Patch 7.2.5: Eine Übersicht zu Kil’Jaeden im Grabmal des Sargeras

In der vergangenen Woche veranstalteten die Entwickler von World of Warcraft die ersten und möglicherweise sogar einzigen Raidtests für die heroische Version von Kil’Jaeden und erlaubten es allen aktuell auf dem PTR von Patch 7.2.5 spielenden Personen dadurch nun endlich den bisher nie zugänglich gewesenen Endboss des bereits am 21. Juni 2017 in Europa erscheinenden Grabmals des Sargeras auszuprobieren. Passend zu dieser Testphase und der bald anstehenden Veröffentlichung dieses Schlachtzugs soll folgender Artikel nun als informative Übersicht zu Kil’Jaeden fungieren und euch bereits im Vorfeld mit nützlichen Informationen zu den Fähigkeiten dieses Encounters, der bei ihm erhältlichen Beute und des ungefähren Ablaufs des Kampfes versorgen.
Zusätzlich dazu wissen wir jetzt durch diese vor Kurzem auf dem PTR durchgeführten Raidtests, dass vor dem eigentlich Kampf gegen diesen Dämonenlord immer ein besonderer Dialog zwischen Kil’Jaeden und dem auf der Seite der Helden von Azeroth kämpfenden Velen abgespielt wird. In diesem besonders für Fans der Lore interessanten Gespräch gehen diese beiden Charaktere ein wenig auf ihre gemeinsame Vergangenheit ein und bezeichnen sich gegenseitig als Verräter an ihrem Volk und den Plänen ihres jeweiligen Gegenübers. Gleichzeitig damit beschießen Velen und Kil’Jaeden sich dauerhaft mit Energiestrahlen aus heiliger Energie und teuflischer Energie, die sich in der Mitte treffen und keinem der beiden Kontrahenten wirklich Schaden zufügen.
Wer diesen Dialog nun selbst gerne hören möchte, sich für den Ablauf des Kampfes gegen Kil’Jaeden interessiert oder einfach nur Informationen zu den Fähigkeiten und der Beute dieses Encounters sucht, der sollte einmal einen Blick auf die folgende Übersicht werfen.
Spoiler: Kil’Jaeden und Velen
Der Kampf gegen Kil’Jaeden:
(Hinweis: Es wäre möglich, dass Kil’Jaeden ebenfalls eine Mythic Only Phase besitzt. Ob diese Vermutung allerdings stimmt, erfahren wir vermutlich erst nach der Veröffentlichung von Patch 7.2.5.)
Beschreibung: Players engage Kil’jaeden on his command ship, engaging both him and the Shadow Reflections of their comrades‘ souls that he turns to his will.
At 80% health, Kil’jaeden takes to the sky, launching a punishing barrage of attacks on players, after which he re-engages the players with greater power.
At 40% health, Kil’jaeden wraps the platform in darkness, limiting players‘ vision to a short range around them, and summons several Shadowsouls. Players must find Illidan in the darkness, who grants the players his sight, and use it to defeat the Shadowsouls and dispel the darkness.
Once players have escaped the darkness, Kil’jaeden arrives at Argus and unleashes his ultimate attack – Darkness of a Thousand Souls. Players must use the rifts that he opens to absorb the missiles from Darkness of a Thousand Souls to avoid being killed by them.
Die Beute von Kil’Jaeden:
Da es sich bei Kil’jaeden um den Endboss des Grabmals des Sargeras handelt, besitzt die bei diesem Boss erhältliche Beute eine um 10 Punkte höhere Gegenstandsstufe als die Gegenstände von den restlichen Bossen (895 LFR, 910 Normal, 925 Hero, 940 Mythic).
