Patch 7.3: Der neue Build 24651

In der vergangenen Nacht haben die an World of Warcraft mitarbeitenden Entwickler von Blizzard Entertainment unter anderem den neuen Build 24651 auf den mittlerweile bereits seit einigen Wochen aktiv laufenden öffentlichen Testserver von Patch 7.3 aufgespielt und diese allen daran interessierten Personen offenstehende Testphase auf diese Weise dann erneut um mehrere neue Inhalte und Änderungen erweitert. Während die letzten Builds für den PTR in den meisten Fällen eine Vielzahl von kompletten Neuerungen mit sich brachten, so konzentrierten sich die Entwickler bei diesem Update allerdings eher darauf, die schon auf dem Testserverr vorhandenen Features ein wenig weiter auszubauen. Weiter unten in diesem Artikel findet ihr nun sowohl die PTR Development Notes von Community Manager Lore als auch eine kurze Zusammenfassung der bisher bereits von Data Minern entdeckten Inhalte
Highlights aus diesem Build:
- Der Erfolg „Raiding with Leashes V: Cuteaclysm“ wurde hinzugefügt.
- Es gibt nun mehrere Chat Icons für Destiny 2.
Mythic: Argus the Unmaker: Dieser Erfolg belohnt die Spieler nun mit dem Titel „Titanslayer %s„.
Glory of the Argus Raider: Dieser Erfolg belohnt die Spieler nun mit dem Reittier „
Antoran Gloomhound„.
Kirin Tor Summoning Crystal: Dieses Reittier verwendet jetzt das bereits seit einiger Zeit in den Spieldaten vorhandene Modell für die arkane Sturmkrähe (Link). Wahrscheinlich können Spieler dieses Reittier über eine spezielle Quest in Antorus freischalten.
- Spieler können das Schwert von Aggramar erhalten:
Antoran Charhound: Dieses Mount dropt nun bei Shatug.
- Varimathras in Antorus könnte eine Verbindung zum Winterhauchfest besitzen:
Christmas Varimathras
- Um den
Lightforged Warframe zu erhalten, müssen daran interessierte Spieler nun einen ehrfürchtigen Ruf bei der Armee des Lichts erreichen.
Krokul Flute: Verbessert die mit Legion eingeführte Flöte um die Flugpunkte auf Argus.
- Auf Argus können die Spieler mehrere Reittiere als World Drops finden:
Acid Belcher,
Crimson Slavermaw und
Biletooth Gnasher,
- Anpassungen an den T-.21 Set Boni
Die PTR Development Notes:
As we mentioned last week, the PTR update for this week (and future weeks) is focused on iterative improvements to the content that’s already available for testing. You may find a few new additions here and there (including some new pet battle content), but the bulk of our efforts this week have focused on refining Argus’ rewards and itemization. Please let us know what you think!
Additionally, we’re planning to start raid testing in the near future – keep an eye out here on the PTR forums for details there.
Thanks again, and happy testing!
Ein neues Reittier:
Der „Lightforged Elekk“ ist scheinbar durch den Gleaming Footlocker erhältlich.
Neue Kampfhaustiere:
Amalgam of Destruction
Bound Stream
Cinderweb Recluse
Corrupted Blood
Discarded Experiment
Faceless Mindlasher
Faceless Minion
Infernal Pyreclaw
Twilight Clutch-Sister
Unstable Tendril
Zephyrian Prince
Neue Icons:
Änderungen an den Set-Boni:
Death Knight
- Item – Death Knight T21 Blood 4P Bonus – Vampiric Blood Rune Haste While Vampiric Blood is active, your runes regenerate
0% faster.15% faster.
- Item – Druid T21 Balance 4P Bonus – Starsurge/Starfall Buffs Moonfire/Sunfire When you cast Starsurge or Starfall, the damage of your Moonfire and Sunfire spells is increased by
0% for 0 sec.10% for 4 sec. - Item – Druid T21 Guardian 4P Bonus – Bonus Healing After Barkskin When Barkskin fades, all healing done to you is increased by
0% for until cancelled.5% for 20 sec. - Item – Druid T21 Restoration 2P Bonus – Yseras Gift Applies HoT Ysera’s Gift now applies Dreamer to the target, healing them for
[ 10%[ 60% of Spell Power ] over 8 sec. - Item – Druid T21 Restoration 4P Bonus – Ysera’s Gift Heals Faster When you cast Wild Growth, you have a
101%50% chance to cause Ysera’s Gift to heal a target320%400% more frequently for 10 sec. - Item – Druid T19 Feral 4P Bonus Shred and Swipe deal
15%8% increased damage for each Bleed effect you have on the target. - Item – Druid WoD PvP Restoration 2P Bonus
Your Barkskin and Ironbark now also grantYour Ironbark now also grants the target Nature’s Grasp, which roots the first 2 attackers for 8 sec.
