Blizzcon 2016: Ein Blogeintrag zu den Livestreams

Um ihre Spielerschaft auf den für morgen Abend um 19:00 Uhr CET angesetzten Start der Blizzcon 2016 vorzubereiten, veröffentlichten die Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment in der vergangenen Nacht einen weiteren Blogeintrag auf der offiziellen Internetseite dieser Spielemesse, der noch einmal die wichtigen Informationen zu dem Beginn dieses Event zusammenfasst. Dabei listet dieser Artikel praktischerweise alle Plattformen auf, die die Eröffnungszeremonie der Blizzon 2016 und die verschiedenen Weltmeisterschaften in Form eines kostenlosen Livestreams ausstrahlen werden.
Wer durch den Erwerb eines virtuellen Tickets Zugriff auf die kostenpflichtigen Livestreams von dieser Spielemesse hat, der findet am Ende des Blogeintrags dann auch noch eine kurze Übersicht zu den Veranstaltungen der Blizzcon 2016, die nicht über den kostenfreien Livestream ausgestrahlt werden. Dazu gehören dann beispielsweise verschiedene Panels zu den einzelnen Spielen, die unterschiedlichen Wettbewerbe, viele Interviews mit den Entwicklern und das in diesem Jahr von „Weird Al” Yankovic durchgeführte Abschlusskonzert.
BlizzCon 2016 – Where to Watch
BlizzCon 2016 begins Friday, featuring tons of developer discussion panels, epic esports competition, costume and talent contests, “Weird Al” Yankovic in concert, and more.
If you missed out on a ticket, you can still grab a front row seat from the comfort of home by purchasing a BlizzCon Virtual Ticket, which grants access to two days of live HD coverage of the main and panel stages and unlocks this year’s lineup of commemorative in-game goodies.
Check out the complete schedule and map, and snag the BlizzCon Guide app for iOS or Android to strategize your days. We’ve got a ton of events and activities lined up—here are just a few you won’t wanna miss:
Opening Ceremony – WATCH IT LIVE!
Be there for the start of the celebration on Friday at 11am PT on the Main Stage and hear the latest news about your favorite Blizzard games—streamed live for free at the links below and through the BlizzCon Guide app.
- Twitch (also a featured stream on Xbox One)
Enjoy two days of world-class esports on, Twitch, and Check out our Watch BlizzCon Esports Your Way blog post for links to free streams for all the events in multiple languages so you don’t miss a thing!
StarCraft II World Championship Series Global Finals
A year’s worth of WCS action culminates in the Anaheim Convention Center Arena! The battle begins Friday at 12:30pm, and the Global Finals take place Saturday at 4pm.
Hearthstone World Championship
Top Hearthstone players from around the globe are gathering at the tavern! Watch the World Championships unfold starting Friday at 12:15pm, then catch the grand final on Saturday at 2pm.
World of Warcraft Arena World Championship
The world’s best WoW Arena teams are getting ready for combat. The mayhem begins Friday at 9am and wraps with the final showdown on Saturday at 10am.
Heroes of the Storm Fall Championship
Get ready for the Heroes of the Storm Fall Championship! The brawl begins Friday at 4pm, and the winning team will be named after the finals on Saturday at 4pm.
Overwatch World Cup
Prepare yourself for the very first Overwatch World Cup! The series begins Friday at 12:15pm, with the final matches taking place Saturday at 11:30am.
Developer Panels
Join Blizzard developers for in-depth panels on World of Warcraft, StarCraft II, Diablo III, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, and Overwatch—order a Virtual Ticket to watch the panels on the Main and Panel stages both days of the show.
In-Depth Interviews
In between the panels, catch interviews with the designers, artists, and key creative folks behind your favorite Blizzard games throughout both days of the broadcast.
Costume and Talent Contests—Featuring Thomas Middleditch
Watch the legendary live Costume Contest and Talent Contest, this year hosted by Silicon Valley’s Thomas Middleditch. Tune in Friday at 6pm on the Main Stage channel.
Closing Concert—“Weird Al” Yankovic
After two days of Blizzard games and esports, Grammy Award winner “Weird Al” Yankovic will be closing out this year’s show with a bang. The closing ceremony, complete with a concert full of parody hilarity, gets underway Saturday at 6:30pm on the Main Stage.
If you’re attending in person, the show floor is filled with exhibitor booths, developer signing areas, art exhibits, and—of course—opportunities to get your hands on the latest Blizzard games. Check out the complete schedule and map on our website for more information.
We can’t wait to see you at the show!