WoD: Beta Build 18716

Die Entwickler von Blizzard haben in der vergangenen Nacht ein neues Update für die aktuell noch immer laufende Beta zu Warlords of Draenor veröffentlicht. Dieser Build 18716 hat neben den für solch einen Patch üblichen Klassenänderungen auch überarbeitete Porträts für die Anhänger der Garnison, einen leicht veränderten Einlogbildschirm und neue Hintergründe in der Charaktererstellung mit sich gebracht.
Die legendäre Questreihe:
Der neue Build für die WoD Beta hat einige neue Quest für die legendäre Questreihe in Draenor aufgespielt. Diese Questreihe schickt die Spieler zuerst in den Kampf gegen den Geist von Kairozdormu, dann gegen die Oger im Hochfels und als Letztes gegen die Schwarzfelsgießerei.
Neue Weltkarte:
Hintergründe in der Charaktererstellung:
Porträts der Anhänger:
Wappenröcke aus WoD:
Die Spieler können bei den neuen Fraktionen aus Draenor jeweils wieder einen neuen Wappenrock erhalten, sofern sie eine ehrfürchtige Rufstufe erreicht haben.
Laughing Skull Orcs Tabard
Steamwheedle „Preservation“ Society Tabard
Arakkoa Outcasts Tabard
Council of Exarchs Tabard
Frostwolf Tabard
Sha’tari Defense Tabard
Death Knigh
- Death Coil (Blood, Frost) Fires a blast of unholy energy at the target, causing
[ 127.2%[ 85% of AP ] Shadow damage to an enemy or healing an Undead ally for[ 269.9% of AP ].[ 425% of AP ]. - Death Coil (Unholy) Fires a blast of unholy energy at the target, causing
[ 152.6%[ 102% of AP ] Shadow damage to an enemy or healing an Undead ally for[ 269.9% of AP ].[ 425% of AP ]. - Death Heal (New) Choose a level 75 talent. Instant.
- Grip of Death (New) Choose a level 90 talent. Instant.
- Path of Frost Activates a freezing aura for 10 min that creates ice beneath your feet, allowing party or raid members within 50 yards to walk on water.
UseableUsable while mounted, but being attacked or damaged will cancel the effect. 1 Frost. Instant. - Plague Strike (Blood, Frost) A vicious strike that deals (
65%50% of weapon damage) Physical damage and infects the target with Blood Plague. - Plague Strike (Unholy) A vicious strike that deals (
65%50% of weapon damage) Physical damage and infects the target with Blood Plague and Frost Fever. - Soul Reaper Strikes an enemy for (85% of weapon damage) Physical damage and afflicts the target with Soul Reaper. After 5 sec, if the target is below 35% health, this effect will deal [ 333.7% of AP ] additional Shadowfrost damage. If the enemy dies before this effect triggers, the Death Knight gains 50% haste for 5 sec. Requires Melee Weapon.
Death Knight – Unholy Spec.1 Unholy. Melee range. Instant. 6 sec cooldown.
- Breath of Sindragosa Continuously deals [ 1 + 39.96% of AP ] Shadowfrost damage every 1 sec to enemies in a cone in front of you within 12 yards, and affects them with Mark of Sindragosa for 6 sec. You will continue breathing until
canceledcancelled or Runic Power is exhausted. Mark of Sindragosa causes you to be healed for 5% of spell damage dealt by afflicted enemies. Death Knight – LvL 0 Talent. 15 Runic Power, plus 15 per sec. Instant. 60 sec cooldown. - Conversion Converts Runic Power to health, restoring 2% of maximum health per 1 sec. Lasts until
canceledcancelled or Runic Power is exhausted. Death Knight – LvL 75 Talent. Instant. - Plague Leech Consumes your Blood Plague and Frost Fever on the target to activate up to two random fully-depleted runes as Death Runes. Death Knight – LvL 15 Talent. 30 yd range. Instant. 25 sec cooldown.
- Power of the Grave Dark energy
eminatesemanates from the Death Knight, granting all nearby party and raid members 550 Mastery. Death Knight – Blood Spec. - Vampiric Blood Increases maximum health by 15% and increases healing
receivedrecieved by 25% for 10 sec. Death Knight – Blood Spec. Instant. 60 sec cooldown.
