Overwatch: Es gab ein Update für den PTR

Principal Designer Geoff Goodman meldete sich in der vergangenen Nacht wieder einmal in den Battle.Net Foren zu Wort und verkündete dort in einem sehr interessanten Beitrag, dass die Entwickler vor Kurzem scheinbar ein neues Update auf den aktuellen laufenden öffentlichen Testserver von Overwatch aufgespielt haben. Dabei erklärte der Entwickler in seinem Beitrag dann recht ausführlich, was für Änderungen dieser neue Patch für den PTR überhaupt mit sich brachte und was die Mitarbeiter von Blizzard mit diesen jeweiligen Anpassungen eigentlich erreichen wollten. Dabei beschäftigten die Änderungen aus diesem Update sich dann mit den Nahkampfangriffen der spielbaren Helden, den Pfeilen von Hanzo und dem Bullet Spread der normalen Angriffe von Soldier: 76.
Die Änderungen aus diesem PTR Update:
- Die meisten normalen Fähigkeiten sollten nun keine Nahkampfangriffe mehr unterbrechen.
- Ultimates sollten nun die Nahkampfangriffe der Helden unterbrechen.
- Die Größe der Pfeile von Hanzo wurde um insgesamt 33% verringert.
Soldier: 76:
- Die Schüsse von Soldier:76 werden sich beim Feuern nun wesentlich schneller ausbreiten (Bullet Spread).
- Die zum Zurücksetzen dieser Ausbreitung (Bullet Spread) benötigte Zeit wurde stark verringert.
I just wanted to give you guys a quick update on whats been going on the PTR as far as hero changes are concerned.
We just updated the build so feel free to jump on and check it out, but there is a quick change list of what’s changed in this update and in the last few days.
Quick melee has changed a bit so that it should feel more consistent with other abilities. The general philosophy here is that quick melee shouldn’t interrupt abilities and visa versa. There are a few exceptions to this rule. Quick movement abilities such as Tracer’s Blink, Pharah’s Jet Boost or Winston’s Leap can work while quick melee is firing, so it isn’t canceled in those cases. Ultimate abilities should now all cancel quick melee, since they are more rare special abilities that should have a higher priority.
Hanzo is feeling great on the PTR, and a lot of people have given feedback that he might now be too strong with these changes. The goal of these changes is to allow Hanzo players to feel like they have more control over their shots, and skilled Hanzo players can be much more consistent. While this is certainly true now, it might be a bit too easy to land very powerful shots with the combination of his new projectile speed and his old projectile size. So we’ve lowered his projectile size by 33% in the update that just went out. Overall Hanzo should still feel much better than he does on live, but check him out with this change and keep sending feedback!
The last change was to Soldier: 76’s weapon. In the latest update today, you’ll find that his weapon spread behaves a bit differently. In general, you’ll notice the weapon starts it’s spread a bit earlier but recovers the spread much more quickly. The net result of these changes should improve his effectiveness when burst-firing his weapon, and helps get back into a more accurate state quickly when you’ve hit max spread. The end result should increase his effectiveness at longer ranges.
Most of these changes just went up about 30 minutes ago so feel free to jump onto the PTR and give feedback! Thanks everyone.