Patch 7.2: Der neue Build 23708 wurde auf den PTR aufgespielt

Im Verlauf der vergangenen Nacht haben die Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment den neuen Build 23708 auf den mittlerweile bereits seit einigen Wochen aktiv laufenden PTR von Patch 7.2: Das Grabmal des Sargeras aufgespielt und dadurch dann wieder einmal einige Änderungen an den auf diesem Testserver vorhandenen Inhalten durchgeführt. Dabei brachte diese neue Spielversion von Patch 7.2 neben den üblichen Klassenänderungen dann auch noch die Ladebildschirme für die Instanzen aus diesem Update, die Hintergrundmusik für die im Grabmal des Sargeras vorhandenen Bosskämpfe, Anpassungen an den Animationen einiger Klassenreittiere und mehrere Kleinigkeiten mit sich. Folgend findet ihr nun die von den Entwicklern verfassten PTR Development Notes zu diesem neuen Build und eine Zusammenfassung der bisher bereits von Data Minern in diesem Update entdeckten Änderungen und Neuerungen.
PTR Development Notes – Build 23708:
This week’s update contains more tuning and tweaks for several of the new features and content pieces in 7.2.
We’ve taken an initial pass at setting the rate of income for Nethershards, as well as the cost of items they can be used to purchase. While we’re planning to do some additional tuning next week once we’ve got a better handle on how it’s playing out, these numbers should be much more in-line with where we want things to be.
There are several tweaks to Artifact Traits, and a few adjustments to a couple Legendaries as part of our overall goal to bring them more in line with each other in value. We’ve also removed the mechanic that allowed Relics to have a second, randomized Artifact Trait bonus; we’ve shared more info on that change here.
We’re also planning to do another focused test on our new server technology this week. Tomorrow (Wednesday, March 8) at 3 PM Pacific (12 AM CET) we’ll be spawning in Withered J’im in Aszuna and asking as many players as possible to go fight him. We need to put as much strain on our servers as possible, so if you have the time, please join us! We’ll have a blog post later today with more details.
This week will have another Play with the Blues event, this time focused around Arena Skirmishes. On Thursday, from 3 PM to 5 PM Pacific time, we’ll be on the PTR queuing for Skirmishes. We’re looking forward to seeing you in the Arena, and getting your feedback on how they’re playing.
Thanks again, and happy testing!
Neue Ladebildschirme:
Neue Musik:
Dieser neue Build beinhaltete die Hintergrundmusik für das Grabmal des Sargeras.
Anpassungen an den Animationen der Klassenreittiere:
Die Klassenreittiere für die Paladine und die Hexenmeister hinterlassen nun magische Fußspuren.
Änderungen an den legendären Gegenständen:
Perseverance of the Ebon Martyr: Howling Blast deals
40%20% increased damage to enemies recently damaged by your Remorseless Winter.
Drinking Horn Cover: The duration of Serenity / Storm, Earth, and Fire is extended by
0.40.3 sec every time you cast a Chi spender / 0.6 sec for every Chi you spend.
Justice Gaze: Hammer of Justice deals 600% Holy damage, generates 1 Holy Power, and has 75% reduced cooldown when used against an enemy above 75% health.
Norgannon’s Foresight: Standing still for
86 sec grants you Foresight, allowing you to cast while moving for54 sec. This duration begins when you start moving.
Sets für die Transmogrifikation:
Paladine und Todesritter erhalten neue verbrauchbare Gegenstände, die jeweils komplette Rüstungssets in den Kleiderschränken dieser Klassen freischalten.
