Patch 7.2: Der neue Build 23657 wurde auf den PTR aufgespielt

In der vergangenen Nacht spielten die Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment den neuen Build 23657 auf den derzeit noch immer laufenden PTR von Patch 7.2: Das Grabmal des Sargeras auf und erweiterten diese öffentlich zugängliche Testphase dadurch dann wieder einmal um eine Reihe von Neuerungen. Dabei brachte dieses neue Update für den Testserver von World of Warcraft zusätzlich zu den üblichen Klassenänderungen dann auch noch Anpassungen an den Tokens der Verheerten Küste, Veränderungen an den einzelnen Rängen des Artefaktwissens, einige Korrekturen an den Artefakteigenschaften und eine Reihe von interessanten neuen Gegenständen mit sich. Folgend findet ihr nun die von den Entwicklern verfassten PTR Development Notes zu diesem neuen Build und eine Zusammenfassung der bisher bereits von Data Minern in diesem Update entdeckten Neuerungen und Änderungen.
Highlights aus diesem Build:
- Artefaktwissen kann nun bis auf Rang 50 erhöht werden. Die durch die einzelnen Talente gewährten Boni wurden überarbeitet.
- Reittiere:
- Das Reittier „
Riddler’s Mind-Worm“ stammt von Gift of the Mind-Seekers.
- Das Reittier „
Abyss Worm“ kann bei Mistress Sassz’ine droppen.
- Das Reittier „
- Ein neuer Titel: Spieler, die den Erfolg „
Mythic: Kil’jaeden“ erlangen, dürfen sich über den neuen Titel „%s the Darkener “ freuen.
- Ein neues Elixir:
Elixir of Greatest Demonslaying
- Die Belohnungen für die Fraktion „Armies of Legionfall“ wurden hinzugefügt.
Cauterizing Void Shard,
Legionfall Banner
Legion Pocket Portal,
Repurposed Fel Focuser
Legion Invasion Simulator,
Legionfall Tabard
- Viele goldene Artefakteigenschaften wurden überarbeitet.
- Die neuen Schwimmer für die Angler besitzen nun Quellen:
Demon Noggin from Impus on Broken Shore
Replica Gondola stammt von Sha’leth in Suramar.
Carved Wooden Helm stammt von Corbyn in Sturmheim.
Enchanted Bobber stammt von Ilyssia of the Waters in Azsuna
Face of the Forest stammt von Keeper Raynae in Val’sharah
Floating Totem stammt von Akule Riverhorn in Hochberg
- Ein neues Spielzeug:
Sira’s Extra Cloak
- In der Verheerten Küste gibt es nun Tokens für Relikte:
Relinquished Relic
- Ein neues Haustier „
Orphaned Felbat„
- Neue Gegenstände für Artefaktwissen:
Empowered Elven Tome,
Artifact Research Compendium: Volumes I-IX,
Artifact Research Compendium: Volumes I-VIII,
Artifact Research Compendium: Volumes I-VII,
Artifact Research Compendium: Volumes I-VI,
Artifact Research Compendium: Volumes I-V
PTR Development Notes – Build 23657:
This week, we’re still focused primarily on stability and raid testing, as well as finding as many bugs as possible, as we continue to make adjustments and tweaks to 7.2 content.
You’ll see the return of Thaumaturge Vashreen to the Broken Shore, once again selling tokens that can be exchanged for gear. Those items still need a little work before they’re ready for testing, but we wanted to provide some extra context on what to expect from them:
The Dauntless tokens are similar to the gear tokens that were available through the Timeless Isle or Tanaan Jungle in previous expansions, and have the same overall intent: as catch-up gear for alts or newer characters. For Legion, we’ve extended that general concept with the Relinquished tokens. These will always reward gear with a higher item level than the Dauntless tokens, and sometimes, you’ll receive a piece of dungeon, raid, or PvP gear instead. Our basic intent is for you to use these to shore up “weak spots” in your characters gear, but in rare circumstances, it can even give a Legendary for that slot, according to your loot specialization. That’ll be very uncommon, and the fastest/most reliable way to get a Legendary will still be through other content, but if there’s one in particular that you really want, buying these tokens might be a good use of your Nethershards.