- Howling Blast Blast the target with a frigid wind, dealing
[ 120.7%[ 90% of AP ] Frost damage to that foe, and[ 60.4%[ 45% of AP ] Frost damage to all other enemies within 10 yards, infecting all targets with Frost Fever. Frost Fever A disease that deals Frost damage every 3 sec for 30 sec. Death Knight – Frost Spec. 1 Frost. 30 yd range. Instant. - Icy Talons Your attack speed is increased by
45%. Death Knight – Frost Spec.35%, your Haste is increased by 10%, and you gain 5% more of the Haste stat from all sources. Death Knight – Frost Spec. - Might of the Frozen Wastes Wielding a two-handed weapon increases Obliterate damage by 50%, and all melee attacks by 30%. Dual-wielding increases Frost Strike damage by
35%50% and causes your weapon damage strikes to also strike with your off-hand. Requires Two-Handed Axes, Two-Handed Maces, Polearms, Two-Handed Swords. Death Knight – Frost Spec. - Threat of Thassarian When dual-wielding, your Death Strikes, Obliterates, Plague Strikes, and Frost Strikes also deal damage with your off-hand weapon, and your Frost Strike damage is increased by
35%50%. Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon. Death Knight – Frost Spec.
- Raise Dead Raises a ghoul to fight by your side. You can have a maximum of one ghoul at a time.
Lasts 60 sec.Death Knight – Unholy Spec. 30 yd range. Instant. 60 sec cooldown. - Reaping Whenever you hit with
Blood Strike, Pestilence, Festering Strike, or Icy Touch, the Runes spent will become Death Runes when they activate. Death Runes count as a Blood, Frost or Unholy Rune. Death Knight – Unholy Spec.
Major Glyphs
- Death Coil Your Death Coil spell is now usable on all allies. When cast on a non-undead ally, Death Coil shrouds them with a protective barrier that absorbs up to
[ 127.2%[ 85% of AP ] damage. Major Glyph. Instant. - Glyph of Death Coil Your Death Coil spell is now usable on all allies. When cast on a non-undead ally, Death Coil shrouds them with a protective barrier that absorbs up to
[ 127.2%[ 85% of AP ] damage. Major Glyph. - Glyph of Regenerative Magic If Anti-Magic Shell expires after its full duration, the cooldown is reduced by up to 50%, based on the amount of damage
absorbtion remaining. Major Glyph.absorption remaining. Major Glyph.
- Bear Form (Guardian) Also reduces all magical damage taken by
3%, reduces all physical damage taken by 0%25%, reduces the chance the Druid will be critically hit by25%6%, and reduces the chance for attacks to be parried by0%.3%. - Ferocious Bite (Balance, Guardian, Restoration) 1 point :
[ 28.6%[ 60% of AP ] damage 2 points:[ 57.1%[ 120% of AP ] damage 3 points: [ 1 +85.7%180% of AP ] damage 4 points: [ 1 +114.2%240% of AP ] damage 5 points: [ 1 +142.8% of AP ] damage300% of AP ] damage - Ferocious Bite (Feral) 1 point :
[ 28.6%[ 60% of AP ] damage 2 points:[ 57.1%[ 120% of AP ] damage 3 points: [ 1 +85.7%180% of AP ] damage 4 points: [ 1 +114.2%240% of AP ] damage 5 points: [ 1 +142.8% of AP ] damage300% of AP ] damage - Mangle (Balance, Restoration) Mangle the target for (
276%300% of weapon damage) Physical damage, generating 10 Rage. - Mangle (Feral, Guardian) Mangle the target for (
276%300% of weapon damage) Physical damage, reducing the target’s movement speed by 50% for 12 sec, and generating 10 Rage. - Moonfire (Balance) A Lunar spell that burns the enemy for [ 1 +
56.7%45% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage and then an additional [ 10 +40.5%32.5% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage over 20 sec. - Moonfire (Feral, Guardian, Restoration) A Lunar spell that burns the enemy for [ 1 +
56.7%45% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage and then an additional [ 10 +40.5%32.5% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage over 20 sec. - Nature’s Control (New) Choose a level 45 talent. Instant.
