Legion: Der neue Build 21874

Die Entwickler von World of Warcraft haben in der letzten Nacht den neuen Build 21874 auf die derzeit laufenden Testserver der geschlossenen Beta von „Legion“ aufgespielt und dadurch dann nicht nur einige Neuerungen in diese Testphase implementiert, sondern auch wieder ein paar Änderungen an bereits vorhandenen Inhalten durchgeführt. Dabei brachte dieses recht kleine Update neben den üblichen Anpassungen an den spielbaren Klassen und den Artefakten dann auch noch neue verbrauchbare Gegenstände mit Artefaktmacht, sehr viele neue Musik, ein Item zum Austauschen der Talente auf niedrigen Stufen und leider auch drei optische Fehler mit sich.
Highlights aus diesem Build:
- Es wurden mehrere epische Verbrauchsgegenstände eingebaut, die Spielern eine extrem hohe Summe an Artefaktmacht überlassen.
- Es gab weitere Anpassungen an den Artefakten (Link)
- Das Item „
Tome of the Clear Mind“ erlaubt nun auch Helden unter Stufe 100 das Austauschen ihrer Talente.
- Der Gegenstand „
Ancient Divining Rod“ ist vermutlich für Suramar bestimmt und zeigt Spielern die Kristalle mit der für diese Zone bestimmten Währung „Ancient Mana“ auf der Minimap an.
- Es gibt nun Erfolge für das Entdecken der versteckten Schätze in den neuen Zonen aus „Legion“ (Liste).
Neue Musik:
Dieser Build beinhaltet auch wieder sehr viel Musik für Legion. Eine komplette Liste finde ihr hier.
Ein Fehler in diesem Build:
Dieser Build beinhaltete einem Bluepost der Entwickler zufolge drei optische Fehler, die den Spielern beim Einloggen auf die Testserver sehr schnell auffallen sollten. Diese Bugs sorgen dabei dann dafür, dass die Hörner und Augenbinden von Dämonenjägern sich vom Modell lösen können, einige Texturen als grüne Flächen angezeigt werden und bestimmte Zaubereffekte sich nicht korrekt von Spiel rendern lassen.
Wanted to call out 3 specific known issues that are going into this build; hopefully not gameplay breaking but since they’re very visible you’ll run into them soon after logging into the build.
- Demon hunter horns and blindfolds can become detached from the character model.
- Addon textures are disabled and appear green.
- Spell decals are not rendering correctly (things like ground effects may fail to render, or render as jagged lines).
We’re seeing if we can fix this via hotfix or a client build, but for now please be aware of these while testing.
Death Knight
- Abomination’s Might Obliterate critical strikes have a chance to drive lesser enemies to the ground, stunning them for 2 sec. Players are Dazed for 5 sec instead. Frost Death Knight – Level
58 Talent.60 Talent. - Asphyxiate Lifts the enemy target off the ground, crushing their throat with dark energy and stunning them for 5 sec.
Death Knight – Blood SpecUnholy Death Knight – Level 60 Talent. 20 yd range. Instant. 45 sec cooldown. - Avalanche While Pillar of Frost is active, your melee critical strikes cause jagged icicles to fall on your nearby enemies, dealing
[ AP[ 1 + AP ;] Frost damage. Frost Death Knight – Level75 Talent.58 Talent. - Blighted Rune Weapon Your next 4 auto attacks infect your target with 2 Festering Wounds. Unholy Death Knight – Level
7557 Talent. Instant. 60 sec cooldown. - Blinding Sleet Targets in a cone in front of you are blinded, causing them to wander disoriented for 4 sec. Damage may cancel the effect. Frost Death Knight – Level
5860 Talent. Instant. 60 sec cooldown. - Castigator Each Festering Strike critical strike applies 2 additional Festering Wounds. Each Scourge Strike critical strike bursts 1 additional Festering Wound. Unholy Death Knight – Level
57 Talent.58 Talent. - Clawing Shadows Deals (1% of weapon damage) Shadow damage and causes 1 Festering Wound to burst. Unholy Death Knight – Level
5758 Talent. 1 Runes. 30 yd range. Instant. - Corpse Shield For the next 10 sec, 90% of all damage you take is transferred to your ghoul. If your ghoul is slain while this spell is active, it cannot be resummoned for 30 seconds. Unholy Death Knight – Level
6075 Talent. Instant. 60 sec cooldown. - Dark Arbiter Summon a Val’kyr to attack the target for 15 sec. The Val’kyr will gain 1% increased damage for every 1 Runic Power you spend. Unholy Death Knight – Level
75100 Talent. 30 yd range. Instant. 3 min cooldown. - Debilitating Infestation Outbreak reduces the movement speed of all affected enemies by 50% for 3 sec. Unholy Death Knight – Level
58 Talent.60 Talent. - Defile Defiles the ground targeted by the Death Knight for 10 sec. Every 1 sec, if there are any enemies standing in the Defile, it deals [ 1 + 39.96% of AP ] Shadowfrost damage to them and grows in radius, and increases your Mastery by
