WoW: Der neue Build 19953 zu Patch 6.2

In der vergangenen Nacht haben die Entwickler von Blizzard den neuen Build 19953 auf die öffentlichen Testserver von Patch 6.2 aufgespielt und einige neue Inhalte zu diesem Update hinzugefügt. Zu den Neuerungen aus diesem Build gehören unter anderem einige Anpassungen an den bisherigen Set Boni vom T-18 Set, eine Reihe von neuen Erfolgen und einige neue Hintergründe für bestimmte Elemente des Interfaces.
- Es wurde viel unfertige Beute aus dem LFR-Tool der Höllenfeuerzitadelle hinzugefügt. (Liste)
- Felblood wurde in „Felblight“ umbenannt.
- Mythische Missionen gewähren nicht länger 1000 Gold.
- Es gibt einen Erfolg für den elften Geburtstag von WoW.
- Es gibt drei neue Erbstücke in Form von Ringen, die scheinbar in Zusammenhang mit der Schiffswerft stehen. (Liste)
- Der neue kosmetische Gegenstand „Fel-Proof Goggles“ wurde implementiert.
- Es gibt einige neue oder überarbeitete Modelle für Waffen. (Liste)
Events für Wochenenden:
Es wurden neue Events für das Wochenende hinzugefügt.
- Pet Battle Bonus Event – While this event is active, your pets will earn experience at triple the usual rate! Get out there and battle!
- Draenor Dungeon Event – While this event is active, defeating enemies in any level 100 Heroic or Mythic dungeon will award reputation with an appropriate Draenor faction.
- Battleground Bonus Event -While this event is active, random Battlegrounds will award Honor at triple the usual rate. Glory awaits in the fields of battle!
- Timewalking Dungeon Event – While this event is active, players level 81 or higher may access a special Timewalking Dungeon Finder queue, which scales players and their items down to revisit past dungeons from the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. While Timewalking, bosses will yield loot appropriate for a player’s natural level.
- Arena Skirmish Bonus Event – While this event is active, Arena Skirmishes will award Honor at triple the usual rate. Will you answer the call to battle?
- Timewalking Dungeon Event – While this event is active, players level 71 or higher may access a special Timewalking Dungeon Finder queue, which scales players and their items down to revisit past dungeons from The Burning Crusade expansion. While Timewalking, bosses will yield loot appropriate for a player’s natural level.
- Apexis Bonus Event – While this event is active, Apexis Crystals multiply mysteriously, and they will be found far more often when looting enemies across Draenor that typically carry them.
T-18 Set Boni:
Death Knight
- Item – Death Knight T18 Blood 2P Bonus Blood Boil and Soul Reaper
now grant 2 stacks of Scent of Blood instead of 1have a 25% chance to grant 1 extra stack of Scent of Blood. In addition, Scent of Blood now stacksto 10.up to {5+5} times. - Item – Death Knight T18 Blood 4P Bonus Your Death Strike only consumes
half80% of the stacks of Scent of Blood. - Item – Death Knight T18 Frost 2P Bonus When you critically hit with Obliterate you gain 5% haste for
3012 sec. When you critically hit with Frost Strike, your critical damage is increased by0% for until cancelled.10% for 12 sec. - Item – Death Knight T18 Frost 4P Bonus
Your Killing Machine now has two charges.Frost Strike and Obliterate have a 25% chance not to consume Killing Machine.
- Item – Druid T18 Balance 2P Bonus Your Moonfire
hasand Sunfire have a chance to summon aFearieFaerie Dragon to assist you in battle for 30 sec. - Item – Druid T18 Balance 4P Bonus When a Faerie Dragon is summoned, your arcane and nature damage is increased by
5% for 30 sec.6% for 30 sec. - Item – Druid T18 Feral 2P Bonus
Increases your Omen of Clarity proc chance by 2%Increases the chance for Omen of Clarity to trigger and increases your maximum Energyby 10.while in Cat form by 20. - Item – Druid T18 Feral 4P Bonus During Omen of Clarity, your next Cat Form ability generates
100%50% of its Energy cost when used. - Item – Druid T18 Guardian 2P Bonus
Increases your Omen of Clarity proc chance by 2% and increases your maximum Energy by 10.Savage Defense also increases heals done to you by 20% while active. - Item – Druid T18 Guardian 4P Bonus
Savage Defense also reducesWhile Savage Defense is active the cost of Frenzied Regenerationand Tooth and Claw by reduced by 50%. - Item – Druid T18 Restoration 2P Bonus Your Lifebloom has a
30%60% chance to bloom when it periodically heals.
