Battle for Azeroth: Der neue Build 26624

In der Nacht von gestern auf heute spielten die für die fortlaufende Entwicklung von World of Warcrafts kommender Erweiterung „Battle for Azeroth“ verantwortlichen Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment den brandneuen Build 26624 auf die Testserver der geschlossenen Beta dieser Erweiterung auf, der diese leider nur eingeladenen Personen offenstehende Testphase auch dieses Mal wieder um eine Reihe von Neuerungen erweiterte. Den bisherigen Berichten der Data Miner zufolge beinhaltete dieses Update für die geschlossene Beta unter anderem neue Tierfamilien für die Jäger, eine Vielzahl von interessanten Gegenständen, neue Erfolge mit kosmetischen Belohnungen, viele Klassenänderungen, weitere Karten für die Spielwelt und eine Vielzahl von anderen Inhalten. Weitere Details zu den Inhalten von Build 26624 findet ihr bei Interesse in der folgenden Übersicht.
Interessante neue Gegenstände:
- Ein neuer kosmetischer Gürtel: Waist of Time (Bild)
- Geschenke für das Winterhauchfest 2018:
- Net-o-Matic 5000 – Dismount other War Mode flagged players. 100 yd range!
- Conch of Wa’mundi – Summon a Great Sea colossus to carry you to a distant shore. Only useable while swimming in deep water.
- Dueler’s Tabard
- Neue Spielzeuge:
- Neue Tränke:
- Neue Klassenbücher
Neue Ladebildschirme:
Neue Tierfamilien für Jäger:
- Exotic Krolusk
- Exotic Pterrordax
- Exotic Shale Spider
- Horse
- Lizard
- Toad
Belohnungen von Erfolgen:
- Battle Safari Catch every battle pet on Zandalar and Kul Tiras. Rewards Rescued Fawn. (Bild)
- Master of Minions Collect 1000 unique pets. Rewards Hearthy. (Bild)
- Pet Emporium Collect 800 unique pets. Rewards Rooter. (Bild)
- No Stable Big Enough Obtain 350 mounts (usable by a single character). Rewards Biting Frostshard Core. (Bild)
- A Horde of Hoofbeats Obtain 400 mounts (usable by a single character). Rewards Tempestuous Skystallion. (Bild)
- Toybox Tycoon Collect 400 toys. Rewards Brutus pet. (Bild)
Dungeons & Raids:
- Glory of the Uldir Raider Complete the Uldir raid achievements listed below. Rewards Bloodgorged Crawg mount. (Bild)
- Glory of the Wartorn Hero Complete the Battle for Azeroth Mythic dungeon achievements. Rewards Reins of the Obsidian Krolusk mount. (Bild)
- 100 Exalted Reputations Raise 100 reputations to Exalted. Rewards the title: Esteemed. Reins of the Spectral Phoenix is also listed as a reward from this achievement. (Bild)
- 80 Exalted Reputations Raise 80 reputations to Exalted. Rewards the title: The Admired.
Die Spielwelt:
- Conqueror of Azeroth Complete the World PvP achievements listed below. World PVP Meta achievement that rewards the title: Conqueror of Azeroth. 20 points.
- Dueling Master Win 50 duels in the Dueler’s Guild. Rewards Dueler’s Tabard.
- Master of Duels Complete the following Dueler’s Guild achievements listed below. Rewards character title: Contender.
Eine neue Gestalt für Druiden:
Neue Karten:
Neue Reittiere:
- Vendor
- Reins of the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur -Wird von einem Händler für 500 Millionen Gold verkauft.
- Reins of the Palehide Direhorn – Wird von einem Händler für 500k Gold verkauft.
- Fishing
- Island Expeditions
- Reputation Achievements
- Mount Achievements
- Biting Frostshard Core – Sammelt 350 einzigartige Mounts.
- Tempestuous Skystallion – Sammelt 400 einzigartige Mounts.
- Warfronts
- World PvP
- Misc Mounts
Neue Icons:
Death Knight
- Val’kyr (New) Your Summon Gargoyle spell summons a Val’kyr instead of a Gargoyle. Unholy. Unlimited range.
- Talents
- Abomination’s Might Obliterate critical strikes have a 20% chance to drive lesser enemies to the ground, stunning them for 2 sec. Players are Dazed for 5 sec instead. Frost Death Knight – Level
60 Talent.58 Talent. - Anti-Magic Barrier Reduces the cooldown of Anti-Magic Shell by 15 sec and increases its duration and amount absorbed by 30%. Blood Death Knight – Level
58 Talent.60 Talent. - Asphyxiate Lifts the enemy target off the ground, crushing their throat with dark energy and stunning them for 5 sec. Unholy Death Knight – Level
6058 Talent. 20 yd range. Instant. 45 sec cooldown. - Avalanche While Pillar of Frost is active, your melee critical strikes cause jagged icicles to fall on your nearby enemies, dealing [ 8.19% of Attack Power ] Frost damage. Frost Death Knight – Level
58 Talent.60 Talent. - Blinding Sleet Targets in a cone in front of you are blinded, causing them to wander disoriented for 4 sec. Damage may cancel the effect. Frost Death Knight – Level
6058 Talent. Instant. 60 sec cooldown. - Bursting Sores Festering Wounds deal 25% more damage when burst, and all enemies within 8 yds of a burst Festering Wound suffer [ 20% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage. Unholy Death Knight – Level
58 Talent.57 Talent. - Clawing Shadows
Deals [ 30%Deals [ 40% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage and causes 1 Festering Wound to burst. Requires Melee Weapon. Unholy Death Knight – Level 56 Talent. 1 Runes. 30 yd range. Instant. - Death’s Reach Increases the range of Death Grip by
510 yds. Killing an enemy that yields experience or honor resets the cooldown of Death Grip. Unholy Death Knight – Level60 Talent.58 Talent. - Ebon Fever Virulent Plague deals 15% more damage over time in half the duration. Unholy Death Knight – Level
58 Talent.57 Talent. - Foul Bulwark Each charge of Bone Shield increases your maximum health by increase%. Blood Death Knight – Level
75 Talent.58 Talent. - Glacial Advance Summon glacial spikes from the ground that advance forward, each dealing [ 61.43% of Attack Power ] Frost damage to enemies near their eruption point. Frost Death Knight – Level
5860 Talent. 1 Runes. 100 yd range. Instant. 15 sec cooldown. - Grip of the Dead Blood Death Knight – Level
60 Talent.75 Talent. - Harbinger of Doom Sudden Doom triggers 15% more often and
stacks up to 2 times. Unholy Death Knight – Level 57 Talent.can accumulate up to 2 charges. Unholy Death Knight – Level 60 Talent. - Icecap Your Frost Strike, Frostscythe, and Obliterate critical strikes reduce the remaining cooldown of Pillar of Frost by cd sec. Frost Death Knight – Level
58 Talent.60 Talent. - Infected Claws Your ghoul’s Claw attack has a 30% chance to cause a Festering Wound on the
primarytarget. Unholy Death Knight – Level 56 Talent. - Ossuary While you have at least 5 Bone Shield charges, the cost of Death Strike is reduced by 5 Runic Power. Additionally, your maximum Runic Power is increased by 10. Blood Death Knight – Level
75 Talent.58 Talent. - Permafrost
When you deal damage with auto attacks, gain an absorb shield equal to 100%Your auto attack damage grants you absorb shield equal to 40% of the damage dealt. Frost Death Knight – Level 75 Talent. - Pestilence
YourDeath and Decay damage has a 10% chance to apply a Festering Wound to the enemy. Unholy Death Knight – Level 90 Talent. - Pestilent Pustules Bursting a Festering Wound has a 10% chance to grant you Runic Corruption. Unholy Death Knight – Level
57 Talent.60 Talent. - Rune Tap Reduces all damage taken by 30% for 4 sec. 2 charges. Blood Death Knight – Level
5860 Talent. 1 Runes. Instant. 25 sec recharge. 2 charges. - Soul Reaper Rip out an enemy’s soul, dealing dmg Shadow damage over 8 sec. If the enemy that yields experience or honor dies while afflicted by Soul Reaper, you, gain 10% Haste for 8 sec. Generates 2 Runes. Requires Melee Weapon. Unholy Death Knight – Level
5760 Talent. Melee range. Instant. 45 sec cooldown. - Tightening Grasp Reduces the cooldown on Gorefiend’s Grasp by 30 sec. Blood Death Knight – Level
60 Talent.75 Talent. - Tombstone Consume up to 5 Bone Shield charges. For each charge consumed, you gain 6 Runic Power and absorb damage equal to 6% of your maximum health for 8 sec. Blood Death Knight – Level
7558 Talent. Instant. 60 sec cooldown. - Unholy Blight Surrounds yourself with a vile swarm of insects for 6 sec, stinging all nearby enemies and infecting them with an unholy disease that deals
[ 125%[ 98% of Attack Power ] damage over1514 sec. Unholy Death Knight – Level58 Talent. 1 Runes. Instant. 60 sec cooldown. 1 sec global cooldown.57 Talent. 1 Runes. Instant. 45 sec cooldown. - Will of the Necropolis Damage taken below 35% Health is reduced by 35%. Blood Death Knight – Level
58 Talent.60 Talent. - Winter is Coming Enemies struck 5 times by Remorseless Winter are rooted in place for 8 sec. Frost Death Knight – Level
60 Talent.58 Talent. - Wraith Walk Sidestep into the Shadowlands, removing all root effects and increasing your movement speed by 70% for 4 sec. Taking any action cancels the effect. While active, your movement speed cannot be reduced below 170%.
