WoW Legion: Die Szenarien für die Artefakte

Die Data Miner von „wowhead“ konnten vor Kurzem eine Reihe von Informationen zu den Szenarien rund um die Artefaktwaffen in den Spieldaten der anstehenden Beta zu World of Warcrafts kommender Erweiterung „Legion“ ausfindig machen. Dabei sieht es dann ganz danach aus, als würden die Entwickler diese Aufgaben dafür nutzen, um viele der ungeklärten Fragen der Lore zu beantworten und die Spieler auf bekannte Charaktere treffen zu lassen. Folgender Artikel listet nun die bisher entdeckten Szenarien für viele der Artefakte auf, sodass interessierte Spieler bereits jetzt erfahren können, was sie für ihre Waffe dann genau machen müssen.
(Hinweis: Da diese Informationen von Data Minern stammen, sind einige der Szenarien aktuell noch unvollständig oder fehlen komplett)
Interessante Punkte aus den Szenarien:
- Vergelter-Paladine werden gegen den Schreckenslord Balnazzar kämpfen.
- Sowohl Unheilig-Todesritter als auch Gebrechens-Hexer und Gleichgewichts-Druiden müssen in den Keller von Karazhan.
- Treffsicherheits-Jäger treffen auf Vereesa Windrunner.
- Waffen-Krieger und Schatten-Priester müssen in das Grab des Wächters Tyr vordringen. Dieser Ort befindet sich scheinbar unter Tirisfal.
- Windläufer-Mönche kämpfen sich zusammen mit Li Li Sturmbräu durch „Skywall“ (Festung in der Elementarebene der Luft).
- Frost-Todesritter sammeln die Splitter von Frostgram und treffen auf Lichkönig Bolvar.
- Wächter-Druiden verteidigen den Halbgott Ursoc gegen den Albtraum.
- Frost-Magier treffen auf Meryl Felstorm. Dieser Magier spielt hauptsächlich in den Comics eine wichtige Rolle.
Vergelter-Paladin: The Legend of The Ashbringer
- Sounding the Charge
- Lead the paladins of the Argent Crusade into battle.
- Crusaders‘ March
- Destroy the demon army.
- Holy Vengeance
- Destroy Jailer Zerus and save Highlord Tirion Fordring.
- The Ashbringer
- Find the Ashbringer within the Lost Temple.
- Balnazzar the Risen
- Defeat Balnazzar.
- The Fate of the Highlord
- Return to Tirion Fordring.
Blut-Todesritter: The Fleshripper’s Harvest
- Hunting the Hunters
- Baron Sliver should have already arrived. Search for him.
- Scout the Path
- Follow Baron Sliver up the rise ahead.
- Breaching the Defenses
- A wall of flames blocks the path. Protect Baron Sliver while he disables the barrier.
- The Search Continues
- Follow Baron Sliver into Legion territory and search the camp.
- End of the Inquisition
- Hunt down Inquisitor Zalinor and obtain his keystone.
- Back to the Prisoner
- With the keystone in hand release your ally.
- Sieging the Citadel
- Travel to the citadel and assist Baron Sliver as he disables it’s barrier.
- Into the Depths
- The way is open into the complex. Continue down into the structure and locate Margrave.
- The Fleshripper
- Gorelix has slain Margrave! Destroy the demon!
- The Maw of the Damned
- With Gorelix dead his axe is now yours. Take it.
- The Call of Icecrown
- The Lich King await’s news of your success. Use Baron Sliver’s Death Gate to travel to Icecrown.
Treffsicherheits-Jäger: Legacy of the Windrunners
- The Rescue
- Survey the rise ahead and elminate Legion patrols.
- Stop the Summoners
- Defeat the eredar summoners before they bring in more demons.
- Search for Your Allies
- Go deeper into Legion territory and try to locate Alleria and Orestes.
- Defeat the Hound Mistress
- Slay Mistress Torvis and her fel hounds, then resume the hunt for Alleria
- Silence the Herald
- Defeat Herald Xarbizuld.
- Enter the Cathedral
- Enter the Cathedral of the Inquisition.
- Free Vereesa Windrunner
- Slay D’zorykx the Trapper to free Vereesa.
- End the Inquisition
- Defeat High Inquisitor Qormaladon.
- A Bow of Legend
- Wield Thas’dorah, Legacy of the Windrunners.
