Patch 7.2: Die Termine für die ersten Raidtests

Nachdem die Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment bereits vor einigen Tagen in ihren offiziellen PTR Development Notes zu Build 23530 erwähnten, dass die ersten Raidtests auf dem PTR von Patch 7.2 vermutlich noch in dieser Woche starten sollen, veröffentlichte der für WoW verantwortliche Game Director Ion „Watcher“ Hazzikostas in der vergangenen Nacht nun interessanterweise die genauen Termine für diese anstehende Testphase in den Battle.Net Foren. Dieser Ankündigung zufolge dürfen die derzeit auf dem öffentlichen Testserver spielenden Personen am morgigen Freitag, den 10. Februar 2017, dann endlich in das mit diesem Update erscheinende Grabmal des Sargeras eindringen und dort dann gegen die heroischen Versionen der beiden Bosse „Goroth“ und „Harjatan“ antreten.
Mit diesen ersten Raidtests für Patch 7.2: Das Grabmal des Sargeras möchten die Entwickler allerdings nicht wirklich die verschiedenen Mechaniken dieser beiden Encounter prüfen, sondern diese Testphase soll erst einmal nur als ein Stresstest fungieren und die Stabilität der öffentlichen Testserver dieses Updates kontrollieren. Aus diesem Grund werden die Kämpfe gegen „Goroth“ und „Harjatan“ vermutlich noch eine Vielzahl von Bugs und Balancing Problemen aufweisen und sich stark von ihren finalen Versionen unterscheiden.
In folgender Übersicht findet ihr nun weitere Informationen zu dem genauen Ablauf dieser anstehenden Raidtests und den Mechaniken der beiden testbaren Encounter.
On Friday, February 10, we will be conducting a preliminary raid test of two Tomb of Sargeras Heroic bosses. This is as much a stress test and server-stability test as anything else, and these bosses will be revisited later on.
Remember that Heroic difficulty scales for any group size between 10 and 30 players, so feel free to assemble and bring a group of any size within that range. Mythic, of course, requires a fixed 20-player group.
Friday, February 10
- Gornoth – Heroic Tomb of Sargeras
- 13:00 PST (16:00 EST, 22:00 CET)
- Harjatan – Heroic Tomb of Sargeras
- 14:00 PST (17:00 EST, 23:00 CET)
Hinweis: Die Zeitangaben weiter oben können sich jederzeit ändern. Dies liegt daran, dass dies eine Testphase ist und die Entwickler jeweils die Zeiten bzw. Bosse nutzen, die ihnen am besten passen.
As punishment for his past failures, every move Goroth makes causes him searing pain. His entire existence is one of unending torment. His only hope is to win victory for the Legion and earn a higher station after his next resurrection.
- Overview – Goroth continously gains Fel Energy until he can unleash [Infernal Burning], decimating any enemy it hits. Use [Infernal Spikes] to survive [Infernal Burning] and [Infernal Spikes].
Damage Dealers –
Hide behind [Infernal Spikes] to avoid being hit by [Infernal Burning]
Avoid destroying [Infernal Spikes] when targeted with [Crashing Comet].
Aim [Shattering Star] to collide with multiple [Infernal Spikes] to decrease damage taken.Healers –
Hide behind [Infernal Spikes] to avoid being hit by [Infernal Burning].
Avoid destroying [Infernal Spikes] when targeted with [Crashing Comet].
Aim [Shattering Star] to collide with multiple [Infernal Spikes] to decrease damage taken.Tanks –
Hide behind [Infernal Spikes] to avoid being hit by [Infernal Burning]
Avoid destroying [Infernal Spikes] when [Burning Armor].
Burning Armor – Inflicts 1100000 Fire damage every 2 sec for 6 sec. Upon expiring, Burning Armor explodes for 1425000 to 1575000 Fire damage and applies Melted Armor to all enemies in a 25 yd radius.
- Crashing Comet – Goroth targets up to 3 enemies with Crashing Comet, inflicting 1267500 to 1332500 Fire damage to all enemies within 10 yds. This explosion destroys pillars.
- Infernal Spike – Infernal Spikes erupt from the ground, inflicting 1368000 to 1512000 Fire damage to anyone in the area. In Mythic difficulty, when an Infernal Spike is destroyed, it explodes for 390000 to 410000 Fire damage..