01, stacking up to 10 times. While you remain within Defile, your Scourge Strike will hit all enemies near the target. Unholy Death Knight – Level 100 Talent. 1 Runes. 30 yd range. Instant. 30 sec cooldown. - Epidemic Causes each of your Virulent Plagues within 100 yds to flare up, dealing [ 150% of AP ] Shadow damage to the infected enemy, and an additional [ 27.5% of AP ] Shadow damage to all other enemies near them. Unholy Death Knight – Level
100 Talent. 1 Runes. Instant.57 Talent. 1 Runes. Instant. - Hungering Rune Weapon Empower your rune weapon, gaining 1 rune and 5 Runic Power instantly and every 1.5 sec for 9 sec. Frost Death Knight – Level
7558 Talent. Instant. 3 min cooldown. - Icecap Your Frost Strike and Obliterate critical strikes reduce the remaining cooldown of Pillar of Frost by 1.0 sec. Frost Death Knight – Level
75 Talent.58 Talent. - Lingering Apparition You move 30% faster during Wraith Walk, and its cooldown is reduced by 15 sec. Unholy Death Knight – Level
60 Talent.75 Talent. - Permafrost When you deal damage with auto attacks, gain an absorb shield equal to 30% of the damage dealt. Frost Death Knight – Level
60 Talent.75 Talent. - Pestilent Pustules Every fifth Festering Wound you burst grants you 1 Rune. Unholy Death Knight – Level
75 Talent.57 Talent. - Sludge Belcher Raise Dead now summons an abomination instead of a ghoul, with improved innate abilities. Unholy Death Knight – Level
58 Talent.60 Talent. - Spell Eater Your Anti-Magic Shell is 20% larger and lasts 5 sec longer. Unholy Death Knight – Level
60 Talent.75 Talent. - Unholy Frenzy When a Festering Wound bursts, you gain 100% increased attack speed for 2 sec. Unholy Death Knight – Level
57 Talent.58 Talent. - Volatile Shielding Your Anti-Magic Shell turns your enemies‘ pathetic magic against them, absorbing 35% more damage, but generating no Runic Power. When it expires, 25% of all damage absorbed is dealt as Arcane damage divided among nearby enemies. Frost Death Knight – Level
60 Talent.75 Talent. - White Walker You take 20% reduced damage while Wraith Walk is active. When you enter or leave Wraith Walk, all nearby enemies are slowed by 50% for 3 sec. Frost Death Knight – Level
60 Talent.75 Talent. - Winter is Coming Enemies struck 5 times by Remorseless Winter while your Pillar of Frost is active are stunned for 4 sec. Frost Death Knight – Level
58 Talent.60 Talent.
PvP Talents
- Anti-Magic Zone Places an Anti-Magic Zone for
510 sec that reduces spell damage taken by party or raid members by 60%. DeathKnight Any2 Role – Tier 2 PvP Talent. 30 yd range. Instant. 2 min cooldown. - Cadaverous Pallor You have a
30%20% chance when struck by a magical spell for it to be completely absorbed and converted into a disease on yourself, dealing Nature damage over time. DeathKnight Any2 Role – Tier 2 PvP Talent. - Decomposing Aura All enemies within 10 yards slowly decay, losing
2%3% of their max health every 5 sec. Stacks up to 10 times. Lasts for 5 sec. DeathKnight Any2 Role – Tier 3 PvP Talent. - Necrotic Aura All enemies within 10 yards take
5%8% increased magical damage. DeathKnight Any2 Role – Tier 3 PvP Talent. - Reanimation Reanimates a nearby corpse, summoning a zombie with 5 health for 20 sec to slowly move torwards your target. If it reaches your target, it explodes stunning all enemies within 5 yards for 3 sec and dealing
[ 1 + 200% of AP12% of enemies health in;] Shadow damage. Unholy DeathKnight – Tier 5 PvP Talent. 2 Runes. 40 yd range. Instant. 5 sec cooldown.
- Death’s Caress Reach out with necrotic tendrils, dealing
[ AP[ 1 + AP ;] Shadow damage and applying Blood Plague to your target. Blood Plague A shadowy disease that drains 0 health from the target over 24 sec. Death Knight – Blood Spec. 1 Runes. 30 yd range. Instant.
Demon Hunter
- Darkness Summons darkness around you in an 8 yd radius, cloaking friendly targets and
reducing the chance they are hit by spells and melee attacks by 20%granting a 15% chance to avoid all damage from an attack. Lasts 8 sec. Instant. 3 min cooldown. - Eye Beam Blasts all enemies directly in front of you for [ 9 +
765% of AP ] Chaos damage546.3% of AP ] Chaos damage. This ability always crits. 50 Fury. 20 yd range. 2 sec cast (Channeled). 45 sec cooldown.
- Demon Blades Your auto
attack has aattacks have a 50% chance to deal additional Shadow damage and generate Fury. Havoc Demon Hunter – Level 100 Talent. - Fel Mastery
Increases the critical strike chance of Fel Rush by 100%Increases Fel Rush damage by 50%, and grants 25 Fury when Fel Rush damages at least one target. Havoc Demon Hunter – Level 99 Talent. - Prepared Reduces the cooldown of Vengeful Retreat by 10 sec, and generates
75 Fury over 640 Fury over 5 sec if you damage at least one enemy with Vengeful Retreat. Havoc Demon Hunter – Level 100 Talent.
