Patch 8.2: Videos zu den Raidtests der vergangenen Woche

Wie bereits durch einen zu Beginn der Woche in den Battle.Net Foren von World of Warcraft durch einen Bluepost des Entwicklerteams angekündigt wurde, haben die für die fortlaufende Entwicklung dieses beliebten MMORPGs zuständigen Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment im Verlauf der vergangenen Tage die ersten richtigen Raidtests auf dem aktuell laufenden öffentlichen Testserver von Patch 8.2: Rise of Azshara durchgeführt. Während dieser an zwei Tagen durchgeführten Testphase durften daran interessierte Personen erstmalig in die heroische Version von Azshara’s Eternal Palace eindringen und dort dann gegen vier verschiedene Encounter aus der ersten Hälfe dieses kommenden Schlachtzugs antreten. Damit selbst die nicht auf dem PTR aktiven Fans von World of Warcraft einen ersten Blick auf diese neuen Bosskämpfe werfen können, haben netterweise viele Streamer und YouTuber ihre Begegnungen mit diesen Ecountern in Videoform festgehalten und kurz darauf dann auf ihrer favorisierten Plattform hochgeladen. Passend zu dieser Vorgehensweise findet ihr folgend jetzt sowohl einiges an Bildmaterial zu den Raids der vergangenen Woche als auch kurze Übersichten zu den Fähigkeiten dieser kommenden Bosse.
Abyssal Commander Sivara:
Beschreibung: Commander of Azshara’s frontline troops, Abyssal Commander Sivara is a master of both martial and magical arts.
Die Mechaniken:
- Chimeric Marks: Marks all nearby players with either Frost Mark or Toxic Brand.(
Abyssal Commander Sivara casts Chimeric Marks at the start of the fight. If a player ever gets both Marks, Unstable Mixture is applied.!16
On Mythic Difficulty, Abyssal Commander Sivara will continue casting Chimeric Marks, stacking [Frost Mark] and [Toxic Brand].)barrier’s weak points are attackable until players use a Force Orb to make each weak point attackable. Additionally, a Spirit of Niuzao will chase the players through the maze.
- Frost Mark: Marks the player with a frigid brand, inflicting 1 Frost damage every 1 sec.
- Frozen Blood: Frost Mark flows through the player’s veins, slow freezing them. If the player does not constantly move, They become Frozen. (Mythic, Heroic)
- Frozen: Frost Mark spreads throughout the player’s body, freezing them for 5 sec. (Heroic, Mythic)
- Frozen Blood: Frost Mark flows through the player’s veins, slow freezing them. If the player does not constantly move, They become Frozen. (Mythic, Heroic)
- Toxic Brand: Marks the player with a poisonous brand, inflicting 3 Nature damage every 3 sec.
- Venomous Blood: Toxic Brand flows through the player’s veins. If the player does not moves too much, They become Delirious. (Heroic, Mythic)
- Delirious: Toxic Brand courses through the player’s veins, disorienting them for 5 sec. (Mythic, Heroic)
- Venomous Blood: Toxic Brand flows through the player’s veins. If the player does not moves too much, They become Delirious. (Heroic, Mythic)
- Unstable Mixture: A mix of poisons catalyzes in the player, causing them to explode, inflicting 6 Nature damage to all allies every 1 sec for 5 sec.
- Frost Mark: Marks the player with a frigid brand, inflicting 1 Frost damage every 1 sec.
- Crushing Reverberation: Crushes the target, inflicting 350 Physical damage, split between the target and all players within 8 yards. Additionally, sends out a shockwave that knocks all players back.
- Frostvenom Tipped: Attacks have a change to apply either Rimefrost or Septic Taint based on which of the Chimeric Marks the target has.
- Rimefrost: Causes the target’s Frost Mark to bleed over, inflicting 4 Frost damage every 1 sec for 10 sec. This effect stacks. Upon expiration, a pool of Frozen Ground is created at the target’s location, whose size is based on stack count.
- Frozen Ground: Frozen ground chills all players standing in it, inflicting 2 Frost damage and applying stacks of Frost Mark.
- Septic Taint: Causes the target’s Toxic Brand to bleed over, inflicting 4 Nature damage every 1 sec for 10 sec. This effect stacks. Upon expiration, a pool of Septic Ground is created at the target’s location, whose size is based on stack count.
- Septic Ground: Septic ground envenoms all players standing in it, inflicting 2 Nature damage and applying stacks of Toxic Brand.