Arsenal: Armaments of the Ebon Blad
- Collect the appearances of the Armaments of the Ebon Blade
- Blood:
Bloodied Ebon Axe,
Bloodied Ebon Blade,
Bloodied Ebon Halberd,
Bloodied Ebon Warblade,
Bloodied Ebon Warsword
- Frost:
Icy Ebon Axe,
Icy Ebon Blade,
Icy Ebon Halberd,
Icy Ebon Warblade,
Icy Ebon Warsword
- Unholy:
Unholy Ebon Axe,
Unholy Ebon Blade,
Unholy Ebon Halberd,
Unholy Ebon Warblade,
Unholy Ebon Warsword
- Blood:
- Collect the appearances of the Armaments of the Ebon Blade
Arsenal: Armaments of the Silver Hand
- Collect the appearances of the Armaments of the Silver Hand
Death Knight
- Death Grip (Blood) Harnesses the energy that surrounds and binds all matter, drawing the target toward you, forcing the enemy to attack you, and increasing threat you generate against that target by
200% for 3 sec.400% for 3 sec.
PvP Talents
- Chill Streak
Deals 8%Deals 3% of the target’s total health in Frost damage and reduces their movement speed by 70% for 4 sec. Chill Streak bounces up to 9 times between closest targets. Frost DeathKnight – Tier 5 PvP Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. 45 sec cooldown.
Demon Hunter
- Stat Negation Aura – Agility DPS
RogueDemon Hunter – Feral, Enhancement, Windwalker, Survival, Beast Mastery, Marksmanship, Assassination, Subtlety, OutlawSpec.Havoc Spec. - Stat Negation Aura – Agility Tank
Monk – Guardian & Brewmaster Spec.Demon Hunter – Guardian, Brewmaster, Vengeance Spec.
- Shear Shear has a small chance to shatter the target’s soul, leaving a Lesser Soul Fragment behind for 20 sec. The Lesser Soul Fragment will be consumed when you approach it or cast Soul Cleave, healing you for 0% of maximum health. If the Greater Soul Fragment comes from a Demon, you will deal 20% increased damage for 20 sec.Demon Hunter – Vengeance Spec.
- Archdruid’s Lunarwing Form
Shapeshift into Lunarwing Form, increasing movement speed by 280% and allowing you to fly. Cannot use in combat. The act of shapeshifting frees the caster of movement impairing effects. Can’t be cast in Tree of Life Form, Moonkin Form. Account wide. Instant.Allows your Travel Form to take on the form of a Lunarwing Owl. Shapeshift.
PvP Talents
- Dying Stars Sunfire and Moonfire generate
83 Astral Power when they are dispelled. Balance Druid – Tier 4 PvP Talent.
PvP Talents
- Fortifying Brew Name changed from „Fortifying Elixir“ to „Fortifying Brew“.
- Fortifying Brew (New) Turns your skin to stone, increasing your current and maximum health by 20%, and reducing damage taken by 20%. Monk – Mistweaver Spec. Instant. 1.5 min cooldown.
- Judgment of Light Judgment now applies Judgment of Light to the target, causing the next $196,941N successful attacks against the target to heal the attacker for [ 20% of Spell Power ].
This effect can only occur once per 1 sec on each target. Paladin – Level 90 Talent.Paladin – Level 90 Talent.
- Storm Elemental Calls forth a Greater Storm Elemental to hurl gusts of wind that damage the Shaman’s enemies and generate Maelstrom for the Shaman for 30 sec. Elemental Shaman – Level 90 Talent.
Instant. 2.5 min cooldown.30 yd range. Instant. 2.5 min cooldown.
- Earth Elemental Calls forth a Greater Earth Elemental to protect you and your allies for
60 secuntil cancelled. Shaman – Elemental Spec. 30 yd range. Instant. 5 min cooldown.
Änderungen an den Artefakten:
Death Knight
- Artificial Damage (Rank 1) Damage dealt increased
by 0.50% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased.
- Runefrost (Rank 1) Increases the chance to trigger Runic Empowerment by
1%.5%. - Runefrost (Rank 2) Increases the chance to trigger Runic Empowerment by
2%.10%. - Runefrost (Rank 7) Increases the chance to trigger Runic Empowerment by
7%.35%. - Runefrost (Rank 8) Increases the chance to trigger Runic Empowerment by
8%.40%. - Thronebreaker (Rank 1) Obliterate has a
25%100% chance to cause the target to be pierced from behind by a Crystalline Sword.