PvP Talents
- Cover of Darkness (New) Increases the chance for you and allies to avoid damage while within your Darkness effect by 50%. DemonHunter Any2 Role – Tier 2 PvP Talent.
- Tranquility Heals all allies within 40 yards for
[ 750%[ 5 + 750% of Spell Power ] over 8 sec. Healing increased by 100% when not in a raid. Limited to 60 targets. 40 yd range. Instant.
- Fury of Elune Calls down a beam of pure celestial energy at the target location, dealing
[ 300%[ 240% of Spell Power ] Astral damage every 1,000 sec until your Astral Power is exhausted. While Fury of Elune is active, you may recast it for no cost to direct the beam to move to a new location. Balance Druid – Level 100 Talent. 60 LunarPower, plus 120 per sec. 40 yd range. Instant. 60 sec cooldown. - Galactic Guardian Your damage has a
50%10% chance to trigger a free automatic Moonfire on that target. When this occurs, the next Moonfire you cast generates 15 Rage. Guardian Druid – Level 75 Talent. - Shooting Stars Moonfire and Sunfire damage over time has a 10% chance to call down a falling star, dealing
[ 42%[ 1 + 42% of Spell Power ] Astral damage and generating 5 Astral Power. Balance Druid – Level 90 Talent.
PvP Talents
- Entangling Claws Entangling Roots is now an instant cast spell with a 6 second cooldown but with a 10 yard range. It can also be cast while in shapeshift forms. Guardian Druid – Tier 5 PvP Talent.
- King of the Jungle For every
targetenemy you have Rip active on, your damage and movement speed is increased by5% for until cancelled4%. Stacks to 3 times. Feral Druid – Tier 4 PvP Talent. - Leader of the Pack Shred heals all nearby allies within 10 yards of the target for
01. Feral Druid – Tier 2 PvP Talent. - Sharpened Claws While in Bear Form, Thrash deals
50%100% more initial damage but now costs 15 Rage. Guardian Druid – Tier 4 PvP Talent. - Thorns Sprout thorns, causing
[ 300%[ 50% of Spell Power ] Nature damage to attackers when hit. Lasts 15 sec. Restoration Druid – Tier 2 PvP Talent. 12% of Base Mana.Instant. 45 sec cooldown.40 yd range. Instant. 45 sec cooldown.
- Lunar Strike Call down a strike of lunar energy, causing
[ 300%[ 270% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage to the target, and[ 54%[ 48.6% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage to all other enemies within 5 yards. Generates 10 Astral Power. Can be cast in Tree of Life Form, Moonkin Form. Druid – Balance Spec. 40 yd range. 2.5 sec cast. - Solar Wrath Hurl a ball of solar energy at the target, dealing [ 1 +
210%190% of Spell Power ] Nature damage. Generates 6 Astral Power. Can be cast in Moonkin Form. Druid – Balance Spec. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast. - Starfall Calls down waves of falling stars at the targeted area, dealing
[ 360%[ 9 + 360% of Spell Power ] Astral damage over 8 sec. Also applies Stellar Empowerment to each target, which increases damage taken from your Moonfire and Sunfire by 20%. Can be cast in Moonkin Form. Can’t be cast in Tree of Life Form. Druid – Balance Spec. 600 LunarPower. 40 yd range. Instant. - Starsurge Launch a surge of stellar energies at the target, dealing [ 1 +
500%470% of Spell Power ] Astral damage. Also grants you Lunar and Solar Empowerments, which increase the damage of your next Lunar Strike and Solar Wrath by 20%, respectively. You can accumulate up to 3 of each Empowerment. Can be cast in Moonkin Form. Can’t be cast in Tree of Life Form. Druid – Balance Spec. 400 LunarPower. 40 yd range. Instant.
- Solar Wrath
Causes [ 220%Causes [ 1 + 220% of Spell Power ] Nature damage to the target. Can be cast in Moonkin Form. Druid – Restoration Spec. 3.5% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. - Tranquility Heals all allies within 40 yards for
[ 750%[ 5 + 750% of Spell Power ] over 8 sec. Healing increased by 100% when not in a raid. Can be cast in Tree of Life Form. Druid – Restoration Spec. 18.4% of Base Mana. 8 sec cast (Channeled). 3 min cooldown.
- Serpent Sting Targets hit by your Raptor Strike and Carve are also affected by Serpent Sting, dealing
[ 87%[ 5 + 87% of AP ] Nature damage over 15 sec. Survival Hunter – Level 90 Talent.
PvP Talents
- Dragonscale Armor
Magical periodic damageMagical damage over time effects deal 20% less damage to you. Hunter Any2 Role – Tier 2 PvP Talent. - Trueshot Mastery Reduces the cooldown of Trueshot by 0 sec, and Trueshot also restores 100% Focus. Marksmanship Hunter – Tier 5 PvP Talent.
Beast Mastery
- Kill Command (Beast Mastery) Give the command to kill, causing your pet to savagely deal
[ 442.5%[ 2 + 442.5% of RAP ] Physical damage to its target. - Kill Command (Marksmanship, Survival) Give the command to kill, causing your pet to savagely deal
[ 375%[ 2 + 375% of RAP ] Physical damage to its target.
