SC2: Eine Vorschau auf die Koop-Missionen aus LotV

Mit der kommenden Erweiterung „Legacy of the Void“ werden die Entwickler dann unter anderem die neuen Koop-Missionen in diesen Titel implementieren, die interessierten Spielern das Abschließen von kampagnenähnlichen Aufgaben mit einer anderen Person ermöglichen. Passend zu diesem neuen Feature haben die Mitarbeiter von Blizzard heute nun einen weiteren Blogeintrag veröffentlicht, der die Koop-Missionen etwas genauer vorstellen soll. Neben einer Erklärung in Textform beinhaltet dieser Artikel von Blizzard dann auch eine umfangreiche Videovorschau mit einigen Beispielen für die Funktionsweise dieses Features.
Legacy of the Void Features: Co-op Missions
Legacy of the Void is introducing many new features, giving you more ways to play regardless of your skill level or playstyle. If you love the over-the-top abilities from our single-player campaign and want to share these experiences with a friend, then Co-op Missions are for you!
Choose your Commander
To overcome these challenges, you’re going to need help. And you’ll have the best of the StarCraft II Universe at your disposal. Before each mission, you’ll select one of six commanders, two from each of the three StarCraft races. Each commander has a distinct playstyle and brings with them specific abilities and traits into the battlefield. The zerg commanders are all about controlling powerful hero units. The terrans deploy their machines of war to do their fighting, while the protoss take advantage of their powerful Spear of Adun and employ various orbital bombardments.
For instance, if you select Kerrigan, you’ll directly control her on the battlefield, using her destructive abilities to turn the tide to your favor. Zagara is the second zerg commander, and while she doesn’t have the same might as the Queen of Blades, she specializes in completely overrunning her enemies with a swarm of disposable units. Raynor’s trusty technician, Rory Swann, is partial to Terran mech units, being part mechanical himself. This guy is all about heavy metal destruction and not only does he build mechanical units 20% faster, but his factories cost zero gas! On top of this, he can deploy his own personal Laser Drill. This weapon of destruction can attack anything that Swann can see and is a great way to take out large threats from afar. This is just a small sampling of the abilities and units that each commander possesses.
Keeping Things
So hopefully by now you’re excited to select one of these commanders and jump into battle with your co-op comrade. The missions you’ll face will be randomly selected each time you play, but don’t get too comfortable— even if you’ve already completed a mission, the AI will vary its strategy and use different tactics. You’ll also have the chance to encounter all three races in each mission.
You’ll be able to select from a range of difficulties, so you can choose whether you’d like to relax with a friend and obliterate your enemies, or if you want an intense challenge that will push your skills to the limit.
And don’t worry if your friends aren’t always around—our handy matchmaking system is always available to pair you up with someone who is at a comparable skill level and commander level.
Power Overwhelming
That’s right, each commander has their own unique level. Depending on the difficulty you’ve chosen, completing Co-op Missions will grant your commander a certain amount of experience, with harder difficulties granting you more experience than easier ones. As each commander levels, they will unlock additional units to call forth into battle as well as upgrades to existing abilities or traits. For example, the Dark Templar Vorazun can unlock the ability to mine gas directly into the Spear of Adun, no probes required. Or Artanis can unlock the ability to warp in ANY unit onto the map. Colossi, Carriers, and Immortals can be deployed within seconds using this ability.
Your commanders aren’t the only ones who will be getting rewards. We’ve also introduced brand new Co-op Mission achievements that you can earn to unlock brand-new portraits.
Get into the Fight
Co-op Missions will be introduced to StarCraft II with the launch of Legacy of the Void, coming November 10. Grab your most trusted ally, appoint your favorite commander, and prepare to lay waste to your enemies.
If you haven’t already, you can still pre-purchase the final expansion of the StarCraft II trilogy by clicking here.