- Shattering Star – Goroth selects a target and then hurls a Shattering Star at them after 6 sec, inflicting 2500000 Fire damage to all enemies within 200 yards. This damage is decreased by every Infernal Spike the Shattering Star collides with. Any other targets struck by the Shattering Star while it is traveling to its target take 715000 to 790000 Fire damage.
Infernal Burning – Goroth ignites everyone he can see, inflicting 2632500 to 2767500 Fire damage immediately and 1200000 Fire damage every 2 sec for 10 sec.
Fel Eruption – Fel lava erupts from the edges of the room, leaving pools that inflict 300000 Fire damage every 1 sec.
Rain of Brimstone – Goroth calls down 4 meteors, each inflicting 5000000 Fire damage divided evenly between each of the targets. A Brimstone Infernal will spawn if a meteor fails to hit any targets.
Brimstone Infernal
Fel Fire – Ignites the area surrounding the caster, inflicting (2.2% of Spell power) all nearby enemies every 1 sec. Lasts 8 sec.
Harjatan the Bludger:
Harjatan was trained from birth to demolish his enemies. Through a conquest of savage brutality, he gathered throngs of cave dwelling murlocs who see him as a god. Now, the naga brute merely has to bark a command and hordes of devout followers set themselves to task.
- Overview – Stick together in order to spread out the damage done by [Unchecked Rage]. Try to keep the amount of [Drenched] stacks you have low in order to reduce the damage taken from all sources of Frost damage throughout the fight.
Tanks –
Make sure not to get too many stacks of [Jagged Abrasion].
Pick up the Deeptide Wavemenders when they spawn in order to keep them away from the raid.Damage Dealers –
Interrupt Murloc Tidemender’s [Tend Wounds] to avoid Harjatan the Bludger from receiving too much healing.
When the boss casts [Draw In], make sure to move to avoid being hit by moving pools of [Drenching Waters].
Move out of the impact point of [Drenching Slough] to avoid taking unnecessary damage or stacks of [Drenched].Healers –
Raid-wide healing is a top priority each time the boss casts [Unchecked Rage] and [Frosty Discharge].
Move out of the impact point of [Drenching Slough] to avoid taking unnecessary damage or stacks of [Drenched].
Abrasive Armor – Rough armor edges scrape against the target, causing attacks made by the caster to have a chance to cause Jagged Abrasion.
Jagged Abrasion – Bleeds the target for 480000 Physical damage every 2 sec for 30 sec. This effect stacks.
- Unchecked Rage – At 100 energy, the caster releases all their built-up rage, inflicting 16000000 Physical damage, split between all enemies in a cone in front of the caster.
- Commanding Roar – Lets out a deafening roar, calling to near by allies to join the fight. At 66% and 33% health, Harjatan the Bludger calls in one additional murloc.
- Razorjaw Wavemender
- Watery Splash – Splashes the target with water, inflicting 585000 to 615000 Frost damage and applying a stack of Drenched.
Drenched – Drenches the target, inflicting 97500 to 102500 Frost damage every 2 sec increasing Frost damage taken by 5%. Stacks.
- Aqueous Burst – Cover an enemy with conductive water which lasts 6 sec. Upon expiration, the water explodes, inflicting 536250 to 563750 Frost damage to all nearby enemies and leaving a pool of Drenching Waters at the enemy’s location.
- Drenching Waters – Inflicts 146250 to 153750 Frost damage every 1 sec, and increases stacks of Drenched on the enemy.
Drenched – Drenches the target, inflicting 97500 to 102500 Frost damage every 2 sec increasing Frost damage taken by 5%. Stacks.
- Drenching Waters – Inflicts 146250 to 153750 Frost damage every 1 sec, and increases stacks of Drenched on the enemy.
Tend Wounds – Tends to the target’s wounds, healing them for 2% of their health every 3 sec for 12 sec.
- Watery Splash – Splashes the target with water, inflicting 585000 to 615000 Frost damage and applying a stack of Drenched.
- Razorjaw Gladiator
- Dripping Blade – Enchants the caster’s weapon, causing melee attacks to apply Drenched to the target.
