Diablo 3: Patchnotes zu Patch 2.2.1
8. Mai 2015

Diablo 3: Patchnotes zu Patch 2.2.1
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Nachdem sich Patch 2.2.1 nun bereits seit einigen Wochen auf dem offiziellen Testserver von Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls befindet, haben die Entwickler von Blizzard gestern nun die Patchnotes zu diesem Update aktualisiert und weitere Anpassungen am Spiel hinzugefügt. Dabei besteht dieses kommende Update allerdings hauptsächlich nur aus Fehlerbehebungen an den verschiedenen Aspekten des Spiels und bringt keine größeren Features oder Neuerungen mit sich.
Update: 07.05
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused some sources of bonus Experience to be added together prior to being multiplied by other Experience bonuses rather than being multiplicative
- Fixed an issue that prevented some players from receiving the BlizzCon 2014 cosmetic items
- Barbarian
- Whirlwind
- Skill Rune – Dust Devils
- Reduced the visual noise caused by these tornadoes
- Skill Rune – Dust Devils
- Whirlwind
- Monk
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that prevented Channeling Pylon from removing the cost of Dashing Strike with the Raiment of a Thousand Storms set equipped
- Bug Fixes
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that prevented belts from being able to roll bonus Armor as an affix
- Fixed an issue that could sometimes prevent Locust Swarm from refreshing the duration of the Zunimassa’s (6) Set bonus
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to equip and use unidentified Legendary Potions
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that prevented Josh Mosqueira (the rift guardian) from dropping loot
- Fixed an issue that allowed The Butcher and Mancarver’s spear attack to be reflected, or slowed
- Fixed an issue that prevented players with Illusory Boots equipped from passing through walls created by Orlash
- The recently added social button will now display how many friends you have online and any clan or communities notifications
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that prevented the Greater Rift Completion screen from being closed using the Close All Windows hotkey
- Seasonal tabs will no longer incorrectly show up on the Achievement and Leaderboard screens when no season is active
By azurios