Note that the actual cost of these items hasn’t yet been determined, and their contents aren’t bug-free, but we hope to have them ready for testing in next week’s push.
You may also notice that the line “May contain a Legendary item” has been removed from the tooltip for these tokens. This is only a tooltip change; their actual chance to grant a Legendary has not changed. This is more to avoid confusion than anything else, particularly for the sort of player who doesn’t keep up with the news on the forums or fansites. Realistically, these tokens can be nearly anything from the Broken Isles, so it seemed unnecessary to call out Legendaries specifically in the tooltip.
Lastly, we’re planning to organize another Broken Shore stress test sometime in the coming few days, and looking into ways to make it a bit more exciting this time around. Keep an eye out for more details as soon as those plans are finalized.
Happy testing!
Neue Modelle:
Neue Werte für Artefaktwissen:
AK Level | Multiplier |
26 | 100100% |
27 | 130100% |
28 | 170100% |
29 | 220100% |
30 | 290100% |
31 | 380100% |
32 | 490100% |
33 | 640100% |
34 | 830100% |
35 | 1080100% |
36 | 1400100% |
37 | 1820100% |
38 | 2370100% |
39 | 3080100% |
40 | 4000100% |
41 | 5200100% |
42 | 6760100% |
43 | 8790100% |
44 | 11430100% |
45 | 14860100% |
46 | 19320100% |
47 | 25120100% |
48 | 32660100% |
49 | 42460100% |
50 | 55200100% |
Neue Icons:
PvP Talents
- Scatter Shot A short-range shot that deals 35% weapon damage, removes all harmful damage over time effects, and
disorientsincapacitating the target for 4 sec. Any damage caused will remove the effect. Turns off your attack when used. Marksmanship Hunter – Tier 4 PvP Talent. 20 yd range. Instant. 20 sec cooldown. - Spider Sting Stings the target with potent spider venom for
54 sec, causing their next offensive spell cast to silence the target for 4 sec. Hunter Any2 Role – Tier 3 PvP Talent. 40 yd range. Instant.60 sec cooldown.45 sec cooldown. - Viper Sting Stings the target, reducing their healing done by 30% for 6 sec. Viper Sting is removed if the target casts a non-instant cast healing spell. Hunter Any2 Role – Tier 3 PvP Talent. 40 yd range. Instant.
45 sec cooldown.30 sec cooldown.
- Earthbind Totem Summons an Earth Totem with [ 2% of Total Health ] health at the
feet of the castertarget location for 20 sec that slows the movement speed of enemies within 10 yards. 35 yd range. Instant. 30 sec cooldown.
- Charge Charge to an enemy, dealing [ 1 + 70% of AP ] Physical damage
androoting it for 1 sec and then reducing its movement speed by 50% for 6 sec. Generates 20 Rage. 8-25 yd range. Instant. 1.5 sec cooldown.
PvP Talents
- Endless Rage Increases the duration of your Enrage effect by
21 sec, and your Raging Blow refreshes the duration of your Enrage. Fury Warrior – Tier 5 PvP Talent. - War Banner You throw down a war banner at your feet, rallying your allies. Increases movement speed by 30% and reduces the duration of all incoming crowd control effects by 50% to all allies within
300 yards of the war banner. Lasts 15 sec. Arms Warrior – Tier 4 PvP Talent. Instant. 1.5 min cooldown.
- Intercept Run at high speed toward an ally or enemy. When targeting an enemy, Intercept deals [ 1 + 70% of AP ] Physical damage
androots the target for 1 sec and then reduces the target’s movement speed by 50% for 6 sec, but has a minimum range of 8 yds. When targeting an ally, Intercept will intercept the next melee or ranged attack against the ally within 10 sec while the target remains within 10 yards. Generates 15 Rage. Warrior – Protection Spec. 25 yd range. Instant. 1.5 sec cooldown.