Drenched – Drenches the target, inflicting 97500 to 102500 Frost damage every 2 sec increasing Frost damage taken by 5%. Stacks.
- Driven Assault – Fixates on a target, attacking them to the exclusion of other targets. Additionally, the Deeptide Gladiator’s Physical damage done is increased by 50% and their movement speed is decreased by 25%.
- Splashy Cleave – Swings wildly, inflicting 414375 to 435625 Physical damage and applying Drenched to all enemies in a cone in front of the caster.
Drenched – Drenches the target, inflicting 97500 to 102500 Frost damage every 2 sec increasing Frost damage taken by 5%. Stacks.
- Dripping Blade – Enchants the caster’s weapon, causing melee attacks to apply Drenched to the target.
- Darkscale Taskmaster
- Bring To Task – Brings all allies within 10 yards in line, increasing their damage done by 100.
- Focused – The Darkscale Taskmaster’s presence focuses Harjatan the Bludger and all nearby murlocs, increasing their damage done by 100%. If Harjatan the Bludger or any murloc moves away from the Darkscale Taskmater, they are no longer focused, leaving them with Lingering Focus.
- Lingering Focus – The target remains focused for a little while longer, increasing damage done by 100% for 10 sec.
- Focused – The Darkscale Taskmaster’s presence focuses Harjatan the Bludger and all nearby murlocs, increasing their damage done by 100%. If Harjatan the Bludger or any murloc moves away from the Darkscale Taskmater, they are no longer focused, leaving them with Lingering Focus.
- Frosty Spittle – Spits out a icy blast, inflicting 600000 Frost damage to all enemies in a cone in front of the caster.
- Bring To Task – Brings all allies within 10 yards in line, increasing their damage done by 100.
- Razorjaw Wavemender
- Draw In – Draws in all pools of Drenching Waters to Harjatan the Bludger for 10 sec, adding a stack of Frigid Blows for each pool absorbed.
Frigid Blows – Empowered by frozen waters, causing melee attacks to deal 316875 to 333125 Frost damage to all nearby enemies.
Each melee attack also triggers Drenching Slough, removing a stack of Frigid Blows.
Once all stacks are expended, Frosty Discharge is cast.Drenching Slough – With each strike, a portion of the gathered frozen water falls off, targeting a random enemy’s location. Upon reaching its destination, it inflicts 585000 to 615000 Frost damage to all nearby enemies and leaves behind a pool of Drenching Waters.
- Drenching Waters – Inflicts 146250 to 153750 Frost damage every 1 sec, and increases stacks of Drenched on the enemy.
Drenched – Drenches the target, inflicting 97500 to 102500 Frost damage every 2 sec increasing Frost damage taken by 5%. Stacks.
- Drenching Waters – Inflicts 146250 to 153750 Frost damage every 1 sec, and increases stacks of Drenched on the enemy.
Frosty Discharge – Releases the last drops of all stored water, inflicting 239926 Frost damage and removing all stacks of Drenched on all enemies.
- Incubated Egg – At set points throughout the fight, Incubated Eggs will begin Hatching.
- Hardened Shell – The egg is made of a thick shell, reducing damage taken by 99%.
Being hit by Unchecked Rage will remove this effect. - Hatching – This Incubated Egg is beginning to hatch. Upon finish casting, a tadpole is born.
- Colicky Tadpole
- Tantrum – The caster throws a tantrum and jumps around randomly, inflicting 243750 to 256250 Physical damage to all nearby enemies whenever they land.
- Getting Angry – The caster’s tantrum increases in intensity, increasing their Physical damage done by 25%.
- Drippy Tadpole
- Dripping Wet – Dripping wet, causing the caster to create pools of Drenching Water at their location every 5 sec.
- Sickly Tadpole
- Sickly Fixate – Fixated. If the Sickly Tadpole reaches their target, Rotten Emission is cast.
- Rotten Emission – Explodes in a shower of disease, inflicting 1500000 Nature damage to all enemies.
- Enraged – All nearby allies are enraged at the death of any nearby tadpole, increasing their Physical damage done by 25%.
- Colicky Tadpole
- Hardened Shell – The egg is made of a thick shell, reducing damage taken by 99%.