- Rimefrost: Causes the target’s Frost Mark to bleed over, inflicting 4 Frost damage every 1 sec for 10 sec. This effect stacks. Upon expiration, a pool of Frozen Ground is created at the target’s location, whose size is based on stack count.
- Overwhelming Barrage: The caster fires a volley of poisonous and frozen bolts, inflicting either Frost or Nature damage and applying either Frost Mark or Toxic Brand to each player hit.(
Abyssal Commander Sivara casts Overwhelming Barrage when she reaches 100 Energy.)theirs.
Help soak [Overflow] that matches your mark. - Overflow: Causes random players and their Chimeric Marks to overflow.
- Overflowing Chill: Causes a player and their Frost Mark to explode after 5 sec, inflicting 100 Frost damage split between all players within 5 yards and creating a pool of Frozen Ground.
- Frozen Ground: Frozen ground chills all players standing in it, inflicting 2 Frost damage and applying stacks of Frost Mark.
- Overflowing Venom: Causes a player and their Toxic Brand to explode after 5 sec, inflicting 100 Nature damage split between all players within 5 yards and creating a pool of Septic Ground.
- Septic Ground: Septic ground envenoms all players standing in it, inflicting 2 Nature damage and applying stacks of Toxic Brand.
- Overflowing Chill: Causes a player and their Frost Mark to explode after 5 sec, inflicting 100 Frost damage split between all players within 5 yards and creating a pool of Frozen Ground.
- Frostshock Bolts: Fires both Frost and Toxic crossbow bolts at random players.
- Frost Bolt: Fires a frozen bolt at a random player, inflicting 6 Frost damage every 1 second and applying a stack of Frost Mark to the first target it hits. The target is also pinned.
- Toxic Bolt: Fires a venomous bolt at a random player, inflicting 6 Nature damage every 1 second and applying a stack of Toxic Brand to the first target it hits. The target is also pinned.
- Inversion: The caster switches all players‘ Chimeric Marks, switching Frost Mark to Toxic Brand and vice versa.Also inflicts [Inversion Sickness] to the player. (Mythic, Normal, Heroic)
- Inversion Sickness: Changing the target’s Chimeric Marks roots them for 4 sec. Upon expiration, the target explodes, applying their mark to all players within 4 yards. (Normal, Heroic, Mythic)
Lady Ashvane:
Die Mechaniken:
- Stage 1: Hardened Carapace
- Hardened Carapace: A hardened shell protects Lady Ashvane, absorbing 75% of her maximum health.
- Coral Growth: Summons forth nodules of coral that erupt from the ground, inflicting 20 Nature damage to players within 10 yards and knocking them back.
- Rippling Wave: Lady Ashvane stomps the ground, causing all Coral Growths to unleash a Rippling Wave that travels back towards her.Each wave that reaches Lady Ashvane restores up to 10% of her Hardened Carapace and inflicts 35 Frost damage to all players.Any player touching a Rippling Wave causes it to burst, inflicting 35 Frost damage to all players, and the busting player becomes Waterlogged.
On Mythic difficulty, the Coral Growth furthest from Lady Ashvane creates an Empowered Rippling Wave.- Waterlogged: Inflicts 10 Frost damage every 3 sec for 20 min. This effect stacks.
- Empowered Rippling Wave: Lady Ashvane creates a larger Rippling Wave that travels back towards her that will restore up to 30% of her Hardened Carapace and inflict up to 105 Frost damage to all players.
Each player that touches the Empowered Rippling Wave causes it to shrink, reducing the amount of Hardened Carapace that is restored by 10% and inflicting 35 Frost damage to all players. Additionally, the triggering player becomes Waterlogged.
When the wave has been touched 3 times, it bursts. (Mythic)
- Crushing Depths: Lady Ashvane unleashes a blast of water at her target’s location, encasing all players within 12 yards within a Briny Bubble, incapacitating them until the bubble is destroyed. While encased, the bubble inflicts 15 Nature damage every 1.5 sec. (Heroic, Mythic, Normal)
- Crushing Depths: Lady Ashvane unleashes a blast of water at her target encasing them within a Briny Bubble, incapacitating them until the bubble is destroyed. While encased, the bubble inflicts 15 Nature damage every 1.5 sec. (Raid Finder)
- Upsurge: Lady Ashvane unleashes a blast of water at the feet of several players, inflicting 40 Frost damage to all players within 4 yards of the impact, knocking them into the air.
