Heroes: Die Patchnotes vom 08. Dezember

Im Verlauf der Wartungsarbeiten in dieser Woche haben die Entwickler von Heroes of the Storm einen neuen Patch auf die Liveserver dieses Titels aufgespielt und gleichzeitig damit dann auch wieder offizielle Patchnotes auf ihrer Seite veröffentlicht. Dabei bringt dieses neue Update dann neben einer Erhöhung der kostenlosen Charaktere in der Heldenrotation und der Abschaffung für die Levelvoraussetzungen bei bestimmten Talenten auch das bereits gestern vorgestellte „Werbt einen Freund“-Programm für Heroes of the Storm mit sich.
Heroes of the Storm Patch Notes – December 8, 2015
Recruit a Friend
Invite Your Friends to Play Heroes and Earn In-Game Rewards!
- Following today’s patch, each player will receive their own unique Recruit a Friend link.
- Invite your friends to join the Nexus using your recruitment link, and you will each unlock epic in-game rewards as they play and level-up in Heroes of the Storm!
- Find your link using the new in-game Recruit a Friend panel, or visit the official Recruit a Friend webpage.
- Access the Recruit a Friend panel in-game by clicking the new “Recruit a Friend” button that has been added to the bottom of the Friends List.
- Click here to learn more about the Recruit a Friend program and the exclusive rewards it has to offer.
50% XP Bonus
- We’re offering a week-long 50% XP Bonus for all players in the Nexus, which should help your new recruits get a head-start toward their Recruit a Friend rewards in Heroes of the Storm!
- The XP Bonus begins at 10:00 a.m. PST on Tuesday, December 8, and ends at 10:00 a.m. PST on Wednesday, December 16 for players in all regions.
System Changes
Talent Gating
- Talent Gating has been removed from Heroes of the Storm, and players will now have access to all Hero Talents regardless of their account levels.
Hero Rotation
- The weekly free-to-play Hero Rotation has been expanded from seven to ten free Hero slots.
- Brand new accounts will now begin with six free Hero rotation slots, and four additional slots can be unlocked by reaching player levels 5, 7, 12, and 15, respectively.
- View the current lineup of free-to-play Heroes by heading to the Free Hero Rotation forum thread.
50% Off All Heroes, Skins, and Mounts!
- As part of our celebration for the new Recruit a Friend program, we’re excited to announce that the 50% discount on all Heroes, Mounts, and Skins that arrived with our Black Friday Sale –including the 360 Day Stimpack– will remain in place through the end of the year! What’s more, any brand new items released during this time will also be available at 50% off their normal real-money prices.
Bug Fixes
User Interface
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Cho’gall Buddy Brawl Special Event Quests to visually persist for players who had already completed them.