- Primal Fury You gain an additional 5 Rage
every time you deal a non-periodic critical strike to your primary target, or dodgewhen you dodge or when you critically strike with a Bear Form attack. You gain an additional combo pointevery time one of your combo moves deals a critical strike to your primary target. Requires Bear Form.when you critically strike with a combo-generating attack. Damage over time cannot trigger these effects. Requires Bear Form. - Primal Fury You gain an additional 5 Rage
every time you deal a non-periodic critical strike to your primary target, or dodgewhen you dodge or when you critically strike with a Bear Form attack. You gain an additional combo pointevery time one of your combo moves deals a critical strike to your primary target. Requires Bear Form.when you critically strike with a combo-generating attack. Damage over time cannot trigger these effects. Requires Bear Form. - Primal Fury You gain an additional 5 Rage
every time you deal a non-periodic critical strike to your primary target, or dodgewhen you dodge or when you critically strike with a Bear Form attack. You gain an additional combo pointevery time one of your combo moves deals a critical strike to your primary targetwhen you critically strike with a combo-generating attack. Damage over time cannot trigger these effects. Requires Cat Form, Bear Form. - Travel Form Shapeshift into a travel form appropriate to your current location, increasing movement speed on land, in water, or in the air. Protects the caster from Polymorph effects. Non-swimming forms only
useableusable outdoors. The act of shapeshifting frees the caster of movement impairing effects. Can’t be cast in Tree of Life Form, Moonkin Form. Shapeshift. 5.6% of Base Mana. Instant. - Ursol’s Power (New) Choose a level 75 talent. Instant.
- Wild Mushroom Instantly heals a friendly target that has an active Rejuvenation or Regrowth effect for [ 1 + 428.5% of Spell Power ], and restores [ 51.4% of Spell Power ] health to
the three mostthree injured allies within 10 yards of the initial target every 2 sec for 30 sec. 100 yd range. Instant. - Wrath A Solar spell that causes
[ 138.6%[ 112.5% of Spell Power ] Nature damage to the target. Can be cast in Moonkin Form. Solar. 8.8% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast.
- Faerie Swarm Prevents the target from activating stealth or invisibility, and reduces movement speed by 0% for 15 sec. Deals [ 10 +
60.4%32.5% of AP ] damage when cast from Bear Form.UseableUsable in all shapeshift forms, but incurs a 6 sec cooldown while in Bear Form or Cat Form. Can’t be cast in Flight Form. Druid – LvL 45 Talent. 35 yd range. Instant. - Force of Nature Summons a Treant which will immediately cast Swiftmend on your current target. The Treant will cast Healing Touch on that target or a nearby ally periodically, healing for
[ 48.5%[ 1 + 22% of Spell Power ]. Lasts 15 sec. Maximum 3 charges. Can’t be cast in Flight Form. Druid – LvL 60 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. - Force of Nature Summons a Treant which will immediately root your current target for 30 sec. The Treant will cast Wrath at that target for
[ 37.5%[ 18.75% of Spell Power ] Nature damage every 2 sec. Lasts 15 sec. Maximum 3 charges. Can’t be cast in Flight Form. Druid – LvL 60 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. - Incapacitating Roar Invokes the spirit of Ursol to roar, incapacitating all enemies within 10 yards for 3 sec. Any damage caused will remove the effect.
UseableUsable in all shapeshift forms. Druid – LvL 75 Talent. Instant. 30 sec cooldown. - Mass Entanglement Roots your target in place for 20 sec and spreads to additional nearby enemies. Damage caused may interrupt the effect.
UseableUsable in all shapeshift forms. Can’t be cast in Flight Form. Druid – LvL 45 Talent. 30 yd range. Instant. 30 sec cooldown. - Mighty Bash Invokes the spirit of Ursoc to stun the target for 5 sec.
UseableUsable in all shapeshift forms. Druid – LvL 75 Talent. Melee range. Instant. 50 sec cooldown. - Renewal Instantly heals the Druid for 22% of maximum health.