Anpassungen an den Artefakteigenschaften:
Death Knight
- Artificial Stamina (Rank 1) Stamina increased
by 0.75% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased. - Vampiric Aura (Rank 1)
Consumption alsoConsumption grants 20% Leech to you andfour allies.4 allies for 15 sec.
- Artificial Stamina (Rank 1) Stamina increased
by 0.75% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased. - Runic Chills (Rank 1) Crystalline Swords damage reduces the cooldown of Sindragosa’s Fury by
5 sec.3 sec. - Thronebreaker (Rank 1) Obliterate has a 25% chance to cause the target to be pierced from behind by
additional Crystalline Swords.a Crystalline Sword.
- Artificial Stamina (Rank 1) Stamina increased
by 0.75% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased. - Black Claws (Rank 1) Name changed from „Festering Talons (Rank 1)“ to „Black Claws (Rank 1)“.
Your Gargoyle’s attacks have a 50% chance to apply Festering Wound.While under the effect of Dark Transformation, your ghoul’s Claw has a 50% chance to burst a Festering Wound. - Lash of Shadows (Rank 1)
Increases the damage of Scourge Strike by 5%.Festering Wounds deal an additional %s1% damage when burst. - Lash of Shadows (Rank 2)
Increases the damage of Scourge Strike by 10%.Festering Wounds deal an additional %s1% damage when burst. - Lash of Shadows (Rank 7)
Increases the damage of Scourge Strike by 35%.Festering Wounds deal an additional %s1% damage when burst. - Lash of Shadows (Rank 8)
Increases the damage of Scourge Strike by 40%.Festering Wounds deal an additional %s1% damage when burst.
Demon Hunter
- Artificial Stamina (Rank 1) Stamina increased
by 0.75% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased. - Bladedancer’s Grace (Rank 1)
Blade Dance slashes an additional 0 times.Increases the critical strike damage of Blade Dance by 20%. - Chaotic Onslaught (Rank 1) Chaos Strike has a 10% chance to slash an additional
- Artificial Stamina (Rank 1) Stamina increased
by 0.75% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased. - Erupting Souls (Rank 1) Soul Cleave deals
0[ AP ] additional damage for each Soul Fragment it consumes. - Flaming Soul (Rank 1) Name changed from „Duality (Rank 1)“ to „Flaming Soul (Rank 1)“.
Under Construction. Check Back Soon!Damage from Soul Carver and Immolation Aura extends the duration of your Fiery Brand by 0.5 seconds.
- Artificial Stamina (Rank 1) Stamina increased
by 0.75% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased.
- Artificial Stamina (Rank 1) Stamina increased
by 0.75% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased. - Fury of Ashamane (Rank 1) Tiger’s Fury grants 600 Versatility
rating to you and four you and 4 allies for 10 sec. - Thrashing Claws (Rank 1) Increases the damage
done by Thrash by 5%.of Thrash by 5%. - Thrashing Claws (Rank 2) Increases the damage
done by Thrash by 10%.of Thrash by 10%. - Thrashing Claws (Rank 7) Increases the damage
done by Thrash by 35%.of Thrash by 35%. - Thrashing Claws (Rank 8) Increases the damage
done by Thrash by 40%.of Thrash by 40%.
- Artificial Stamina (Rank 1) Stamina increased
by 0.75% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased. - Fleshknitting (Rank 1)
Grants Frenzied Regeneration an additional charge.Frenzied Regeneration gains 1 additional charges. - Ursoc’s Bond (Rank 1) Your bond with Ursoc’s mighty avatar grows stronger by the day, making you more resilient to enemy attacks. Increases Armor by
10%.6%. - Ursoc’s Bond (Rank 20) Your bond with Ursoc’s mighty avatar grows stronger by the day, making you more resilient to enemy attacks. Increases Armor by
29%.25%. - Ursoc’s Bond (Rank 8) Your bond with Ursoc’s mighty avatar grows stronger by the day, making you more resilient to enemy attacks. Increases Armor by
17%.13%. - Ursoc’s Bond (Rank 9) Your bond with Ursoc’s mighty avatar grows stronger by the day, making you more resilient to enemy attacks. Increases Armor by
- Artificial Stamina (Rank 1) Stamina increased
by 0.75% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased. - Joy of Spring (Rank 1)
Efflorescence’s healing increases by 0% every 2 sec.Effloresence’s healing increases up to 20% on a target that remains in Effloresence.