- Item – Hunter T21 Beast Mastery 4P Bonus – Kill Command Aspect of the Wild CD Name changed from „Item – Hunter T21 Beast Mastery 4P Bonus – Wild Call Kill Command Reset“ to „Item – Hunter T21 Beast Mastery 4P Bonus – Kill Command Aspect of the Wild CD“.
When Wild Call resets the cooldown of Dire Beast, the cooldown of Kill Command is reduced by 1.0 seconds.When you use Kill Command, the cooldown of Aspect of the Wild is reduced by 2.0 sec. - Item – Hunter T21 Marksmanship 2P Bonus – Marked Shot Buffs Focus Builders Name changed from „Item – Hunter T21 Marksmanship 4P Bonus – Marked Shot Buffs Focus Builders“ to „Item – Hunter T21 Marksmanship 2P Bonus – Marked Shot Buffs Focus Builders“.
When Marked Shot deals damage, the damage of your next Arcane Shot is increased by 20% or Multi-Shot damage by 20%, and your next Arcane Shot will generate an additional 5 Focus, or your next Multi-shot will generate an additional 1 Focus.Your Focus generating attacks deal 30% more damage and generate 25% more Focus. - Item – Hunter T21 Marksmanship 4P Bonus – Marked Shot Sometimes Shoots Twice Name changed from „Item – Hunter T21 Marksmanship 2P Bonus – Marked Shot Sometimes Shoots Twice“ to „Item – Hunter T21 Marksmanship 4P Bonus – Marked Shot Sometimes Shoots Twice“.
- Item – Hunter T21 Survival 2P Bonus – Flanking Strikes Buffs Raptor Strike Crit Flanking Strike has a 10% chance to increase the critical strike chance of your next Raptor Strike
within until cancelled by 100% and the critical strike damage of Raptor Strike by 50% within the next 20 sec. - Item – Hunter WoD PvP 2P Bonus Increases the duration of
Wing Clip andConcussive Shot by 2 sec.
- Item – Monk T21 Mistweaver 2P Bonus – Gust of Mists Applies HoT Name changed from „Item – Monk T21 Mistweaver 2P Bonus – Gust of Mists Applies Absorb“ to „Item – Monk T21 Mistweaver 2P Bonus – Gust of Mists Applies HoT“. When Gust of Mists heals a target, they
gain Tranquil Mist, absorbing 20% of the amount that Gust of Mists healed for.have a 101% chance to gain Tranquil Mist which heals them for [ 4 + 40% of Spell Power ] health over 8 sec. - Item – Monk T21 Mistweaver 4P Bonus – Renewing Mist Casts Heal Gust of Mist Targets When you cast Renewing Mist, you have a 15% chance to send a bolt of healing Chi at all targets affected by Tranquil Mist.healing them for [ 25% of Spell Power ].
- Item – Paladin T21 Protection 2P Bonus – Judgement Heals You You heal for
15%40% of the amount of damage that Judgement deals. - Item – Paladin T21 Protection 4P Bonus – Blocks Buff Judgement Damage Each blocked attack increases the damage of your next Judgement by
2%, stacking up to 015%, stacking up to 5 times. This can only happen once every2 sec.1 sec. - Item – Paladin T21 Retribution 2P Bonus – Judgment Damage Name changed from „Item – Paladin T21 Retribution 2P Bonus – HP Spenders Grant Secondary Stats“ to „Item – Paladin T21 Retribution 2P Bonus – Judgment Damage“.
When you spend Holy Power, you gain 0 Haste, Critical Strike, Mastery, or Versatility for 0 sec.Judgment damage increased by 60%. - Item – Paladin T21 Retribution 4P Bonus – Judgment Reduces Spender Cost (New) When you use Judgment, the cost of your next Holy Power spending ability is reduced by 1.
- Item – Paladin T21 Retribution 4P Bonus – Judgment Reduces Spender Cost Name changed from „Item – Paladin T21 Retribution 4P Bonus – Blade of Justice Doubles 2p Values – REWRITE TOOLTIP“ to „Item – Paladin T21 Retribution 4P Bonus – Judgment Reduces Spender Cost“.
When Blade of Justice deals damage, you have a 0% chance to increase the values of the two-piece bonus by 0% for 0 sec.When you use Judgment, the cost of your next Holy Power spending ability is reduced by 1.
