SC2: Die Patchnotes zu Patch 3.14.0

Am morgigen Mittwoch, den 24. Mai 2017 werden die Entwickler von Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void den bereits vor einigen Wochen angekündigten neuen Patch 3.14.0 auf die Liveserver der europäischen Region aufspielen und der Community dieses Titels dadurch dann wieder einmal eine Reihe von Neuerungen, Anpassungen und Fehlerbehebungen zur Verfügung stellen. Um die Spieler dieses Strategiespiels nun bereits im Vorfeld auf das Erscheinen dieses kommenden Updates vorzubereiten, veröffentlichten die Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment gestern Abend dann freundlicherweise die offiziellen englischen Patchnotes zu Patch 3.14.0 auf ihrer Internetseite. Laut dieser von den Entwicklern erstellen Übersicht beinhaltet dieses neue Update dann unter anderem den neuen Ansager „Tastosis“, drei neue Skins für ausgewählte Einheiten, Lösungen für einige Bugs und einige bereits jetzt auf den Liveservern aktive Balance-Änderungen. Mehr Informationen zu den Inhalten von Patch 3.14.0 findet ihr bei Interesse in den folgenden englischen Patchnotes.
StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void 3.14.0 Patch Notes
Note: Patch will go live on Tuesday, May 23 in North America.
Note: Balance Changes will go live in all regions today, May 22.
- New Products are available in the Collection
- Tastosis Announcer
- Professional casters Dan „Artosis“ Stemkoski and Nicolas „Tasteless“ Plott have joined forces for a tag-team Announcer.
- Check out our blog for more details.
- Amon’s Armada Carrier Skin
- Aquatic Broodlord Skin
- Mecha Viking Skin
- Premiere Skin Bundle
- Check out our blog for more details.
- Tastosis Announcer
- A new ‘Color’ menu option has been added.
- All color options previously under ‘Gameplay’ can now be found here.
- You can now adjust default colors in Color Blind Mode.
- The color of your units on the mini-map can now be customized.
- A new Events tab has been added to the Groups and Clans list for greater visibility into upcoming or ongoing Events.
- The Groups and Clans button will display the total number of ongoing Events for all Groups and Clans.
- A chat message and animation will display when an Event begins.
- Numerous UI performance improvements.
- Emoticon Improvements
- The Emoticon selection screen is now larger.
- The Emoticon menu can now be accessed while you are in a game.
- Hitting ‘Alt’ and ‘Enter’ will now toggle between ‘Windowed-Fullscreen’ and ‘Widowed’ display modes.
- Thor
- Thor armor increased from 1 to 2.
- Thor morph times reduced from 2.5 to 1.79.
- Raven
- Auto-Turret damage reduced from 24 to 18.
- Auto-Turret duration increased from 7.14 to 10.
- Tempest
- Kinetic Overload damage increased from 30 (+14 massive) to 30 (+22 massive).
- Void Ray
- Prismatic Alignment slows the Void Ray by 40% while active.
- Zealot
- Charge upgrade cost lowered from 200/200 to 100/100.
- Roach
- Undetected burrow move visual effects are now more visible.
- Infestor
- Undetected burrow move visual effects are now be more visible.
- SCV’s now have a new ability set to autocast by default. SCV Advanced Construction allows idle SCV’s to automatically assist in constructing nearby buildings.
- Workers will now automatically split evenly between mineral nodes on all Co-op maps.
- Abathur
- Abathur’s Bio Mass tooltip now properly shows the correct values.
- Co-op Abathur – Swarm Queens that have Bio-Mechanical Transfusion will no longer heal destructible objects when a player right-clicks on them.
- Stukov
- Fixed an issue where the Aleksander had infinite attack range on enemies that could not be moved.
- Fixed an issue in which creating too many Diamondbacks would prevent additional slime trails from appear as well as enemy units.
- The crashed Aleksander will now produce Infested Troopers or Civilians even if the player is at maximum supply.
- Infested Bunkers that are affected by Phase Shift will no longer take damage from Kaboomers.
- The Overseer is now properly listed as one of Stukov’s units.
- The Apocalisk, Aleksander, and infantry will now gain speed benefits from Vorazun’s Time Stop Mastery.
- Fenix
- Fixed a model glitch when using the ‘/dance’ command with a Colossus Purifier.
- The Reduced Research Cost Mastery tooltip will now properly display when you mouse over upgrades.
Miner Evacuation
- When the Minesweeper Mutator is active, mines will no longer have a chance to spawn inside the safe zone of the player starting location.
- Fixed an issue after using Rewind in which the gas and minerals icons were missing for certain menus for Protoss and Zerg.
- Black Site 2E – Fixed several issues where units were clipping into terrain and doodads.
- Incorrect icons and strings will no longer display when viewing the Upgrades in replays from matches with custom mutators.
- Brightened the Swarm Host’s „Flying Locusts“ passive button appears.
- Fixed an issue in which Fenix’s transmission portrait would sometimes not appear during dialogue.
- Fixed a typo for the Warbringer’s Purification Blast tooltip.
- Fixed an issue where if both players used the Rewind function after the end of a Co-op match, the experience screen displayed ‘In Progress.’
- Volatile Infested’s weapon tooltip now correctly reads “Volatile Burst.”
- Fixed an issue where Custom Game lobbies can lose a slot if „Start Game“ is clicked without an invited player accepting the invite
- Creating a group or clan name with an apostrophe will no longer create an improperly formatted chat channel
- Fixed an issue in which the ‘Create with Mod’ button can sometimes create a lobby with the last selected map instead of the currently selected map.
- Map Preview images on the Map Preferences dialog will no longer display a placeholder image when loading.
- Fixed an issue where a player’s race would not be the one they selected for a tournament if they were just playing as a different race in another mode.
- Changing which skin is equipped will no longer change the location of the unit’s icon in the Large Format Games selection panel.
- The chat bar will now remain in its correct location when using the ‘select Custom Mutator’ screen.
- Removed the ‘Stop’ command from the Nexus.
- The ‘Prophecy’ missions from Wings of Liberty is no longer missing text in their mission briefings.