Beast Mastery
- Artificial Stamina (Rank 1) Stamina increased
by 0.75% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased. - Cobra Commander (Rank 1) Cobra Shot has a
chance to create 010% chance to create 2-4 Sneaky Snakes that attack the target foruntil cancelled.6 sec. - Spiritbound (Rank 1) Hati’s bond with you grows ever stronger, increasing his and your effectiveness in battle. Increases all of your damage and your pets‘ damage by
5%.5.00%. - Spiritbound (Rank 20) Hati’s bond with you grows ever stronger, increasing his and your effectiveness in battle. Increases all of your damage and your pets‘ damage by
14.5%.14.50%. - Thunderslash (Rank 1)
Aspect of the Wild causes all active pets to lash out, dealing 0 Physical damage to enemies within 5 yards.While Aspect of the Wild is active, Hati and your primary pet also trigger a Thunderslash with each auto attack, dealing [ AP ] Nature damage.
- Artificial Stamina (Rank 1) Stamina increased
by 0.75% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased. - Cyclonic Burst (Rank 1)
Windburst now also snares and deals 0 damage over until cancelled.The trail of wind left by Windburst deals [ 300% of AP ] damage every 1 sec to enemies within, and reduces their movement speed by 50%. - Feet of Wind (Rank 1)
Your Aspect of the Cheetah alsoAspect of the Cheetah grants you 50% dodge chance andimmunity to snares.makes you immune to snares.
- Artificial Stamina (Rank 1) Stamina increased
by 0.75% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased. - Echoes of Ohn’ara (Rank 1) Flanking Strike has a 10% chance to summon the spirit of Ohn’ara to smite your foe.for [ 1,000% of AP ] Nature damage.
- Aluneth’s Avarice (Rank 1) Mark of Aluneth restores
15%20% maximum mana when it detonates. - Artificial Stamina (Rank 1) Stamina increased
by 0.75% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased.
- Artificial Stamina (Rank 1) Stamina increased
by 0.75% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased. - Strafing Run (Rank 1)
PhoenixPhoenix’s Flames chains to an additional 2 targets, dealing 75% damage with each jump. - Warmth of the Phoenix (Rank 1) Phoenix’s Flames has a
chance to grant 600 critical strike rating to you and four allies.50% chance to grant 800 Critical Strike to you and 4 allies for 10 sec.
- Artificial Stamina (Rank 1) Stamina increased
by 0.75% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased. - Freezing Rain (Rank 1) While Frozen Orb is active,
Blizzard becomes instant cast.Blizzard’s cast time is reduced by 0%. - Obsidian Lance (Rank 1)
Increases Ice Lance’s Frozen target damage multiplier by 10%.Increases the damage of Ice Lance against frozen targets by 10%. - Obsidian Lance (Rank 2)
Increases Ice Lance’s Frozen target damage multiplier by 20%.Increases the damage of Ice Lance against frozen targets by 20%. - Obsidian Lance (Rank 7)
Increases Ice Lance’s Frozen target damage multiplier by 70%.Increases the damage of Ice Lance against frozen targets by 70%. - Obsidian Lance (Rank 8)
Increases Ice Lance’s Frozen target damage multiplier by 80%.Increases the damage of Ice Lance against frozen targets by 80%.