- Lash of Shadows (Rank 1) Festering Wounds deal an additional
%s1% damage when burst.6% damage when burst. - Lash of Shadows (Rank 2) Festering Wounds deal an additional
%s1% damage when burst.12% damage when burst. - Lash of Shadows (Rank 7) Festering Wounds deal an additional
%s1% damage when burst.42% damage when burst. - Lash of Shadows (Rank 8) Festering Wounds deal an additional
%s1% damage when burst.48% damage when burst.
Demon Hunter
- Artificial Damage (Rank 1) Damage dealt increased
by 0.50% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased.
- Artificial Damage (Rank 1) Damage dealt increased
by 0.50% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased.
- Artificial Damage (Rank 1) Damage dealt increased
by 1.00% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased. - Deep Rooted (Rank 1)
When one of your Restoration heal over time effectsWhen your Rejuvenation, Regrowth, or Wild Growth heals a target below 35% health, its duration is refreshed.
Beast Mastery
- Bond of the Unseen Path (Rank 1) Name changed from „Bond of the Unseen Path (Rank 1)“ to „Bond of the Unseen Path (Rank 1)“.
- Obsidian Lance (Rank 1) Increases the damage of Ice Lance against frozen targets by
10%.3%. - Obsidian Lance (Rank 2) Increases the damage of Ice Lance against frozen targets by
20%.6%. - Obsidian Lance (Rank 7) Increases the damage of Ice Lance against frozen targets by
70%.21%. - Obsidian Lance (Rank 8) Increases the damage of Ice Lance against frozen targets by
- Artificial Damage (Rank 1) Damage dealt increased
by 0.50% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased.
- Artificial Damage (Rank 1) Damage dealt increased
by 1.00% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased.
- Artificial Damage (Rank 1) Damage dealt increased
by 1.00% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased.
- Artificial Damage (Rank 1) Damage dealt increased
by 0.50% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased.
- Righteous Verdict (Rank 1)
Templar’s Verdict increasesYour Holy Power spending abilities increase the damage of your next Blade of Justice by 5%. - Righteous Verdict (Rank 2)
Templar’s Verdict increasesYour Holy Power spending abilities increase the damage of your next Blade of Justice by 10%. - Righteous Verdict (Rank 3)
Templar’s Verdict increasesYour Holy Power spending abilities increase the damage of your next Blade of Justice by 15%. - Righteous Verdict (Rank 4)
Templar’s Verdict increasesYour Holy Power spending abilities increase the damage of your next Blade of Justice by 20%. - Righteous Verdict (Rank 5)
Templar’s Verdict increasesYour Holy Power spending abilities increase the damage of your next Blade of Justice by 25%. - Righteous Verdict (Rank 6)
Templar’s Verdict increasesYour Holy Power spending abilities increase the damage of your next Blade of Justice by 30%. - Righteous Verdict (Rank 7)
Templar’s Verdict increasesYour Holy Power spending abilities increase the damage of your next Blade of Justice by 35%. - Righteous Verdict (Rank 8)
Templar’s Verdict increasesYour Holy Power spending abilities increase the damage of your next Blade of Justice by 40%.
- Artificial Damage (Rank 1) Damage dealt increased
by 0.50% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased.
- Artificial Damage (Rank 1) Damage dealt increased
by 1.00% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased.
- Artificial Damage (Rank 1) Damage dealt increased
by 1.00% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased.
- Thal’kiel’s Ascendance (Rank 1) Demonic Empowerment has a 50% chance to enrage Thal’kiel, causing each of your pets to deal
50[ 50% of Spell Power Shadow damage to its current target.
- Artificial Damage (Rank 1) Damage dealt increased
by 0.50% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased.