Legion: Der neue Build 21796

Im Verlauf der vergangenen Nacht haben die Entwickler von World of Warcraft den neuen Build 21796 für die aktuell laufende geschlossene Beta der kommenden Erweiterung „Legion“ veröffentlicht, der nun von den in diese Testphase eingeladenen Spielern über den Battle.Net Launcher heruntergeladen werden kann. Auch wenn dieses neue Update dabei dann nicht ganz so umfangreich ausfällt wie vorherige Builds für die Beta, so beinhaltet dieser Patch aber dennoch eine Reihe von Neuerungen und Änderungen an bereits vorhandenen Inhalten.
Highlights aus diesem Build:
- Das neue Haustier:
Snowfang’s Trust
- Das neue Item:
Tome of the Tranquil Mind. Dieser verbrauchbare Gegenstand soll es einzelnen Spielern erlauben, ihre Talente jederzeit zu verändern.
- Es gibt weitere Anpassungen an den Artefakten (Liste).
- Die Volksfähigkeit der Gnome „Expansive Mind“ erhöht den maximalen Fokus nun um 5%.
- Die Dauer vieler Missionen in der Klassenhalle wurde stark verringert. Beispielsweise benötigt die Mission „A Bitter Wind“ anstelle der vorher angegebenen 10 Stunden nun nur noch 2 Stunden.
- Die durch die Archäologie herstellbaren Gegenstände aus Legion besitzen nun mehr Plätze für die Schlüsselsteine ihres jeweiligen Volkes.
Sounddateien für Patch 7.0.3:
Neue Icons:
Einige Dialoge der NPCs:
You cannot hide from me.
Malfurion will become the first druid because he is a dedicated student. You� are NOT.
If you wish to continue studying the wilds, you may do so with your brother.
And I will find that way.
We are doomed� unless we find another way to fight them.
Even if we defeat them here, it will mean nothing.
Beyond this army is another� and another� and another�
Our eyes… deceive us. The army that marches on Azeroth is but a whisper of the Legion’s true strength.
No matter how hard this world fights, it will fall.
<Screams in agony>
Behold the Legion’s power.
To walk this path requires sacrifice, Illidan… Something you have yet to understand.
You must learn respect.
So I must learn from� a NOVICE� instead of a MASTER?
You have cast me out, Cenarius!
Illidan, your anger is misplaced. I have not insulted you.
Indeed. The child is destined for a great and prosperous future. His name� is Illidan.
That one! His eyes are golden!
Beautiful. Nearly identical, except for-
The Stormrage twins.
There, across the chasm, Gul’dan! He has Tirion!
On the Broken Isles!
The Pillars of Creation await.
Our path is clear.
And send the Legion back to the hell that spawned them.
Today is the day that we re-take our world.
Today is the day we turn the tide.
Citizens of Azeroth.
We are Legion.
It went into that deep patch of mist. It could be hiding anywhere!
Hero, do you have a trap strong enough to hold the beast?
All da Horde, get ta Thrall!
That was too easy, something’s wrong.
Dey be retreatin‘.
Knock your arrows! Hold! Fire!
Dat’s no invasion force. Dat’s an army!
Praise to the goddess. She has blessed us this night with new life.
The birth of not one, but two healthy males.
No. You may remain here, but I will no longer be your teacher.
Ein neues Bild für den Abenteuerführer:
Ein neues Bild aus dem Dungeonkompendium:
- Death Strike (Blood, Unholy) Focuses dark power into a strike that deals (1% of weapon damage) Physical damage and heals you for
30%20% of all damage taken in the last 5 sec, minimum 7% of maximum health. - Death Strike (Frost) Focuses dark power into a strike with both weapons, that deals a total of [ 2.000 * 1% of weapon damage ] Physical damage and heals you for
30%20% of all damage taken in the last 5 sec, minimum 7% of maximum health.
- Mastery: Frozen Heart Increases all Frost damage done by
16%. Death Knight – Frost Spec.12%. Death Knight – Frost Spec.