- Item – Hunter T18 Beast Mastery 2P Bonus Arcane Shot increases the duration of your Focus Fire by
1,000 sec.3 sec. - Item – Hunter T18 Marksmanship 2P Bonus When you critically hit with Chimera Shot, you have a 40% chance to gain Rapid Fire for until cancelled.
- Item – Hunter T18 Marksmanship 4P Bonus The cast time of your Aimed Shot is reduced by
1 sec.1%. - Item – Hunter T18 Survival 2P Bonus Your Black Arrow increases all elemental damage done to the target by
15% for until cancelled.10% for 15 sec.
- Item – Mage T18 Arcane 2P Bonus
Your Arcane Blast has a 20,000% chance to reduceEach time you cast Arcane Blast the cooldown of your Presence of Mindby 20 reduced by 30 sec. - Item – Mage T18 Arcane 4P Bonus Presence of Mind
opens uphas a 10% chance to create a Time Anomaly, summoning a randomallyhero through time to assist you in battle.for 30 sec. - Item – Mage T18 Fire 2P Bonus Pyroblast has a 25% chance
when dealing damage to conjure a Firey Pheonix, dealing [ 200% of Spell Powerto conjure a Fiery Phoenix, dealing [ 350% of Spell Power ] additional;] Fire damage to the target. - Item – Mage T18 Fire 4P Bonus
While the Pheonix is active, you gain PhWhen the pheonix is summoned, you gain 5% spell damage and 5% spell haste for 15 sec. - Item – Mage T18 Frost 2P Bonus Water Jet generates Brain Freeze when used.and the Brain Freeze effect increases Frostfire Bolt damage by an additional 40%.
- Item – Monk T18 Brewmaster 2P Bonus
Desperate Measures now occurs at 50% health or below.Expel Harm now has no cooldown when you are below 50% health in Stance of the Sturdy Ox. - Item – Monk T18 Brewmaster 4P Bonus
Desperate Measures now occurs at 5,000% health or below.Every time you use Expel Harm, the remaining cooldown of your Guard is reduced by 5 sec. - Item – Monk T18 Mistweaver 2P Bonus Your Renewing Mist also applies Extend Life to the initial target, instantly healing them for
25,000[ 105.8% of Spell Power and increasing all healing done to them by 15% for 12 sec. - Item – Monk T18 Windwalker 2P Bonus Your Rising Sun Kick has a 40% chance to generate Combo Breaker.
- Item – Monk T18 Windwalker 4P Bonus Increases the chance for you to gain Combo Breaker by
3%10%, and increases your maximum Energy by10.20.
- Item – Paladin T18 Holy 2P Bonus Increases the amount of healing transferred to your Beacon of Light targets by
25%.30%. - Item – Paladin T18 Protection 2P Bonus
Every time you deal damage with Avengers Shield, you gain 1% healing over 5 sec for until cancelled.Each time you cast Avenger’s Shield, you heal for 1.5% of your maximum health over 10 sec. - Item – Paladin T18 Protection 4P Bonus
Your Avenger Shield has a 0%Your Avenger’s Shield has a 50% chance to have it’s cooldown instantly reset when used. - Item – Paladin T18 Retribution 2P Bonus When you Exorcism, you have a
$%100% chance to reduce the cooldown of Avenging Wrath byx sec.6 sec. - Item – Paladin T18 Retribution 4P Bonus
While Avenging Wrath is activeAfter using Avenging Wrath, your damage is increased by3% every 1 sec.4% every 1 sec for 10 sec.
- Item – Priest T18 Discipline 2P Bonus Your Penance damage and healing is increased by
5%8% each time it deals damage or heals. This effect stacks up to 6 times. - Item – Priest T18 Discipline 4P Bonus
When you use Penance, you fire off an additional volley toEach time Penance heals, it has a 33% chance to heal another injured ally near your target. - Item – Priest T18 Holy 2P Bonus
You have a chance to gain 1%You gain 2% spell haste when Prayer of Mending bounces.This effect can stack up to 3 times. - Item – Priest T18 Holy 4P Bonus
You have a chance to gain 1% haste when Prayer of Mending bounces.Your Prayer of Mending has a 10% chance to split when it bounces, healing an additional target nearby. - Item – Priest T18 Shadow 2P Bonus
You have a chance to gain 1% haste when Prayer of Mending bounces.Reduces the cooldown on Shadowfiend by 130 sec and the cooldown on Mindbender by 20 sec. - Item – Priest T18 Shadow 4P Bonus
You have a chance to gain 1% haste when Prayer of Mending bounces.When your Mindbender expires, you gain Mind Harvest for until cancelled sec increasing your Multistrike chance.