- Item – Priest T21 Discipline 4P Bonus – Power Word: Radiance Buffs Smite/Penance When you cast Power Word: Radiance, the damage of your next Smite or Penance is increased by
0%.30%. - Item – Priest T21 Holy 2P Bonus – Prayer of Healing Procs Flash Heal/Heal Prayer of Healing increases the healing done by your next Flash Heal or Heal by
0%.30%. - Item – Priest T21 Holy 4P Bonus – Flash Heal/Heal Buffs Prayer of Healing Your Flash Heal or Heal spells increase the healing amount of your next Prayer of Healing spell by
- Item – Rogue T21 Assassination 2P Bonus – Envenom Increases Poison Crit Chance When you Envenom a target, your Deadly and Wound poisons have
0%15% increased chance to critically strike the target. - Item – Rogue T21 Assassination 4P Bonus – Poison Crit Generates Energy When your Deadly or Wound poisons critically strike the target, you have
0%101% chance to gain 1 Energy. - Item – Rogue T21 Outlaw 4P Bonus – Run Through Grants Random RtB Buff Run Through has a
25% chance to cause your next Roll the Bones to grant you an additional combat enhancement.8% chance to grant you a Roll the Bones combat enhancement buff you do not already have for 10 sec. - Item – Rogue T21 Subtlety 2P Bonus – Combo Points Spent Buffs Backstab
Each Combo Point spent increases the damage of your next Backstab by 10%.Backstab damage increased by 30%. - Item – Rogue T21 Subtlety 4P Bonus – Nightblade and Eviscerate CP Refund Nightblade and Eviscerate have a 10% chance to refund
5%100% of Combo Points spent when used. - Item – Rogue WoD PvP Combat 4P Bonus When you use Vanish, you gain 5 Combo Points and the critical strike chance of your next
Sinister Strike, Eviscerate, Revealing StrikeSaber Slash, Run Through, Between the Eyes, or Ambush is increased by 100%.
- Item – Shaman T21 Enhancement 2P Bonus – Rockbiter Buffs Fire/Nature Damage Rockbiter causes the target to take 10% increased Fire, Frost and Nature damage from your attacks for until cancelled.
- Item – Shaman T21 Restoration 2P Bonus – Immediate Heal In Healing Rain Area When you cast Healing Rain, up to 6 allies within its area are immediately healed for
6.[ 1 + 50% of Spell Power ]. - Item – Shaman T21 Restoration 4P Bonus – Heal Copies to Player in Healing Rain Healing Wave and Healing Surge casts have a
30%100% chance to heal a player standing in your Healing Rain for100% of the amount.30% of the amount.
- Item – Warlock T21 Affliction 4P Bonus – Corruption Causes Drain Soul Tick Faster When Corruption deals damage, you have a 2% chance to increase the speed at which Drain Soul deals damage by
100100% for the next 10 sec.
- Item – Warrior T21 Fury 2P Bonus – Rampage Damage Over Time Rampage causes the target to bleed for an additional 30% of the direct damage dealt to the target over
30 sec.4 sec - Item – Warrior T21 Protection 2P Bonus – Demo Shout Buffs Shield Block Duration When you cast Demoralizing Shout, the duration of your next Shield Block is increased by
20 sec.6.0 sec.
Death Knight
- Icy Talons Frost Strike also increases your melee attack speed by
15%12% for 6 sec, stacking up to 3 times. Frost Death Knight – Level 56 Talent. - Inexorable Assault
For every 2 seconds spent in combat without melee attacking, you gain a stack of Inexorable AssaultWhile in combat with no enemy within 8 yards, you gain Inexorable Assault every 1 sec. Each stack causes your next autoattack to deal[ 300% of AP[ AP ;] additional Frost damage. Frost Death Knight – Level 75 Talent. - Permafrost When you deal damage with auto attacks, gain an absorb shield equal to
75%100% of the damage dealt. Frost Death Knight – Level 75 Talent. - Volatile Shielding Your Anti-Magic Shell
turns your enemies‘ magic against them, absorbing 35% more damage, but generating no Runic Power. When it expires, 25% of all damage absorbed is dealt as Shadow damage divided among nearby enemies.absorbs 35% more damage, and generates 100% additional Runic Power. Frost Death Knight – Level 75 Talent.
- Mass Entanglement Roots the target
in place for 30 sec and spreads to additional nearby enemiesand all enemies with 15 yards in place for 30 sec. Damage may interrupt the effect. Usable in all shapeshift forms. Can’t be cast in Flight Form. Druid – Level 60 Talent. 30 yd range. Instant. 30 sec cooldown.