Blood Death Knight – Level 60Death Knight – Level 75 Talent. 4 sec cast (Channeled). 60 sec cooldown.
- Abomination’s Might Obliterate critical strikes have a 20% chance to drive lesser enemies to the ground, stunning them for 2 sec. Players are Dazed for 5 sec instead. Frost Death Knight – Level
- Blood
- Blood Death Knight Increases damage/healing by 29%: Apocalypse: Avalanche, Blood Boil, Blood Plague, Blooddrinker, Bonestorm, Breath of Sindragosa, Bursting Sores, Clawing Shadows, Consumption, Death and Decay, Death Strike, Death’s Caress, Defile, Epidemic, Frost Breath, Frost Fever, Frostscythe, Frozen Pulse, Glacial Advance, Heart Strike, Heartbreaker, Inexorable Assault, Marrowrend, Rune of Razorice, Rune Strike, Sindragosa’s Fury, Soul Reaper, Unholy Blight Increases periodic damage/healing by 29%: Apocalypse: Avalanche, Blood Boil, Blood Plague, Blooddrinker, Bonestorm, Breath of Sindragosa, Bursting Sores, Clawing Shadows, Consumption, Death and Decay, Death Strike, Death’s Caress, Defile, Epidemic, Frost Breath, Frost Fever, Frostscythe, Frozen Pulse, Glacial Advance, Heart Strike, Heartbreaker, Inexorable Assault, Marrowrend, Rune of Razorice, Rune Strike, Sindragosa’s Fury, Soul Reaper, Unholy Blight Increases damage/healing by 80%: Consumption and Death Strike Death Knight – Blood Spec.
- Vampiric Blood Embrace your undeath, increasing your maximum health by 30% and increasing all healing and absorbs received by
[ 30 + 25% of Spell Power ]%30% for 10 sec. Death Knight – Blood Spec. Instant. 1.5 min cooldown.
- Frost
- Frost Death Knight Increases damage/healing by 28%: Apocalypse: Avalanche, Blood Plague, Blooddrinker, Bonestorm, Breath of Sindragosa, Bursting Sores, Clawing Shadows, Consumption
, Crystalline Swords, Death and Decay, Death Strike, Defile, Epidemic, Frost Breath, Frost Fever, Frost Strike, Frost Strike Off-Hand, Frostscythe, Frozen Pulse,Frozen Soul, Glacial Advance, Heartbreaker, Howling Blast, HypothermiaGlacial Advance, Heartbreaker, Howling Blast, Inexorable Assault, Obliterate, Obliterate Off-Hand, Remorseless Winter, Rune of Razorice, Rune Strike, Sindragosa’s Fury, Soul Reaper,Thronebreaker,Unholy Blight Increases periodic damage/healing by 28%: Apocalypse: Avalanche, Blood Plague, Blooddrinker, Bonestorm, Breath of Sindragosa, Bursting Sores, Clawing Shadows, Consumption, Crystalline Swords, Death and Decay, Death Strike, Defile, Epidemic, Frost Breath, Frost Fever, Frost Strike, Frost Strike Off-Hand, Frostscythe, Frozen Pulse,Frozen Soul, Glacial Advance, Heartbreaker, Howling Blast, HypothermiaGlacial Advance, Heartbreaker, Howling Blast, Inexorable Assault, Obliterate, Obliterate Off-Hand, Remorseless Winter, Rune of Razorice, Rune Strike, Sindragosa’s Fury, Soul Reaper,Thronebreaker,Unholy Blight Death Knight – Frost Spec. - Runic Empowerment
When you spend Runic Power, you have a 1.8% chance per Runic Power spent to gainEach Runic Power you spend has a 1.8% chance to instantly grant you a Rune. Death Knight – Frost Spec.
- Frost Death Knight Increases damage/healing by 28%: Apocalypse: Avalanche, Blood Plague, Blooddrinker, Bonestorm, Breath of Sindragosa, Bursting Sores, Clawing Shadows, Consumption
- Frost & Unholy
- Dark Succor When you kill an enemy that yields experience or honor, your next Death Strike within 20 sec is free and heals for
100% morean additional 5% of maximum health. Death Knight – Frost & Unholy Spec. - Death Strike (New) Death Strike’s healing is increased by 50%. Death Knight – Frost & Unholy Spec.
- Dark Succor When you kill an enemy that yields experience or honor, your next Death Strike within 20 sec is free and heals for
- Unholy
- Outbreak
Deals [ 8.19%Deals [ 10% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage and surrounds the target in a miasma for 6 sec that infects nearby enemies with Virulent Plague. [ability_creature_disease_02] Virulent Plague A disease that deals[ 51.6%[ 70% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 21 sec. It erupts when the infected target dies, dealing[ 17.36%[ 20% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage divided among nearby enemies, and has a 30% chance to erupt each time it deals damage. Death Knight – Unholy Spec. 1 Runes. 30 yd range. Instant. - Runic Corruption
You have a chance% chance per Runic Power you spendEach Runic Power you spend has a chance% chance to increase your Rune regeneration rate by 100% for 3 sec. Death Knight – Unholy Spec. - Scourge Strike An unholy strike that deals
[ 28%[ 30% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and[ 15%[ 16.5% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage, and causes 1 Festering Wound to burst. Requires Two-Handed Melee Weapon. Death Knight – Unholy Spec. 1 Runes. Melee range. Instant.
- Outbreak
Demon Hunter
- Chaos Nova Unleash an eruption of fel energy, dealing [ 20.47% of Attack Power ] Chaos damage and
disorienting all nearby enemies for 5 sec. Damage will cancel the effect. Each enemy disorientedstunning all nearby enemies for 2 sec. Each enemy stunned by Chaos Nova has a50%30% chance to generate a Lesser Soul Fragment. 30 Fury. Instant. 60 sec cooldown. - Consume Magic (New) Havoc: Consume 1 beneficial Magic effect from the target, removing it and granting you 20 Fury. Vengeance: Consume 1 beneficial Magic effect from the target, removing it and granting you 20 Pain. 30 yd range. Instant. 10 sec cooldown.
- Disrupt (Havoc)
Generates 50Generates 30 Fury on a successful interrupt. - Disrupt (Vengeance)
Generates 50Generates 30 Pain on a successful interrupt. - Talents
- Feast of Souls Soul Cleave heals you for an additional
[ 39.31%[ 54% of Attack Power ] over 6 sec. Vengeance Demon Hunter – Level 100 Talent. - Master of the Glaive Throw Glaive
nowhas 2 charges, and snares all enemies hit by 50% for 6 sec. Havoc Demon Hunter – Level 108 Talent.
- Feast of Souls Soul Cleave heals you for an additional
- Havoc
- Darkness Summons darkness around you in an 8 yd radius, granting friendly targets a
0%20% chance to avoid all damage from an attack. Lasts 8 sec. Demon Hunter – Havoc Spec. Instant. 3 min cooldown. - Demonic Wards (New) Your tattoos reduce magic damage taken by 10%. Demon Hunter – Havoc Spec.
- Havoc Demon Hunter Increases damage/healing by
14%: Anguish of the Deceiver7%, Blade Dance, Chaos Nova, Chaos Strike, Dark Slash, Demon’s Bite, Eye Beam, Fel Barrage, Fel Rush, Felblade, Fury of the Illidari, Immolation Aura,Inner Demons,Insatiable Hunger, Metamorphosis, Throw Glaive, Vengeful Retreat Increases periodic damage/healing by14%: Anguish of the Deceiver7%, Blade Dance, Chaos Nova, Chaos Strike, Dark Slash, Demon’s Bite, Eye Beam, Fel Barrage, Fel Rush, Felblade, Fury of the Illidari, Immolation Aura,Inner Demons,Insatiable Hunger, Metamorphosis, Throw Glaive, Vengeful Retreat Demon Hunter – Havoc Spec. - Shattered Souls Killing an enemy sometimes creates a Soul Fragment that is consumed when you approach it, healing you for
25%20% of maximum health and generating 30 Fury. If the Soul Fragment came from a Demon, you will deal 20% increased damage for 15 sec. Demon Hunter – Havoc Spec.