Gloves of Furtive Oppression
Torn Fabric of Reality
Man’ari Blood Pact
Ruinous Ashes
Sphere of Entropy
- Heilig:
Boon of the Prophet
- Schatten:
Scornful Reflection
Die Fähigkeiten von Kil’Jaeden:
- Felclaws – Empowers Kil’jaeden’s claws with Fel energy for 9 sec, causing his melee attacks to increase all Physical damage taken by enemies struck by 50% for 25 sec. This effect stacks. On Heroic difficulty and above, Felclaws additionally causes Kil’jaeden’s melee attacks to inflict 100% of his melee attack damage to all enemies in a cone in front of him.
- Rupturing Singularity – Drops a pocket of extra-dimensional space onto the ship’s deck which ruptures on impact, inflicting 125000000 damage to players at the point of impact, an additional 1250000 damage to all players, and knocking them back
- Armageddon – Calls down a hellish rain of meteors onto the deck of the ship.
- Armageddon Rain – Calls a meteor down on a location. The meteor impacts after 7 sec., inflicting 1320000 Fire damage immediately and an additional 450000 Fire damage every 2 sec. for 1 min to any players hit. This effect stacks.
If no players are hit by the falling meteor, it will cause Armageddon Blast.
- Armageddon Rain – Calls a meteor down on a location. The meteor impacts after 7 sec., inflicting 1320000 Fire damage immediately and an additional 450000 Fire damage every 2 sec. for 1 min to any players hit. This effect stacks.
- Armageddon Blast – Inflicts 3000000 Fire damage immediately and an additional 850000 Fire damage every 2 sec. for 30 sec to all players.
- Armageddon Hail – Calls a massive meteor down on a location. The meteor impacts after 7 sec., inflicting 26500000 Physical damage immediately and an additional 800000 Physical damage every 2 sec. for 10 sec to any players hit. This effect stacks.
If no players are hit by the falling meteor, it will cause Armageddon Blast.- Armageddon Blast – Inflicts 3000000 Fire damage immediately and an additional 850000 Fire damage every 2 sec. for 30 sec to all players
- Shadow Reflection
- Kil’jaeden severs the souls of players, creating copies of them.
- Shadow Reflection: Wailing – Creates a Wailing Reflection of the player after 7 sec sec.
- Lingering Wail – When a Wailing Reflection is killed, the player who it was created from is afflicted with a Lingering Wail, inflicting 8000000 Shadow damage every 2 sec. for until cancelled.
When this effect ends or is dispelled, the lingering spirit will trigger a Wailing Grasp.- Wailing Grasp – Pulls all players to the location of the player affected by Lingering Wail, inflicting damage to each player that decreases the closer they are to the afflicted player when they are pulled.
- Sorrowful Wail – Inflicts 1000000 Shadow damage to enemies within 10 yards and grants a stack of Crescendo.
- Crescendo – Increases Shadow damage done by 100%, and increases the area of effect of Sorrowful Wail.
- Lingering Wail – When a Wailing Reflection is killed, the player who it was created from is afflicted with a Lingering Wail, inflicting 8000000 Shadow damage every 2 sec. for until cancelled.
- Shadow Reflection: Erupting – Creates an Erupting Reflection after 8 sec.
- Erupting Dreadflame – Inflicts 200000 Fire damage to all players and grants a stack of Eruption to the Erupting Reflection. On Heroic difficulty and above, each cast of Erupting Dreadflame also applies Eruption to all other Erupting Reflections within 0 yards.
- Eruption – Increases damage done by 200%. This effect stacks.
- Lingering Eruption – When an Erupting Reflection is killed, the player who it was created from is afflicted with Lingering Eruption, inflicting 450000 Shadow damage, creating Erupting Orbs, and creating a Latent Eruption at their position every 0.5 sec. for 5 sec.
- Erupting Orb – Creates a flaming orb that moves away from the player afflicted with Lingering Eruption. If any players come into contact with an Erupting Orb, it will trigger a Chaotic Eruption.
- Chaotic Eruption – Inflicts 5000000 Shadow damage to players within 8 yards and knocks them into the air.