- Consume Magic
2015 sec cooldown.
- Blade Turning Parrying an attack
generates 5 Painwhile Demon Spikes is active increases the Pain generation of your next Shear by 100%. Vengeance Demon Hunter – Level 15 Talent. - Bloodlet Throw Glaive causes targets to bleed for 190% of the damage inflicted over 10 sec. If this effect is reapplied, any remaining damage will be added to the new Bloodlet. Havoc Demon Hunter – Level
75 Talent.45 Talent. - Chaos Cleave Chaos Strike hits an additional target. Havoc Demon Hunter – Level
90 Talent.15 Talent. - Demon Reborn All your cooldowns are reset when you invoke Metamorphosis. Havoc Demon Hunter – Level
45 Talent.90 Talent. - Demonic Appetite Chaos Strike has a chance to spawn a Lesser Soul Fragment, and consuming any Soul Fragment grants 30 Fury. Havoc Demon Hunter – Level
15 Talent.30 Talent. - Fel Eruption Impales the target for
100[ 1,000% of AP Chaos damage and stuns them for 2 sec. Inflicts an additional 0% damage against targets permanently immune to stuns. Vengeance Demon Hunter – Level 30 Talent. 20 Fury / 200 Pain. 20 yd range. Instant. 35 sec cooldown.
- Sigil of Flame Place a Sigil of Flame at the target location that activates after 2 sec. Deals [ 412.5% of AP ] Fire damage, and an additional [ 150% of AP ] Fire damage over 6 sec, to all enemies affected by the sigil. Demon Hunter – Vengeance Spec. 30 yd range. Instant.
3 sec cooldown.30 sec cooldown.
- Cenarion Ward Heals the target for
[ 293.3%[ 350% of Spell Power ] every 2 sec for 6 sec. 100 yd range. Instant. - Rage of the Sleeper Unleashes the rage of Ursoc for 10 sec, preventing 25% of all damage you take and reflecting [ 1 + 250% of AP ] Nature damage back at your attackers.
Lasts 10 sec.Requires Bear Form. Artifact, Active Mitigation. Instant. 1.5 min cooldown.
- Cenarion Ward Protects a friendly target for 30 sec. Any damage taken will consume the ward and heal the target for
[ 293.3%[ 350% of Spell Power ] over 6 sec. Can’t be cast in Flight Form. Restoration Druid – Level 15 Talent. 9.2% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 30 sec cooldown. - Elune’s Guidance Immediately gain 5 combo points and an additional 1 combo point every 1 sec for 5 sec. Feral Druid – Level 90 Talent.
30 yd range. Instant. 45 sec cooldown.Instant. 45 sec cooldown. - Feral Affinity You gain: Feline Swiftness Increases your movement speed by 15%. You also learn: Shred Rip Ferocious Bite Swipe Your energy regeneration is increased by 35%. Restoration Druid – Level 45 Talent.
- Feral Affinity You gain: Feline Swiftness Increases your movement speed by 15%. You also learn: Shred Rip Ferocious Bite Your energy regeneration is increased by 35%. Guardian Druid – Level 45 Talent.
- Feral Affinity You gain: Feline Swiftness Increases your movement speed by 15%. You also learn: Shred Rip Ferocious Bite Swipe Your energy regeneration is increased by 35%. Balance Druid – Level 45 Talent.
- Pulverize A devastating blow that consumes 2 stacks of your Thrash on the target to deal (420% of weapon damage) Physical damage, and reduces all damage you take by
15%8% for 20 sec. Requires Bear Form. Guardian Druid – Level 15 Talent. Melee range. Instant.
PvP Talents
- Touch the Stars Healing Touch generates
215 Astral Power. Balance Druid – Tier 4 PvP Talent.
- Starfall Calls down waves of falling stars at the targeted area, dealing
[ 226.8%[ 360% of Spell Power ] Astral damage over 8 sec. Also applies Stellar Empowerment to each target, which increases damage taken from your Moonfire and Sunfire by 20%. Can be cast in Moonkin Form. Can’t be cast in Tree of Life Form. Druid – Balance Spec. 600 LunarPower. 40 yd range. Instant.