UseableUsable in all shapeshift forms. Can’t be cast in Flight Form. Druid – LvL 30 Talent. Instant. 2 min cooldown. - Typhoon Summons a violent Typhoon that strikes targets in front of the caster within 30 yards, knocking them back and dazing them for 6 sec.
UseableUsable in all shapeshift forms. Druid – LvL 45 Talent. 30 yd range. Instant. 30 sec cooldown. - Ursol’s Vortex Conjures a vortex of wind for 10 sec at the destination location that reduces the movement speed of all enemies within 8 yards by 50%. The first time an enemy attempts to leave the vortex, winds will pull that enemy back to its center.
UseableUsable in all shapeshift forms. Druid – LvL 75 Talent. 30 yd range. Instant. 60 sec cooldown.
- Starfire A Lunar spell that causes [ 1 +
224.1%180% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage to the target. Can be cast in Tree of Life Form, Moonkin Form. Druid – Balance Spec. 7.5% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 3 sec cast. - Starsurge Instantly causes
[ 280%[ 224% of Spell Power ] Spellstorm damage to the target,benefittingbenefiting from your strongest current Eclipse bonus. Also grants Lunar or Solar Empowerment, based on current Balance Energy side, which increases the damage of your next 2 Starfires or 3 Wraths by 30%. Max 3 charges. Charges shared with Starfall. Can be cast in Moonkin Form. Can’t be cast in Tree of Life Form. Druid – Balance Spec. 7.5% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast.
- Genesis Consumes all of the Rejuvenation effects from party or raid members within 60 yards of the target and applies Genesis to each target. Genesis heals the target for an amount equal to the healing from the consumed Rejuvenation effects over 3 sec. Druid – Restoration Spec. 23.2% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant.
- Eagle Eye
Zooms in the Hunter’s visionChanges the Hunter’s viewpoint to the targeted location. Only usable outdoors. Lasts 60 sec. Unlimited range. 60 sec cast (Channeled). - Glaive Toss You hurl two glaives toward a target, each dealing
[ 36.1%[ 1 + 36.1% of AP ] damage to each enemy struck and reducing movement speed by 30% for 3 sec. The primary target will take 4 times as much damage from each strike. The Glaives will return back to you, damaging and snaring targets again as they return. Instant. - Glaive Toss You hurl two glaives toward a target, each dealing
[ 36.1%[ 1 + 36.1% of AP ] damage to each enemy struck and reducing movement speed by 30% for 3 sec. The primary target will take 4 times as much damage from each strike. The Glaives will return back to you, damaging and snaring targets again as they return. Instant. - Heavy Artilery (New) Choose a level 90 talent. Instant.
- Steady Shot A steady shot that causes (
42%60% of weapon damage) Physical damage and generates 14 Focus.UseableUsable while moving. Requires Ranged Weapon. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast. - Stopping Power (New) Choose a level 30 talent. Instant.
- Tame Beast Tames a beast to be your companion. If you lose the beast’s attention for any reason, the taming process will fail. You must dismiss any active beast companions and have an empty Call Pet slot before you can begin taming a new beast. Only Beast Mastery specialized Hunters can tame Exotic Beasts. 30 yd range. 10 sec cast (Channeled).
- Barrage Rapidly fires a spray of shots for 3 sec, dealing [ 16.000 * $120,361mw3 ] Physical damage to the enemy target and an average of [ 8.000 * $120,361mw3 ] Physical damage to each other enemy target in front of you.