- Latent Eruption – Inflicts 3000000 Shadow damage to any players within 5 yards and knocks them back.
- Erupting Orb – Creates a flaming orb that moves away from the player afflicted with Lingering Eruption. If any players come into contact with an Erupting Orb, it will trigger a Chaotic Eruption.
- Erupting Dreadflame – Inflicts 200000 Fire damage to all players and grants a stack of Eruption to the Erupting Reflection. On Heroic difficulty and above, each cast of Erupting Dreadflame also applies Eruption to all other Erupting Reflections within 0 yards.
- Bursting Dreadflame – Inflicts 2437500 to 2562500 Fire damage to the targeted player and all other players within 15 yards.
- Focused Dreadflame – Inflicts 8000000 Fire damage to all players in a line in the direction of the targeted player, divided by the number of players hit. On Heroic difficulty and above, a Focused Dreadburst goes off at the location of each player hit by Focused Dreadflame.
- Focused Dreadburst – Players affected by Focused Dreadflame explode, inflicting 800000 Fire damage to themselves and all other players in 5 yards.
- Nether Gale – Kil’jaeden gathers nether energy around him, reducing all damage taken by 99%.
- Rupturing Singularity – Drops a pocket of extra-dimensional space onto the ship’s deck which ruptures on impact, inflicting 125000000 damage to players at the point of impact, an additional 1250000 damage to all players, and knocking them back.
- Armageddon – Calls down a hellish rain of meteors onto the deck of the ship.
- Armageddon Rain – Calls a meteor down on a location. The meteor impacts after 7 sec., inflicting 1320000 Fire damage immediately and an additional 450000 Fire damage every 2 sec. for 1 min to any players hit. This effect stacks.
If no players are hit by the falling meteor, it will cause Armageddon Blast.- Armageddon Blast – Inflicts 3000000 Fire damage immediately and an additional 850000 Fire damage every 2 sec. for 30 sec to all players.
- Armageddon Hail – Calls a massive meteor down on a location. The meteor impacts after 7 sec., inflicting 26500000 Physical damage immediately and an additional 800000 Physical damage every 2 sec. for 10 sec to any players hit. This effect stacks.
If no players are hit by the falling meteor, it will cause Armageddon Blast.- Armageddon Blast – Inflicts 3000000 Fire damage immediately and an additional 850000 Fire damage every 2 sec. for 30 sec to all players.
- Armageddon Rain – Calls a meteor down on a location. The meteor impacts after 7 sec., inflicting 1320000 Fire damage immediately and an additional 450000 Fire damage every 2 sec. for 1 min to any players hit. This effect stacks.
- Bursting Dreadflame – Inflicts 2437500 to 2562000 Fire damage to the targeted player and all other players within 15 yards.
- Focused Dreadflame – Inflicts 8000000 Fire damage to all players in a line in the direction of the targeted player, divided by the number of players hit. On Heroic difficulty and above, a Focused Dreadburst goes off at the location of each player hit by Focused Dreadflame.
- Focused Dreadburst – Players affected by Focused Dreadflame explode, inflicting 800000 Fire damage to themselves and all other players in 5 yards.
- Shadow Reflection
- Kil’jaeden severs the souls of players, creating copies of them.
- Shadow Reflection: Wailing – Creates a Wailing Reflection of the player after 7 sec sec.
- Sorrowful Wail – Inflicts 1000000 Shadow damage to enemies within 10 yards and grants a stack of Crescendo.
- Crescendo – Increases Shadow damage done by 100%, and increases the area of effect of Sorrowful Wail.
- Lingering Wail – When a Wailing Reflection is killed, the player who it was created from is afflicted with a Lingering Wail, inflicting 8000000 Shadow damage every 2 sec. for until cancelled.
When this effect ends or is dispelled, the lingering spirit will trigger a Wailing Grasp.- Wailing Grasp – Pulls all players to the location of the player affected by Lingering Wail, inflicting damage to each player that decreases the closer they are to the afflicted player when they are pulled.