- Item – Rogue T18 Assassination 2P Bonus Your Dispatch deals
15% additional damage as Poison damage.45% additional damage as Nature damage. - Item – Rogue T18 Assassination 4P Bonus Your Dispatch now generates
1 Combo Points.2 additional Combo Points. - Item – Rogue T18 Combat 4P Bonus
Damage done during Adrenailine Rush increased by 10%.Increases your damage while Adrenailine Rush is active by 25%. - Item – Rogue T18 Subtlety 2P Bonus Your Vanish now awards
2 Combo Points when used.5 Combo Points when used and increases all damage done by 25% for 10 sec. - Item – Rogue T18 Subtlety 4P Bonus Your Eviscerate reduces the cooldown of your Vanish by
56 sec per Combo Point used.
- Item – Shaman T18 Elemental 2P Bonus Your Earth Shock has a
15% chance to not consume the Lightning Shield charge and50% chance not to consume any Lightning Shield charges and to have its cooldown instantly reset. - Item – Shaman T18 Elemental 4P Bonus
For 5 Lightning Shield charges consumedFor every 20 Lightning Shield charges used, you conjure a Lightning Vortex near your location. Running through the Lightning Vortex will increase your total haste by15% for until cancelled.10% for 12 sec. - Item – Shaman T18 Enhancement 2P Bonus
Stormstrike generates a charge of Maelstrom Weapon.Stormstrike now generates 2 charges of Maelstrom Weapon and you may now have a maximum of 10 Maelstrom charges. - Item – Shaman T18 Enhancement 4P Bonus
Maelstrom Weapon now has 10 Charges.Maelstrom charges increase the damage done by your Nature spells by an additional 10%. - Item – Shaman T18 Restoration 2P Bonus
The critical healing of your Riptide is increased to 200%.Increases Riptide’s critical strike chance by %s1%.
- Item – Warlock T18 Affliction 2P Bonus
Damage done by your Drain Soul has a 30%Each time Drain Soul deals damage, it has a 20% chance to extend the duration of your Dark Soul: Misery by5 sec.2 sec. - Item – Warlock T18 Demonology 2P Bonus Your Soul Fire increases the damage done by your Demons by
5,000% for until cancelled.5% for 15 sec. - Item – Warlock T18 Destruction 2P Bonus Reduces the cast time of your Chaos Bolt by
3 sec.1.0 sec and increases its damage by 5%. - Item – Warlock T18 Destruction 4P Bonus Your Chaos Bolt has a
1%9% chance to not consume an Ember.
- Item – Warrior T18 Arms 2P Bonus Your Rend periodic damage ticks have a
15%30% chance to reset the cooldown of Mortal Strike. - Item – Warrior T18 Fury 2P Bonus
While yourWhile Bloodsurge is active, your Wild Strike critical strike chance is increased by15%12% and Wild Strike critical strike damage is increased by15%.12%. - Item – Warrior T18 Fury 4P Bonus Your Wild Strike critical strikes reduce the cooldown of
your REcklessness by 20 sec.Recklessness by 20 sec. - Item – Warrior T18 Protection 2P Bonus While Shield Block is active, the cost of Shield Barrier is reduced by
Elemente für das Interface:
Neue Erfolge:
- Hellbane (New) Defeat all of the champions of Hellfire Citadel in Tanaan Jungle. 10 points.
- Draenor’s Last Stand (New) Complete the Tanaan Jungle daily objectives listed below. 10 points.
- Draenor’s Last Stand (New) Complete the Tanaan Jungle daily objectives listed below. 10 points.
- I Came, I Clawed, I Conquered (New) Loot 500 Blackfang Claws from saberon at Fang’rila in Tanaan Jungle. 10 points.
- In Pursuit of Gul’dan (New) Complete the Garrison Campaign chapters listed below. 10 points.