- Artificial Stamina (Rank 1) Stamina increased
by 0.75% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased. - Stave Off (Rank 1) Keg Smash
ashas a 20% chance to trigger another Keg Smash. - Wanderer’s Hardiness (Rank 1) The power within Fu Zan seeps into your very being, increasing your hardiness in battle. Increases Armor by
10%.17%. - Wanderer’s Hardiness (Rank 18) The power within Fu Zan seeps into your very being, increasing your hardiness in battle. Increases Armor by
27%.34%. - Wanderer’s Hardiness (Rank 19) The power within Fu Zan seeps into your very being, increasing your hardiness in battle. Increases Armor by
28%.35%. - Wanderer’s Hardiness (Rank 2) The power within Fu Zan seeps into your very being, increasing your hardiness in battle. Increases Armor by
11%.18%. - Wanderer’s Hardiness (Rank 20) The power within Fu Zan seeps into your very being, increasing your hardiness in battle. Increases Armor by
29%.36%. - Wanderer’s Hardiness (Rank 3) The power within Fu Zan seeps into your very being, increasing your hardiness in battle. Increases Armor by
12%.19%. - Wanderer’s Hardiness (Rank 4) The power within Fu Zan seeps into your very being, increasing your hardiness in battle. Increases Armor by
13%.20%. - Wanderer’s Hardiness (Rank 5) The power within Fu Zan seeps into your very being, increasing your hardiness in battle. Increases Armor by
14%.21%. - Wanderer’s Hardiness (Rank 6) The power within Fu Zan seeps into your very being, increasing your hardiness in battle. Increases Armor by
15%.22%. - Wanderer’s Hardiness (Rank 7) The power within Fu Zan seeps into your very being, increasing your hardiness in battle. Increases Armor by
16%.23%. - Wanderer’s Hardiness (Rank 8) The power within Fu Zan seeps into your very being, increasing your hardiness in battle. Increases Armor by
17%.24%. - Wanderer’s Hardiness (Rank 9) The power within Fu Zan seeps into your very being, increasing your hardiness in battle. Increases Armor by
- Artificial Stamina (Rank 1) Stamina increased
by 0.75% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased.
- Artificial Stamina (Rank 1) Stamina increased
by 0.75% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased. - Master of Combinations (Rank 1) Triggering Combo Strikes has a chance to grant 600 Mastery
Rating to you and four you and 4 allies for 6 sec. - Thunderfist (Rank 1) Strike of the Windlord grants you
Thunderfist for each enemy struck. Thuderfists discharge upon melee strikes, dealing 0 Nature damage.a stack of Thunderfist for each enemy struck. Thuderfist discharges upon melee strikes, dealing [ 200% of AP ] Nature damage.
- Artificial Stamina (Rank 1) Stamina increased
by 0.75% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased. - Sacred Dawn (Rank 1)
Light of Dawn shoots a healing orb towards your Beacon of Light, healing the first person it hits for 0.All allies inside your Light of Dawn receive 10% increased healing from your spells for 6 sec. - Stoicism (Rank 1) Name changed from „Sacrificial Martyr (Rank 1)“ to „Stoicism (Rank 1)“.
Light of the Martyr also applies Sacrifice of the Silver Hand, transferring 15% of damage taken to you.Damage taken from Light of the Martyr reduced by 15%. - Tyr’s Munificence (Rank 1) Increases the range of Tyr’s Deliverance by 2 yards, healing by
13%, and the healing bonus granted by 13%.5%, and the healing bonus by 5%. - Tyr’s Munificence (Rank 2) Increases the range of Tyr’s Deliverance by 4 yards, healing by
13%, and the healing bonus granted by 13%.5%, and the healing bonus by 5%. - Tyr’s Munificence (Rank 3) Increases the range of Tyr’s Deliverance by 6 yards, healing by
13%, and the healing bonus granted by 13%.5%, and the healing bonus by 5%. - Tyr’s Munificence (Rank 4) Increases the range of Tyr’s Deliverance by 8 yards, healing by
13%, and the healing bonus granted by 13%.5%, and the healing bonus by 5%. - Tyr’s Munificence (Rank 5) Increases the range of Tyr’s Deliverance by 10 yards, healing by
13%, and the healing bonus granted by 13%.5%, and the healing bonus by 5%. - Tyr’s Munificence (Rank 6) Increases the range of Tyr’s Deliverance by 12 yards, healing by
13%, and the healing bonus granted by 13%.5%, and the healing bonus by 5%. - Tyr’s Munificence (Rank 7) Increases the range of Tyr’s Deliverance by 14 yards, healing by
13%, and the healing bonus granted by 13%.5%, and the healing bonus by 5%. - Tyr’s Munificence (Rank 8) Increases the range of Tyr’s Deliverance by 16 yards, healing by
13%, and the healing bonus granted by 13%.5%, and the healing bonus by 5%.