- Darkness Summons darkness around you in an 8 yd radius, granting friendly targets a
- Vengeance
- Soul Cleave Viciously strike all enemies in front of you for [ 41.85% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and heal yourself for
[ 75%[ 105% of Attack Power ]. Consumes up to 2 Soul Fragments within 25 yds. Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon. Demon Hunter – Vengeance Spec. 30 Pain. Melee range. Instant.
- Soul Cleave Viciously strike all enemies in front of you for [ 41.85% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and heal yourself for
- Tranquility Heals all allies within 40 yards for
[ 175%[ 205% of Spell Power ] over 8 sec. Each heal heals the target for another[ 12%[ 8% of Spell Power ] over 8 sec, stacking. Healing increased by 100% when not in a raid. Limited to 60 targets. 40 yd range. Instant. - Talents
- Feral Affinity You gain: Feline Swiftness Increases your movement speed by [ 15 + 25% of Spell Power ]%. You also learn: Rake Rip
Ferocious BiteSwipe Your energy regeneration is increased by 35%. Balance Druid – Level 45 Talent. - Lunar Beam Summons a beam of lunar light at your location, dealing [ 85.2% of Attack Power ] Arcane damage and healing you for
[ 393.1%[ 560% of Attack Power ] over 8 sec. Guardian Druid – Level 100 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. 1.2 min cooldown. - Moment of Clarity Omen of Clarity now triggers 50% more often,
stacks up to [ 1u + 1 ] timescan accumulate up to [ 1u + 1 ] charges, and increases the damage of your next Shred, Thrash, or Brutal Slash by20%15%. Your maximum Energy is increased by 30. Feral Druid – Level 100 Talent.
- Feral Affinity You gain: Feline Swiftness Increases your movement speed by [ 15 + 25% of Spell Power ]%. You also learn: Rake Rip
- Balance
- Balance Druid Decreases damage/healing by 15%
: Echoing Stars, Full Moon, Fury of Elune, Half Moon, Lunar Strike, Moonfire, New Moon, Power of Goldrinn, Shooting Stars, Solar Wrath, Starfall, Starsurge, Stellar Flare, Sunfire Decreases periodic damage/healing by 15%:Echoing Stars,Full Moon, Fury of Elune, Half Moon, Lunar Strike, Moonfire, New Moon, Power of Goldrinn, Shooting Stars, Solar Wrath, Starfall, Starsurge, Stellar Flare, Sunfire Increases damage/healing by31%83%: Regrowth Increases periodic damage/healing by31%: Regrowth Druid – Balance Spec.83%: Regrowth Druid – Balance Spec. - Moonkin Form Shapeshift into Moonkin Form, increasing the damage of your Druid spells by 10% and your armor by 125%, and granting protection from Polymorph effects. While in this form, single-target attacks against you have a 0% chance to make your next Lunar Strike instant. The act of shapeshifting frees you from movement impairing effects. Can’t be cast in Tree of Life Form. Druid – Balance Spec. Instant.
- Balance Druid Decreases damage/healing by 15%
- Balance, Feral, Restoration
- Soothe Soothes the target, dispelling all enrage effects. Can be cast in Tree of Life Form, Moonkin Form. Druid – Balance, Feral, Restoration Spec. 5.6% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant.10 sec cooldown.
- Feral
- Feral Druid Increases damage/healing by 29%
: Ashamane’s Bite, Ashamane’s Frenzy, Berserk, Brutal Slash, Feral Frenzy, Ferocious Bite, Incarnation: King of the Jungle, Maim, Moonfire, Rake, Rip,Shadow Thrash,Shred, Swipe, Thrash Increases periodic damage/healing by 29%: Ashamane’s Bite, Ashamane’s Frenzy, Berserk, Brutal Slash, Feral Frenzy, Ferocious Bite, Incarnation: King of the Jungle, Maim, Moonfire, Rake, Rip,Shadow Thrash,Shred, Swipe, Thrash Increases damage/healing by31%83%: Regrowth Increases periodic damage/healing by31%: Regrowth Druid – Feral Spec.83%: Regrowth Druid – Feral Spec.
- Feral Druid Increases damage/healing by 29%
- Guardian
- Guardian Druid Increases damage/healing by 4%: Brambles, Lunar Beam, Mangle, Maul, Moonfire, Pulverize, Thrash Increases periodic damage/healing by 4%: Brambles, Lunar Beam, Mangle, Maul, Moonfire, Pulverize, Thrash Increases damage/healing by
31%83%: Regrowth Increases periodic damage/healing by31%83%: Regrowth Decreases damage/healing by 46%: Moonfire Druid – Guardian Spec.
- Guardian Druid Increases damage/healing by 4%: Brambles, Lunar Beam, Mangle, Maul, Moonfire, Pulverize, Thrash Increases periodic damage/healing by 4%: Brambles, Lunar Beam, Mangle, Maul, Moonfire, Pulverize, Thrash Increases damage/healing by
- Restoration
- Rejuvenation Heals the target for
[ 60%[ 68% of Spell Power ] over 12 sec. Tree of Life: Healing increased by 50% and Mana cost reduced by 30%. Can’t be cast in Cat Form, Travel Form, Bear Form, Moonkin Form. Druid – Restoration Spec. 10% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. - Restoration Druid Restoration Druid core passive Increases damage/healing by 40%: Cenarion Ward, Cultivation, Efflorescence, Germination, Incarnation: Tree of Life, Lifebloom, Regrowth, Rejuvenation, Spring Blossoms, Swiftmend, Tranquility, Wild Growth Increases periodic damage/healing by 40%: Cenarion Ward, Cultivation, Efflorescence, Germination, Incarnation: Tree of Life, Lifebloom, Regrowth, Rejuvenation, Spring Blossoms, Swiftmend, Tranquility, Wild Growth Increases damage/healing by 25%: Incarnation: King of the Jungle, Mangle, Moonfire, Shred, Solar Wrath, Sunfire, Thrash Increases periodic damage/healing by 25%: Incarnation: King of the Jungle, Mangle, Moonfire, Shred, Solar Wrath, Sunfire, Thrash Druid – Restoration Spec.
- Tranquility Heals all allies within 40 yards for
[ 175%[ 205% of Spell Power ] over 8 sec. Each heal heals the target for another[ 12%[ 8% of Spell Power ] over 8 sec, stacking. Healing increased by 100% when not in a raid. Can’t be cast in Moonkin Form. Druid – Restoration Spec. 18.4% of Base Mana. 8 sec cast (Channeled). 3 min cooldown.
- Rejuvenation Heals the target for
- Titan’s Thunder (Beast Mastery) Also causes
your next Dire Frenzythe next pet frenzy caused by Barbed Shot to deal [ 42% of Attack Power ] additional Nature damage on each of the 5Dire Frenzy attacks.attacks. - Talents
- Animal Companion Name changed from „Animal Companion [NYI]“ to „Animal Companion“.
- Scent of Blood Name changed from „Dire Stable“ to „Scent of Blood“.
Dire BeastBarbed Shot generates 8 additional Focus over its duration. Beast Mastery Hunter – Level 30 Talent.
- Beast Mastery
- Barbed Shot Fire a shot that tears through your enemy, causing them to bleed for [ 40% of Attack Power ] damage over 8 sec. Sends your pet into a frenzy, increasing attack speed by 30%, for 8 sec sec, stacking up to 3 times. Generates 20 Focus over 8 sec. Requires Ranged Weapon. 2 charges. Hunter – Beast Mastery Spec. 40 yd range. Instant. 12 sec recharge. 2 charges.
- Beast Mastery Hunter Increases damage/healing by 6%: A Murder of Crows, Barrage, Butchery, Chakrams, Chimaera Shot, Cobra Shot, Explosive Shot, Flanking Strike, Fury of the Eagle, Kill Command, Mongoose Bite, Multi-Shot, Piercing Shot, Serpent Sting, Stampede, Steel Trap, Stomp
, Surge of the Stormgod, Volley Increases periodic damage/healing by 6%: A Murder of Crows, Barrage, Butchery, Chakrams, Chimaera Shot, Cobra Shot, Explosive Shot, Flanking Strike, Fury of the Eagle, Kill Command, Mongoose Bite, Multi-Shot, Piercing Shot, Serpent Sting, Stampede, Steel Trap, Stomp,Surge of the Stormgod,Volley Hunter – Beast Mastery Spec.
