Patch 8.2: Der neue Build 30430 wurde auf den PTR aufgespielt

In der vergangenen Nacht haben die für die fortlaufende Entwicklung von neuen Inhalten für World of Warcraft verantwortlichen Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment interessanterweise den brandneuen Build 30430 auf die öffentlichen Testserver von Patch 8.2: Rise of Azshara aufgespielt und diese Testphase dadurch dann erneut um einige Neuerungen und Änderungen an bestehenden Inhalten erweitert. Dabei beinhaltete dieser neue Build neben den üblichen Fehlerbehebungen und Spielbalanceänderungen auch noch eine neue Version von Pepe, neue Elemente für das Interface, einige interessante neue Erfolge und die gesamte Einleitungs-Quest für Nazjatar. Folgend findet ihr sowohl eine kurze Übersicht zu den von Data Minern gefundenen Informationen als auch die von Blizzard veröffentlichten PTR Development Notes zu diesem Build.
Rise of Azshara PTR Development Notes – May 15:
A new build with new testable content has been published to the Public Test Realms (PTR) for our upcoming content update, Rise of Azshara. All test characters previously created on PTR realms have been deleted.
Now Available
- Nazjatar can now be tested from its beginning stage.
Continuing Testing
- Heart of Azeroth system update: Essences
- New Zone: Mechagon
- New Raid– Azshara’s Eternal Palace
- New Dungeon– Operation: Mechagon
- New Arena: The Robodrome
- Mount Equipment
- Crestfall and Snowblossom Island Expeditions
- Ashran Epic Battleground
- New Missions
- Gnome and Tauren Heritage Armors
- New Profession Recipes
- Pet Battle Dungeon: Stratholme
Coming Soon
- Heroic Battle for Stromgarde Warfront
- Mythic Keystone Dungeon Updates
Keep an eye out here in this forum for dedicated feedback threads on features, such as Feedback—Operation: Mechagon and Feedback—Nazjatar.
Die Übersicht im Interface:
Eine neue Verkleidung für Pepe:
Neue interessante Erfolge:
Undersea Usurper
- Complete the Nazjatar achievements listed below.
- New reward: Title Reward: Of The Deeps
- Glory of the Palace Raider
- Complete the Eternal Palace raid achievements listed below.
- New reward: Mount Reward: Azshari Bloatray
Hall of Fame: Queen Azshara (Alliance)
- Among the first one hundred Alliance guilds worldwide to defeat Queen Azshara on Mythic difficulty.
- Reward: Title Reward: Famed Slayer of Azshara
- Mythic: Queen Azshara
- Defeat Queen Azshara in The Eternal Palace on Mythic difficulty.
- Reward: Title Reward: The Eternal
- Defeat Postmaster Malown in a pet battle.
- Reward: Burnout
Neue Karten:
Neue Ladebildschirme:
Der neue Blingtron 7000:
Neue Icons:
Veränderungen an den Essenzen:
Ancient Flame
Rank 1 Minor Power
Your spells and abilities have a chance to
grant you Ancient Flame for 10 sec, increasing your Critical Strike by 65.cauterize your target for (158 * 5) Fire damage over 10 sec or healing an ally for (158 * 5) over 10 sec.
Source: Complete the quest „MOTHER Knows Best“ in the Chamber of Heart. -
Source: Complete the quest „MOTHER Knows Best“ in the Chamber of Heart.
Procs per minute changed from 1.25 to 3
Rank 2 Minor Power
- Your spells and abilities have a chance to
grant you Ancient Flame for 10 sec, increasing your Critical Strike by 7 and (NYI effects).cauterize your target for [158 * 5 * (1.25)] Fire damage over 10 sec or healing an ally for [158 * 5 * (1.25)] over 10 sec.
Source: Reach Heart of Azeroth level 54 then complete the quest „In Darkness, I Dream“ in the Chamber of Heart.
Source: Reach Heart of Azeroth level 54 then complete the quest „In Darkness, I Dream“ in the Chamber of Heart.
Ancient Flame
Rank 3,4 Minor Power
Your spells and abilities have a chance to
grant you Ancient Flame for 10 sec, increasing your Critical Strike by 7 and your Leech by 28, and (NYI effects)cauterize your target for [158 * 5 * (1.25)] Fire damage over 10 sec or healing an ally for [158 * 5 * (1.25)] over 10 sec, stacking up to 3 times.
Source: Raise your Heart of Azeroth to max level, then complete the quest „Heart of Azeroth: Essential Power“ in the Chamber of Heart.
Source: Raise your Heart of Azeroth to max level, then complete the quest „Heart of Azeroth: Essential Power“ in the Chamber of Heart.
Rank 1 Major Power
Blast your target with a ball of purifying flame, dealing
4730[3066 * (1 + Versatility)] Fire damage to an enemy or healing an ally for4730.[3066 * (1 + Versatility)].
Each cast of Concentrated Flame deals 100% increased damage or healing. This bonus resets after every third cast.
Source: Complete the quest „MOTHER Knows Best“ in the Chamber of Heart.
Each cast of Concentrated Flame deals 100% increased damage or healing. This bonus resets after every third cast.
Source: Complete the quest „MOTHER Knows Best“ in the Chamber of Heart.
Rank 2 Major Power
Blast your target with a ball of concentrated flame, dealing
4693[3066 * (1 + Versatility)] Fire damage to an enemy or healing an ally for4693, and granting you Ancient Flame for 0 sec.
Each cast of Concentrated Flame deals 100% increased damage or healing. This bonus resets after every third cast.[3066 * (1 + Versatility)], then burn the target for an additional 75% of the damage or healing done over 6 sec.
Source: Reach Heart of Azeroth level 54 then complete the quest „In Darkness, I Dream“ in the Chamber of Heart.
Each cast of Concentrated Flame deals 100% increased damage or healing. This bonus resets after every third cast.
Source: Reach Heart of Azeroth level 54 then complete the quest „In Darkness, I Dream“ in the Chamber of Heart.
Rank 3,4 Major Power
Blast your target with a ball of concentrated flame, dealing
4693[3066 * (1 + Versatility)] Fire damage to an enemy or healing an ally for4693, and granting you Ancient Flame for 0 sec.[3066 * (1 + Versatility)], then burn the target for an additional 75% of the damage or healing done over 6 sec. -
Each cast of Concentrated Flame deals 100% increased damage or healing. This bonus resets after every third cast. Max 2 charges.
Source: Raise your Heart of Azeroth to max level, then complete the quest „Heart of Azeroth: Essential Power“ in the Chamber of Heart.
Anima of Life
Source: Complete a dungeon at Mythic Level 4 or higher in Season 3 or later.
Name changed from Blood of the Enemy to Blood-Soaked
Rank 3,4 Minor Power
Your critical strikes with spells and abilities grant a stack of
Blood of the EnemyBlood-Soaked, increasing Critical Strike by 4.
Rank 3,4 Minor Power
Your spells and abilities have a high chance to impale your target with a spike of azerite, causing
0 Physical damage.[1268 * (1 + Versatility)] Fire damage. -
When an Azerite spike deals damage, all damage you deal against that target is increased by 10% for 6 sec.
Source: Defeat Queen Azshara – Mythic.
Rank 2 Minor Power
Your spells and abilities have a high chance to impale your target with a spike of Azerite, causing
0 Physical damage.[1268 * (1 + Versatility)] Fire damage. -
Source: Defeat Queen Azshara – Heroic.
Rank 2 Major Power
Call upon Azeroth to summon a Guardian of Azeroth to aid you in combat for 20
Each time an Azerite spike deals damage, the cooldown of Guardian of Azeroth is reduced by 5 sec.sec. Every 8 sec, the Guardian launches a volley of Azerite Spikes at its target, dealing 2059 Fire damage to all nearby enemies.
Rank 1 Major Power
Call upon Azeroth to summon a Guardian of Azeroth to aid you in combat for 30 sec.
Source: Defeat Queen Azshara – Raid Finder and Normal.
Rank 3,4 Major Power
Call upon Azeroth to summon a Guardian of Azeroth to aid you in combat for 20
Each time an Azerite spike deals damage, the cooldown of Condensed Life-Force is reduced by 5 sec.
Each time the Guardian of Azeroth casts a spell, you gain 4% Haste, stacking up to 5 times. This effect ends when the Guardian of Azeroth despawns..sec. Every 8 sec, the Guardian launches a volley of Azerite Spikes at its target, dealing 2059 Fire damage to all nearby enemies.
Each time the Guardian of Azeroth casts a spell, you gain 4% Haste, stacking up to 5 times. This effect ends when the Guardian of Azeroth despawns.
Essence of the Focusing Iris (3)
Name changed from Essence of the Focusing Iris to Focused Energy
Rank 3,4 Minor Power
Every 2 sec, the Heart of Azeroth absorbs nearby latent Azerite energy, increasing your Haste by 4Your damaging spells and abilities grant you [4 * (1.25)] Haste for 4 sec, stacking up to 10 times.