- Burrow Attack The Worm burrows into the earth and shakes the ground above, dealing
[ 46.1%[ 8 + 46.1% of RAP ] Nature damage over 8 sec. Exotic Ability. 10 Focus, plus 5 per sec. Instant (Channeled). 14 sec cooldown. - Froststorm Breath The Chimera channels a frozen breath attack, causing
[ 14.4%[ 1 + 14.4% of RAP ] Froststorm damage every 2 sec for 8 sec to all enemies within 12 yards. Exotic Ability. 10 Focus, plus 5 per sec. Instant (Channeled). - Spirit Mend The Spirit Beast heals the current friendly target for
[ 189.1%[ 1 + 189.1% of RAP ] plus an additional[ 126%[ 1 + 126% of RAP ] over 10 sec. Can be cast in Spirit of Redemption. Exotic Ability. 5 Focus. 25 yd range. Instant. 30 sec cooldown.
- Flanking Strike (Beast Mastery) A coordinated attack on the target, where you deal (250% of weapon damage) Physical damage and your pet deals
[ 442.5% of RAP ] Physical damage.[ 2 + 442.5% of RAP ] Physical damage. - Flanking Strike (Marksmanship) A coordinated attack on the target, where you deal (250% of weapon damage) Physical damage and your pet deals
[ 375% of RAP ] Physical damage.[ 2 + 375% of RAP ] Physical damage. - Flanking Strike (Survival) A coordinated attack on the target, where you deal (250% of weapon damage) Physical damage and your pet deals
[ 375% of RAP ] Physical damage.[ 2 + 375% of RAP ] Physical damage.
- Arcane Missiles Launches five waves of Arcane Missiles at the enemy over 2 sec, causing a total of [ 5 +
210%185% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage. Damage increased by 60% per Arcane Charge. Each damaging spell cast has a 15% chance to activate Arcane Missiles. Chance doubled for Arcane Blast. Limit 3 charges. Generates 1 Arcane Charge. 60 yd range. Instant. - Frost Bomb Places a Frost Bomb on the target for 12 sec. Limit 1 target. Your Ice Lances that benefit from Shatter will trigger the release of a wave of freezing ice, dealing
[ 150%[ 1 + 150% of Spell Power ] Frost damage to the target and[ 93.75%[ 1 + 93.75% of Spell Power ] Frost damage to all other enemies within 10 yards. Unlimited range. Instant. - Ice Barrier Shields you for 60 sec, absorbing
[ 1,000%[ 10 + 1,000% of Frost Spell Power ] damage. While the shield holds, spellcasting will not be interrupted by damage. 3% of Base Mana. Instant. 25 sec cooldown.
- Firestarter Your Fireball spell always deals a critical strike when the target is above
90%85% health. Fire Mage – Level 15 Talent. - Frost Bomb Places a Frost Bomb on the target for 12 sec. Limit 1 target. Your Ice Lances that benefit from Shatter will trigger the release of a wave of freezing ice, dealing
[ 150%[ 1 + 150% of Spell Power ] Frost damage to the target and[ 93.75%[ 1 + 93.75% of Spell Power ] Frost damage to all other enemies within 10 yards. Frost Mage – Level 90 Talent. 1.25% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast. - Lonely Winter You can no longer summon your Water Elemental, but Frost Bolt, Ice Lance,
Frozen Orb, and Icicles deal 15%and Frozen Orb deal 30% increased damage. Frost Mage – Level 15 Talent.
PvP Talents
- Burst of Cold Your Frost Nova instantly resets the cooldown of your Cone of Cold and increases its damage by
400%600% for 6 sec. Frost Mage – Tier 5 PvP Talent. - Concentrated Coolness Frozen Orb’s damage is increased by
20%50% and is now castable at a location with a 40 yard range but no longer moves. Frost Mage – Tier 5 PvP Talent. - Deep Shatter Your Frostbolt deals
200%300% additional damage to Frozen targets. Replaces Fingers of Frost (Passive). Frost Mage – Tier 4 PvP Talent. - Time Anomaly Name changed from „Time Anomoly“ to „Time Anomaly“.
- Arcane Barrage Launches bolts of arcane energy at the enemy target, causing [ 1 +
150%130% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage. Damage increased by 60% per Arcane Charge Hits 1 additional targets within 10 yds per Arcane Charge for 50% damage. Consumes all Arcane Charges. Mage – Arcane Spec. 0.5% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 4.5 sec cooldown. - Arcane Blast Blasts the target with energy, dealing
[ 165%[ 155% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage. Damage increased by 60% per Arcane Charge. Mana cost increased by 100% per Arcane Charge. Generates 1 Arcane Charge Mage – Arcane Spec. 3.2% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2.2 sec cast. - Arcane Missiles Launches five waves of Arcane Missiles at the enemy over 2 sec, causing a total of [ 5 +
210%185% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage. Damage increased by 60% per Arcane Charge. Each damaging spell cast has a 15% chance to activate Arcane Missiles. Chance doubled for Arcane Blast. Limit 3 charges. Generates 1 Arcane Charge. Mage – Arcane Spec. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast (Channeled). - Mage Armor Increases your Mastery by
05. The duration of all harmful Magic effects used against you is reduced by 25%. Mage – Arcane Spec.
- Dragon’s Breath Enemies in a cone in front of you take
[ 250%[ 1 + 250% of Spell Power ] Fire damage and are disoriented for 4 sec. Damage will cancel the effect. Mage – Fire Spec. 4% of Base Mana. Instant. 20 sec cooldown. - Fireball Throws a fiery ball that causes [ 1 +
160%170% of Spell Power ] Fire damage. Mage – Fire Spec. 2% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2.2 sec cast. - Pyroblast Hurls an immense fiery boulder that causes [ 1 +
330%400% of Spell Power ] Fire damage. Mage – Fire Spec. 2.5% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 4.5 sec cast.