PvP Talents
- Prickling Thorns When your Entangling Roots is removed, dispelled, or ends, the target will take
100,000[ 1 + 300% of Spell Power damage. Balance Druid – Tier 4 PvP Talent.
PvP Talents
- Scatter Shot A short-range shot that deals 35% weapon damage, removes all harmful damage over time effects, and
incapacitatingincapacitates the target for 4 sec. Any damage caused will remove the effect. Turns off your attack when used. Marksmanship Hunter – Tier 4 PvP Talent. 20 yd range. Instant. 30 sec cooldown.
- Marksmanship Hunter Decreases power cost of Multi-Shot by 100%.
IncreasesDecreases periodic damage/healing of A Murder of Crows, Aimed Shot, Arcane Shot, Barrage, Black Arrow, Bursting Shot, Marked Shot, Multi-Shot, Piercing Shot, Sidewinders, Volley, Windburst by12%. Increases periodic50. Increases damage/healing of Black Arrow by 12%. Hunter – Marksmanship Spec.
- Molten Hide When the core hound takes melee attacks, it infuses its hide with molten lava, causing
1[ 1 + 50% of AP Fire damage to all further melee attackers for 10 sec. Molten Hide can only activate every 60 sec. Special Ability. 30 yd range.
PvP Talents
- Hot Trub Purifying Brew deals 50% of your purified staggered damage to all enemies within 10 yards. Brewmaster Monk – Tier 3 PvP Talent.
- Brewmaster Monk Increases damage/healing of Blackout Kick, Blackout Strike, Breath of Fire, Chi Burst, Chi Wave, Keg Smash, Rushing Jade Wind, Song of Chi-Ji, Tiger Palm by 9%. Increases periodic damage/healing of Breath of Fire, Crackling Jade Lightning, Eye of the Tiger by 9%. Increases unknown effect #1,490 of Keg Smash by 0. Decreases damage/healing of Rushing Jade Wind by 44%. Decreases damage/healing of Chi Burst, Chi Wave, Song of Chi-Ji, Tiger Palm by 10%. Decreases periodic damage/healing of Eye of the Tiger by 10%.
Increases buff duration of Refreshing Jade Wind and Rushing Jade Wind by 50%.Decreases effect #1 value of Refreshing Jade Wind and Rushing Jade Wind by 50.Monk – Brewmaster Spec.Increases buff duration of Refreshing Jade Wind and Rushing Jade Wind by 50%. Monk – Brewmaster Spec.
- Crusader Strike (Holy) Strike the target for [ 0.029 * Level *
210% of weapon damage + 0.429 * 210% of weapon damage or 210%230% of weapon damage + 0.429 * 230% of weapon damage or 230% of weapon damage ] Physical damage. - Crusader Strike (Protection) Strike the target for [ 0.029 * Level *
210% of weapon damage + 0.429 * 210% of weapon damage or 210%230% of weapon damage + 0.429 * 230% of weapon damage or 230% of weapon damage ] Physical damage. - Crusader Strike (Retribution) Strike the target for [ 0.029 * Level *
210% of weapon damage + 0.429 * 210% of weapon damage or 210%230% of weapon damage + 0.429 * 230% of weapon damage or 230% of weapon damage ] Physical damage.
- Execution Sentence A hammer slowly falls from the sky, dealing
[ 1,450%[ 1,700% of AP ] Holy damage after 7 sec. Retribution Paladin – Level 15 Talent. 3 Holy Power. 20 yd range. Instant. 20 sec cooldown.
- Holy Paladin Holy Paladin core passive Increases damage/healing of Crusader Strike by
15%5%. Increases damage/healing of Judgment by 50%. Paladin – Holy Spec.
- Blade of Justice Strikes an enemy with the Blade of Justice, dealing [ 0.880 *
540%595% of weapon damage or 0.030 * Level *540% of weapon damage + 0.400 * 540% of weapon damage or 540%595% of weapon damage + 0.400 * 595% of weapon damage or 595% of weapon damage ] Physical damage. Generates 2 Holy Power. Paladin – Retribution Spec. 12 yd range. Instant. 10.5 sec cooldown. - Retribution Paladin Increases damage/healing of Blade of Justice, Consecration, Crusader Strike, Eye for an Eye, Judgment, Justicar’s Vengeance, Wake of Ashes, Zeal by
20%27%. Increases periodic damage/healing of Execution Sentence and Wake of Ashes by20%27%. Increases damage/healing of Flash of Light by 42%. Increases power cost of Flash of Light by 22%. Increases damage/healing of Crusader Strike and Judgment by 13%. Increases damage/healing of Consecration by 100%. Paladin – Retribution Spec.