While at 10 stacks, your Heart of Azeroth has a high chance to blast your target with a bolt of Azerite energy, dealing 1230 Fire damage.This Haste is lost if you stop using spells or abilities against the initial target.
When you have no stacks of Focused Energy, generate 3 stacks from your first damaging spell or ability.
Rank 2 Minor Power
Every 2 sec, the Heart of Azeroth absorbs nearby latent Azerite energy, increasing your Haste by 4Your damaging spells and abilities grant you [4 * (1.25)] Haste for 4 sec, stacking up to 10 times. This Haste is lost if you stop using spells or abilities against the initial target..
Rank 1 Minor Power
Every 2 sec, the Heart of Azeroth absorbs nearby latent Azerite energy, increasing your Haste by 4Your damaging spells and abilities grant you 4 Haste for 4 sec, stacking up to7 times.10 times. This Haste is lost if you stop using spells or abilities against the initial target.
Rank 2 Major Power
Clear your mind and attune yourself with the Heart of Azeroth, increasing your [Mana][Energy][Maelstrom] generation rate by 100% for
10 sec.12 sec. -
Source: Vendor – Speaker Utia – Mezzamere / Vendor – Atolia Seapearl – Newhome
Rank 3,4 Major Power
Clear your mind and attune yourself with the Heart of Azeroth, increasing your [Mana][Energy][Maelstrom] generation rate by 100%, and your Leech by 113, for
10 sec.12 sec. -
Source: Vendor – Speaker Utia – Mezzamere / Vendor – Atolia Seapearl – Newhome
Rank 1 Minor Power
MOTHER has added a Purification Protocol to your Heart of Azeroth, allowing your damaging spells and abilities to release a blast of Azerite energy at your target, dealing
[2118[1280 * (1 + Versatility)] Fire damage to any enemy within 8 yds. -
Purification Protocol deals 50% additional damage against Aberrations.
Source: Rustbolt Resistance – Honored.
Rank 1 Major Power
- Call down a purifying beam upon the target area, dealing
[1516[960 * (1 + Versatility) * 7] Fire damage over 6 sec. - Any Aberration struck by the beam is stunned for 8 sec.
Source: Rustbolt Resistance – Honored.
Rank 2 Major Power
Call down a purifying beam upon the target area, dealing
[1516[960 * (1 + Versatility) * 7] Fire damage over 6 sec. Has a low chance to immediately annihilate any specimen deemed unworthy by MOTHER. -
Any Aberration struck by the beam is stunned for 8 sec.
Source: Rustbolt Resistance – Revered.
Rank 3,4 Major Power
Call down a purifying beam upon the target area, dealing
[1516[960 * (1 + Versatility) * 7] Fire damage over 6 sec. Has a low chance to immediately annihilate any specimen deemed unworthy by MOTHER. -
When an enemy dies within the beam, your damage is increased by 10% for 8 sec.
Any Aberration struck by the beam is stunned for 8 sec.
Source: Rustbolt Requisition Crates earned through Paragon reputation.
Name changed from Reality Shift to Ripple in Space
Rank 3,4 Major Power
Create an Azerite beacon at a target location. After 3 sec, the Heart of Azeroth will relocate you to this beacon and deal 2229 Fire damage to all nearby enemies.
For 10 sec after being relocated, you take 10% reduced damage.
Battle for Azeroth Emissary Reward.Vendor – Crafticus Mindbender – Mezzamere / Vendor – Dazzerian – Newhome
Rank 1 Major Power
Create an Azerite beacon at a target location. After 4 sec, the Heart of Azeroth will relocate you to this beacon and deal 2229 Fire damage to all nearby enemies.
Ankoan Emissary Reward. / Unshackled Emissary RewardComplete the quest „Drowning the Horde“ from Crafticus Mindbender in Mezzamere. / Complete the quest „Drowning the Alliance“ from Dazzerian in Newhome.
Rank 2 Major Power
Create an Azerite beacon at a target location. After 3 sec, the Heart of Azeroth will relocate you to this beacon and deal 2229 Fire damage to all nearby enemies.