- Blizzard Ice shards pelt the target area, dealing
[ 264.2%[ 8 + 264.2% of Spell Power ] Frost damage over 0 and reducing movement speed by 30% for 15 sec. Mage – Frost Spec. 5% of Base Mana. 35 yd range. 8 sec cast (Channeled). 8 sec cooldown. - Cone of Cold Targets in a cone in front of you take
[ 28.62%[ 1 + 28.62% of Spell Power ] Frost damage and have movement slowed by 70% for 5 sec. Mage – Frost Spec. 4% of Base Mana. Instant. 12 sec cooldown. - Frostbolt Launches a bolt of frost at the enemy, causing [ 1 +
178.7%165% of Spell Power ] Frost damage and slowing movement speed by 30% for 15 sec. Mage – Frost Spec. 2% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast. - Ice Lance Quickly fling a shard of ice at the target, dealing
[ 50%[ 1 + 50% of Spell Power ] Frost damage. Ice Lance damage is doubled against frozen targets. Mage – Frost Spec. 1% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant.
- Breath of Fire Breathe fire on targets in front of you, causing [ 2 + 200% of AP ] Fire damage. Targets affected by Keg Smash will also burn for
[ 8 + 30%[ 30% of AP ] Fire damage over 8 sec. Unlimited range. Instant. - Chi Burst (Brewmaster) Hurls a torrent of Chi energy up to 40 yds forward, dealing [ 1 + 275% of AP ] Nature damage to all enemies, and
[ 275%[ 1 + 275% of AP ] healing to the Monk and all allies in its path. - Chi Burst (Windwalker) Hurls a torrent of Chi energy up to 40 yds forward, dealing [ 1 + 302.5% of AP ] Nature damage to all enemies, and
[ 275%[ 1 + 275% of AP ] healing to the Monk and all allies in its path. - Chi Burst (Mistweaver) Hurls a torrent of Chi energy up to 40 yds forward, dealing [ 1 + 275% of AP ] Nature damage to all enemies, and
[ 275%[ 1 + 275% of AP ] healing to the Monk and all allies in its path. - Crackling Jade Lightning Channel Jade lightning, causing [ 4 +
175%17.5% of AP ] Nature damage over 4 sec to the target and sometimes knocking back melee attackers. 40 yd range. 4 sec cast (Channeled). - Exploding Keg Hurls a flaming keg at the
target’s location, dealing [ 1 + 250% of AP ] Fire damage to the target andtarget location, dealing [ 1 + 1,000% of AP ] Fire damage to nearby enemies and causing them to miss theirnext attackmelee attacks for the next 3 sec. Artifact. 40 yd range. Instant. 1.2 min cooldown. - Renewing Mist Surrounds the target with healing mists, restoring
[ 75%[ 10 + 75% of Spell Power ] health over 20 sec. If Renewing Mist heals a target past maximum health, it will travel to another injured ally within 20 yds. Each time Renewing Mist heals, it has a 4% chance to increase the healing of your next Vivify by 50%. Unlimited range. Instant.
- Chi Burst (Brewmaster) Hurls a torrent of Chi energy up to 40 yds forward, dealing [ 1 + 275% of AP ] Nature damage to all enemies, and
[ 275%[ 1 + 275% of AP ] healing to the Monk and all allies in its path. - Chi Burst (Windwalker) Hurls a torrent of Chi energy up to 40 yds forward, dealing [ 1 + 302.5% of AP ] Nature damage to all enemies, and
[ 275%[ 1 + 275% of AP ] healing to the Monk and all allies in its path. - Chi Burst (Mistweaver) Hurls a torrent of Chi energy up to 40 yds forward, dealing [ 1 + 275% of AP ] Nature damage to all enemies, and
[ 275%[ 1 + 275% of AP ] healing to the Monk and all allies in its path.
PvP Talents
- Counteract Magic Renewing Mist heals for
100%200% more when the target is affected by a damaging periodic magic effect. Mistweaver Monk – Tier 4 PvP Talent. - Guided Meditation The cooldown of Zen Meditation is reduced by 50%. While Zen Meditation is active, all harmful spells cast against your allies within 40 yards are redirected to you. Zen Meditation is no longer cancelled when being struck by a melee attack. Brewmaster Monk – Tier 4 PvP Talent.
