Patch 7.1.5: Ein neuer Hotfix für den PTR

Nachdem die Entwickler von World of Warcraft gestern bereits einige Hotfixes mit Anpassungen an den legendären Gegenständen aus Legion auf den aktuell noch immer laufenden PTR von Patch 7.1.5 aufspielten, folgende in der vergangenen Nacht nun ein weiteres Update dieser Art mit zusätzlichen Änderungen für die in diesem Patch enthaltenen Inhalte. Dabei brachte dieser neue Hotfix für den öffentlichen Testserver neben zwei kleineren Anpassungen am Hexenmeister dann auch noch eine Reihe von Nerfs und Buffs für die Set Boni des T-19 Rüstungssets mit sich, welches alle daran interessierten Spieler ab dem 18. Januar von den Bossen in der Nachtfestung erhalten können. Welche Boni durch diesen Hotfix genau verändert wurden, könnt ihr euch in folgender Liste durchlesen.
(Hinweis: Bei den Tierherrschafts-Jägern und den Waffen-Kriegern wurden die 2er und 4er Boni jeweils miteinander vertauscht.)
T-19 Set Boni:
- Item – Death Knight T19 Frost 4P Bonus: Howling Blast generates 8 Runic Power while Rime is active, down from 10.
- Item – Druid T19 Balance 4P Bonus: Starsurge now deals 15% increased damage to targets affected by both your Sunfire and Moonfire, down from 20%.
- Item – Druid T19 Feral 4P Bonus: Shred and Swipe now deal 15% increased damage for each Bleed effect you have on the target, up from 10% (previous build was 8%).
- Item – Hunter T19 Beast Mastery 2P Bonus: Dire Beast reduces the cooldown of Bestial Wrath by additional 8 seconds, up from 3 seconds.
- Item – Hunter T19 Beast Mastery 4P Bonus: When you use Bestial Wrath, all of your currently summoned Dire Beasts gain 50% increased damage for 15 seconds, up from 60% increased damage for 8 seconds.
- Item – Hunter T19 Marksmanship 4P Bonus: Trueshot also reduces the cost of all your Focus Spenders by 15%, down from 50%.
- Item – Hunter T19 Survival 2P Bonus: Flanking Strike now has 3 times the normal chance to trigger Hunting Companion, up from 2 times the normal chance.
- Item – Mage T19 Fire 2P Bonus: Enhanced Pyrotechnics provides an additional 20% critical strike chance from each application, up from 10% critical strike chance.
- Item – Monk T19 Windwalker 2P Bonus: Reduces the cooldown on Rising Sun Kick by 3 seconds, up from 2 seconds.
- Item – Monk T19 Windwalker 4P Bonus: Using 3 sequentially different abilities grants 2,000 Mastery for 10 seconds, up from 1,500 Mastery.
- Item – Paladin T19 Retribution 4P Bonus: Your Holy Power generating abilities have a 20% chance to generate 1 additional Holy Power, up from a 15% chance.
- Item – Rogue T19 Subtlety 4P Bonus: Shadowstrike has a 30% chance to generate an additional combo point when used on targets affected by your Nightblade, down from 100%.
- Item – Rogue T19 Outlaw 2P Bonus: Saber Slash has an additional 30% chance to trigger Main Gauche, down from 40%.
- Item – Shaman T19 Elemental 4P Bonus: Elemental Focus increases damage and healing by an additional 10%, down from 15%.
- Item – Warlock T19 Destruction 2P Bonus: Casting Chaos Bolt reduces the cast time of your next Chaos Bolt by 40% for 4 seconds, up from 30%.
- Item – Warrior T19 Arms 2P Bonus: Increases duration of Battle Cry by 2 seconds, down from 3 seconds.
- Warlock:
Perdition: Increases critical strike damage dealt by Agony, Corruption, Drain Life and Unstable Affliction by
3%2%.Wrath of Consumption: More spells are now included in this effect.