Legion: Kommende Änderungen an der Klassenbalance

In der vergangenen Nacht veröffentlichte Community Manager Lore mal wieder eine weitere Liste mit derzeit von dem Entwicklerteam von World of Warcraft geplanten Änderungen an der Klassenbalance dieses Titels, die den Aussagen dieses Mitarbeiters von Blizzard Entertainment zufolge scheinbar bereits mit den Wartungsarbeiten in der kommenden Woche auf den Liveservern aktiviert werden sollen. Dabei bestehen diese kommenden Anpassungen dann aus einem eindeutigen Buff für die auf Unheilig gekillsten Todesritter und aus mehreren nur für das PvP bestimmten Änderungen an jeder der spielbaren Klassen von World of Warcraft. In folgender bisher leider nur auf Englisch verfügbarer Liste könnt ihr euch nun selbst durchlesen, was für Klassenänderungen die Entwickler in der nächsten Woche veröffentlichen möchten.
Community Manager Lore: With the next weekly maintenance, we’re planning a large round of PvP tuning changes, as well as a few PvE buffs for Unholy. Please see below for the full list of changes that are currently planned. As always, this may not be the final list – additional tuning may be added or removed before these changes go live.
Upcoming Class & PvP Changes – Feb 22
Virulent Plague damage over time effect has been increased by 67%. Damage unchanged in PvP.
Summon Gargoyle:
Gargoyle Strike damage has been increased by 50%. Damage unchanged in PvP.
Dark Arbiter:
Val’kyr Strike damage has been increased by 16%. Damage unchanged in PvP.
Player versus Player
Dark Simulacrum’s cooldown has been reduced to 25 seconds (was 30 seconds).
Blood Death Knights no longer deal reduced damage in PvP situations (was a reduction of 10%).
Crypt Fever’s damage has been reduced by 15%.
Nourish now reduces the cast time of
Healing Touch by 0.2 seconds (was 0.5 seconds).
Abundance now reduces the cast time of
Healing Touch by 5% per
Rejuvenation active in PvP situations (was 10%).
- Fixed a bug that caused Nature’s Essence to fail to heal on
Wild Growths cast in PvP if the Druid had the
Nourish or Overgrowth Honor Talents.
Caltrops now deals 20% less damage in PvP, and reduces movement speed by 50% (was 70% speed).
PvP Template Agility has been reduced by 2.5%.
Healing Shell now heals for its full value in PvP.
Aimed Shot now deals an additional 5% damage in PvP situations.
PvP Template Agility has been increased by 5%.
PvP Template Haste has been reduced by 15%.
PvP Template Mastery has been increased by 33%.
PvP Template Armor has been increased by 20%.
Beast Mastery
PvP Template Agility has been increased by 5%.
PvP Template Haste has been increased by 30%.
PvP Template Versatility has been increased by 25%.
PvP Template Mastery has been reduced by 25%.
PvP Template Critical Strike has been reduced by 30%.
PvP Template Armor has been increased by 20%.
Cauterizing Blink’s heal has been reduced by 33% in PvP situations.
PvP Template Intellect and Stamina have been reduced by 5%.
Avenging Crusader once again ignores line of sight when healing.
Avenging Crusader will now cause
Judgment and Crusader Strike to heal even if their damage is absorbed.
Fixed a bug that caused Spreading the Word to make
Blessing of Freedom trigger
Cleanse’s cooldown.
PvP Template Strength has been increased by 3%.
Inner Renewal now causes Power Word: Radiance to refund 25% of its mana cost when self-cast (was 50%).
Fixed a bug that caused
Deadly Brew’s additional free
Wound Poison effect to increase to
Kingsbane’s damage.
Poison Bomb’s damage has been reduced by 30% in PvP.
Wound Poison’s healing reduction effect has been reduced to 20% in PvP (24% with
Master Poisoner).
PvP Template Agility has been reduced by 5%.
PvP Template Intellect and Stamina have been increased by 5%.
Stormstrike deals 20% less damage in PvP (was 15% less damage).
PvP Template Agility has been increased by 10%.
PvP Template Stamina has been increased by 5%.
PvP Template Versatility has been increased by 30%.
PvP Template Strength and Stamina has been increased by 5%.
PvP Template Armor has been increased by 10%.
PvP Template Versatility has been increased by 17%.
Endless Rage now increases the duration of Enrage by 1 second (was 2 seconds).
Chaos Bolt’s damage has been increased by 25% in PvP situations.
Reverse Entropy reduces the cast time of
Chaos Bolt by 0.25 seconds in PvP situations (was 0.5 seconds).
Backdraft reduces the cast time of
Chaos Bolt and Incinerate by 15% in PvP situations (was 30%).
PvP Template Intellect has been increased by 5%.
PvP Template Haste has been increased by 50%.
PvP Template Versatility has been reduced by 25%.
PvP Template Mastery has been reduced by 25%.