- Healing Sphere Coalesces a Healing Sphere out of the mists at the target location after 1.5 sec. If allies walk through it, they consume the sphere, healing themselves for
[ 400%[ 1 + 400% of Spell Power ] and dispelled of all harmful periodic magic effects. Maximum of 3 Healing Spheres can be active by the Monk at any given time. Mistweaver Monk – Tier 5 PvP Talent. 1.9% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant.
- Breath of Fire Breathe fire on targets in front of you, causing [ 2 + 200% of AP ] Fire damage. Targets affected by Keg Smash will also burn for
[ 8 + 30%[ 30% of AP ] Fire damage over 8 sec. Monk – Brewmaster Spec.2 Chi. Instant. 15 sec cooldown.Instant. 15 sec cooldown.
- Life Cocoon Encases the target in a cocoon of Chi energy for 12 sec, absorbing [ 3,116.4% of Spell
PowerPower + 1 ;] damage and increasing all healing over time received by 50%. Monk – Mistweaver Spec. 2.4% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 3 min cooldown. - Renewing Mist Surrounds the target with healing mists, restoring
[ 75%[ 10 + 75% of Spell Power ] health over 20 sec. If Renewing Mist heals a target past maximum health, it will travel to another injured ally within 20 yds. Each time Renewing Mist heals, it has a 4% chance to increase the healing of your next Vivify by 50%. Monk – Mistweaver Spec. 2.5% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 8 sec cooldown. - Revival Heals all party and raid members within 40 yards for
[ 600%[ 1 + 600% of Spell Power ] and clears them of all harmful Magical, Poison, and Disease effects. Monk – Mistweaver Spec. 4.374% of Base Mana. Instant. 3 min cooldown.
- Ancient Fury Unleash the fury of ancient kings, causing
[ 10.7%[ 100 + 10.7% of Spell Power ] Holy damage per application of Ancient Power, divided evenly among all targets within 10 yards. Instant. - Arcing Light Hurls a Light-infused hammer into the ground, where it blasts a 10 yard radius every 2 sec for 14 sec. Each blast deals [ 2 + 103.2% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to enemies and heals up to 6 allies for
[ 50%[ 1 + 50% of Spell Power ]. 100 yd range. Instant. - Holy Prism A beam of light turns the target into a Holy Prism. An enemy target takes [ 2 + 300% of Spell Power ] Holy damage and radiates [ 200% of Spell Power ] healing to 5 nearby allies within 15 yards. A friendly target is healed for
[ 400%[ 1 + 400% of Spell Power ] and radiates[ 225%[ 1 + 225% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to 5 nearby enemies within 15 yards. 40 yd range. Instant. 20 sec cooldown. - Holy Prism A beam of light turns the target into a Holy Prism. An enemy target takes [ 2 + 300% of Spell Power ] Holy damage and radiates [ 200% of Spell Power ] healing to 5 nearby allies within 15 yards. A friendly target is healed for
[ 400%[ 1 + 400% of Spell Power ] and radiates[ 225%[ 1 + 225% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to 5 nearby enemies within 15 yards. 40 yd range. Instant. 20 sec cooldown. - Holy Shock Blasts the target with Holy energy, causing
[ 350%[ 1 + 350% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to an enemy, or[ 400%[ 1 + 400% of Spell Power ] healing to an ally. 100 yd range. Instant. - Holy Shock Blasts the target with Holy energy, causing
[ 350%[ 1 + 350% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to an enemy, or[ 400%[ 1 + 400% of Spell Power ] healing to an ally. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Holy Prism A beam of light turns the target into a Holy Prism. An enemy target takes [ 2 + 300% of Spell Power ] Holy damage and radiates [ 200% of Spell Power ] healing to 5 nearby allies within 15 yards. A friendly target is healed for
[ 400%[ 1 + 400% of Spell Power ] and radiates[ 225%[ 1 + 225% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to 5 nearby enemies within 15 yards. Holy Paladin – Level 75 Talent. 17% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 20 sec cooldown. - Light’s Hammer Hurls a Light-infused hammer into the ground, where it blasts a 10 yard radius every 2 sec for 14 sec. Each blast deals [ 2 + 103.2% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to enemies and heals up to 6 allies for
[ 50%[ 1 + 50% of Spell Power ]. Holy Paladin – Level 15 Talent. 40% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 60 sec cooldown. - Seraphim The Light temporarily magnifies your power, increasing your Haste, Critical Strike, Mastery, and Versatility by
01,000. Consumes up to 2 charges of Shield of the Righteous, and lasts 8 sec per charge. Protection Paladin – Level 100 Talent. Instant. 30 sec cooldown.
- Holy Shock Triggers a burst of Light on the target, dealing
[ 350%[ 1 + 350% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to an enemy, or[ 400%[ 1 + 400% of Spell Power ] healing to an ally. Holy Shock has double the normal critical strike chance. Paladin – Holy Spec. 10% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 9 sec cooldown.
- Holy Nova Causes an explosion of holy light around you, dealing
[ 144%[ 180% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to all enemies within 12 yds. Has a 20% chance to reset the cooldown of Holy Fire if any targets are hit. Can’t be cast in Shadowform. Priest – Holy Spec. 1.6% of Base Mana. Instant.