- Camouflage You and your pet blend into the surroundings and gain stealth for 60 sec. While camouflaged, you will heal for 2% every 1 secs.
SurvivalMarksmanship Hunter – Level 75 Talent. Unlimited range. Instant. 60 sec cooldown. - Sentinel Name changed from „Heightened Vulnerability“ to „Sentinel“.
Your next Marked Shot applies 3 stacks of Vulnerable to all Marked TargetsApplies Hunter’s Mark to all enemies near the target. Marksmanship Hunter – Level 60 Talent.Instant. 20 sec cooldown.40 yd range. Instant.
PvP Talents
- Wild Protector Your Pet protects allies within
58 yards, reducing damage taken by 15%. Beast Mastery Hunter – Tier 4 PvP Talent.
- Frozen Orb Launches forward an orb of swirling ice which deals 0 Frost damage over 10 sec to all nearby enemy targets. Grants 1 charge of Fingers of Frost when it first damages a target. Targets damaged by the Frost Orb are slowed by 30% for 15 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
6 sec cooldown.
- Bone Chilling Whenever you attempt to chill a target, you gain Bone Chilling, increasing all Frost damage you deal by 0.5% for 6 sec, stacking up to
1612 times. Frost Mage – Level 15 Talent. - Lonely Winter You can no longer summon your Water Elemental, but Frost Bolt, Ice Lance, Frozen Orb, and Icicles deal
25%15% increased damage. Frost Mage – Level 15 Talent. - Pyromaniac Casting Pyroblast or Flamestrike while Hot Streak is active has a
10%8% chance to instantly reactivate Hot Streak. Fire Mage – Level 15 Talent. - Ray of Frost For the next 10 sec, you can channel a beam of icy power at an enemy, slowing movement by 50% and dealing
[ 120%[ 130% of Spell Power ] Frost damage every 1 sec. Each time Ray of Frost deals damage, its damage increases by 20%. Frost Mage – Level 15 Talent. 40 yd range. 10 sec cast (Channeled). 60 sec cooldown. - Resonance Name changed from „Torrent“ to „Resonance“.
- Splitting Ice Your Ice Lance and Icicles now deal 10% increased damage, and hit a second nearby target for
75%50% of their damage. Frost Mage – Level 60 Talent.
- Invoke Niuzao, the Black Ox Summons an effigy of Niuzao, the Black Ox for 45 sec. Niuzao attacks your primary target and taunts it. He also frequently Stomps, damaging all nearby enemies. Brewmaster Monk – Level 90 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. 3 min cooldown.
- Mist Wrap Increases Enveloping Mist’s duration by 1 sec and its healing bonus by
20%10%. You may now channel Soothing Mist while moving. Mistweaver Monk – Level 45 Talent. - Spirit of the Crane Tiger Palm causes your next Blackout Kick or Rising Sun Kick to restore
0.75%1.00% mana. Mistweaver Monk – Level 45 Talent.
- Expel Harm Draw in the positive chi of all Healing Spheres within 30 yards, and expel negative chi, damaging the nearest enemy for
1%10% of the amount healed. Monk – Brewmaster Spec. 15 Energy. Instant.
PvP Talents
- Relentless Duration of incoming crowd control effects reduced by 25%.
Replaces Honorable Medallion.Any2 Role – Tier 0 PvP Talent.