Überlebens-Jäger The Spear in the Shadow
- Landing
- Wuho should have located a good spot to start. Wait for his signal, then regroup at the landing site.
- The Haunted Harbor
- Kvaldir wards bar the way further into the swamp. Investigate Tideskorn Harbor to find a way through.
- Distracting Them Wisely
- The Mist Warders manage the wards. Use a Freezing Trap to easily steal their wardstones.
- Easy Pickings
- Steal the Wardstone now that the Warder is taken care of.
- Just a Few More
- More wardstones will be needed to breach the wall. Collect more wardstones from the kvaldir in the harbor.
- The Wall of Fog
- Apata and Wuho are out near the wards, find them and find a way to breach the wards.
- Into the Mists
- Harpoons and runes in hand, the fog barrier can be breached. Use a harpoon to cross the wards.
- The Shallows of Death
- Apata wants to get the lay of the land carefully, follow her around the swamp.
- Deadly Shadows
- Dakaar is sending illusionary stalkers at you, defend yourself!
- The Hunter or the Hunted
- Dakarr hides in deep mists, go into them and lay traps to catch him.
- For the Fallen
- The beast has fled to another lair of mist, trap it again and avenge Wuho.
- The Lair of the Beast
- Dakarr has fled to his true lair, but is too weak to hide behind fog. Finish him in his lair.
- The Spear of the Highmountain
- The foul beast is dead and the path to the Spear is open. Take up the Spear.
Nebelwirker-Mönch: Emperor’s Promise
- Heal Taran Zhu
- Help Taran Zhu recover from his battle injuries.
- Rescue the Shado-Pan
- Open the cages to free the captured Shado-Pan and defeat Hellwarden Xaphan.
- The Shado-Plan
- Speak with each of the Shadow-Pan to coordinate your attack on the corrupted terrace.
- Don’t Drink the Water
- Defeat Aspersius with the help of the Shado-Pan.
- The Emperor’s Final Gift
- Acquire Sheilun, Staff of the Mists.
Gesetzlosigkeit-Schurke: The Dread Admiral
- Maritime Diplomacy
- Commandeer the Horizon’s Edge.
- Blood and Plunder
- Find the Dread Admiral Eliza in the Temple of a Thousand Lights.
- Eliza’s Gambit
- Defeat Lord Brinebeard.
- Into the Depths
- Pursue the Dread Admiral Eliza into the temple depths.
- Claiming the Prize
- Defeat the Dread Admiral Eliza and claim the Dreadblades
Verstärker-Schamane: Cleansing of the Deep
- Demon Down
- Follow Geth’xun’s trail of fel blood.
- Corruption in the Deep
- Defeat the devouring imps.
- Hot on the Trail
- Follow Geth’xun’s trail of fel blood.
- Cleansing the Earth
- Defeat the Corrupted Gyreworm.
- The Demon Below
- Follow the trail to find Geth’xun.
- The Doomhmamer Calls
- Acquire the Doomhammer!
- Finishing the Job
- Use the Doomhammer to destroy Geth’xun.
- A Ring Eternal
- Help Stormcaller Mylra.
Waffen-Krieger: The Sword of Kings
- Culling the Cultists
- Twilight cultists are camped near the entrance. Investigate what they are doing here.
- The Ghost King
- The ghost of Thoradin is being tortured by the cultists. Slay the ritualists and free him.
- Thoradin’s Folly
- The ghost has much information. Follow Thoradin and listen to his tale.
- The Tomb of Tyr
- The broken seal beckons from the lake bottom. Enter the Tomb of Tyr.
- Cleansing the Desecration
- The prison entrance is blocked with corruption. Cleanse the tomb of the corrupting void tendrils.
- The Root of the Corruption
- The corrupter has finally appeared. Slay Soth’ozz and complete the cleansing of the tomb.
- The Dark Passage
- The way below is uncovered, make your way to the prison of Zakajz.
- A Quick Execution
- Zakajz is struggling to defend itself. Draw out the sword and perform the final blow!
- To Kill a C’Thraxxi
- Zakajz is awake but neither fully healed or fully in control of its mind. Fight it back into unconsciousness!
- The Warbreaker
- Zakajz has been defeated again, but it is not permanent. Take up Stromkar and deal the final true blow.
Schatten-Priester: Blade in Twilight
- The Twilight Camp
- The Twilight’s Hammer has set up a temporary camp up here. Investigate the camp for clues as to what is going on and where your ally is.
