Legion: Verbesserungen für die Klassenhallen

In der kommenden Erweiterung „Legion“ werden die Spieler während der Kampagne ihrer Klassenhalle einen speziellen NPC freischalten, der es ihnen dann ermöglicht, ihre gesammelten Ressourcen in Verbesserungen für die Klassenhalle und die dort stationierten Streitkräfte zu investieren. Dabei sind diese unterschiedlichen Verbesserungen im Grunde dann wie ein eigener kleiner Talentbaum aufgebaut, der den Spielern insgesamt sechs Reihen mit verschiedenen Stärkungszaubern und nützlichen Effekten zur Verfügung stellt. Folgender Artikel beinhaltet nun eine Übersicht zu der Funktionsweise dieser Verbesserungen und den verschiedenen Auswahlmöglichkeiten für die einzelnen Klassen.
Übersicht zu den Verbesserungen:
- Es gibt 6 Reihen mit Verbesserungen, die bis auf die letzte Ebene jeweils zwei Auswahlmöglichkeiten besitzen.
- Das Lernen solch einer Verbesserung benötigt immer eine längere Wartezeit und einige Ressourcen. Je tiefer sich die Verbesserung im Baum befindet, desto länger dauert der gesamte Vorgang.
- Reihe 1: 2 Stunden + 100 Ressourcen
- Reihe 2: 8 Stunden + 1000 Ressourcen
- Reihe 3: 24 Stunden + 10.000 Ressourcen
- Reihe 4: 3 Tage + 25.000 Ressourcen
- Reihe 5: 7 Tage + 65.000 Ressourcen
- Reihe 6: 14 Tage + 100.000 Ressourcen
- Jede Reihe muss freigeschaltet werden, um die tiefer gelegene Reihe zu erreichen.
- Das Wechseln einer Verbesserung auf die zweite Möglichkeit benötigt nicht nur die gleiche Anzahl von Ressourcen wie die als Erstes gewählte Verbesserung, sondern auch noch einmal die gleiche Wartezeit.
- Auch wenn die Klassen manchmal einzigartige Verbesserungen besitzen, so stehen die meisten Verbesserungen aus diesem Talentbaum allen Klassen zur Verfügung.
- Die letzte Verbesserung in Reihe 6 besitzt keine Alternative und erhöht das Limit eines Charakters für die maximale Anzahl von tragbaren legendären World Drops aus Legion um 1.
Die Verbesserungen der einzelnen Klassen:
Death Knight
- Death’s Boon (Tier 1) – Increases the chance for quest rewards to get a rare or epic Bonus Upgrade from non-repeatable quests.
- Swarm (Tier 1) – Increases mission success chance for every Ghoul or Geist on the mission.
- Deaths Advance (Tier 2) – Increases success chance of missions with Hazards.
- Call of the Grave (Tier 2) – Increase the maximum number of Ebon Knights and Ebon Champions you can recruit from 2 to 4.
- Construct Quarter (Tier 3) – Newly recruited Ghouls become Geists, which have: Endless Horde – Increases success chance of missions by 40%.
- Live by the Sword (Tier 3) – Newly recruited Ebon Knights become Ebon Champions, which add: Champion of the Ebon Order – Ebon Champions have a spec, and can counter Bosses
- Dark Horsemen (Tier 4) – Grants access to the Dreadsteed Hitching Post, allowing you to summon a Deathcharger which allows you to perform mounted combat for a short duration.
- Reanimation (Tier 4) – Chance for a Ghoul or Geist to be recruited whenever you recruit an Ebon Knight or Ebon Champion.
- Frost Wyrm (Tier 5) – Call down an Frost Wrym to instantly complete a World Quest on your map.
- Brothers in Arms (Tier 5) – You can place a work order for Champion armaments and equipment.
- Legends from the Grave (Tier 6) – Increase the number of Legendary items you can equip by 1.
Demon Hunter
- Well Prepared (Tier 1) – Increases the chance for quest rewards to get a rare or epic Bonus Upgrade from non-repeatable quests.
- The Hunt (Tier 1) – Increase success chance by 20% on the first mission of the day.
- Vengeful Retreat (Tier 2) – Increases success chance of missions with Minions.
- Training Grounds (Tier 2) – Increase the maximum number of Illidari Troops you can recruit from 2 to 4.
- Naga Myrmidon (Tier 3) – Newly recruited Ashtongue Warriors become Naga Myrmidon, which add: Razorspine Scales – Increased mission success chance by 40%.