UseableUsable while moving. Requires Ranged Weapon. Hunter – LvL 90 Talent. 30 Focus. 40 yd range. 3 sec cast (Channeled). 30 sec cooldown. - Exotic Munitions Allows you to modify your ranged weapon to use exotic munitions: Incendiary Ammo Arms your ranged weapon with exotic ammunition that lasts for 60 min. Each autoshot deals (20% of weapon damage) additional Fire damage to all enemies within 8 yards of the initial target. Poisoned Ammo Arms your ranged weapon with exotic ammunition that lasts for 60 min. Each autoshot deals [ 6% of AP ] additional Nature damage over 16 sec. When this effect is refreshed, the remaining damage will be added to the new effect. Frozen Ammo Arms your ranged weapon with exotic ammunition that lasts for 60 min. Each autoshot deals (15% of weapon damage) additional Frost damage and reduces the target’s movement speed by 50% for
84 sec. Only one exotic munition can be active at one time. Hunter – LvL 0 Talent. - Glaive Toss You hurl two glaives toward a target, each dealing
[ 36.1%[ 1 + 36.1% of AP ] damage to each enemy struck and reducing movement speed by 30% for 3 sec. The primary target will take 4 times as much damage from each strike. The Glaives will return back to you, damaging and snaring targets again as they return. Hunter – LvL 90 Talent. 15 Focus. 40 yd range. Instant. 15 sec cooldown. - Lone Wolf Beast Mastery, Survival: While you don’t have a pet active, your damage dealt with Auto Shot, Arcane Shot, Cobra Shot, Black Arrow, and Explosive Shot is increased by 30% and you are able to provide one of several beneficial effects to your party and raid.
Hunter – LvL 0 Talent.Marksmanship: While you don’t have a pet active, your damage dealt with Auto Shot, Steady Shot, Aimed Shot, Chimaera Shot, and Kill Shot is increased by 30% and you are able to provide one of several beneficial effects to your party and raid. Hunter – LvL 0 Talent. - Thrill of the Hunt You have a
30%20% chance when you use a Focus-costing attack to reduce the Focus cost of your next 3 Arcane Shots, Aimed Shots, or Multi-Shots by 20. Hunter – LvL 60 Talent.
Beast Mastery
- Kill Command (Beast Mastery) Give the command to kill, causing your pet to instantly inflict
[ 328.9%[ 278.4% of RAP ] damage to its target. - Kill Command (Marksmanship, Survival) Give the command to kill, causing your pet to instantly inflict
[ 283.5%[ 240% of RAP ] damage to its target.
Beast Mastery & Marksmanship
- Kill Shot You attempt to finish off a wounded target, dealing (550% of weapon damage) Physical damage. Only
useableusable on enemies with less than 20% health. If the target dies, the Hunter will regain 15% of maximum health. If Kill Shot fails to kill the target, the cooldown is reset. Requires Ranged Weapon. Hunter – Beast Mastery & Marksmanship Spec. 45 yd range. 10 sec cooldown.
Beast Mastery & Survival
- Cobra Shot
Deals (42%Deals (60% of weapon damage) Nature damage and generates 14 Focus.UseableUsable while moving. Requires Ranged Weapon. Hunter – Beast Mastery & Survival Spec. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast.
- Aimed Shot A powerful aimed shot that deals (
306%385% of weapon damage) Physical damage. Requires Ranged Weapon. Hunter – Marksmanship Spec. 50 Focus. 40 yd range. 2.5 sec cast. - Careful Aim Increases the critical strike chance of your Steady Shot, Focusing Shot and Aimed Shot by 60% on targets who are above 80% health or while Rapid Fire is active. Hunter – Marksmanship Spec.
- Black Arrow Fires a Black Arrow at the target, dealing
[ 28.32%[ 85% of AP ] damage over 18 sec. When your Black Arrow multistrikes, you gain 1 stack of Lock and Load. Lock and Load causes your next Explosive Shot to trigger no cooldown. Max 5 stacks. Requires Ranged Weapon. Hunter – Survival Spec. 35 Focus. 40 yd range. Instant. 30 sec cooldown. - Explosive Shot You fire an explosive charge into the enemy target, dealing
[ 1 + 40%[ 49.7% of AP ] Fire damage initially and every second for 2 sec. Requires Ranged Weapon. Hunter – Survival Spec. 15 Focus. 40 yd range. Instant. 6 sec cooldown. - Lock and Load Fires a Black Arrow at the target, dealing
[ 28.32%[ 85% of AP ] damage over 18 sec. When your Black Arrow multistrikes, you gain 1 stack of Lock and Load. Lock and Load causes your next Explosive Shot to trigger no cooldown. Max 5 stacks. Hunter – Survival Spec. - Serpent Sting Targets hit by your Multi-Shot and Arcane Shot are also afflicted by Serpent Sting, dealing
[ 30.14%[ 45% of AP ] Nature damage over 15 sec. Hunter – Survival Spec.