- Raiding the Tomb Raiders
- The cultists have entered a tomb complex at the bottom of the lake. The ritual must be happening in there.
- The Desecrated Tomb
- The cultists have breached the tomb of an ancient titan keeper! Slay the guards and open the way into the complex.
- The Tomb of Tyr
- Slaghammer wants to get further into the complex, but cultists bar the way in the next room. Enter the tomb room and deal with them.
- Reconsecration
- Cultists are dampening the holy wards of the tomb. Dispel their defenses and kill the ritualists to break the barrier.
- Don’t Fear the Reaper
- The ritual has been thwarted but void energy remains! Defeat it!
- Dark Passage
- The way is open to the prison. Continue down the unsealed passage to whatever waits below.
- Death to the Deacon
- Farthing is trying to bring the killer of Tyr back to life! Stop him!
- The Blade of the Black Empire
- With Farthing dead the blade is now yours. Take it.
- The True Death of Zakajz
- The C’Thraxxi general could still be a threat in the future. The Blade must be used to drain all of its essence so Zakajz will be truly dead.
Verwüstung-Dämonenjäger: The Twinblades of the Deceiver
- Stalking Your Prey
- Fly into Felsoul Hold.
- They Are Not Prepared
- Dive into the fray.
- Wrath of the Illidari
- Destroy the wards protecting Varedis‘ personal sanctum.
- The Twinblades of the Deceiver
- Kill Varedis Felsoul and obtain the Twinblades of the Deceiver.
Gebrechen-Hexenmeister:The Dark Riders
- The Downward Spiral
- Make your way into into the Dark Riders‘ catacombs beneath Karazhan.
- Grasp of the Damned
- Find a way to cross Ariden’s spirit barrier.
- Removal Protocols
- Defeat the guardian of the Dark Riders‘ vault.
- Reap the Harvester
- Find the Deadwind Harvester among the Dark Riders‘ artifacts.
- The Rider’s Prize
- Follow Ariden into the depths of the Karazhan catacombs.
- Ulthalesh Feasts
- Defeat Ariden.
- Claim the Deadwind Harvester.
Windläufer-Mönch: The Thundering Heavens
- Into the Skies
- Follow Li Li and protect her from the dangers of Skywall.
- Running In The Clouds
- Li Li has ran off ahead! Catch up with her.
- A Shocking Development
- Your foes are using the Stormtouched Orbs to empower themselves. Destroy the orbs and break through the Raging Winds.
- Against The Storm
- Typhinius has summoned his servants, survive the assault!
- Dragon Wrangling
- You’ve weakened the Storm Dragon. Leap upon the beast and use it to reach Typhinius.
- The Tyrant of Skywall
- Defeat Typhinius
- Fists of the Heavens
- The Fists of the Heavens are yours, take them.
Frost-Todesritter: The Blade of the Fallen Prince
- The Call of the North
- The Lich King awaits your return to the citadel.
- The Gates Are Open
- Enter Icecrown Citadel.
- Seek the Fragments
- Collect Fragments within Icecrown Citadel.
- Travel to the Frozen Throne
- Use the Scourge Teleporter within the Spire.
- Power Overwhelming
- Reforge the fragments and form your weapon.
- The Purge
- Purge the blades of the malevolent souls within.
- The Hungering Cold
- The Blades are purged of the corruption. Claim them as your own.
- Death’s March
- Obtain the Lich King’s Blessing.
Furor-Krieger: Hunter of Heroes
- Into the Mists
- The village is shrouded in mists. Light the bonfire to clear it and provoke the Helarjar.
- Village of the Damned
- The kvaldir are enraged at the loss of the mists. Survive their assault untill the commanding helarjar arrives, then kill him.
- Deeper Into the Fog
- Vigfus and his souls are below, kill the mystics defending the path down and reach the docks.
- The Stolen Souls
- Vigfus has not appeared. Free his cargo of souls to draw him out.
- Vigfus Himself
- The Bladewind has made an appearance. Slay him!
- On The Trail
- The Bladewind is escaping into the shallows, find and kill him.
- The Warswords
- The Warswords of the Bladewind are yours. Take them.
Feuer-Magier: The Frost and the Flamer
- The Frozen Halls
- Defeat the Iceborn Conjurer.
- Meltdown
- The servants of the Lich King have conjured walls of ice to block your path. Destroy them.
- Hot On The Trail
- Survive the assault of the burning dead.