- Polymorph (New) Transforms the enemy into a bumblebee, wandering around incapacitated for 60 sec. While affected, the victim cannot take actions but will regenerate health very quickly. Damage will cancel the effect. Limit 1. Only works on Beasts, Humanoids and Critters. Turtle. 2% of Base Mana. 30 yd range. 1.7 sec cast.
- Polymorph Transforms the enemy into a sheep, wandering around incapacitated for 60 sec. While affected, the victim cannot take actions but will regenerate health very quickly. Damage will cancel the effect. Limit 1. Only works on Beasts, Humanoids and Critters. Limited to 1 target.
Mage – Frost SpecSheep. 2% of Base Mana. 30 yd range. 1.7 sec cast. - Polymorph (New) Transforms the enemy into a baby direhorn, wandering around incapacitated for 60 sec. While affected, the victim cannot take actions but will regenerate health very quickly. Damage will cancel the effect. Limit 1. Only works on Beasts, Humanoids and Critters. Turtle. 2% of Base Mana. 30 yd range. 1.7 sec cast.
- Remove Curse (New) Removes all Curses from a friendly target. 1.3% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 8 sec cooldown.
- Talents
- Chain Reaction (New) Your Ice Lances against frozen targets increase the damage of your Ice Lances by 3% for 10 sec, stacking up to 5 times. Frost Mage – Level 60 Talent.
- Frozen Touch Frostbolt grants you
20% moreFingers of Frost and Brain Freeze 20% more often. Frost Mage – Level 60 Talent. 30 sec cooldown. - Glacial Spike Conjures a massive spike of ice, and merges your current Icicles into it. It impales your target, dealing
[ 350%[ 320% of Spell Power ] damage plus all of the damage stored in your Icicles, and freezes the target in place for 4 sec. Damage may interrupt the freeze effect. Requires 5 Icicles to cast. Passive: Ice Lance no longer launches Icicles. Frost Mage – Level 100 Talent. 1% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 3 sec cast. - Pyromaniac Casting Pyroblast or Flamestrike while Hot Streak is active has
aan 8% chance to instantly reactivate Hot Streak. Fire Mage – Level 15 Talent.
- Arcane
- Arcane Mage
Increases damage/healing by 3%Decreases damage/healing by 6%: Arcane Barrage, Arcane Blast, Arcane Explosion, Arcane Missiles, Arcane Orb, Arcane Rebound, Blast Wave, Comet Storm, Conflagration, Ebonbolt, Flame Patch, Frost Nova, Frozen Orb, Glacial Spike, Ice Nova, Living Bomb, Mark of Aluneth, Meteor, Nether Tempest, Phoenix Flames,Ray of Frost, Supernova, Time and Space Increases periodic damage/healing by 3%Phoenix’s Flames, Ray of Frost, Supernova Decreases periodic damage/healing by 6%: Arcane Barrage, Arcane Blast, Arcane Explosion, Arcane Missiles, Arcane Orb, Arcane Rebound, Blast Wave, Comet Storm, Conflagration, Ebonbolt, Flame Patch, Frost Nova, Frozen Orb, Glacial Spike, Ice Nova, Living Bomb, Mark of Aluneth, Meteor, Nether Tempest, Phoenix Flames,Ray of Frost, Supernova, Time and Space Mage – Arcane Spec.Phoenix’s Flames, Ray of Frost, Supernova Mage – Arcane Spec.
- Arcane Mage
- Fire
- Fire Mage Decreases damage/healing by 5%
: Aftershocks, Arcane Missiles, Arcane Orb, Blast Wave, Blazing Barrier, Comet Storm, Conflagration, Dragon’s Breath, Ebonbolt, Fire Blast, Fireball, Flame Patch, Flamestrike, Frost Nova, Frozen Orb, Glacial Spike, Ice Nova, Living Bomb, Mark of Aluneth, Meteor, Nether Tempest, Phoenix Flames,Phoenix Reborn,Phoenix’s Flames, Pyroblast, Ray of Frost, Scorch, Supernova Decreases periodic damage/healing by 5%: Aftershocks, Arcane Missiles, Arcane Orb, Blast Wave, Blazing Barrier, Comet Storm, Conflagration, Dragon’s Breath, Ebonbolt, Fire Blast, Fireball, Flame Patch, Flamestrike, Frost Nova, Frozen Orb, Glacial Spike, Ice Nova, Living Bomb, Mark of Aluneth, Meteor, Nether Tempest, Phoenix Flames,Phoenix Reborn,Phoenix’s Flames, Pyroblast, Ray of Frost, Scorch, Supernova Mage – Fire Spec.
- Fire Mage Decreases damage/healing by 5%
- Frost
- Frost Mage
Mage – Frost Spec.Decreases damage/healing by 5%: Arcane Missiles, Arcane Orb, Blast Wave, Blizzard, Comet Storm, Cone of Cold, Conflagration, Ebonbolt, Fire Blast, Flame Patch, Flurry, Frost Nova, Frostbolt, Frozen Orb, Glacial Spike, Ice Lance, Ice Nova, Living Bomb, Mark of Aluneth, Mastery: Icicles, Meteor, Nether Tempest, Phoenix Flames, Phoenix’s Flames, Ray of Frost, Supernova Decreases periodic damage/healing by 5%: Arcane Missiles, Arcane Orb, Blast Wave, Blizzard, Comet Storm, Cone of Cold, Conflagration, Ebonbolt, Fire Blast, Flame Patch, Flurry, Frost Nova, Frostbolt, Frozen Orb, Glacial Spike, Ice Lance, Ice Nova, Living Bomb, Mark of Aluneth, Mastery: Icicles, Meteor, Nether Tempest, Phoenix Flames, Phoenix’s Flames, Ray of Frost, Supernova Mage – Frost Spec.
- Frost Mage
- Gift of the Ox When you take damage, you have a chance to summon a Healing Sphere visible only to you. Moving through this Healing Sphere heals you for
[ 81.9%[ 115% of Attack Power ]. Unlimited range. Instant. - Talents
- Power Strikes Every 15 sec, your next Tiger Palm will generate 1 additional Chi and deal
200%100% additional damage. Windwalker Monk – Level 100 Talent.
- Power Strikes Every 15 sec, your next Tiger Palm will generate 1 additional Chi and deal
- Brewmaster
- Brewmaster Monk Increases damage/healing by 9%: Blackout Kick, Blackout Strike, Breath of Fire, Chi Burst, Chi Wave, Crackling Jade Lightning, Crosswinds, Eye of the Tiger, Fist of the White Tiger, Fists of Fury, Flying Serpent Kick, Keg Smash, Rushing Jade Wind, Special Delivery, Spinning Crane Kick, Strike of the Windlord, Tiger Palm, Whirling Dragon Punch Increases periodic damage/healing by 9%: Blackout Kick, Blackout Strike, Breath of Fire, Chi Burst, Chi Wave, Crackling Jade Lightning, Crosswinds, Eye of the Tiger, Fist of the White Tiger, Fists of Fury, Flying Serpent Kick, Keg Smash, Rushing Jade Wind, Special Delivery, Spinning Crane Kick, Strike of the Windlord, Tiger Palm, Whirling Dragon Punch Decreases damage/healing by 44%: Rushing Jade Wind Decreases damage/healing by 10%: Chi Burst, Chi Wave, Song of Chi-Ji, Tiger Palm Decreases periodic damage/healing by 10%: Eye of the Tiger
Monk – Brewmaster Spec.Increases damage/healing by 40%: Vivify Monk – Brewmaster Spec. - Gift of the Ox When you take damage, you have a chance to summon a Healing Sphere visible only to you. Moving through this Healing Sphere heals you for
[ 81.9%[ 115% of Attack Power ]. Monk – Brewmaster Spec.