- Dispersion Disperse into pure Shadow energy for 6 sec, reducing all damage you take by 60%, but you are unable to attack or cast spells. Castable while stunned, feared, or silenced. Clears all snare and movement impairing effects when cast, and makes you immune to them while dispersed. Voidform does not drain Insanity while dispersed. Priest – Shadow Spec. Instant. 2 min cooldown.
- Shadowy Apparitions When your Shadow Word: Pain damage over time critically strikes, you also create a shadowy version of yourself that floats towards the target and deals
[ 30%[ 1 + 30% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage. Priest – Shadow Spec. - Voidform (Discipline, Holy) Activate Voidform, increasing damage by
30%25% and granting an additional 1% Haste every 1 sec. - Voidform (Shadow) Activate Voidform, increasing damage by
30%25%, reducing the cooldown on Mind Blast by 3 sec, and granting an additional 1% Haste every 1 sec.
- Deadly Poison Coats your weapons with a Lethal Poison that lasts for 60 min. Each strike has a 30% chance to poison the enemy for
[ 110%[ 24 + 110% of AP ] Nature damage over 12 sec. Subsequent poison applications will instantly deal [ 14.2% of AP ] Nature damage. 100 yd range. Instant. - Wound Poison Coats a weapon with poison that lasts for 1 hour. Each strike has a 30% chance of poisoning the enemy, which instantly inflicts
[ 13%[ 15 + 13% of AP ] Nature damage and reduces the effect of healing received for 12 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Cannonball Barrage Command a ghost ship crew to barrage the target area with cannonballs doing
[ 600%[ 6 + 600% of AP ] Physical damage over 1.8 sec and slowing enemies by 50% for 1.5 sec. Outlaw Rogue – Level 90 Talent. 35 yd range. Instant. 60 sec cooldown. - Swordmaster
SabreSaber Slash has a 15% increased chance to strike an additional time. Outlaw Rogue – Level 15 Talent.
- Deadly Poison Coats your weapons with a Lethal Poison that lasts for 60 min. Each strike has a 30% chance to poison the enemy for
[ 110%[ 24 + 110% of AP ] Nature damage over 12 sec. Subsequent poison applications will instantly deal [ 14.2% of AP ] Nature damage. Rogue – Assassination Spec. 3 sec cast. - Poisoned Knife Throws a poison-coated knife, dealing
1[ 60% of AP damage and applying your active Lethal and Non-Lethal Poisons. Awards 1 combo points. Rogue – Assassination Spec. 40 Energy. 30 yd range. Instant. - Wound Poison Coats your weapons with a Lethal Poison that lasts for 60 min. Each strike has a 30% chance to poison the enemy, which instantly inflicts
[ 13%[ 15 + 13% of AP ] Nature damage and reduces all healing received for 12 sec. Rogue – Assassination Spec. 3 sec cast.
- Fire Nova Causes the Shaman’s Flame Shocked targets to emit a wave of flames, inflicting
[ 48.07%[ 1 + 48.07% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to enemies within 10 yards of each. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Elemental Blast Harnesses the raw power of the elements, dealing [ 600% of Spell Power ] Elemental damage and increasing your Critical Strike, Haste, or Mastery by
05 for 10 sec. Elemental Shaman – Level 60 Talent. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast. 12 sec cooldown. - Elemental Mastery Elemental forces empower you with 30% haste for 20 sec.
Instant. 2 min cooldown.Elemental Shaman – Level 90 Talent. Instant. 2 min cooldown. - Totem Mastery Summons four totems that increase your combat capabilities for 2 min. Resonance Totem Generates 1 Maelstrom every 1 sec. Storm Totem Increases the chance for Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning to trigger Elemental Overload by 10%. Ember Totem Increases Flame Shock damage over time by 20%. Tailwind Totem Increases your haste by 2%. Elemental Shaman – Level 15 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant.
30 sec cooldown.
PvP Talents
- Elemental Attunement Name changed from „Elemental Mastery“ to „Elemental Attunement“.
- Chain Lightning Hurls a lightning bolt at the enemy, dealing [ 1 +
120%130% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and then jumping to additional nearby enemies. Affects 5 total targets. Generates 4 Maelstrom per target hit. Shaman – Elemental Spec. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast. - Earth Shock Instantly shocks the target with concussive force, causing up to
[ 1,000%[ 900% of Spell Power ] Nature damage based on Maelstrom spent. Shaman – Elemental Spec. 10 Maelstrom. 40 yd range. Instant.
- Chain Lightning Hurls a lightning bolt at the enemy, dealing [ 1 +
144%180% of Spell Power ] Nature damage and then jumping to additional nearby enemies. Affects 3 total targets. Shaman – Restoration Spec. 1% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast. - Lightning Bolt Hurls a bolt of lightning at the target, dealing [ 1 +
270%285% of Spell Power ] Nature damage. Shaman – Restoration Spec. 40 yd range. Instant.