- Artificial Stamina (Rank 1) Stamina increased
by 0.75% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased. - Blessed Stalwart (Rank 1) Name changed from „Decree of Justice (Rank 1)“ to „Blessed Stalwart (Rank 1)“. Your Judgment grants you Blessed Stalwart, increasing the damage and damage reduction of your next Shield of the Righteous by
- Artificial Stamina (Rank 1) Stamina increased
by 0.75% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased. - Blessing of the Ashbringer (Rank 1) When your Greater Blessings are active, gain Blessing of the Ashbringer. Blessing of the Ashbringer grants
2,500 Attack Power.2,000 Strength.
- Aegis of Wrath (Rank 1)
Light’s Wrath also applies an absorb shield equal to 0% of the amount it heals.Power Word: Shield absorbs 50% additional damage, but the target takes 3% of the remaining absorb amount as Shadow damage every 1 sec. - Artificial Stamina (Rank 1) Stamina increased
by 0.75% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased. - Forbidden Flame (Rank 1) The unstable power within Light’s Wrath succumbs to your command, further empowering your spells. Increases all damage
and healing by 4%.healing, and absorbs by 5%. - Forbidden Flame (Rank 20) The unstable power within Light’s Wrath succumbs to your command, further empowering your spells. Increases all damage
and healing by 11.6%.healing, and absorbs by 14.5%. - Tyranny of Pain (Rank 1) Pain Suppression also heals the target for 33% of damage
prevented.taken during Pain Suppression. - Will of the Conclave (Rank 1) Increases healing and absorbs done by 10%, damage done by 10%, and Stamina by 10%.
- Artificial Stamina (Rank 1) Stamina increased
by 0.75% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased. - Cosmic Ripple (Rank 1)
Under Construction. Check Back Soon!When Holy Word: Serenity or Holy Word: Sanctify finish their cooldown, you emit a burst of light that heals up to 5 injured targets for [ 200% of Spell Power ].
- Artificial Stamina (Rank 1) Stamina increased
by 0.75% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased. - Mind Quickening (Rank 1)
When you enter Voidform, you and 4 allies gain 600 Haste.Void Torrent grants 800 Haste to you and 4 allies for 15 sec.
- Artificial Stamina (Rank 1) Stamina increased
by 0.75% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased. - Dense Concoction (Rank 1) Crimson Vial reduces the damage you take by 4%.
This effect increasesincreasing by 4% every 1 sec.
- Artificial Stamina (Rank 1) Stamina increased
by 0.75% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased. - Dreadblade’s Vigor (Rank 1) Curse of the Dreadblades
also increases your damage done by 10%.increases your damage by 10% while it is active.
- Artificial Stamina (Rank 1) Stamina increased
by 0.75% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased. - Shadow’s Whisper (Rank 1) Shadow Techniques also
grant you 5 Energy.grants you 5 Energy.
- Artificial Stamina (Rank 1) Stamina increased
by 0.75% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased. - Seismic Storm (Rank 1)
When Earthquake deals damage, it has a chance to cause a Lightning Strike dealing 0 Nature damage.Earthquake damage has a 5% chance to cause Seismic Lightning, dealing [ 700% of Spell Power ] Nature damage to the target.
- Artificial Stamina (Rank 1) Stamina increased
by 0.75% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased.
- Artificial Stamina (Rank 1) Stamina increased
by 0.75% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased. - Deep Waters (Rank 1)
Your Healing Wave and Healing Surge have a chance to apply Calming Waters to the target, absorbing the next 0 damage.3 sec after casting Gift of the Queen, Sharas’dal casts another Gift of the Queen at the same location.