Source: Vendor –
Stolen Royal Vendorbot – MechagonCrafticus Mindbender – Mezzamere / Vendor – Dazzerian – Newhome
Rank 1 Minor Power
Enemies who melee you will attack 8% slowerWhen an enemy melee attacks you, their movement speed is reduced by 30% and you gain18449 Haste for 5 sec. -
Source: Complete the quest „Storming the Battlefields.“
Rank 3,4 Minor Power
Enemies who melee you will attack 8% slowerWhen an enemy melee attacks you, their movement speed is reduced by 30% and you gain184 Haste and 8% increased attack0 Haste and Speed for 7 sec. -
Source: Vendor – Marshal Gabriel – Ashvane Docks Boralus / Vendor – Xander Silberman – Mugambala
Rank 2 Minor Power
Enemies who melee you will attack 8% slowerWhen an enemy melee attacks you, their movement speed is reduced by 30% and you gain184 Haste49 Haste and Speed for 7 sec. -
Source: Vendor – Marshal Gabriel – Ashvane Docks Boralus / Vendor – Xander Silberman – Mugambala
Rank 3,4 Major Power
Unleash a heavy pulse of suppressive energy, reducing the movement speed of all enemies within 15 yds by 70% and reducing their
damage done to youattack speed by 10% for 8 sec. -
this hits an enemy, your movement speed is increased by 50%you hit an enemy, gain 50% movement speed for 8 sec. -
Source: Vendor – Marshal Gabriel – Ashvane Docks Boralus / Vendor – Xander Silberman – Mugambala
Rank 1 Major Power
Unleash a heavy pulse of suppressive energy, reducing the movement speed of all enemies within 15 yds by 70% and reducing their
damage done to you by10%attack speed by 25% for 8 sec. -
Source: Complete the quest „Storming the Battlefields.“
Rank 2 Major Power
Unleash a heavy pulse of suppressive energy, reducing the movement speed of all enemies within 15 yds by 70% and reducing their
damage done to youattack speed by 10% for 8 sec. -
Source: Vendor – Marshal Gabriel – Ashvane Docks Boralus / Vendor – Xander Silberman – Mugambala
Name changed from The Ever-Rising Tide to Overcharge Mana
Rank 2 Minor Power
a direct damagean ability fails to critically strike,gain Unbound Force. When Unboundyou have a high chance gain Reckless Force. When Reckless Force reaches 20 stacks, your critical strike is increased by 100% for 4 sec. -
Source: Ankoan – Revered. / Unshackled – Revered.
Name changed from The Unbound Force to Reckless Force
Rank 3,4 Minor Power
a direct damagean ability fails to critically strike,gain Unbound Force. When Unboundyou have a high chance gain Reckless Force. When Reckless Force reaches 20 stacks, your critical strike is increased by 100% for 6 sec. -
Source: Ankoan Supply Caches earned through Paragon reputation. / Unshackled Salvage Crates earned through Paragon reputation.
Name changed from The Unbound Force to Reckless Force
Rank 1 Minor Power
a direct damagean ability fails to critically strike,gain Unbound Force. When Unboundyou have a high chance to gain Reckless Force. When Reckless Force reaches 20 stacks, your critical strike is increased by 50% for 4 sec. -
Source: Ankoan – Honored. / Unshackled – Honored.
Name changed from The Unbound Force to Reckless Force
Procs per minute changed from None to 40
Rank 1 Major Power
Unleash the forces within the Heart of Azeroth, causing shards of Azerite to strike your target for [(341 * (7.06061) + 341)] Fire damage over 2 sec. This damage is
increased by 300% if it critically strikes.
Source: Ankoan – Honored. / Unshackled – Honored.
Rank 3,4 Minor Power
(20 + 10)%20% of your overhealing is stored in the The Well of Existence. When you heal a target under 60% health, the Well releases up to 2147 of its stored healing into them. -
When the Well contains less than 4294 healing, it absorbs healing twice as quickly.
Source: Rustbolt Requisition Crates earned through Paragon reputation.
Rank 3,4 Minor Power
The sands of the infinity swirl around you, increasing your Versatility by
070. This Versatility is reduced by 50% for 7.5 min if you die. -
Source: Defeat Queen Azshara – Mythic.
Rank 2 Minor Power
The sands of the infinity swirl around you, increasing your Versatility by
070. This effect is deactivated for 7.5 min if you die. -
Source: Defeat Queen Azshara – Heroic.
Name changed from Vision of Perfection to Strive for Perfection
Rank 3,4 Minor Power
Reduces the cooldown of by [(( – 585 + 2896) /- 100) ; Min 10, Max 25]%, and increases your Versatility by 36.
When you activate , immediately heal for 5% of maximum health.
Source: Complete the achievement
‚Keep DPS-ing and Nobody Explodes‘, then complete Operation: Mechagon.‚Hertz Locker‘, and talk to Prince Erazmin. -
Name changed from Vision of Perfection to Strive for Perfection
Rank 2 Major Power
Your spells and abilities have a chance to activate for 35% of its base
Source: Obtain and complete the Perfectly Timed Differential Blueprint from King Mechagon.