- Demonic Power (Tier 3) – Newly recruited Illidari Adpets to become Transformed Illidari Adepts, which add: Metamorphosis – Gains a benefit against random mechanic types.
- Book of Fel Names (Tier 4) – Summon boss for buff.[NYI]
- Focused War Effort (Tier 4) – Reduces the cost of recruiting all troops by 25%.
- Sight Beyond Sight (Tier 5) – Unleash the wrath of your order to instantly complete a World Quest on your map.
- Fel Armaments (Tier 5) – You can place a work order for Champion armaments and equipment.
- Demonic Fate (Tier 6) – Increase the number of Legendary items you can equip by 1.
- Elune’s Favor (Tier 1) – Increases the chance for quest rewards to get a rare or epic Bonus Upgrade from non-repeatable quests.
- Roots (Tier 1) – Increase success chance against Minions by 20% on the first mission of the day.
- Travel Form (Tier 2) – Reduce mission duration of all missions by 30%.
- Hibernation (Tier 2) – Increase the maximum number of Druids of the Claw and Keepers of the Grove you can recruit from 2 to 4.
- Laughing Sisters (Tier 3) – Newly recruited Treants become Dryads, which add: Essence of Cenarius – Success chance increased by amount of Troop vitality.
- Force of the Forest (Tier 3) – Newly recruited Druids of the Claw become Keepers of the Grove, which add: Wild Growth – Increases success chance of missions with Minions by 50%.
- Evergreen (Tier 4) – Tend to plants for daily rewards. [NYI]
- Natural Living (Tier 4) – Reduces troop recruitment cost by 25%.
- Elune’s Chosen (Tier 5) – You can place a work order for a Seal of Fate once a week.
- Ancient of War (Tier 5) – Summon an Ancient of War once a day.
- Natural Legend (Tier 6) – Increase the number of Legendary items you can equip by 1.
- Rugged Upgrades (Tier 1) – Increases the chance for quest rewards to get a rare or epic Bonus Upgrade from non-repeatable quests.
- Long Range (Tier 1) – Increase success chance by 20% on the first mission of the day.
- Disengage (Tier 2) – Increase success chance against Hazards by 20% on all missions.
- Sturdy Tents (Tier 2) – Increase the maximum number of Trackers and Rangers you can recruit from 2 to 4.
- Elf Friend (Tier 3) – Newly recruited Archers become Marksmen, which add: Barrage – Increases success chance of missions with Minions by 50%.
- Rangers (Tier 3) – Newly recruited Trackers become Rangers, which add: Eyes of the Wild – Increases success chance of missions with Hazards by 50%.
- Eagle Ally (Tier 4) – Unlocks access to the Eagle Network flightpaths.
- Unseen Path (Tier 4) – Reduces cost of recruiting troops by 25%.
- Foraging (Tier 5) – You can place a work order for a Seal of Fate once a week.
- Fletchery (Tier 5) – You can place a work order for Champion armaments and equipment.
- Legends of the Wild (Tier 6) – Increase the number of Legendary items you can equip by 1.
- Arcane Provenance (Tier 1) – Increases the chance for quest rewards to get a rare or epic Bonus Upgrade from non-repeatable quests.
- Frost Nova (Tier 1) – Increase success chance against Minions by 20% on the first mission of the day.
- Blink (Tier 2) – Reduce mission duration of all missions by 30%.
- Arcane Library (Tier 2) – Increase the maximum number of Apprentices and Conjurers you can recruit from 2 to 4.
- Elemental Power (Tier 3) – Newly recruited Water Elementals become Arcane Golems, which add: Quickening – Increases success chance of missions by 30% when accompanied by Arcane mages.
- Higher Learning (Tier 3) – Newly recruited Apprentices become Conjurers, which add: Presence of Mind – Increased mission success chance by 30% when a Spell is present.
- Teleportation Nexus (Tier 4) – World teleport unlock.[NYI]
- Refreshment Table (Tier 4) – Reduces the cost of recruiting all troops by 25%.
- Might of Dalaran (Tier 5) – Unleash the Might of Dalaran to instantly complete a World Quest on your map.
- Arcane Armaments (Tier 5) – You can place a work order for Champion armaments and equipment.
- Legends of the Kirin Tor (Tier 6) – Increase the number of Legendary items you can equip by 1.
- Auspicious Fortune (Tier 1) – Increases the chance for quest rewards to get a rare or epic Bonus Upgrade from non-repeatable quests.