- Brewmaster Monk Increases damage/healing by 9%: Blackout Kick, Blackout Strike, Breath of Fire, Chi Burst, Chi Wave, Crackling Jade Lightning, Crosswinds, Eye of the Tiger, Fist of the White Tiger, Fists of Fury, Flying Serpent Kick, Keg Smash, Rushing Jade Wind, Special Delivery, Spinning Crane Kick, Strike of the Windlord, Tiger Palm, Whirling Dragon Punch Increases periodic damage/healing by 9%: Blackout Kick, Blackout Strike, Breath of Fire, Chi Burst, Chi Wave, Crackling Jade Lightning, Crosswinds, Eye of the Tiger, Fist of the White Tiger, Fists of Fury, Flying Serpent Kick, Keg Smash, Rushing Jade Wind, Special Delivery, Spinning Crane Kick, Strike of the Windlord, Tiger Palm, Whirling Dragon Punch Decreases damage/healing by 44%: Rushing Jade Wind Decreases damage/healing by 10%: Chi Burst, Chi Wave, Song of Chi-Ji, Tiger Palm Decreases periodic damage/healing by 10%: Eye of the Tiger
- Mistweaver
- Mistweaver Monk Mistweaver Monk core passive Increases damage/healing by 40%: Chi Burst, Chi Wave, Enveloping Mist, Essence Font, Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane, Mastery: Gust of Mists, Refreshing Jade Wind, Renewing Mist, Revival, Rising Mist, Sheilun’s Gift, Soothing Mist, Thunder Focus Tea, Vivify Increases periodic damage/healing by 40%: Chi Burst, Chi Wave, Enveloping Mist, Essence Font, Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane, Mastery: Gust of Mists, Refreshing Jade Wind, Renewing Mist, Revival, Rising Mist, Sheilun’s Gift, Soothing Mist, Thunder Focus Tea, Vivify Decreases damage/healing by 20%: Rising Sun Kick Increases periodic damage/healing by 400%: Crackling Jade Lightning Monk – Mistweaver Spec.
- Windwalker
- Windwalker Monk Decreases damage/healing by 20%: Blackout Kick, Breath of Fire, Chi Burst, Chi Wave, Crackling Jade Lightning, Crosswinds, Eye of the Tiger, Fist of the White Tiger, Fists of Fury, Flying Serpent Kick, Rising Sun Kick, Rushing Jade Wind, Special Delivery, Spinning Crane Kick, Strike of the Windlord
, Thunderfist, Tiger Palm, Whirling Dragon Punch Decreases periodic damage/healing by 21%: Blackout Kick, Breath of Fire, Chi Burst, Chi Wave, Crackling Jade Lightning, Crosswinds, Eye of the Tiger, Fist of the White Tiger, Fists of Fury, Flying Serpent Kick, Rising Sun Kick, Rushing Jade Wind, Special Delivery, Spinning Crane Kick, Strike of the Windlord,Thunderfist,Tiger Palm, Whirling Dragon Punch Increases damage/healing by 26%: Blackout Kick, Rising Sun Kick, Tiger Palm Increases damage/healing by 22%: Chi Wave and Rushing Jade Wind Increases periodic damage/healing by 22%: Eye of the Tiger Increases damage/healing by 140%: Spinning Crane Kick Increases damage/healing by 50%: Blackout KickMonk – Windwalker Spec.Increases damage/healing by 40%: Vivify Monk – Windwalker Spec.
- Windwalker Monk Decreases damage/healing by 20%: Blackout Kick, Breath of Fire, Chi Burst, Chi Wave, Crackling Jade Lightning, Crosswinds, Eye of the Tiger, Fist of the White Tiger, Fists of Fury, Flying Serpent Kick, Rising Sun Kick, Rushing Jade Wind, Special Delivery, Spinning Crane Kick, Strike of the Windlord
- Summon Darkforge Ram
Summons and dismisses your Darkforge Ram. 1.5 sec cast.Summons a Darkforge Ram, which serves as a mount. 1.5 sec cast. - Talents
- Avenging Crusader You become the ultimate crusader of light, increasing your Crusader Strike, Judgment, and auto-attack damage by 30%. Crusader Strike and Judgment cool down 30% faster and heal up to 3 injured allies for
175%250% of the damage they deal. Lasts 20 sec. Holy Paladin – Level 90 Talent. 50% of Base Mana. Instant. 2 min cooldown. - Hand of the Protector Calls down the Light to heal a friendly target for
[ 200%[ 280% of Spell Power ], increased by up to 200% based on your missing health. 1 charge. Protection Paladin – Level 75 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. 15 sec recharge. 1 charge. - Word of Glory Heals the 3 most injured friendly targets within 30 yards for
[ 400%[ 560% of Spell Power ]. 2 charges. Retribution Paladin – Level 90 Talent. 3 Holy Power. Instant. 60 sec recharge. 2 charges.
- Avenging Crusader You become the ultimate crusader of light, increasing your Crusader Strike, Judgment, and auto-attack damage by 30%. Crusader Strike and Judgment cool down 30% faster and heal up to 3 injured allies for
- Holy
- Blessing of Sacrifice Reduces the damage you take from Blessing of Sacrifice by 25%.
Holy Paladin – Artifact Thing.Paladin – Holy Spec. - Holy Paladin Holy Paladin core passive Increases damage/healing by 40%: Consecrated Ground, Flash of Light, Hand of the Protector, Holy Light, Holy Shock, Judgment of Light, Light of Dawn, Light of the Martyr, Light’s Hammer, Word of Glory Increases periodic damage/healing by 40%: Consecrated Ground, Flash of Light, Hand of the Protector, Holy Light, Holy Shock, Judgment of Light, Light of Dawn, Light of the Martyr, Light’s Hammer, Word of Glory Increases damage/healing by 150%: Consecration Paladin – Holy Spec.
- Blessing of Sacrifice Reduces the damage you take from Blessing of Sacrifice by 25%.
- Protection
- Light of the Protector Calls down the Light to heal you for
[ 200%[ 280% of Spell Power ], increased by up to 200% based on your missing health. 1 charge. Paladin – Protection Spec. Instant. 20 sec recharge. 1 charge. - Protection Paladin Increases damage/healing by 12%: Avenger’s Shield, Blessed Hammer, Consecration, Crusader Strike, Execution Sentence, Eye for an Eye, Hammer of the Righteous, Hammer of Wrath, Holy Prism, Holy Shield, Holy Shock, Judgment, Justicar’s Vengeance, Light’s Hammer, Retribution Aura, Shield of the Righteous, Wake of Ashes, Zeal Increases damage/healing by
53%114%: Flash of Light Decreases damage/healing by 42%: Judgment Paladin – Protection Spec.
- Light of the Protector Calls down the Light to heal you for
- Retribution
- Retribution Paladin Decreases damage/healing by
5%14%: Blade of Justice, Blessed Hammer, Consecration, Crusader Strike, Divine Storm, Execution Sentence, Eye for an Eye, Hammer of Wrath, Holy Prism, Holy Shield, Holy Shock, Judgment, Justicar’s Vengeance, Light’s Hammer, Retribution Aura, Wake of Ashes, Zeal Decreases periodic damage/healing by5%14%: Blade of Justice, Blessed Hammer, Consecration, Crusader Strike, Divine Storm, Execution Sentence, Eye for an Eye, Hammer of Wrath, Holy Prism, Holy Shield, Holy Shock, Judgment, Justicar’s Vengeance, Light’s Hammer, Retribution Aura, Wake of Ashes, Zeal Increases damage/healing by53%114%: Flash of Light Increases damage/healing by 300%: Consecration Paladin – Retribution Spec.
- Retribution Paladin Decreases damage/healing by
- Talents
- Discipline
- Atonement Power Word: Shield, Shadow Mend, and Power Word: Radiance apply Atonement to your target for 15 sec. Your spell damage heals all targets affected by Atonement for
40%55% of the damage done. Priest – Discipline Spec. - Discipline Priest Discipline Priest core passive
Priest – Discipline Spec.Increases damage/healing by 40%: Binding Heal, Body and Mind, Circle of Healing, Contrition, Cosmic Ripple, Divine Star, Flash Heal, Halo, Holy Word: Salvation, Orison, Penance, Power Word: Radiance, Prayer of Mending, Shadow Mend Increases periodic damage/healing by 40%: Binding Heal, Body and Mind, Circle of Healing, Contrition, Cosmic Ripple, Divine Star, Flash Heal, Halo, Holy Word: Salvation, Orison, Penance, Power Word: Radiance, Prayer of Mending, Shadow Mend Priest – Discipline Spec. - Power of the Dark Side Purge the Wicked has a chance to empower your next Penance with Shadow, increasing is effectiveness by 50%.
Discipline Priest – Artifact ThingPriest – Discipline Spec. Approximately 1 proc per minute.