- Speed of the Swarm The wasp enhances its allies, increasing the haste of all party and raid members within 100 yards by 5%
for until cancelled.Special Ability. 100 yd range. Instant. - Tenacity A master of lone
surivivalsurvival, the Bird of Prey increases your raid’s Versatility by 3%. Special Ability. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Amplify Magic Amplify the effects of helpful magic, increasing all healing received by
12%10% for all party and raid members within 100 yards. Lasts 6 sec. 1% of Base Mana. Instant. 2 min cooldown. - Freezing Grasp (New) Choose a level 45 talent. Instant.
- Frost Bomb Places a Frost Bomb on the target for 12 sec
triggered by each Ice Lance while the target is frozen. The bomb releasesLimit 1 target. Your Ice Lances that benefit from Shatter will trigger the release of a wave of freezing ice dealing[ 258.51%[ 150% of Spell Power ] Frost damage to the target and[ 129.38%[ 75% of Spell Power ] Frost damage to all other enemies within 10 yards.Limit 1 target. Unlimited range. Instant.Unlimited range. Instant. - Frostfire Bolt Launches a bolt of frostfire at the enemy, causing
[ 135%[ 150% of Spell Power ] Frostfire damage and slowing the target’s movement by 40% for 8 sec. 4% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2.8 sec cast. - Mage Bomb
Casts a powerful damage over time effect based upon your talent choice. Instant.Choose a level 75 talent. Instant. - Portal: Stormshield (New) Creates a portal, teleporting group members that use it to Stormshield. 4% of Base Mana. 10 yd range. 10 sec cast. 60 sec cooldown.
- Portal: Warspear (New) Creates a portal, teleporting group members that use it to Warspear. 4% of Base Mana. 10 yd range. 10 sec cast. 60 sec cooldown.
- Teleport: Stormshield (New) Teleports the caster to Stormshield. 3% of Base Mana. 10 sec cast.
- Teleport: Warspear (New) Teleports the caster to Warspear. 3% of Base Mana. 10 sec cast.
- Frost Bomb Places a Frost Bomb on the target for 12 sec
triggered by each Ice Lance while the target is frozen. The bomb releasesLimit 1 target. Your Ice Lances that benefit from Shatter will trigger the release of a wave of freezing ice dealing[ 258.51%[ 150% of Spell Power ] Frost damage to the target and[ 129.38%[ 75% of Spell Power ] Frost damage to all other enemies within 10 yards. Limit 1 target. Mage – LvL 75 Talent. 1.25% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast. - Meteor Calls down a meteor which lands at the target location after 3 sec, dealing [ 1 + 375% of Spell Power ] Fire damage, split evenly between all targets within 8 yards. Also burns the ground, dealing an additional [ 30% of Spell Power ] Fire damage every 1 sec for
8 secuntil cancelled to enemies in the area. Mage – LvL 0 Talent. 1% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 45 sec cooldown.
- Fireball Hurls a fiery ball that causes
[ 135%[ 150% of Spell Power ] Fire damage. Mage – Fire Spec. 4% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2.2 sec cast. - Pyroblast Hurls an immense fiery boulder that causes
[ 163%[ 210% of Spell Power ] Fire damage and an additional[ 29.7%[ 39% of Spell Power ] Fire damage over 18 sec. Getting two single-target non-periodic Fire critical strikes in a row will make your next Pyroblast instant, cost no mana, and deal 25% additional damage. Mage – Fire Spec. 5% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 3.5 sec cast.
- Brain Freeze Your Frostbolts have a 10% chance to cause the Brain Freeze effect. Each multistrike increases that cast’s chance by an additional 25%. The Brain Freeze effect causes your next Frostfire Bolt to cost no mana, be instant cast, deal
25%15% additional damage, and act as if your target were frozen. Mage – Frost Spec.