- Sorrowful Wail – Inflicts 1000000 Shadow damage to enemies within 10 yards and grants a stack of Crescendo.
- Shadow Reflection: Erupting – Creates an Erupting Reflection after 8 sec.
- Erupting Dreadflame – Inflicts 200000 Fire damage to all players and grants a stack of Eruption to the Erupting Reflection.
- Lingering Eruption – When an Erupting Reflection is killed, the player who it was created from is afflicted with Lingering Eruption, inflicting 450000 Shadow damage, creating Erupting Orbs, and creating a Latent Eruption at their position every 0.5 sec. for 5 sec.
- Erupting Orb – Creates a flaming orb that moves away from the player afflicted with Lingering Eruption. If any players come into contact with an Erupting Orb, it will trigger a Chaotic Eruption.
- Chaotic Eruption – Inflicts 5000000 Shadow damage to players within 8 yards and knocks them into the air.
- Latent Eruption – Inflicts 3000000 Shadow damage to any players within 5 yards and knocks them back.
- Erupting Orb – Creates a flaming orb that moves away from the player afflicted with Lingering Eruption. If any players come into contact with an Erupting Orb, it will trigger a Chaotic Eruption.
- Shadow Reflection: Hopeless – Creates a Hopeless Reflection after 8 sec.
- Hopelessness – When the cast completes, or when the Hopeless Reflection’s health is completely restored, inflicts 5000000 Shadow damage to all players and creates a pool of Soul Anguish. The size of the pool and the damage dealt to players can be reduced by healing the Hopeless Reflection.
- Soul Anguish – Silences, Pacifies and Inflicts 750000 Shadow damage every 2 sec. to players.
- Lingering Hope – When a Hopeless Reflection is fully healed, all healers gain Lingering Hope. Lingering Hope restores 2% mana every 1 sec. for 5 sec.
- Hopelessness – When the cast completes, or when the Hopeless Reflection’s health is completely restored, inflicts 5000000 Shadow damage to all players and creates a pool of Soul Anguish. The size of the pool and the damage dealt to players can be reduced by healing the Hopeless Reflection.
- Felclaws – Empowers Kil’jaeden’s claws with Fel energy for 9 sec, causing his melee attacks to increase all Physical damage taken by enemies struck by 50% for 25 sec. This effect stacks. On Heroic difficulty and above, Felclaws additionally causes Kil’jaeden’s melee attacks to inflict 0% of his melee attack damage to all enemies in a cone in front of him.
- Rupturing Singularity – Drops a pocket of extra-dimensional space onto the ship’s deck which ruptures on impact, inflicting 125000000 damage to players at the point of impact, an additional 1250000 damage to all players, and knocking them back.
- Armageddon – Calls down a hellish rain of meteors onto the deck of the ship.
- Armageddon Rain – Calls a meteor down on a location. The meteor impacts after 7 sec., inflicting 1320000 Fire damage immediately and an additional 450000 Fire damage every 2 sec. for 1 min to any players hit. This effect stacks.
If no players are hit by the falling meteor, it will cause Armageddon Blast.- Armageddon Blast – Inflicts 3000000 Fire damage immediately and an additional 850000 Fire damage every 2 sec. for 30 sec to all players.
- Armageddon Hail – Calls a massive meteor down on a location. The meteor impacts after 7 sec., inflicting 26500000 Physical damage immediately and an additional 800000 Physical damage every 2 sec. for 10 sec to any players hit. This effect stacks.
If no players are hit by the falling meteor, it will cause Armageddon Blast.- Armageddon Blast – Inflicts 3000000 Fire damage immediately and an additional 850000 Fire damage every 2 sec. for 30 sec to all players.
- Armageddon Rain – Calls a meteor down on a location. The meteor impacts after 7 sec., inflicting 1320000 Fire damage immediately and an additional 450000 Fire damage every 2 sec. for 1 min to any players hit. This effect stacks.