- Atonement Power Word: Shield, Shadow Mend, and Power Word: Radiance apply Atonement to your target for 15 sec. Your spell damage heals all targets affected by Atonement for
- Holy
- Holy Priest Holy Priest core passive Increases damage/healing by
10%40%: Binding Heal, Body and Mind, Circle of Healing, Contrition, Cosmic Ripple, Divine Hymn, Divine Star, Flash Heal, Halo, Heal, Holy Word: Salvation, Holy Word: Sanctify, Holy Word: Serenity, Holy Words, Orison, Penance, Prayer of Healing, Prayer of Mending, Renew Increases periodic damage/healing by 40%: Binding Heal, Body and Mind, Circle of Healing, Contrition, Cosmic Ripple, Divine Hymn, Divine Star, Flash Heal, Halo, Heal, Holy Word: Salvation, Holy Word: Sanctify, Holy Word: Serenity, Holy Words, Orison, Penance, Prayer of Healing, Prayer of Mending, Renew Increases damage/healing by 10%: Dark Void, Divine Star, Halo: Holy Fire, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Chastise, Holy Words,Purge the Wicked, SmiteLight’s Wrath, Penance, Power Word: Solace, Purge the Wicked, Schism, Shadow Crash, Shadow Word: Death, Shadow Word: Void, Smite, Void Torrent Increases periodic damage/healing by 10%: Dark Void, Divine Star, Halo: Holy Fire, Holy Nova, Holy Word: Chastise, Holy Words,Purge the Wicked, Smite Priest – Holy Spec.Light’s Wrath, Penance, Power Word: Solace, Purge the Wicked, Schism, Shadow Crash, Shadow Word: Death, Shadow Word: Void, Smite, Void Torrent Priest – Holy Spec.
- Holy Priest Holy Priest core passive Increases damage/healing by
- Shadow
- Shadow Priest Decreases damage/healing by 20%: Dark Void, Divine Star, Halo, Light’s Wrath, Mind Blast, Mind Flay, Mind Sear, Penance, Power Word: Solace, Purge the Wicked, Schism, Shadow Crash, Shadow Word: Death, Shadow Word: Pain, Shadow Word: Void, Shadowy Apparitions, Smite, Vampiric Touch, Void Bolt, Void Eruption, Void Torrent Decreases periodic damage/healing by 20%: Dark Void, Divine Star, Halo, Light’s Wrath, Mind Blast, Mind Flay, Mind Sear, Penance, Power Word: Solace, Purge the Wicked, Schism, Shadow Crash, Shadow Word: Death, Shadow Word: Pain, Shadow Word: Void, Shadowy Apparitions, Smite, Vampiric Touch, Void Bolt, Void Eruption, Void Torrent
Priest – Shadow Spec.Increases damage/healing by 40%: Shadow Mend Priest – Shadow Spec. - Vampiric Embrace Fills you with the embrace of Shadow energy for 15 sec, causing you to heal a nearby ally for
60%85% of any single-target Shadow spell damage you deal. Priest – Shadow Spec. Instant. 2 min cooldown.
- Shadow Priest Decreases damage/healing by 20%: Dark Void, Divine Star, Halo, Light’s Wrath, Mind Blast, Mind Flay, Mind Sear, Penance, Power Word: Solace, Purge the Wicked, Schism, Shadow Crash, Shadow Word: Death, Shadow Word: Pain, Shadow Word: Void, Shadowy Apparitions, Smite, Vampiric Touch, Void Bolt, Void Eruption, Void Torrent Decreases periodic damage/healing by 20%: Dark Void, Divine Star, Halo, Light’s Wrath, Mind Blast, Mind Flay, Mind Sear, Penance, Power Word: Solace, Purge the Wicked, Schism, Shadow Crash, Shadow Word: Death, Shadow Word: Pain, Shadow Word: Void, Shadowy Apparitions, Smite, Vampiric Touch, Void Bolt, Void Eruption, Void Torrent
- Talents
- Blindside Exploits the vulnerability of foes with less than 30% health, dealing
[ 58.03%[ 65% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to the target. Mutilate has a30%25% chance to make your next Blindside free and usable on any target, regardless of their health. Awards 1 combo points. Requires Daggers. Assassination Rogue – Level 15 Talent. 30 Energy. Melee range. Instant. 1 sec global cooldown. - Find Weakness Name changed from „Expose Weakness“ to „Find Weakness“. Your Shadowstrike and Cheap Shot
abilitiesreveal a flaw in your target’s defenses, causing all your attacks to bypass 40% of that enemy’s armor for 10 sec. Subtlety Rogue – Level 15 Talent. - Iron Wire Increase the duration of Garrote’s silence effect
to 8by 3 sec. Enemies silenced by Garrote deal 15% reduced damage for 8 sec. Assassination Rogue – Level 75 Talent. - Killing Spree Teleport to an enemy within 10 yards, attacking with both weapons for a total of
[ 286.4% of Attack Power + 150% of Spell Powerdmg;] Physical damage over 2 sec. While Blade Flurry is active, also hits all nearby enemies for 100% damage. Requires Melee Weapon. Outlaw Rogue – Level 100 Talent. 10 yd range. Instant. 2 min cooldown. 1 sec global cooldown. - Night Terrors (New) Shuriken Storm reduces enemies‘ movement speed by 30% for 8 sec. Subtlety Rogue – Level 75 Talent.
- Shuriken Tornado (New) Focus momentarily, then release a Shuriken Storm every sec for the next 4 sec. Subtlety Rogue – Level 100 Talent. 60 Energy. Instant. 60 sec cooldown. 1 sec global cooldown.
- Weaponmaster
YourShadowstrike and Backstab have a 15% chance to hit the target twice each time they deal damage. Subtlety Rogue – Level 15 Talent.
- Blindside Exploits the vulnerability of foes with less than 30% health, dealing
- Assassination
- Assassination Rogue Increases damage/healing by 32%
: Bag of Tricks, Blade Rush, Blindside, Crimson Tempest, Deadly Poison, Envenom, Eviscerate, Fan of Knives, From the Shadows, Garrote, Ghostly Strike, Gloomblade, Goremaw’s Bite, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Kingsbane, Main Gauche, Mutilate, Poison Bomb, Poisoned Knife, Rupture, Sinister Strike, Toxic Blade, Wound Poison Increases periodic damage/healing by 32%:Bag of Tricks,Blade Rush, Blindside, Crimson Tempest, Deadly Poison, Envenom, Eviscerate, Fan of Knives, From the Shadows, Garrote, Ghostly Strike, Gloomblade, Goremaw’s Bite, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Kingsbane, Main Gauche, Mutilate, Poison Bomb, Poisoned Knife, Rupture, Sinister Strike, Toxic Blade, Wound Poison Rogue – Assassination Spec.
- Assassination Rogue Increases damage/healing by 32%
- Outlaw
- Outlaw Rogue Increases damage/healing by
42%28%: Ambush, Between the Eyes, Blade Rush, Blindside, Blunderbuss, Crimson Tempest, Deadly Poison, Dispatch, Ghostly Strike, Gloomblade, Goremaw’s Bite, Greed, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Kingsbane, Main Gauche, Mastery: Main Gauche, Mutilate, Pistol Shot, Poison Bomb, Riposte, Sinister Strike, Toxic Blade, Wound Poison Increases periodic damage/healing by42%28%: Ambush, Between the Eyes, Blade Rush, Blindside, Blunderbuss, Crimson Tempest, Deadly Poison, Dispatch, Ghostly Strike, Gloomblade, Goremaw’s Bite, Greed, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Kingsbane, Main Gauche, Mastery: Main Gauche, Mutilate, Pistol Shot, Poison Bomb, Riposte, Sinister Strike, Toxic Blade, Wound Poison Rogue – Outlaw Spec.
- Outlaw Rogue Increases damage/healing by
- Subtlety
- Nightblade Finishing move that infects the target with shadowy energy, dealing Shadow damage over time and
causing attacks against the target to reduce movement speed by 20% for 8 secreduces the effectiveness of healing on the target by 20%. Lasts longer per combo point. 1 point : [ 50.5% of Attack Power ] over 8 sec 2 points: [ 63.1% of Attack Power ] over 10 sec 3 points: [ 75.7% of Attack Power ] over 12 sec 4 points: [ 88.3% of Attack Power ] over 14 sec 5 points: [ 100.9% of Attack Power ] over 16 sec 6 points: [ 113.5% of Attack Power ] over 18 sec You deal 15% increased damage to enemies afflicted by your Nightblade. Requires Melee Weapon. Rogue – Subtlety Spec. 25 Energy. Melee range. Instant. 1 sec global cooldown. - Shadow Blades Draws upon surrounding shadows to empower your weapons
for 20 sec, causing your Shadowstrike and auto attacks to deal Shadowstrike damage and your Gloomblade to deal 30% increased damage. Additionallycausing, your combo point generating abilitiesgenerate 1 additional combo pointto generate 1 additional combo point and deal 75% additional damage as Shadow for 20 sec. Rogue – Subtlety Spec. Instant. 3 min cooldown. - Shadow’s Grasp (New) Backstab, Shadowstrike, and Shuriken Storm reduce the enemy’s movement speed by 30% for 8 sec. Rogue – Subtlety Spec.