- Playing With Fire
- Slay Lyandra Sunstrider.
- The Flamestrike
- Felo’melorn is yours. Take it.
Schutz-Krieger: Legacy of the Icebreaker
- The Sealed Tomb
- Find Magnar’s Tomb with Hruthnir.
- The Disturbance
- Defeat the Legion forces.
- Crypt Crawl
- Find Magnar’s resting place within the tomb.
- The Confrontation
- Defend Hruthnir from Magnar’s forces.
- The Greatest Warrior
- Defeat Magnar Icebreaker.
- Armaments of the Black Wyrm
- The sword and shield are yours, claim them.
Wächter-Druide: Ursoc’s Lair
- Find Ursoc
- Find Ursoc
- Wave 1
- Fight Wave 1
- Wave 2
- Fight Wave 2
- Wave 3
- Fight Wave 3
- Wave 4
- Fight Wave 4
- Wave 5
- Defeat Wave 5
- Wave 6
- Defeat Wave 6
- Wave 7
- Defeat Wave 7
- Wave 8
- Defeat Wave 8
- Confront Xavius
- Confront the Nightmare
- Take the Claws of Ursoc
- Take the Claws of Ursoc
Unheilig:Todesritter: Unknown Name
- The Downward Spiral
- Make your way into into the Dark Riders‘ catacombs beneath Karazhan.
- Grasp of the Damned
- Find a way to cross Ariden’s spirit barrier.
- Removal Protocols
- Defeat the guardian of the Dark Riders‘ vault.
- The World-Ender
- Find Apocalypse among the Dark Riders‘ artifacts.
- The Rider’s Prize
- Follow Ariden into the depths of the Karazhan catacombs.
- The Fate of the Son
- Follow and defeat Ariden.
- Apocalypse
- Claim Apocalypse.
Gleichgewichts-Druide: Unknown Name
- The Downward Spiral
- Make your way into into the Dark Riders‘ catacombs beneath Karazhan.
- Grasp of the Damned
- Find a way to cross Ariden’s spirit barrier.
- Removal Protocols
- Defeat the guardian of the Dark Riders‘ vault.
- Elune’s Prize
- Find the Deadwind Harvester among the Dark Riders‘ artifacts.
- The Rider’s Prize
- Follow Ariden into the depths of the Karazhan catacombs.
- Reaping the Riders
- Defeat Ariden and claim the Scythe of Elune
Rachsucht-Dämonenjäger: Blades of the Soulrender
- Leading the Hunt
- Engage the Burning Legion.
- Their Blood Will Run
- Destroy the Legion.
- In Hot Pursuit
- Pursue Caria Felsoul.
- Defiance
- Destroy Gorgonnash.
- The Blades of the Soulrender
- Slay Caria Felsoul and take the Blades of the Soulrender.
Frost-Magier: The Tirisforge
- Engage the Enemy
- Help Meryl Felstorm battle the dreadlord Kathra’natir.
- The Forge Restrained
- Find a way past Kathra’nathir’s barrier and destroy the Siphoning Rifts that are draining the Forge of the Guardian of its power.
- The Power of the Guardians
- Activate the Forge of the Guardian.
- The Dreadlord’s Downfall
- Use the power granted by the Forge of the Guardian to defeat Kathra’natir.
- A Small Victory
- Speak with Meryl Felstorm.
- Keep it Secret, Keep it Safe
- Help Meryl Felstorm and Alodi to transport the Forge of the Guardian to a safe location.
Heißt Li Li nicht Sturmbräu mit Nachname?
Ja sie heißt tatsächlich „Sturmbräu“. Das da Sturmwind stand war ein Test, der herausfinden sollte, wie aufmerksam ihr den Artikel lest. Der falsche Name lag auf keinem Fall daran, dass ich zwei Stunden lang Texte formatieren musste und das Wort „Sturm“ dann automatisch mit „Wind“ beendet habe.
„Vergelter-Paladine werden gegen den Schreckenslord Balnazzar kämpfen.“ – Dürfen wir ihn endlich töten? xD
Immerhin ist er jedes Mal abgehauen. (HdZ4-Stratholme, Anführer des Scharlachroten Ansturms in Eiskrone, …)
Ich freue mich auf jeden Fall. =D
Kleine Anmerkung: Windläufer-Mönche kämpfen sich mit Li Li Sturmbräu (nicht Sturmwind ^^) …