 times
- 6-Piece Bonus: Increase the damage of Fist of the Heavens by 10,000%
- New Monk Set: Patterns of Justice
- 2-Piece Bonus: Sweeping Wind gains the effect of every rune
- 4-Piece Bonus: Each enemy within Sweeping Wind increases your movement speed by 5%. Stacks up to 10 times.
- 6-Piece Bonus: Attacking with Tempest Rush while Sweeping Wind is active will temporarily increase the size of Sweeping Wind after hitting over 30 times within a short period. Sweeping Wind damage is increased by 10,000%
- Darklight
- Fist of the Heavens has a
[45-60%]100% chance to be cast twice. - Additional Legendary Power: Increases the damage of Fist of the Heavens by [200-250%].
- Fist of the Heavens has a
- Eye of the Storm
- New Legendary Power: When Sweeping Wind hits exactly 1 enemy, its damage is increased by 100%.
- Vengeful Wind
- Increases the maximum stack count of Sweeping Wind by
[6-7]10 - Additional Legendary Power: Increases the damage of Sweeping Wind by [250-300%]
- Increases the maximum stack count of Sweeping Wind by
- Chantodo’s Resolve
- The scaled attack speed damage bonus to Wave of Destruction has been reduced
- Developer Note: This is a reactive adjustment from an earlier change to how Wave of Destruction receives a bonus from Attack Speed. The buff that resulted from that change was more than we expected, so we’re reigning it in.
- Wrath of the Wastes
- 6-Piece Bonus: The damage bonus now also applies to Rend
- Lamentation
- Additional Legendary Power: Increases the damage of Rend by [150-200%]
- Ambo’s Pride
- New Legendary Power: Attacking with Whirlwind also applies Rend and the total damage of Rend is dealt over 1 second
- Remorseless
Hammer of the Ancients has a [25-30%] chance to summon an Ancient for 20 seconds- New Legendary Power: While both Wrath of the Berserker and Call of the Ancients are active, Hammer of the Ancients deals [200-250%] more damage.
- Fjord Cutter
You are surrounded by a Chilling Aura when attacking.- New Legendary Power: Seismic Slam attacks 50% faster and also deals 100-150% increased damage against Slowed or Chilled enemies
- Bracers of Destruction
- Seismic Slam deals [400-500%] increased damage to the first
510 enemies it hits.
- Seismic Slam deals [400-500%] increased damage to the first
- Fury of the Ancients
- Call of the Ancients gains the effect of the Ancients‘ Fury rune and your Ancients attack 100% faster
- Bone Ringer
- Now has a cap of 60 stacks.
- Developer Note: We never intended for this item to be used in a way where you farm stacks for an egregious amount of time (5+ minutes) and then watch all their health disappear in less than a second. It’s not an engaging style of gameplay, and we don’t want that experience to be the best way to play the Necromancer.
- Legacy of Dreams
- This gem is now more likely to drop from a Greater Rift Guardian
- Blighter
- Blighter’s Poison Tentacles‘ Area of Effect now hits less frequently, but at higher damage, when attacking players
Bug Fixes
- Spite
- Fixed an issue where casting Restless Giant would cause the 200% physical bonus damage to fail to apply when the Gargantuan enraged
- Squirt’s Necklace
- Fixed an issue where some ground effects were causing the Squirt’s Necklace buff to fall off despite being shielded