- Shuriken Storm Sprays shurikens at all targets within 10 yards, dealing [ 18% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Damage increased by 50% while Stealth or Shadow Dance is active. Awards 1 combo points per target hit. plus an additional 1. Rogue – Subtlety Spec. 35 Energy. Instant. 1 sec global cooldown.
- Subtlety Rogue Increases damage/healing by 25%
: Akaari’s Soul, Backstab, Blade Rush, Blindside, Crimson Tempest, Deadly Poison, Eviscerate, Ghostly Strike, Gloomblade, Goremaw’s Bite, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Kingsbane, Main Gauche, Mutilate, Nightblade, Poison Bomb,Second ShurikenShadow Blades, Shadowstrike, Shuriken Storm, Shuriken Toss, Toxic Blade, Wound Poison Increases periodic damage/healing by 25%: Akaari’s Soul, Backstab, Blade Rush, Blindside, Crimson Tempest, Deadly Poison, Eviscerate, Ghostly Strike, Gloomblade, Goremaw’s Bite, Internal Bleeding, Killing Spree, Kingsbane, Main Gauche, Mutilate, Nightblade, Poison Bomb,Second ShurikenShadow Blades, Shadowstrike, Shuriken Storm, Shuriken Toss, Toxic Blade, Wound Poison Rogue – Subtlety Spec.
- Nightblade Finishing move that infects the target with shadowy energy, dealing Shadow damage over time and
- Ancestral Guidance When the Shaman deals direct damage or healing,
20%25% of that amount is copied as healing to up to 3 injured allies within 40 yards. Instant. - Earth Elemental Calls forth a Greater Earth Elemental to protect you and your allies for 60 sec.
Shaman – Elemental Spec.40 yd range. Instant. 5 min cooldown. - Hex (New) Transforms the enemy into a wicker mongrel for 60 sec. While hexed, the victim is incapacitated, and cannot attack or cast spells. Damage may cancel the effect. Limit 1. Only works on Humanoids and Beasts. 30 yd range. 1.7 sec cast. 30 sec cooldown.
- Hex (New) Transforms the enemy into a Zandalari Tendonripper for 60 sec. While hexed, the victim is incapacitated, and cannot attack or cast spells. Damage may cancel the effect. Limit 1. Only works on Humanoids and Beasts. 30 yd range. 1.7 sec cast. 30 sec cooldown.
- Talents
- Aftershock Your spells have a
30%25% chance to refund the Maelstrom spent on them. Elemental Shaman – Level 30 Talent. - Ancestral Guidance For the next 10 sec,
20%25% of your damage and healing is converted to healing on up to 3 nearby injured party or raid members. Elemental Shaman – Level 75 Talent. Instant. 2 min cooldown. - Downpour A burst of water at the target location heals up to six injured allies within 12 yards for [ 120% of Spell Power ]. Cooldown increased by 5 sec for each target effectively healed. Restoration Shaman –
Artifact ThingLevel 90 Talent. 15% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast. 5 sec cooldown. - Earthen Wall Totem Summons a totem with Total Health health for 15 sec.
Spell Power[ 140% of Spell Power damage from each attack against allies within 10 yards of the totem is redirected to the totem. Restoration Shaman – Level 60 Talent. 11% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 60 sec cooldown. 1 sec global cooldown. - Exposed Elements Earth Shock now increases the damage of your next Lightning Bolt on the target by
200%100%. Elemental Shaman – Level 15 Talent. - Lightning Shield Surround yourself with a shield of
lightinglightning for 60 min. Melee attackers have a chance to suffer [ 9.83% of Attack Power ] Nature damage, and add a charge to your shield. When you Stormstrike, it gains 2 charges. At 15 charges, the shield overcharges, causing you to deal [ 10% of Attack Power ] Nature damage with each attack and generate 10 Maelstrom over 10 sec. Enhancement Shaman – Level 15 Talent. Instant.
- Aftershock Your spells have a
- Elemental
- Elemental Shaman Elemental Shaman baseline passive Increases damage/healing by 9%: Chain Lightning, Crashing Storm, Earth Shock, Earthen Rage, Earthen Spike, Earthquake, Elemental Blast, Elemental Spirits, Feral Lunge, Flame Shock, Flametongue Attack, Frost Shock, Fulmination, Fury of Air, Hailstorm, Icefury, Lava Burst, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield,
Seismic Storm,Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Sundering, Thunderstorm, Volcanic Inferno, Windfury Attack, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand Increases periodic damage/healing by 9%: Chain Lightning, Crashing Storm, Earth Shock, Earthen Rage, Earthen Spike, Earthquake, Elemental Blast, Elemental Spirits, Feral Lunge, Flame Shock, Flametongue Attack, Frost Shock, Fulmination, Fury of Air, Hailstorm, Icefury, Lava Burst, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield,Seismic Storm,Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Sundering, Thunderstorm, Volcanic Inferno, Windfury Attack, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand Increases damage/healing by47%: Healing Surge Shaman – Elemental Spec.106%: Healing Surge Increases damage/healing by 100%: Earth Shield Shaman – Elemental Spec.
- Elemental Shaman Elemental Shaman baseline passive Increases damage/healing by 9%: Chain Lightning, Crashing Storm, Earth Shock, Earthen Rage, Earthen Spike, Earthquake, Elemental Blast, Elemental Spirits, Feral Lunge, Flame Shock, Flametongue Attack, Frost Shock, Fulmination, Fury of Air, Hailstorm, Icefury, Lava Burst, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield,
- Enhancement
- Enhancement Shaman Decreases damage/healing by
30%: Crash Lightning, Crashing Storm, Doom Vortex40%: Crash Lightning, Crashing Storm, Earthen Rage, Earthen Spike, Earthquake, Elemental Blast, Elemental Spirits, Feral Lunge, Flametongue, Flametongue Attack, Frostbrand, Fury of Air, Hailstorm, Icefury, Lava Lash, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield, Rockbiter, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Sundering,Unleash Doom,Windfury, Windfury Attack, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand Decreases periodic damage/healing by30%: Crash Lightning, Crashing Storm, Doom Vortex40%: Crash Lightning, Crashing Storm, Earthen Rage, Earthen Spike, Earthquake, Elemental Blast, Elemental Spirits, Feral Lunge, Flametongue, Flametongue Attack, Frostbrand, Fury of Air, Hailstorm, Icefury, Lava Lash, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield, Rockbiter, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Sundering,Unleash Doom,Windfury, Windfury Attack, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-HandShaman – Enhancement Spec.Increases damage/healing by 100%: Earth Shield Shaman – Enhancement Spec. - Healing Surge Heals a friendly target for
[ 185%[ 259% of Spell Power ]. Consumes 20 Maelstrom, if available, to become instant. Shaman – Enhancement Spec. 25% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast.
- Enhancement Shaman Decreases damage/healing by
- Restoration
- Restoration Shaman Restoration Shaman core passive Increases damage/healing by 40%: Chain Heal, Downpour, Earth Shield, Healing Rain, Healing Stream Totem, Healing Surge, Healing Wave, Riptide, Unleash Life, Wellspring Increases periodic damage/healing by 40%: Chain Heal, Downpour, Earth Shield, Healing Rain, Healing Stream Totem, Healing Surge, Healing Wave, Riptide, Unleash Life, Wellspring Increases damage/healing by 25%: Chain Lightning, Crashing Storm, Earthen Rage, Earthen Spike, Earthquake, Elemental Blast, Elemental Spirits, Feral Lunge, Flame Shock, Flametongue Attack, Fury of Air, Hailstorm, Icefury, Lava Burst, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Sundering, Windfury Attack, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand Increases periodic damage/healing by 25%: Chain Lightning, Crashing Storm, Earthen Rage, Earthen Spike, Earthquake, Elemental Blast, Elemental Spirits, Feral Lunge, Flame Shock, Flametongue Attack, Fury of Air, Hailstorm, Icefury, Lava Burst, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Sundering, Windfury Attack, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand Increases damage/healing by 14%: Lava Burst Shaman – Restoration Spec.
- Create Healthstone Creates a Healthstone that can be consumed to restore
40%25% health. 2% of Base Mana. 3 sec cast. - Drain Life Drains life from the target, causing [ 60% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over
65 sec, and healing you for600%500% of the damage done. 0% of Base Mana, plus 1% per sec. 40 yd range.6 sec cast (Channeled).5 sec cast (Channeled). - Fear Strikes fear in the enemy, disorienting for 20 sec. Damage may cancel the effect. Limit 1.