- Holy Shock Blasts the target with Holy energy, causing
[ 400%[ 350% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to an enemy, or [ 400% of Spell Power ] healing to an ally. 100 yd range. Instant. - Holy Shock Blasts the target with Holy energy, causing
[ 400%[ 350% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to an enemy, or [ 400% of Spell Power ] healing to an ally. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Aura of Sacrifice While you are above
65%75% health, 10% of all damage taken by allies within 10 yds is redirected to you. While Aura Mastery is active, 10% of all effective healing you deal is replicated to all allies in the aura. Holy Paladin – Level 60 Talent. - Beacon of Virtue Apply a Beacon of Light to your target and
43 injured allies within 30 yards for 8 sec. Your heals will heal all of them for 40% of the amount healed. Holy Paladin – Level 100 Talent. 15% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 12 sec cooldown. - Crusade Name changed from „Sanctified Wrath“ to „Crusade“. Increases your damage and haste by
5%2% for 20 sec. Each Holy Power spent during Sanctified Wrath increases damage and haste by an additional5%2%. Maximum 15 stacks. Retribution Paladin – Level 100 Talent. Instant. 20 sec cooldown. - Equality Deals Holy damage to up to 4 enemies within 10 yards equal to 150% of your missing health. Deals
50%35% of missing health against enemy players. Limited to 4 targets. Retribution Paladin – Level 100 Talent. Instant. 3 min cooldown. - Final Stand
Reduces the cooldown of Divine Shield by 50%, andwhen you use Divine Shield, you also taunt all targets within 15 yards for 8 sec. Protection Paladin – Level 100 Talent. - Greater Judgment Your Judgment cooldown is reduced by 2 sec and jumps to 3 additional nearby enemies. Each jump deals 35% less damage. Retribution Paladin – Level 30 Talent.
- Hand of the Protector Calls down the Light to heal a friendly target for 25% of the target’s missing health. Protection Paladin – Level 15 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant.
15 sec cooldown.10 sec cooldown.
- Holy Shock Triggers a burst of Light on the target, dealing
[ 400%[ 350% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to an enemy, or [ 400% of Spell Power ] healing to an ally. Holy Shock has double the normal critical strike chance. Paladin – Holy Spec. 10% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 9 sec cooldown. - Righteousness (New) Your maximum health is increased by 15%. Paladin – Holy Spec.
- Sanctuary Decreases damage taken by 0%, increases your chance to dodge by
2%0%, and reduces the chance for your attacks to be parried by 3%. Paladin – Protection Spec.
- Greater Blessing of Wisdom Places a blessing on an ally that causes them to regenerate 1% of maximum health and mana per
315 sec. You may only have 3 Greater Blessings active at one time. Paladin – Retribution Spec. 30 yd range. Instant.
- Divine Star Fires a Divine Star forward 24 yds, healing allies in its path for [ 1 + 90% of Spell Power ] and dealing [ 1 +
90%145% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to enemies. After reaching its destination, the Divine Star returns to you, healing allies and damaging enemies in its path again. 100 yd range. Instant. - Divine Star Fires a Divine Star forward 24 yds, healing allies in its path for [ 1 + 90% of Spell Power ] and dealing [ 1 +
90%145% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to enemies. After reaching its destination, the Divine Star returns to you, healing allies and damaging enemies in its path again. 100 yd range. Instant. - Halo Creates a ring of Holy energy around you that quickly expands to a 30 yd radius, healing allies for [ 287.4% of Spell Power ] and dealing
[ 287.4%[ 431.1% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to enemies. 100 yd range. Instant. - Halo Creates a ring of Holy energy around you that quickly expands to a 30 yd radius, healing allies for [ 287.4% of Spell Power ] and dealing
[ 287.4%[ 431.1% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to enemies. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Benediction Your Prayer of Mending has a