- Barnacle Bash: Lady Ashvane slams her current target, inflicting 50 Physical damage and increasing the damage taken from Barnacle Bash by 250% for 35 sec.
In addition, a patch of Cutting Coral is formed.- Cutting Coral: An area of sharp coral erupts from the ground, inflicting 20 Nature damage every 1.5 sec to players standing in the area.
- Stage 2: Exposed Azerite
- Exposed Azerite: Lady Ashvane’s Exposed Azerite periodically erupts sending bolts of energy at several targets, inflicting 10 Arcane damage.
- Arcing Azerite: Lady Ashvane creates up to 3 pairs of azerite infused players that unleash a blast after 10 sec.
The blast inflicts 70 Arcane damage to all players in a line between the two marked targets. Additionally, all Coral Growths in the path are destroyed.- Regenerative Coral: When a Coral Growth is shattered by Arcing Azerite several pieces of coral fly into the air and impact after 5 sec, inflicting 20 Nature damage to anyone within 4 yards of the impact.
If any of the shattered pieces are not intercepted by players, a new Coral Growth appears at that location. (Mythic)
- Regenerative Coral: When a Coral Growth is shattered by Arcing Azerite several pieces of coral fly into the air and impact after 5 sec, inflicting 20 Nature damage to anyone within 4 yards of the impact.
- Crushing Depths: Lady Ashvane unleashes a blast of water at her target’s location, encasing all players within 12 yards within a Briny Bubble, incapacitating them until the bubble is destroyed. While encased, the bubble inflicts 15 Nature damage every 1.5 sec.
- Upsurge: Lady Ashvane unleashes a blast of water at the feet of several players, inflicting 40 Frost damage to all players within 4 yards of the impact, knocking them into the air.
- Barnacle Bash: Lady Ashvane slams her current target, inflicting 50 Physical damage and increasing the damage taken from Barnacle Bash by 250% for 35 sec.
In addition, a patch of Cutting Coral is formed.- Cutting Coral: An area of sharp coral erupts from the ground, inflicting 20 Nature damage every 1.5 sec to players standing in the area.
The Hatchery:
Beschreibung: Orgozoa tends to the Hatchery within Nazjatar.
Die Mechaniken:
- Phase One: Egg Chamber
- Orgozoa
- Desensitizing Sting: Orgozoa stings his target with a numbing tentacle, reducing all damage the target takes by 10%. This effect stacks.
At 10 stacks, this inflicts Heart-Stopping Paralysis.- Heart-Stopping Paralysis: Orgozoa’s poison reaches its target’s heart, killing the player instantly.
- Dribbling Ichor: Ichor splashes into the arena from above, inflicting 85 Nature damage to enemies within 6.5 yards of each impact.
- Incubation Fluid: Orgozoa soaks several random players, inflicting 8 Nature damage every second for until cancelled.
- Arcing Current: Orgozoa channels an electrical current through an enemy afflicted with Incubation Fluid, chaining up to 3 targets. This inflicts 25 Nature damage and applies Incubation Fluid to targets without it.
- Chaotic Growth: Orgozoa empowers all allies within 18 yards, increasing their damage done by 50% and reducing their damage taken by 50% for 10 sec.
This effect stacks.
- Desensitizing Sting: Orgozoa stings his target with a numbing tentacle, reducing all damage the target takes by 10%. This effect stacks.
- Zoatroid
- Pervasive Shock: A crackling shock pervades the arena, inflicting 10 Nature damage to all enemies.
- Amniotic Splatter: On death, the Zoatroid’s amniotic sac bursts open after 5 sec., inflicting 800 Nature damage to any players hit and 30 Nature damage to all other players.
If no players are hit, it will cause Amniotic Eruption.- Amniotic Eruption: Inflicts 300 Nature damage immediately and an additional 100 Nature damage every 2 sec. for 30 sec to all players.
- Orgozoa
- Intermission: The Moulting Hatchery:
Orogozoa departs from the Hatchery arena and makes its way to the Naga chambers, below. All stacks of [Incubation Fluid] reset.- Hatchery Moulting: Toxic fibers slough off the Hatchery walls, knocking back any players within 3 yards of the impact.
- Eggsplosion
- Massive Incubator: Upon reaching the Naga chamber, Orgozoa attempts to awaken all denizens of the Hatchery. Interruptible.
- Phase Two: Naga Chamber
- Orgozoa
- Desensitizing Sting: Orgozoa stings his target with a numbing tentacle, reducing all damage the target takes by 10%. This effect stacks.
