Starcraft Remastered: Die Patchnotes zu Patch 1.21.0

In der vergangenen Nacht haben die an Starcraft Remastered mitarbeitenden Entwickler von Blizzard Entertainment zur Überraschung eines Großteils ihrer Community den zuvor nicht angekündigten neuen Patch 1.21.0 veröffentlicht, der nun von allen Spielern über den Battle.Net Launcher heruntergeladen und installiert werden kann. Laut den gleichzeitig damit in den offiziellen Foren dieses Strategiespiels veröffentlichten Patchnotes beinhaltete dieses neue Update unter anderem den praktischen Trigger „Extended Unit Death“ für den Map Editor, eine Vielzahl von unterschiedlichen Fehlerbehebungen, kleinere Verbesserungen am Interface des Spiels und einen aktualisierten Map Pool für die Rangliste der Frontier League. Solltet ihr diesen beliebten Titel aktiv spielen und euch daher für die genauen Auswirkungen von Patch 1.21.0 interessieren, dann kann ich euch an dieser Stelle nur dazu raten, die folgenden Patchnotes aufmerksam durchzulesen.
Patch 1.21.0 – The Return of EUD Maps
Greetings Cerebrates, Commanders, and Executors. Patch 1.21.0 has arrived. This patch was focused on enabling EUD , updating the CCMU variables, improving our turn rate system, and introducing a brand new map pool for the current Frontier League.
Features & Improvements
- Added an EUD “Extended Unit Death” emulator that supports hundreds of EUD offsets for custom maps. This is something that we have been very excited to deliver for StarCraft Remastered and hope you all really enjoy it. For additional information on EUD please visit our blog: (Link)
CCMU “Cannot Create More Units”
- Brood War enthusiasts can rejoice in the glory that is updated CCMU variables. We have raised the limits of sprites & bullets that can be spawned in game! Additionally, we have added an option while creating a game that allows players to adjust the CCMU limits back to their original limitations.
Map Pool
- Updated the current ladder map pool in the Frontier League to:
- CircuitBreakers1.0
- Fighting Spirit
- Match Point
- Longinus II
- Neo Jade
- Tau Cross
- Destination
- We have updated our turn rate algorithm to be smarter and better than ever. The new system is more meticulous at determining if the turn rate needs to be lowered and will even increase it.
- Players can now view their own replays from the profile screen.
Bug Fixes
- Changes made for Game Speed, Key Scroll Speed or Mouse Scroll Speed should now persist after patches.
- Pressing U now only toggles replay speed after Alt+Tabbing in and out of the Replay session.
- The + and = symbols are now working correctly within chat.
- /where and /whois commands are now working correctly for those that are Blizzard friends and non Blizzard friends.
- Fixed an issue where some player and race settings couldn’t be changed in the Single Player lobby.
- Players that navigate rapidly through the client menus will no longer hit a black screen state.
- Fixed a crash on Mac occurring when joining a Multiplayer custom game.
Known Issues:
- Save game is disabled for EUD maps
- Replays will not be saved for EUD maps
- A big majority of EUD maps are supported except for maps that change the SCR graphics