30%50% chance to leave a Renew on each target it heals. Holy Priest – Level 100 Talent. - Binding Heal Heals you, another friendly target, and a third friendly target within 20 yards for
[ 250%[ 300% of Spell Power ]. Triggers Serendipity, reducing the remaining cooldown on both Holy Word: Serenity and Holy Word: Sanctify by 3 sec. Can be cast in Spirit of Redemption. Can’t be cast in Shadowform. Holy Priest – Level 75 Talent. 3% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast. - Circle of Healing Heals up to 5 injured allies within 30 yards of the target for
[ 300%[ 260% of Spell Power ]. Can be cast in Spirit of Redemption. Can’t be cast in Shadowform. Holy Priest – Level 100 Talent. 5% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 15 sec cooldown. - Contrition Increases Atonement duration by
32 sec. Discipline Priest – Level 75 Talent. - Divine Star Fires a Divine Star forward 24 yds, healing allies in its path for [ 1 + 90% of Spell Power ] and dealing [ 1 +
90%145% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to enemies. After reaching its destination, the Divine Star returns to you, healing allies and damaging enemies in its path again. Can be cast in Spirit of Redemption. Priest – Level 90 Talent. 2.5% of Base Mana. 30 yd range. Instant. 15 sec cooldown. - Divinity When you heal with a Holy Word spell, your healing is increased by
20%15% for 8 sec. Priest – Level 90 Talent. - Halo Creates a ring of Holy energy around you that quickly expands to a 30 yd radius, healing allies for [ 287.4% of Spell Power ] and dealing
[ 287.4%[ 431.1% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to enemies. Can be cast in Spirit of Redemption. Priest – Level 90 Talent. 3.6% of Base Mana. 30 yd range. 1.5 sec cast. 40 sec cooldown. - Legacy of the Void Voidform may be activated anytime your Insanity level is
6070 or higher. Shadow Priest – Level 100 Talent. - Mind Bomb Inflicts the target with a Mind Bomb. After 2 sec, or if the target dies, it unleashes a psychic explosion, stunning all enemies within
08 yds of the target for 2 sec. Shadow Priest – Level 45 Talent. 30 yd range. Instant. 30 sec cooldown. - Mind Spike Assail the target with shadowy spikes, dealing
[ 45%[ 37% of Spell Power ] Shadowfrost damage and leaving a spike embedded in their mind. Up to 10 spikes may be embedded this way. Mind Blast will detonate these spikes, each dealing 200% of their original damage. to the main target, and 100% to all nearby targets. Generates 5 Insanity. Shadow Priest – Level 100 Talent. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast. - Purge the Wicked Cleanses the target with fire, causing 0 Fire damage and an additional
[ 50%[ 42% of Spell Power ] Fire damage over 20 sec. Spreads to an additional nearby enemy when you cast Penance on the target. Can’t be cast in Shadowform. Discipline Priest – Level 100 Talent. 2% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant.10 sec cooldown. - Void Ray Each time your Mind Flay or Mind Sear deals damage, you gain 10% increased Mind Flay and Mind Sear damage for 4 sec, stacking up to 5 times. Shadow Priest – Level 60 Talent.
- Curse of the Dreadblades Invoke the Curse of the Dreadblades, causing each Saber Slash or Pistol Shot to fill your combo points. However, The Dreadblades will consume 5% of your current health when you use a finishing move for the next 12 sec. Artifact. Instant. 1.5 min cooldown.
- Kingsbane Releases lethal poison within The Kingslayers and injects it into your target, dealing [ 2.000 * 500% of weapon damage ] Nature damage instantly and an additional [ 35 + 75% of AP ] Nature damage over 14 sec. Each time you apply a Lethal Poison to a target affected by Kingsbane, Kingsbane damage increases by 20%. Artifact. 35 Energy. Melee range. Instant. 45 sec cooldown.
PvP Talents
- Flying Daggers Fan of Knives deals
25%350% more damage when it strikes23 or more targets. Assassination Rogue – Tier 5 PvP Talent. - Silhouette Shadowstep’s cooldown is reduced by
33%50% when cast on a friendly target. Subtlety Rogue – Tier 2 PvP Talent.
- Symbols of Death Invoke ancient symbols of power, increasing all damage you deal by 20% for 35 sec. and causing your next Shadowstrike to critically strike. Unaffected by the global cooldown. Requires Stealth. Rogue – Subtlety Spec. 35 Energy. Instant.
1 sec cooldown.10 sec cooldown.
