Hearthstone: Patchnotes zu Patch 3.0

Die Entwickler von Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft haben im Verlauf des heutigen Abends die offiziellen Patchnotes zu dem neuen Patch 3.0 veröffentlicht, den interessierte Spieler bereits jetzt im Battle.Net Launcher herunterladen können. Dabei fungiert dieses Update als Vorbereitung auf das vermutlich in der nächsten Woche kommende „Große Turnier“ und beinhaltet neben einem neuen Kartenrücken auch weitere tägliche Quests, einige Fehlerbehebungen und die für das Ende des Monats geplanten neuen Belohnungen aus der Rangliste.
Hearthstone Patch Notes – 3.0 – The Grand Tournament Draws Near
This patch prepares the grounds for the arrival of Hearthstone’s second exciting expansion: The Grand Tournament!
When The Grand Tournament goes live later this month, you’ll be able to arm yourself with 132 all-new cards, recruit chivalrous knights of all shapes and sizes, and have a whole lot of festive fun! This patch also begins tracking your highest earned rank in Ranked Play mode, and you’ll be rewarded with a Highest Rank Bonus at the end of the season. Remember, The Grand Tournament pre-purchase bundle remains available until the expansion goes live.
We’re also adding a new card back and fixing some bugs. The full patch notes are below!
- The following card back has been added:
- Tournament Grounds – Acquired by reaching Rank 20 or higher in Ranked Play mode during the month of August.
- New quests added, including one to win games in Tavern Brawl mode!
- Tavern Brawl victories now count towards earning the Heroes of the Storm mount award.
- A bonus chest will be granted at the end of each season based on the highest ranked reached in Ranked Play mode.
- Various audio, graphical, and UI issues have been resolved.