Diablo 3: Eine Vorschau auf Saison 10

Um die Community von Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls möglichst optimal auf die bereits am übernächsten Freitag, den 31. März 2017, sowohl auf dem PC als auch erstmalig auf der Konsole startende zehnte offizielle Saison dieses Action-Rollenspiels vorzubereiten, veröffentlichten die für diesen Titel verantwortlichen Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment heute Abend mal wieder einen Blogeintrag mit einer Vielzahl von nützlichen Informationen zu dieser kommenden Season auf ihrer Communityseite. In diesem Artikel listen die Entwickler unter anderem auf, was für kosmetische Belohnungen die Spieler in Saison 10 erhalten können, welche kostenlosen Rüstungssets ihnen „Haedrig’s Geschenk“ überlässt und was für saisonspezifische Errungenschaften die neue Saisonreise beinhaltet. Wer in zwei Wochen also aktiv an dieser neuen Saison teilnehmen möchte, der sollte vorher unbedingt einmal einen Blick auf den folgenden Blogeintrag des Entwicklerteams werfen.
First Look – Season 10
Our next Season begins soon! For those among you who enjoy the fresh start a Season brings, we wanted to give you a glimpse into what to expect before you race out the gate in Season 10. Read on for details on rewards, Conquests, and more.

Seasons Arrive on Console
If you’ve been waiting to experience a fresh start for your console characters, you’re in luck! For the first time, those who own the PS4 and Xbox One versions of the game will be able to discover the fun of Seasons, including unique rewards and the Season Journey. We’ll have more details on the specific ins and outs of how Seasons work on console soon, so be sure to stay tuned!
New Cosmetic Rewards
As with past Seasons, Season 10 continues to introduce new cosmetic rewards, obtainable by progress through the Season Journey.
In addition to the Head and Shoulders slots of the exclusive Conqueror Set, a brand new series of portraits themed around the Black Soulstone will be available. Pennant collectors will also be pleased to see a new arrival—Loremaster, inspired by the Book of Cain!
Season Journey Rewards
If you’ve been playing the past few Seasons diligently and reached Conqueror in the Season Journey each time, you’ve accrued a few extra stash tabs. Players who have not yet earned a total of four stash tabs via the Season Journey can still unlock an additional stash tab by completing the following tasks at the Conqueror tier:
- Complete a Torment XIII Rift in under 5 minutes
- Complete Greater Rift 60 solo
- Kill Greed on Torment XIII
- Kill Maghda on Torment XIII in under 15 seconds
- Reforge a Legendary or Set item
- Augment an Ancient item with a Level 50 or greater Legendary Gem
- Level three Legendary Gems to 55
- Complete two Conquests
Seasonal Conquests
Speaking of Conquests, we’re rotating those too! Love going as fast as you can? Sprinter and Speed Racer will be making a return. Want to go fast while killing things? Boss Mode and Worlds Apart are right up your alley. On A Good Day and I Can’t Stop are making a return, if leveling your Legendary Gems is more your thing. Finally, if you’re keen to prove your mastery of various Class Sets, Years of War and Dynasty will be returning along with Masters of the Universe and Masters of Sets.
Haedrig’s Gift
Finally, just as before, you’ll get a shiny new Class Set courtesy of Haedrig’s Gift for completing certain chapters in the Season Journey. We’ve listed the available Sets below. For those new to Seasons, here’s how it works:
Completing Chapters 2, 3, and 4 of the Season Journey will reward you with three Haedrig’s Gifts. Each Gift contains a few pieces from one of your Class Sets. Players can only unlock one Class Set in this manner per Season across Hardcore and Non-Hardcore, so choose wisely!
In addition, the set you receive will depend on the Class of the character you’re playing when you open each Haedrig’s Gift. To collect a full Class Set, you’ll need to open all three on the same character.
Here are the sets granted by Haedrig’s Gift in Season 10:
- Barbarian – The Legacy of Raekor
- Crusader – Armor of Akkhan
- Demon Hunter – Embodiment of the Marauder
- Monk – Inna’s Mantra
- Witch Doctor – Zunimassa’s Haunt
- Wizard – Delsere’s Magnum Opus
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: When does Season 10 start?
A: Season 10 begins Friday, March 31 at 5:00 p.m. PDT in North America, 5:00 p.m. CEST in Europe, and 5:00 p.m. KST in Asia. For help with time zones, click here.
Q: When are the non-Seasonal Leaderboards being wiped?
A: Non-Seasonal Leaderboards are tied to what we call “Eras,” each of which lasts about 6–12 months. The most recent Era began on August 5. For more information on Eras, please see this post.
Q: What will happen to older Seasonal records?
A: Starting with Season 10, we will remove old personal bests from Season 1. When Season 11 arrives, we will remove old personal bests from Season 2, and so on. In addition, there may be cases where multiple past Seasons of personal bests are removed at the same time. We will also be doing the same for Eras at some point, and we’ll have more details to share once that happens. Seasonal Leaderboard records are not being cleared and will remain archived both in game and on our website.
A New Season Begins
Season 10 is almost here! What are your goals for this Season? Is there a build you want to give your full attention, or do you have another goal lined up?
Let us know in the comments below, and we’ll see you for the start of Season 10!