At 10 stacks, this inflicts Heart-Stopping Paralysis.- Heart-Stopping Paralysis: Orgozoa’s poison reaches its target’s heart, killing the player instantly.
- Dribbling Ichor: Ichor splashes into the arena from above, inflicting 85 Nature damage to enemies within 6.5 yards of each impact.
- Incubation Fluid: Orgozoa soaks several random players, inflicting 8 Nature damage every second for until cancelled.
- Chaotic Growth: Orgozoa empowers all allies within 18 yards, increasing their damage done by 50% and reducing their damage taken by 50% for 10 sec.
This effect stacks. - Arcing Current: Orgozoa channels an electrical current through an enemy afflicted with Incubation Fluid, chaining up to 3 targets. This inflicts 25 Nature damage and applies Incubation Fluid to targets without it.
- Desensitizing Sting: Orgozoa stings his target with a numbing tentacle, reducing all damage the target takes by 10%. This effect stacks.
- Hatchery Warrior
- Skewer
- Aqua Lance: The caster marks a random enemy, and after 5 sec throws a trident of water toward them. The trident creates Raging Rapids at the point of impact, inflicting 15 Nature damage every 1 sec to players within.
- Hatchery Witch
- Shocking Lightning: Bolts of lightning inflicts 150% Weapon damage as Nature damage to three random enemies.
- Conductive Pulse: A pulse of storm energy stuns all enemies for 3 sec. Interruptible.
- Hatchery Brute
- Powerful Stomp: A ground-shaking stomp that inflicts 500 Physical damage divided among all players within 16 yards.
If no players are hit by the stomp, it will cause a Reverberating Tremor.- Reverberating Tremor: If no players are hit by Powerful Stomp, the shockwave reverberates through the hatchery. This inflicts 100 Nature damage to all players.
- Powerful Stomp: A ground-shaking stomp that inflicts 500 Physical damage divided among all players within 16 yards.
- Orgozoa
Radiance of Azshar:
Beschreibung: Taking a handmaiden as a willing sacrifice, Azshara forged into being an elemental of storm and arcana. Powered by the soul of the handmaiden herself, the resulting monstrosity is the avatar of Azshara’s radiance.
Die Mechaniken:
- Rising Fury:
The Radiance of Azshara’s untamed arcana summons traps and hazards to punish unwary players.- Tide Fist: Slams the current threat target with tremendous force, inflicting 60 Physical damage and increasing Physical damage taken by 200% for 22 sec.
- Arcanado Burst: Throws missiles of turbulent magic at up to 2 players, inflicting 20 Frost damage on impact and spawning 2 Arcanadoes.
- Arcanado: Inflicts 25 Frost damage and knocks back players.
- Squall Trap: Places a Squall Trap at a player’s location, arming after a brief delay.
When triggered, Squall Trap spawns an Arcanado, inflicts 39 Arcane damage, and reduces the triggering player’s Haste by 50% for 10 sec.- Arcanado: Inflicts 25 Frost damage and knocks back players.
- Arcane Bomb: Attaches a massive Arcane Bomb to a player. When dispelled, the bomb no longer tracks the target, but continues to count down to detonation. Upon detonation, Arcane Bomb inflicts 55 Arcane damage and stuns for 6 sec all players within 10 yds.
- Unshackled Power: Inflicts 50 Arcane damage to all players.
- Raging Storm:
The Radiance of Azshara unleashes its terrifying power, conjuring a deadly Ancient Tempest.- Ancient Tempest: Summons an Ancient Tempest centered around a Stormwraith in the Eye of the Storm.
The Tempest pushes players away from the Eye of the Storm and inflicts 6 Frost damage every 2 sec. This Frost damage inflicted increases as the storm persists. Also reduces damage taken by -99%.
When the Stormwraith is defeated, the Tempest subsides.- Stormwraith
- Gale Buffet: Conjures a strong gust of wind, inflicting 30 Frost damage and knocking back players within 300 yards.
- Stormling
- Jolt: Inflicts 15 Nature damage to a random target within 0 to 20 yards.
- Stormwraith
- Arcane Bomb: Attaches a massive Arcane Bomb to a player. When dispelled, the bomb no longer tracks the target, but continues to count down to detonation. Upon detonation, Arcane Bomb inflicts 55 Arcane damage and stuns for 6 sec all players within 10 yds.
- Ancient Tempest: Summons an Ancient Tempest centered around a Stormwraith in the Eye of the Storm.