- Create Healthstone Creates a Healthstone that can be consumed to restore
015 health. 5% of Base Mana. 3 sec cast. - Drain Life Drains life from the target, causing [ 6 +
25.05%25% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 6 sec, and healing you for 600% of the damage done. 0% of Base Mana, plus 3% per sec. 40 yd range. 6 sec cast (Channeled). - Rain of Fire Calls down a rain of hellfire, dealing
[ 520%[ 400% of Spell Power ] Fire damage over 8 sec to enemies in the area. 100 yd range. Instant. - Seed of Corruption Embeds a demon seed in the enemy target that will explode after 18 sec, dealing
[ 120%[ 1 + 120% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yards and applying Corruption to them. The seed will detonate early if the target is hit by other detonations, or takes [ 300% of Shadow Spell Power ] damage from your spells. Unlimited range. Instant. - Summon Infernal Summons an Infernal from the Twisting Nether, impacting for
[ 50%[ 1 + 50% of Spell Power ] Fire damage and stunning all enemy targets in the area for 2 sec. The Infernal will serve you for 25 sec, dealing strong area-of-effect damage. Guardian. 0 Soul Shard. 30 yd range. Instant. 3 min cooldown.
- Drain Soul Drains the target’s soul, causing [ 6 +
300%264% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 6 sec, and healing you for 300% of the damage done. Generates 1 Soul Shard if the target dies during this effect. Affliction Warlock – Level 15 Talent. 0% of Base Mana, plus 3% per sec. 40 yd range. 6 sec cast (Channeled). - Soul Effigy Creates a Soul Effigy bound to the target, which is attackable only by you.
50%40% of all damage taken by the Effigy is duplicated on the original target. Limit 1. Lasts 10 min. Limited to 1 target. Warlock – Level 100 Talent. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast.
- Agony Inflicts increasing agony on the target, causing up to [ 90 +
40%38% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 18 sec. Damage starts low and increases over the duration. Refreshing Agony maintains its current damage level. Agony damage sometimes generates 1 Soul Shard. Warlock – Affliction Spec. 3% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. - Seed of Corruption Embeds a demon seed in the enemy target that will explode after 18 sec, dealing
[ 120%[ 1 + 120% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yards and applying Corruption to them. The seed will detonate early if the target is hit by other detonations, or takes [ 300% of Shadow Spell Power ] damage from your spells. Limited to 5 targets. Warlock – Affliction Spec. 4.5% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2.5 sec cast.
- Doom Inflicts impending doom upon the target, causing [ 1 +
600%500% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage after 20 sec. Doom damage generates 1 Soul Shard. Warlock – Demonology Spec. 2% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. - Soul Link 20% of all damage you take is
split with your demon pettaken by your demon pet instead. Soul Leech also heals you for 5% and your pet for 20% of the absorptiongrantedit grants. Warlock – Demonology Spec. 100 yd range.
- Immolate Burns the enemy, causing
1[ 1 + 120% of Spell Power Fire damage immediately and an additional [ 5 +49.5%65% of Spell Power ] Fire damage over 15 sec. 15% chance to generate 1 Soul Shard. Chance doubled on critical strikes. Warlock – Destruction Spec. - Immolate Burns the enemy, causing
1[ 1 + 120% of Spell Power Fire damage immediately and an additional [ 5 +49.5%65% of Spell Power ] Fire damage over 15 sec. 15% chance to generate 1 Soul Shard. Chance doubled on critical strikes. Warlock – Destruction Spec. 6% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast. - Rain of Fire Calls down a rain of hellfire, dealing
[ 520%[ 400% of Spell Power ] Fire damage over 8 sec to enemies in the area. Warlock – Destruction Spec. 0 Soul Shard. 35 yd range. 8 sec cast (Channeled).
- Lash of Pain Lashes the target for
[ 90.7%[ 1 + 90.7% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage. (Right-Click to toggle) Basic Attack. 60 Energy. 20 yd range. Instant. - Meteor Strike The infernal releases a powerful burst of flames, dealing
[ 50%[ 1 + 50% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to nearby targets, and stunning them for 2 sec. Unlimited range. Instant. 60 sec cooldown. - Whiplash
Deals [ 46%Deals [ 1 + 46% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and knocks back all enemies within 5 yards. Special Ability. 40 Energy. 30 yd range. Instant. 25 sec cooldown.
- Ravager (Arms, Fury) Throws a whirling weapon at the target location that inflicts
[ 10 + 1,777%[ 7 + 1,750% of AP ] damage to all enemies within6 yards over 10 sec.8 yards over 7 sec. - Ravager (Protection) Throws a whirling weapon at the target location that inflicts
[ 10 + 1,777%[ 7 + 1,750% of AP ] damage to all enemies within6 yards over 10 sec.8 yards over 7 sec. Also Increases your parry chance by 30%while active.for 12 sec.
- Ravager (Arms, Fury) Throws a whirling weapon at the target location that inflicts
[ 10 + 1,777%[ 7 + 1,750% of AP ] damage to all enemies within6 yards over 10 sec.8 yards over 7 sec. - Ravager (Protection) Throws a whirling weapon at the target location that inflicts
[ 10 + 1,777%[ 7 + 1,750% of AP ] damage to all enemies within6 yards over 10 sec.8 yards over 7 sec. Also Increases your parry chance by 30%while active.for 12 sec.
- Tactician
Mortal Strike, Slam, Whirlwind, and Execute have a 10% chance per target hitYou have a 0.65% chance per Rage spent to reset the remaining cooldown on Colossus Smash and Mortal Strike. Warrior – Arms Spec.