Rank 3,4 Major Power
Your spells and abilities have a chance to activate for 35% of its base
cooldown.duration. -
When the Vision of Perfection activates,
the cooldown of is reduced by 10 and up to 2 other nearby allies gain 15 Haste for 10 sec. -
Source: Complete the achievement
‚Keep DPS-ing and Nobody Explodes‘, then complete Operation: Mechagon.‚Hertz Locker‘, and talk to Prince Erazmin.
Rank 2 Minor Power
Targets of your heals have a very high chance to absorb [3865 * (1.2)] health from the highest-health ally within 50 yds.&?303460a[
- Absorbs 100% more from full-health targets.][]
- Source: Defeat Queen Azshara – Heroic.
Rank 3 Minor Power
Targets of your heals have a very high chance to absorb [3865 * (1.2)] health from the highest-health ally within 50 yds.
Absorbs 100% more from full-health targets.
Source: Combine Aqueous Reliquaries from Queen Azshara.
Rank 1 Major Power
Direct the Vitality Conduit toward an ally. Every 0.5 sec for 6 sec, they absorb
38652988 health from the highest-health ally within 30 yds. -
Source: Defeat Queen Azshara –
Normal.Raid Finder and Normal.
Rank 3,4 Major Power
Direct the Vitality Conduit toward an ally. Every 0.5 sec for 6 sec, they absorb
3865[2988 * (1.2)] health from the highest-health ally within 30 yds.and are healed for [3865 * (1.2)].
Vitality Conduit triggers its healing burst around the target at the start and end of this effect.
If the target reaches full health, jumps to the lowest-health nearby target for the remaining duratiob.
Rank 2 Major Power
Direct the Vitality Conduit toward an ally. Every 0.5 sec for 6 sec, they absorb
3865[2988 * (1.2)] health from the highest-health ally within 30 yds.and are healed for[3865 * (1.2)]. - Cooldown changed from 1 min cooldown to 45 sec cooldown
Worldvein Resonance (6)
Rank 1 Minor Power
Every 18-25 sec, a
shard of AzeriteLifeblood Shard erupts from the nearby ground for 12 sec, granting you and any other ally using WorldveinBoonResonance 50 -
primary stat while within 8 yards of it.
Name changed from Worldvein Boon to Lifeblood
Rank 1 Major Power
Concentrate energy into the Heart of Azeroth, immediately causing 2
AzeriteLifeblood Shards to erupt from the nearby ground. -
Source: Complete the quest „Azerite for the Alliance“ and the Mysterious Treasure Map Mission rewarded. / Complete the quest „Azerite for the Horde“ and the Mysterious Treasure Map Mission rewarded.
Name changed from Worldvein Boon to Worldvein Resonance
Rank 3,4 Minor Power
Every 1-25 sec, a
shard of AzeriteLifeblood Shard erupts from the nearby ground for 18 sec, granting you25and any other ally using Worldvein Resonance 50 -
primary stat while
you are within 8within 12 yds of it. -
Source: Mysterious Treasure Map missions.
Name changed from Worldvein Boon to Lifeblood
Rank 2 Major Power
Concentrate energy into the Heart of Azeroth, immediately causing 3
AzeriteLifeblood Shards to erupt from the nearby ground. -
Source: Combine fragments of Zem’lan’s Lost Treasure Map from Island Expeditions, then complete the mission „Lost Treasure of the Pirate King“.
Name changed from Worldvein Boon to Worldvein Resonance
Worldvein Resonance
- Rank 3,4 Major Power
- Concentrate energy into the Heart of Azeroth, immediately causing 3
AzeriteLifeblood Shards to erupt from the nearby ground. - While within 8 yards of an
AzeriteLifeblood Shard, you heal for 0 health every 2 sec. - Source: Mysterious Treasure Map missions.
- Name changed from Worldvein Boon to Worldvein Resonance
- Rank 2 Minor Power
- Every 18-25 sec, a
shard of AzeriteLifeblood Shard erupts from the nearby ground for 18 sec, granting you25and any other ally using Worldvein Resonance 50 primary stat whileyou are within 8 yds of it.within 8 yards of it. - Source: Combine fragments of Zem’lan’s Lost Treasure Map from Island Expeditions, then complete the mission „Lost Treasure of the Pirate King“.
Name changed from Worldvein Boon to Lifeblood
Conflict and Strife
- Rank 1 Major Power
- Source: Claim a weekly PVP War Chest in Season 3 or later.