- Artificial Stamina (Rank 1) Stamina increased
by 0.75% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased. - Rend Soul (Rank 1) Drain Soul damage has a 20% chance to
deal 0 Shadow damage and summon an additional Tormented Soul.rend the target’s soul, dealing [ 300% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and summoning an additional Tormented Soul.
- Artificial Stamina (Rank 1) Stamina increased
by 0.75% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased. - Jaws of Shadow (Rank 1) Dreadbite increases damage taken from
Wild Imp Fel Firebolt by 20%.your Wild Imps‘ Fel Firebolt by 20%. - Thal’kiel’s Ascendance (Rank 1) Demonic Empowerment has a 50% chance to
cause Thal’kiel to enrageenrage Thal’kiel, causing each of your pets to deal 50 Shadow damage to its current target.
- Artificial Stamina (Rank 1) Stamina increased
by 0.75% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased. - Cry Havoc (Rank 1)
Under Construction. Check back soon!When Chaos Bolt damages a target afflicted by Havoc, it explodes, dealing 0 damage to enemies within 8 yards. - Flame Rift (Rank 1) Name changed from „Tomb-Born Rift (Rank 1)“ to „Flame Rift (Rank 1)“. Dimensional Rift can now summon a
Flame Rift.powerful Flame Rift.
- Artificial Stamina (Rank 1) Stamina increased
by 0.75% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased. - Executioner’s Precision (Rank 1) Execute causes
your next Mortal Strike to deal 50% more damage.the target to take 50% more damage from your next Mortal Strike, stacking up to 2 times. - Soul of the Slaughter (Rank 1) Spending Rage has a 0.50% chance per Rage spent to heal you for
1 per Rage spent.0.
- Artificial Stamina (Rank 1) Stamina increased
by 0.75% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased. - Death and Glory (Rank 1) Odyn’s Fury
will become alternately empowered by Odyn andis empowered by either Odyn or Helya. Odyn empowers Odyn’s Fury with0 Fire damage and 0[ 1 + 300% of AP ] Fire damage and generates 20 Rage. Helya empowers Odyn’s Fury with 0 Shadow damageand 0 Leech.which heals you for 100% of the damage it deals. - Oathblood (Rank 1) Bloodthirst has a 10% chance to trigger a second Bloodthirst.
- Artificial Stamina (Rank 1) Stamina increased
by 0.75% for every trait purchased.for every trait purchased. - Bastion of the Aspects (Rank 1)
Increases damage prevented by a Shield Block by 2%.Increases the damage prevented by blocking by 2%. - Bastion of the Aspects (Rank 2)
Increases damage prevented by a Shield Block by 4%.Increases the damage prevented by blocking by 4%. - Bastion of the Aspects (Rank 3)
Increases damage prevented by a Shield Block by 6%.Increases the damage prevented by blocking by 6%. - Bastion of the Aspects (Rank 4)
Increases damage prevented by a Shield Block by 8%.Increases the damage prevented by blocking by 8%. - Bastion of the Aspects (Rank 5)
Increases damage prevented by a Shield Block by 10%.Increases the damage prevented by blocking by 10%. - Bastion of the Aspects (Rank 6)
Increases damage prevented by a Shield Block by 12%.Increases the damage prevented by blocking by 12%. - Bastion of the Aspects (Rank 7)
Increases damage prevented by a Shield Block by 14%.Increases the damage prevented by blocking by 14%. - Bastion of the Aspects (Rank 8)
Increases damage prevented by a Shield Block by 16%.Increases the damage prevented by blocking by 16%. - Gleaming Scales (Rank 1) Name changed from „Revengeance (Rank 1)“ to „Gleaming Scales (Rank 1)“. Increases the
damage of free Revenges by 50%.duration of Spell Reflection by 5 sec. - Neltharion’s Thunder (Rank 1)
Under Construction. Check Back Soon!Thunderclap now applies Neltharion’s Thunder, reducing your damage taken from the target by 1%, stacking up to 5 times.