- In Pursuit of Gul’dan (New) Complete the Garrison Campaign chapters listed below. 10 points.
- Jungle Stalker (New) Defeat 30 rare bosses in Tanaan Jungle. 10 points.
- Rumble in the Jungle (New) Complete all of the Tanaan Jungle achievements listed below. 25 points.
Dungeons & Raids
- Mythic Dungeoneer (New)
- Mythic: Auchindoun (New) Defeat Teron’gor in Auchindoun on Mythic difficulty. 10 points.
- Mythic: Bloodmaul Slag Mines (New) Defeat Gug’rokk in the Bloodmaul Slag Mines on Mythic difficulty. 10 points.
- Mythic: Grimrail Depot (New) Defeat Skylord Tovra in Grimrail Depot on Mythic difficulty. 10 points.
- Mythic: Iron Docks (New) Defeat Skulloc in the Iron Docks on Mythic difficulty. 10 points.
- Mythic: Shadowmoon Burial Grounds (New) Defeat Ner’zhul in Shadowmoon Burial Grounds on Mythic difficulty. 10 points.
- Mythic: Skyreach (New) Defeat High Sage Viryx in Skyreach on Mythic difficulty. 10 points.
- Mythic: The Everbloom (New) Defeat Yalnu in The Everbloom on Mythic difficulty. 10 points.
- Mythic: Upper Blackrock Spire (New) Defeat Warlord Zaela in Upper Blackrock Spire on Mythic difficulty. 10 points.
Dungeons & Raids
- A Race Against Slime Name Changed from Ariok and Roll to A Race Against Slime
- Don’t Fear the Reaper (New) Defeat all 3 members of the High Council of Hellfire within 10 seconds of each other. 10 points.
- Echoes of Doomfire (New) Defeat Archimonde in Hellfire Citadel with Doomfire still active on Normal difficulty or higher. 10 points.
- I’m a Soul Man (New) Defeat Socrethar the Eternal after killing 20 Haunting Souls within 10 seconds on Normal difficulty or higher.
- The Legion Will NOT Conquer All (New) Defeat Supreme Lord Kazzak in Tanaan Jungle. 10 points.
- This Land Was Green and Good Until… Defeat Fel Lord Zakuun in Hellfire Citadel without absorbing any Rumbling Fissures
nor triggering Unleashed Energyon Normal difficulty or higher. 10 points. - Turning the Tide (New) Kill 10 Hellfire Guardians, then defeat the Iron Reaver in Hellfire Citadel on Normal difficulty or higher. 10 points.
Feats of Strength
- Cutting Edge: The Black Gate Defeat Archimonde on Mythic difficulty
or higher, prior to the release of the next tier of content. - WoW’s 11th Anniversary (New) Logged in during WoW’s 11th Anniversary.
Death Knight
- Unholy
- Necrosis You gain 5% more of the Multistrike stat from all sources. Your Scourge Strike, Festering Strike, Plague Strike, Soul Reaper, and Blood Boil multistrikes deal an additional [ 1 +
16.6%18.4% of AP ] Shadow damage. Death Knight – Unholy Spec.
- Necrosis You gain 5% more of the Multistrike stat from all sources. Your Scourge Strike, Festering Strike, Plague Strike, Soul Reaper, and Blood Boil multistrikes deal an additional [ 1 +
- Talents
- Guardian of Elune Savage Defense now lasts 3 sec, and increases your chance to dodge by 100%. Additionally, the recharge time and rage cost on Savage Defense are now reduced by your base dodge chance percentage.
Druid – LvL 100 Talent.and your dodge chance is increased by 10% at all times. Druid – LvL 100 Talent.
- Guardian of Elune Savage Defense now lasts 3 sec, and increases your chance to dodge by 100%. Additionally, the recharge time and rage cost on Savage Defense are now reduced by your base dodge chance percentage.
- Frostfire Bolt Launches a bolt of frostfire at the enemy, causing
[ 175.2%[ 161.7% of Spell Power ] Frostfire damage and slowing the target’s movement by 40% for 8 sec. 4% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2.8 sec cast. - Frost
- Frostbolt Launches a bolt of frost at the enemy, causing [ 1 +
193.6%178.7% of Spell Power ] Frost damage and slowing movement speed by 50% for 15 sec. Mage – Frost Spec. 4% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast.
- Frostbolt Launches a bolt of frost at the enemy, causing [ 1 +