Overwatch: Patchnotes vom 07. Juli
Wie bereits vor Kurzem von Game Director Jeff Kaplan in den Battle.Net Foren angekündigt wurde, haben die Entwickler von Overwatch in der letzten Nacht nun wieder einmal einen neuen Patch auf die Liveserver dieses Titels aufgespielt. Dem im englischen Battle.Net Launcher veröffentlichten Patchnotes zu diesem Update zufolge beinhaltet dieser Patch dann unter anderem einige Anpassungen an dem Sudden Death im gewerteten Modus, die Lösung für die Probleme mit dem Stab von Mercy und eine Reihe von weiteren Fehlerbehebungen an den verschiedenen Aspekten dieses Hero Shooters.
Patchnotes vom 07. Juli:
Competitive Play
- The duration of Sudden Death has been adjusted across all maps from 1m45s to the following values:
- Assault:
- Hanamura – 1m35s
- Temple of Anubis – 1m30s
- Volskaya Industries – 1m35s
- Escort:
- Dorado – 1m30s
- Route 66 – 1m35s
- Watchpoint: Gibraltar – 1m35s
- Hybrid:
- King’s Row – 1m30s
- Numbani – 1m50s
- Note: Sudden Death duration is unchanged for Hollywood, which remains at 1m45s
- Assault:
- Fixed a bug that prevented Overtime music from playing on Escort and Assault/Escort maps, if they payload was nearing the final checkpoint
- Fixed a bug where display settings weren’t always saved after restarting the client
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the in-game UI to display incorrectly at 4k resolutions
- Fixed a bug where sometimes the wrong player level would appear in the Social menu
- Fixed an issue with collision not blocking line of sight on certain areas of Nepal
- Fixed a bug that caused Mercy’s Caduceus Staff beam to disconnect from its target if the player a) quickly switched between healing and damage beams by holding down both mouse buttons and/or b) was facing away from the target at the time of the switch
- Fixed even more bugs that allowed Reaper to Shadow Step to unintended locations on certain maps
- Fixed a bug that caused Winston’s melee attack during Primal Rage to inconsistently hit targets in range
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Zarya’s alternate fire to scale incorrectly with her damage boost modifier
Competitive Play
- Fixed a bug that caused the “Top 500” icon to incorrectly display for certain players in various places throughout the game UI
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused players’ Skill Rating to display as “64” during placement matches
- Fixed an issue where if you left and rejoined an in-progress Competitive Play match, the game would still track the match as a loss in your placement match history and when determining the amount of Skill Rating you receive for completing a match even if your team won
- Note: You must be present for the conclusion of the match to be eligible for the win. If you leave a match and do not rejoin again before it’s over, it will count as a loss both in your placement match history and when calculating your Skill Rating adjustment.
- Fixed an issue where you would still receive a Competitive Play “leave” penalty even if you rejoined a match and completed it
- Note: If you leave a single Competitive Play match more than 3 times, you will receive a Competitive Play “leave” penalty even if you complete the match.
Beta Patchnotes?
Einfach ignorieren. =) Ich habe die News gestern Nacht noch kurz für heute Morgen geschrieben und hing da aufgrund von einem anderen Artikel dann noch ein wenig in der Legion Beta etc. fest.
achso ja macht ja nix, danke für deine supergeile Arbeit hier 🙂