- Kil’jaeden gathers the shadows around him, applying Deceiver’s Veil to all players and creating several Shadowsouls.
Killing the Shadowsouls pushes back the darkness, removing Deceiver’s Veil from all players. - Deceiver’s Veil – Shadows gather, restricting your ability to target or any friendly player or enemy more than 8 yards away and causing all spells and abilities to miss.
Additionally, players are affected by Choking Shadows.- Choking Shadow – The shadows choke you, absorbing increasing amounts of healing the longer you remain in the Deceiver’s Veil.
- Shadowsoul
- Destabilized Shadowsoul – The Shadowsoul periodically bursts with Shadow energy, inflicting 120000 Shadow damage to all players within 300 yards.
- Lord Illidan Stormrage – Illidan will fly to the platform during Deceiver’s Veil. Any players who move within 8 yards of him are granted Illidan’s Sightless Gaze.
- Illidan’s Sightless Gaze – Illidan grants you his sightless vision, allowing you to see and hit enemies within 40 yards in the darkness – but also overwhelming you with fel power, inflicting 250000 Fire damage every 1 sec. for 20 sec.
Stage Three: Darkness of A Thousand Souls
- Darkness of a Thousand Souls – Fires deadly bolts of Shadow at all members of the raid, inflicting 3610000 Shadow damage immediately and 673000 Shadow damage every 2 sec. for the remainder of the encounter to all players hit.
If a player is standing close enough to a rift created by Tear Rift to be affected by Gravity Squeeze, the missiles from Darkness of a Thousand Souls will instead be harmlessly sucked into the rift. - Demonic Obelisk – Creates Demonic Obelisks positioned around the platform which detonate in a cross of fel energy after a short time, inflicting 2500000 Fire damage to all affected players and knocking them back.
- Tear Rift – Tears a rift in reality, pulling in all players and inflicting Gravity Squeeze on any players who are too close to the rift. Also, the missiles from Darkness of a Thousand Souls will be sucked into the rift rather than hitting the targeted player if that player is standing close enough to the rift to be affected by Gravity Squeeze. Finally, rifts will also pull the pools of flame created by Flaming Orbs to them. When they reach the edge of the platform near the rift, the rift will suck in the flames, reducing the size of the flame patch over time.
- Gravity Squeeze – Inflicts 600000 Shadow damage every 1 sec. The amount inflicted increases the longer the player remains affected by Gravity Squeeze.
The missiles from Darkness of a Thousand Souls will be sucked into the rift rather than hitting them if players are standing close enough to the rift to be affected by Gravity Squeeze.
- Gravity Squeeze – Inflicts 600000 Shadow damage every 1 sec. The amount inflicted increases the longer the player remains affected by Gravity Squeeze.
- Flaming Orb – Creates an orb of fire at a targeted location that follows the player closest to it when it is created.
When the Flaming Orb impacts with a player, it triggers a Flaming Detonation.- Flaming Detonation – Inflicts 2000000 damage to all players within 10 yards, and creates a pool of fire that afflicts any players who enter with Burning.
The size of the pool of fire created is reduced based on the length of time it takes the Flaming Orb to trigger a Flaming Detonation.
- Flaming Detonation – Inflicts 2000000 damage to all players within 10 yards, and creates a pool of fire that afflicts any players who enter with Burning.
- Bursting Dreadflame – Inflicts 2437000 to 2562000 Fire damage to the targeted player and all other players within 15 yards.
- Focused Dreadflame – Inflicts 8000000 Fire damage to all players in a line in the direction of the targeted player, divided by the number of players hit. On Heroic difficulty and above, a Focused Dreadburst goes off at the location of each player hit by Focused Dreadflame.
- Focused Dreadburst – Players affected by Focused Dreadflame explode, inflicting 800000 Fire damage to themselves and all other players in 5 yards.