- Blackout Kick (Brewmaster) Kick with a blast of Chi energy, dealing
[ 604% of Mainhand Min DPS + 302% of Offhand Min DPS + 192% of AP – 7 ] to [ 604% of Mainhand Max DPS + 302% of Offhand Max DPS + 192% of AP + 7[ 483.1% of Mainhand Min DPS + 241.6% of Offhand Min DPS + 153.6% of AP – 5 ] to [ 483.1% of Mainhand Max DPS + 241.6% of Offhand Max DPS + 153.6% of AP + 5 ;] Physical damage, and increasing your parry chance by 20% and your Stagger amount by an additional 20% for 6 sec. - Blackout Kick (Mistweaver)
Kick with a blast of Chi energy, dealing [ 906.1% of Mainhand Min DPS + 192% of AP – 7 ] to [ 906.1% of Mainhand Max DPS + 192% of AP + 7 ] Physical damage, and increasing your critical strike chance by 20% for 20 sec Also deals [ 669.4% of Mainhand Min DPS + 141.8% of AP – 5 ] to [ 669.4% of Mainhand Max DPS + 141.8% of AP + 5 ] damage to up to 50 additional nearby targets.Kick with a blast of Chi energy, dealing [ 724.7% of Mainhand Min DPS + 153.6% of AP – 5 ] to [ 724.7% of Mainhand Max DPS + 153.6% of AP + 5 ] Physical damage, and increasing your critical strike chance by 20% for 20 sec Also deals [ 669.4% of Mainhand Min DPS + 141.8% of AP – 5 ] to [ 669.4% of Mainhand Max DPS + 141.8% of AP + 5 ] damage to up to 50 additional nearby targets. Not useable in Stance of the Wise Serpent. - Blackout Kick (Windwalker) Kick with a blast of Chi energy, dealing
[ 604% of Mainhand Min DPS + 302% of Offhand Min DPS + 192% of AP – 7 ] to [ 604% of Mainhand Max DPS + 302% of Offhand Max DPS + 192% of AP + 7 ] Physical damage.[ 483.1% of Mainhand Min DPS + 241.6% of Offhand Min DPS + 153.6% of AP – 5 ] to [ 483.1% of Mainhand Max DPS + 241.6% of Offhand Max DPS + 153.6% of AP + 5 ] Physical damage. - Blackout Kick (Brewmaster) Kick with a blast of Chi energy, dealing
[ 604% of Mainhand Min DPS + 302% of Offhand Min DPS + 192% of AP – 7 ] to [ 604% of Mainhand Max DPS + 302% of Offhand Max DPS + 192% of AP + 7[ 483.1% of Mainhand Min DPS + 241.6% of Offhand Min DPS + 153.6% of AP – 5 ] to [ 483.1% of Mainhand Max DPS + 241.6% of Offhand Max DPS + 153.6% of AP + 5 ;] Physical damage, and increasing your parry chance by 20% and your Stagger amount by an additional 20% for 6 sec. - Blackout Kick (Mistweaver)
Kick with a blast of Chi energy, dealing [ 906.1% of Mainhand Min DPS + 192% of AP – 7 ] to [ 906.1% of Mainhand Max DPS + 192% of AP + 7 ] Physical damage, and increasing your critical strike chance by 20% for 20 sec Also deals [ 669.4% of Mainhand Min DPS + 141.8% of AP – 5 ] to [ 669.4% of Mainhand Max DPS + 141.8% of AP + 5 ] damage to up to 50 additional nearby targets.Kick with a blast of Chi energy, dealing [ 724.7% of Mainhand Min DPS + 153.6% of AP – 5 ] to [ 724.7% of Mainhand Max DPS + 153.6% of AP + 5 ] Physical damage, and increasing your critical strike chance by 20% for 20 sec Also deals [ 669.4% of Mainhand Min DPS + 141.8% of AP – 5 ] to [ 669.4% of Mainhand Max DPS + 141.8% of AP + 5 ] damage to up to 50 additional nearby targets. Not useable in Stance of the Wise Serpent. - Blackout Kick (Windwalker) Kick with a blast of Chi energy, dealing