- Lucky Envelope (Tier 1) – Increase success chance by 20% on the first mission of the day.
- Enlightenment (Tier 2) – Newly recruited troops have a chance to be upgraded one rank, making them more powerful. Initiates have a chance to become Adepts, and Adepts have a chance to become Masters.
- Living Quarters (Tier 2) – Increase the maximum number of Students of the Tiger you can recruit from 2 to 4.
- Path of the Ox (Tier 3) – Newly recruited Ox Initiates become Ox Adepts, which add: Shuffle – Increased mission success chance by 30% when a Hazard is present.
- Path of the Tiger (Tier 3) – Newly recruited Tiger Initiates become Tiger Adepts, which add: Spinning Crane Kick – Increased mission success chance by 30% when Minions are present.
- Brewhouse (Tier 4) – Gain a powerful brew each day. [NYI]
- Pilgrimage (Tier 4) – The cost of recruiting Ox and Tiger troops is reduced by 25%.
- One with Destiny (Tier 5) – You can place a work order for a Seal of Fate once a week.
- Celestial Favor (Tier 5) – You can summon a Celestial once per day.
- Fists of Legend (Tier 6) – Increase the number of Legendary items you can equip by 1.
- Light’s Favor (Tier 1) – Increases the chance for quest rewards to get a rare or epic Bonus Upgrade from non-repeatable quests.
- Blessing of Kings (Tier 1) – Increase success chance by 20% on the first mission of the day.
- Righteous Blessing (Tier 2) – Increase success chance against Spells by 20% on all missions.
- Argent Call (Tier 2) – Increase the maximum number of Silver Hand Knights and Champions you can recruit from 2 to 4.
- As One (Tier 3) – Newly recruited Silver Hand Squires become Silver Hand Phalanx, which add: Divine Bulwark – Increases success chance of missions by 20%.
- Champion of the Silver Hand (Tier 3) – Newly recruited Silver Hand Knights become Silver Hand Champions, which add: Guardians of Kings – Increases success chance when accompnied by Silver Hand Squires or Phalanx.
- Argent Steed (Tier 4) – Grants access to the Argent Charger Hitching Post, allowing you to summon a Charger which allows you to perform mounted combat.
- To Arms! (Tier 4) – Chance for a Squire or Phalax to be recruited whenever you recruit a Knight or Champion.
- Holy Purpose (Tier 5) – Focus the Holy Purpose of the order to instantly complete a World Quest on your map.
- Plowshares to Swords (Tier 5) – You can place a work order for Champion armaments and equipment.
- Legends of the Righteous (Tier 6) – Increase the number of Legendary items you can equip by 1.
- Divine Fate (Tier 1) – Increases the chance for quest rewards to get a rare or epic Bonus Upgrade from non-repeatable quests.
- Daily Prayers (Tier 1) – Increase success chance by 20% on the first mission of the day.
- Prayer of Fortitude (Tier 2) – You can request Blessings of the Order, which can be granted to your Champions to increase mission success chance for one mission.
- Communal Living (Tier 2) – Increase the maximum number of Zealots or Dark Zealots you can recruit from 2 to 4.
- Inquisition (Tier 3) – Newly recruited Acolytes become Paragons, which add: Divine Star – Increases success chance of missions with Minions.
- Shadow Heresy (Tier 3) – Newly recruited Zealots become Dark Zealots, which add: Soul Reapers – Increases success chance of missions when accompanied by Shadow spec priests.
- Altars of Blessing (Tier 4) – Gain access to the Altars of Blessing.
- Pain Suppression (Tier 4) – Chance for a random troop to be healed on the first mission of the day.
- Blessed Seals (Tier 5) – You can place a work order for a Seal of Fate once a week.
- Armaments of Light (Tier 5) – You can place a work order for Champion armaments and equipment.
- Armed by Faith (Tier 6) – Increase the number of Legendary items you can equip by 1.
- Lucky Streak (Tier 1) – Increases the chance for quest rewards to get a rare or epic Bonus Upgrade from non-repeatable quests.
- Sneak Attack (Tier 1) – Increase success chance by 20% on the first mission of the day.
- Assassination (Tier 2) – Increases success chance of missions with Minions.
- Prizefights (Tier 2) – Increase the maximum number of Pirates and Duelists you can recruit from 2 to 4.
- Defiant Legacy (Tier 3) – Newly recruited Thieves become Defias Bandits, which add: Pick Pocket – Chance to return from a successful mission with a bag of gold.