1.5%5% of Base Mana. 30 yd range. 1.7 sec cast. - Seed of Corruption Embeds a demon seed in the enemy target that will explode after 12 sec, dealing [ 283 +
35%20% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yards and applying Corruption to them. The seed will detonate early if the target is hit by other detonations, or takes [ 50% of Shadow Spell Power ] damage from your spells. Unlimited range. Instant. - Talents
- Creeping Death Your Agony, Corruption, Siphon Life, and Unstable Affliction deal their full damage 15% faster. Affliction Warlock – Level 100 Talent.
- Dark Soul: Instability Name changed from „Dark Soul“ to „Dark Soul: Instability“.
- Dark Soul: Misery (New) Infuses your soul with the misery of fallen foes, increasing haste by [ 30 + 25% of Spell Power ]% for 20 sec. Can be cast in Metamorphosis. Affliction Warlock – Level 100 Talent. Instant. 2 min cooldown.
- Deathbolt Launches a bolt of death at the target, dealing
40%30% of the total remaining damage of your damage over time effects on the target. Counts up to 16 sec of your Corruption’s damage. Affliction Warlock – Level 15 Talent. 2% of Base Mana. 40 yd range.2 sec cast. 25 sec cooldown.Instant. 30 sec cooldown. - Drain Soul Drains the target’s soul, causing
[ 180%[ 90% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over6 sec, and healing you for 125% of the damage done5 sec. Damage is increased by 100% against enemies below 20% health. Generates 1 Soul Shard if the target dies during this effect. Affliction Warlock – Level 90 Talent. 0% of Base Mana, plus 1% per sec. 40 yd range.6 sec cast (Channeled).5 sec cast (Channeled). - Phantom Singularity Places a phantom singularity above the target, which consumes the life of all enemies within 15 yards, dealing
[ 200%[ 160% of Spell Power ] damage over 16 sec, healing you for 25% of the damage done. Warlock – Level 60 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. 40 sec cooldown. - Shadow Embrace
Shadow BoltDrain Soul applies Shadow Embrace, increasing your damage dealt to the target by 3% for 10 sec. Stacks up to 3 times. Affliction Warlock – Level 15 Talent. - Siphon Life Siphons the target’s life essence, dealing [ 60% of Spell Power ;] Shadow;] damage over 15 sec and healing you for 30% of the damage done.
Warlock – Level 100Affliction Warlock – Level 30 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. - Vile Taint (New) Erupts a vile pool under the target’s location, dealing [ 100% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 10 sec to all enemies within 0 yds and reducing their movement speed by 30%. Affliction Warlock – Level 60 Talent. 1 Soul Shard. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast. 15 sec cooldown.
- Affliction
- Affliction Warlock Increases damage/healing by
27%25%: Agony, Bilescourge Bombers, Cataclysm, Channel Demonfire,Compounding Horror, Corruption, Doom, Drain Life, Grimoire of Sacrifice, Harvester of SoulsCorruption, Doom, Drain Life, Drain Soul, Grimoire of Sacrifice, Haunt, Phantom Singularity, Rain of Fire, Rend Soul, Roaring Blaze, Seed of Corruption, Shadow Bolt, Shadowburn, Siphon Life, Soul Fire,Soul Flame, Unstable AfflictionUnstable Affliction, Vile Taint Increases periodic damage/healing by27%25%: Agony, Bilescourge Bombers, Cataclysm, Channel Demonfire,Compounding Horror, Corruption, Doom, Drain Life, Grimoire of Sacrifice, Harvester of SoulsCorruption, Doom, Drain Life, Drain Soul, Grimoire of Sacrifice, Haunt, Phantom Singularity, Rain of Fire, Rend Soul, Roaring Blaze, Seed of Corruption, Shadow Bolt, Shadowburn, Siphon Life, Soul Fire,Soul Flame, Unstable Affliction Warlock – Affliction Spec.Unstable Affliction, Vile Taint Warlock – Affliction Spec. - Mastery: Potent Afflictions Increases damage done by Agony, Corruption, Siphon Life,
and Unstable Affliction by [ 312.5%Phantom Singularity, Vile Taint, Unstable Affliction, and Seed of Corruption by [ 250% of Spell Power ]%. Warlock – Affliction Spec. - Seed of Corruption Embeds a demon seed in the enemy target that will explode after 12 sec, dealing [ 283 +
35%20% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yards and applying Corruption to them. The seed will detonate early if the target is hit by other detonations, or takes [ 50% of Shadow Spell Power ] damage from your spells. Warlock – Affliction Spec. 1 Soul Shard. 40 yd range. 2.5 sec cast. - Shadow Bolt Sends a shadowy bolt at the enemy, causing
[ 50%[ 45% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage. Warlock – Affliction Spec. 2% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast. - Summon Darkglare Summons a Darkglare
for 12 sec that launches Eye Lasers at all targets afflicted by your Doom, dealing [ 22%from the Twisting Nether that extends the duration of your damage over time effects on all enemies by 8 sec. The Darkglare will serve you for 20 sec, blasting its target for [ 40% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage.1 Soul Shard. Instant. 24 sec cooldown.increased by 10% for every damage over time effect you have active on any target. Warlock – Affliction Spec. 1 Soul Shard. Instant. 3 min cooldown. - Unstable Affliction Afflicts the target with
[ 64%[ 80% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 8 sec. You may afflict a target with up to 5 Unstable Afflictions at once. You deal 10% increased damage to targets affected by your Unstable Affliction. If dispelled, deals[ 64%[ 80% of Spell Power ] damage to the dispeller and silences them for 4 sec. Refunds 1 Soul Shards if the target dies while afflicted. Warlock – Affliction Spec. 1 Soul Shard. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast.
- Affliction Warlock Increases damage/healing by
- Demonology
- Summon Demonic Tyrant Summon a Demonic Tyrant to increase the duration of all of your current demons by 15.0 sec, and increase the damage of all of your other demons by 15%, while
casting Shadow Bolt Volley at your enemiesdamaging your target. Warlock – Demonology Spec. 2% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast. 1.5 min cooldown.
- Summon Demonic Tyrant Summon a Demonic Tyrant to increase the duration of all of your current demons by 15.0 sec, and increase the damage of all of your other demons by 15%, while
- Pets
- Meteor Strike The infernal releases a powerful burst of flames, dealing
[ 12.5%[ 311 + 12.5% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to nearby targets, and stunning them for 2 sec. Unlimited range. Instant. 60 sec cooldown.
- Meteor Strike The infernal releases a powerful burst of flames, dealing
- Battle Shout Increases the attack power of all raid and party members within 100 yards by 10% for 60 min. Instant.15 sec cooldown.
- Victory Rush Strikes the target, causing
[ 32.76%[ 311 + 32.76% of Attack Power ] damage and healing you forrush%20% of your maximum health. Only usable within 20 sec after you kill an enemy that yields experience or honor. Melee range. Instant. 30 sec cooldown. - Talents
- Punish Shield Slam deals
30%20% increased damage, and reduces enemies‘ damage against you by5%3% for 9 sec. Protection Warrior – Level 15 Talent. - Vengeance
Shield BlockIgnore Pain reduces the Rage cost of your next Revenge by 33%, and Revenge reduces the Rage cost of your nextShield BlockIgnore Pain by 33%. Protection Warrior – Level 90 Talent.
- Punish Shield Slam deals
- Arms
- Seasoned Soldier (New) Your auto attack critical strikes generate 30% more Rage. Warrior – Arms Spec.
- Arms & Protection
- Victory Rush Strikes the target, causing
[ 32.76%[ 311 + 32.76% of Attack Power ] damage and healing you forrush%20% of your maximum health. Only usable within 20 sec after you kill an enemy that yields experience or honor. Warrior – Arms & Protection Spec. Melee range. Instant.
- Victory Rush Strikes the target, causing
- Protection
- Ignore Pain (New) Fight through the pain, ignoring 50% of damage taken, up to absorb total damage prevented. Warrior – Protection Spec. 40 Rage. Instant.
- Shield Block Raise your shield, blocking all melee attacks against you for 6 sec. These blocks can be critical blocks. Increases Shield Slam damage by 30% while active. Requires Shields. 1 charge. Warrior – Protection Spec.
4030 Rage. Instant. 18 sec recharge. 1 charge. - Vanguard Name changed from „Defensive Stance“ to „Vanguard“.
A tanking combat stance that increases Stamina by 30% and increases armorHardened by battle, your Stamina is increased by 30%, and your armor is increased by 40% of your Strength. Warrior – Protection Spec.