PvP Talents
- Veil of Midnight You remain enveloped by the shadows for 2 sec after
coming out of stealth, increasing dodge chance by 100%Stealth or Vanish fades, increasing dodge chance by 200%. Subtlety Rogue – Tier 4 PvP Talent.
- Earthquake Causes the earth within 8 yards of the target location to tremble and break, dealing
[ 465%[ 600% of Nature Spell Power ] Physical damage over 6 sec and sometimes knocking down enemies. 100 yd range. Instant.
PvP Talents
- Shamanism Your Bloodlust spell now has a 60 sec. cooldown, but increases Haste by 20%, and only affects you and your friendly target when cast for 10 sec. In addition, Bloodlust is no longer affected by Sated. Enhancement Shaman – Tier 5 PvP Talent.
- Chain Lightning Hurls a lightning bolt at the enemy, dealing [ 1 +
160%140% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and then jumping to additional nearby enemies. Affects 3 total targets. Generates64 Maelstrom per target hit. Shaman – Elemental Spec. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast. - Earth Shock Instantly shocks the target with concussive force, causing up to
[ 1,150%[ 1,300% of Spell Power ] Nature damage based on Maelstrom spent. Shaman – Elemental Spec. 10 Maelstrom. 40 yd range. Instant. - Earthquake Causes the earth within 8 yards of the target location to tremble and break, dealing
[ 465%[ 600% of Nature Spell Power ] Physical damage over 6 sec and sometimes knocking down enemies. Shaman – Elemental Spec. 50 Maelstrom. 35 yd range. Instant. - Elemental Shaman Elemental Shaman baseline passive Increases damage/healing of Chain Lightning, Earth Shock, Earthen Rage, Earthquake, Elemental Blast, Elemental Blast Overload, Flame Shock, Frost Shock, Icefury, Lava Burst, Lightning Bolt, Thunderstorm by
3%6%. Increases periodic damage/healing of Chain Lightning, Earth Shock, Earthen Rage, Earthquake, Elemental Blast, Elemental Blast Overload, Flame Shock, Frost Shock, Icefury, Lava Burst, Lightning Bolt, Thunderstorm by3%6%. Increases power cost of Healing Surge and Swelling Waves by 10%. Increases effect #2 value of Echo of the Elements by 0. Shaman – Elemental Spec. - Mastery: Elemental Overload Your Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, and Lava Burst casts have a
18%15% chance to trigger a second cast on the same target for75%85% of normal damage and 75% of normal Maelstrom generation. Shaman – Elemental Spec.
- Create Healthstone Creates a Healthstone that can be consumed to restore
1525 health. 5% of Base Mana. 3 sec cast. - Soul Shards Soul Shards are generated by some of your spells and consumed to cast your most powerful spells and summon
demondemons to serve you. While out of combat you regenerate up to 3 Soul Shards.
PvP Talents
- Cremation Your Incinerate automatically applies Immolate, and Conflagrate deals an additional 5% of the target’s maximum health in Fire damage. if the target is affected by your Immolate. Destruction Warlock – Tier 4 PvP Talent.
- Demonic Empowerment Affliction, Destruction: Empowers your active demons with dark energies, increasing their haste by 50% and health by 20% for 12 sec. Demonology: Empowers your active demons with dark energies, increasing their haste by 50%, health by 20%, and damage by 0% for 12 sec. Warlock – Demonology Spec. 6% of Base Mana. 100 yd range. 1.5 sec cast.
PvP Talents
- Ready for Battle (New) Arms, Fury: Rage gained from Charge increased by 15. Protection: Rage gained from Intercept increased by 15. Protection Warrior – Tier 3 PvP Talent.
- Intercept Run at high speed toward an ally or enemy. When targeting an enemy, Intercept deals [ 1 + 70% of AP ] Physical damage, roots the target for 1 sec and then reduces the target’s movement speed by 50% for 6 sec, but has a minimum range of 8 yds. When targeting an ally, Intercept will intercept the next melee or ranged attack against the ally within 10 sec while the target remains within 10 yards. Generates 15 Rage. Warrior – Protection Spec.
25 yd range. Instant. 1.5 sec cooldown.8-25 yd range (25 for friends). Instant. 1.5 sec cooldown. - Protection Warrior Decreases damage/healing of Ravager by 89%. Decreases damage/healing of Impending Victory, Shockwave, Storm Bolt, Victory Rush by 10%. Decreases
damage/healingeffect #1 value of Devastate, Devastator, Heroic Throw, Impending Victory, Ravager, Revenge, Shield Slam, Thunder Clap, Victory Rush by5%. Decreases periodic40. Decreases damage/healing of Deep Wounds by 5%. Warrior – Protection Spec.