- Crimson Sails (Tier 3) – Newly recruited Pirates become Duelists, which add: Blade Flurry – Increases success chance of missions with Minions by 40%.
- The Vault (Tier 4) – Gain access to the Treasure room, containing riches beyond your wildest dreams.
- Under the Table (Tier 4) – Reduces the cost of recruiting all troops by 25%.
- Plunder (Tier 5) – You can place a work order for a Seal of Fate once a week.
- Weapons Smuggler (Tier 5) – You can place a work order for Champion armaments and equipment.
- Armed to the Teeth (Tier 6) – Increase the number of Legendary items you can equip by 1.
- The Spirit’s Call (Tier 1) – Increases the chance for quest rewards to get a rare or epic Bonus Upgrade from non-repeatable quests.
- Bloodlust (Tier 1) – Increase success chance by 20% on the first mission of the day.
- Windspeakers Might (Tier 2) – Reduce all mission times by 30%.
- Training Grounds (Tier 2) – Increase the maximum number of Earthcallers or Geomancers you can recruit from 2 to 4.
- Elemental Knowledge (Tier 3) – Newly recruited Lesser Elementals become Greater Elementals, which add: Strength of Earth – Increased success chance by 40%.
- Whispers of the Earth (Tier 3) – Newly recruited Earthcallers become Geomancers, which add: Earthquake – Increases success chance of missions with Minions by 50%.
- Elemental Binding (Tier 4) – Summons a random elemental to your order hall each day to provide you with a blessing. [NYI]
- Reincarnation (Tier 4) – Fallen troops have a chance to be revived with 1 vitality.
- Spirit Walk (Tier 5) – You can place a work order for a Seal of Fate once a week.
- Rise! (Tier 5) – You can now summon a squad of Ascendants once a day.
- Ancestral Legends (Tier 6) – Increase the number of Legendary items you can equip by 1.
- Dark Bargain (Tier 1) – Increases the chance for quest rewards to get a rare or epic Bonus Upgrade from non-repeatable quests.
- Summon Doomguard (Tier 1) – Increase success chance by 20% on the first mission of the day.
- Ritual of Summoning (Tier 2) – Reduce all mission times by 30%.
- Training Grounds (Tier 2) – Increase the maximum number of Acolytes you can recruit from 2 to 4.
- Dark Mastery (Tier 3) – Newly recruited Dark Harvest Acolytes become Dark Harvest Invokers, which add: Rain of Fel Fire – Increases success chance of missions with Minions by 50%.
- Implosion (Tier 3) – Newly recruited Imps become Wild Imps, which add: Wild Pack – Increases success chance of missions by 20% when on missions with other Imps.
- Demonic Offering (Tier 4) – Sacrifice Imps for random rewards. [NYI]
- Grim Harvest (Tier 4) – Quests grant you bonus resources while you have a Combat Ally active.
- Summon Infernal (Tier 5) – Call down an Infernal to instantly complete a World Quest on your map.
- Shadow Pact (Tier 5) – You can place a work order for Champion armaments and equipment.
- Legends of the Fel (Tier 6) – Increase the number of Legendary items you can equip by 1.
- Odyn’s Favor (Tier 1) – Increases the chance for quest rewards to get a rare or epic Bonus Upgrade from non-repeatable quests.
- Rallying Cry (Tier 1) – Increases the success chance of the first mission you run each day based on the vitality of your troops.
- Forced March (Tier 2) – Reduce mission duration of all missions by 30%.
- Abundant Valor (Tier 2) – Increase the maximum number of Shieldmaidens and Val’kyr you can recruit from 2 to 4.
- Trial by Fire (Tier 3) – Newly recruited Valajar Aspirants become Stormforged Valajar, which add: Thunderstruck – Increased mission success chance by 30% when Minions are present.
- Ascension (Tier 3) – Newly recruited Shieldmaidens become Valkyra Shieldmaidens, which add: Flight of the Valkyra – Mission duration reduced.
- Into the Pit! (Tier 4) – You can see and loot the chest rewards contained within the Arena of Glory.
- Spoils of War (Tier 4) – Completing World Quests with a Combat Ally provides extra Order Hall Resources.
- Might of Mjolnir (Tier 5) – Unleash the Might of Mjolnir to instantly complete a World Quest on your map.
- Heavenly Forge (Tier 5) – You can place a work order for Champion armaments and equipment.
- Legends of Ragnarok (Tier 6) – Increase the number of Legendary items you can equip by 1.