- Gift of the Queen Heals up to six injured allies within 12 yards for [ 400% of Spell Power ] and increases their maximum health by 10% for 6 sec. Artifact.
10040 yd range. 2 sec cast. 45 sec cooldown.
- Aftershock
Your ShockYour spells refund 25% of all Maelstrom spent on them. Elemental Shaman – Level 90 Talent. - Echo of the Elements (Restoration) In addition, when you cast Healing Wave, Healing Surge, Riptide, or Chain Heal, you have a
15%10% chance to generate a charge of Riptide. - Lightning Rod
Your damaging spellsYour Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning have a 10% chance to make your target a Lightning Rod.When your Nature spells damage a Lightning Rod, they deal 20% additional damage to the target and to all enemies within 8 yardsfor 10 sec. When you deal damage with Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning, they additionally deal 20% of their damage to all Lightning Rods. Elemental Shaman – Level 90 Talent. - Path of Flame Lava Burst deals
10%5% more damage and causes Flame Shock to spread from the target to a nearby enemy. Elemental Shaman – Level 15 Talent. - Torrent Increases the initial heal from Riptide by
50%40%. Restoration Shaman – Level 15 Talent.
- Earth Shock Instantly shocks the target with concussive force, causing up to
[ 700%[ 1,000% of Spell Power ] Nature damage based on Maelstrom spent. Shaman – Elemental Spec. 10 Maelstrom. 40 yd range. Instant. - Lightning Bolt Hurls a bolt of lightning at the target, dealing [ 1 +
165%150% of Spell Power ] Nature damage. Generates 8 Maelstrom. Shaman – Elemental Spec. 40 yd range. Instant.
Elemental & Restoration
- Lava Burst (Elemental, Enhancement) Hurls molten lava at the target, dealing [ 1 +
260%240% of Spell Power ] Fire damage. - Lava Burst (Restoration) Hurls molten lava at the target, dealing [ 1 +
260%240% of Spell Power ] Fire damage.
- Dimensional Rift Rips a hole in time and space, opening a portal that damages your target. Artifact. 40 yd range.
1.5 sec cast.Instant.
- Cataclysm Destruction Warlock – Level
60 Talent.30 Talent. - Fire and Brimstone Incinerate now hits all enemies near your target. Destruction Warlock – Level
30 Talent.60 Talent. - Soul Harvest
Immediately generates 5 Soul ShardsAffliction: Increases your damage by 20%. Lasts 10 sec, increased by 2 sec for each target afflicted by your Agony, up to a maximum of 30 sec. Demonology: Increases your damage by 20%. Lasts 10 sec, increased by 2 sec for each target afflicted by your Doom, up to a maximum of 30 sec. Destruction: Increases your damage by 20%. Lasts 10 sec, increased by 2 sec for each target afflicted by your Immolate, up to a maximum of 30 sec. Warlock – Level 60 Talent. Instant (Channeled). 2 min cooldown.2 min cooldown.
- Defensive Stance A defensive combat state that reduces all damage you
deal and take by 25%. Lasts until cancelled. Warrior – Arms Spec. Instant. 6 sec cooldown.take by 20%, and all damage you deal by 10%. Lasts until cancelled. Arms Warrior – Level 60 Talent. Instant. 10 sec cooldown. - Titanic Might Increases the duration of Colossus Smash by
200%16 sec, but reduces its effectiveness by 50%. Arms Warrior – Level 90 Talent.
- Die by the Sword Increases your parry chance by 100% and reduces all damage you take by 30% for 8 sec.
Arms Warrior – Level 60 Talent. Instant. 2 min cooldown.Warrior – Arms Spec. Instant. 3 min cooldown.
- Titan’s Grip Allows you to dual-wield a pair of two-handed weapons, and increases your maximum health by
20%. Warrior – Fury Spec.15%. Warrior – Fury Spec.
- Bastion of Defense Increases your block chance by 15% and your dodge chance by
2%. Warrior – Protection Spec.0%. Warrior – Protection Spec.