[ 604% of Mainhand Min DPS + 302% of Offhand Min DPS + 192% of AP – 7 ] to [ 604% of Mainhand Max DPS + 302% of Offhand Max DPS + 192% of AP + 7 ] Physical damage.[ 483.1% of Mainhand Min DPS + 241.6% of Offhand Min DPS + 153.6% of AP – 5 ] to [ 483.1% of Mainhand Max DPS + 241.6% of Offhand Max DPS + 153.6% of AP + 5 ] Physical damage. - Blackout Kick (Brewmaster) Kick with a blast of Chi energy, dealing
[ 604% of Mainhand Min DPS + 302% of Offhand Min DPS + 192% of AP – 7 ] to [ 604% of Mainhand Max DPS + 302% of Offhand Max DPS + 192% of AP + 7[ 483.1% of Mainhand Min DPS + 241.6% of Offhand Min DPS + 153.6% of AP – 5 ] to [ 483.1% of Mainhand Max DPS + 241.6% of Offhand Max DPS + 153.6% of AP + 5 ;] Physical damage, and increasing your parry chance by 20% and your Stagger amount by an additional 20% for 6 sec. - Blackout Kick (Mistweaver)
Kick with a blast of Chi energy, dealing [ 906.1% of Mainhand Min DPS + 192% of AP – 7 ] to [ 906.1% of Mainhand Max DPS + 192% of AP + 7 ] Physical damage, and increasing your critical strike chance by 20% for 20 sec Also deals [ 669.4% of Mainhand Min DPS + 141.8% of AP – 5 ] to [ 669.4% of Mainhand Max DPS + 141.8% of AP + 5 ] damage to up to 50 additional nearby targets.Kick with a blast of Chi energy, dealing [ 724.7% of Mainhand Min DPS + 153.6% of AP – 5 ] to [ 724.7% of Mainhand Max DPS + 153.6% of AP + 5 ] Physical damage, and increasing your critical strike chance by 20% for 20 sec Also deals [ 669.4% of Mainhand Min DPS + 141.8% of AP – 5 ] to [ 669.4% of Mainhand Max DPS + 141.8% of AP + 5 ] damage to up to 50 additional nearby targets. Not useable in Stance of the Wise Serpent. - Blackout Kick (Windwalker) Kick with a blast of Chi energy, dealing
[ 604% of Mainhand Min DPS + 302% of Offhand Min DPS + 192% of AP – 7 ] to [ 604% of Mainhand Max DPS + 302% of Offhand Max DPS + 192% of AP + 7 ] Physical damage.[ 483.1% of Mainhand Min DPS + 241.6% of Offhand Min DPS + 153.6% of AP – 5 ] to [ 483.1% of Mainhand Max DPS + 241.6% of Offhand Max DPS + 153.6% of AP + 5 ] Physical damage. - Breath of Fire Targets in front of the caster take
Fire [ 2 + 43.69% of AP[ 2 + 43.69% of AP ] Fire;] damage. If affected by Dizzying Haze, they will also burn for [ 8 + 19.6% of AP ] Fire damage over 8 sec. Unlimited range. Instant. - Chi Shaping (New) Choose a level 30 talent. Instant.
- Disabling Technique (New) Choose a level 60 talent. Instant.
- Eminence When the Monk deals damage, he will heal
the lowest health nearbynearby injured target within 20 yards equal to 35% of the damage done. 100 yd range. Instant. - Expel Harm (Brewmaster) Heal yourself for [ 1,024.7% of Mainhand Min DPS + 512.4% of Offhand Min DPS +
81.4%325.7% of AP – 11 ] to [ 1,024.7% of Mainhand Max DPS + 512.4% of Offhand Max DPS +81.4%325.7% of AP + 11 ], and deal 33% of the amount healed as Nature damage to an enemy within 10 yards. - Expel Harm (Mistweaver) Heal yourself for
[ 1,537.1% of Mainhand Min DPS + 81.4% of AP – 11 ] to [ 1,537.1% of Mainhand Max DPS + 81.4% of AP + 11[ 1,844.5% of Mainhand Min DPS + 390.9% of Spell Power – 14 ] to [ 1,844.5% of Mainhand Max DPS + 390.9% of Spell Power + 14 ;], and deal 33% of the amount healed as Nature damage to an enemy within 10 yards. - Expel Harm (Windwalker) Heal yourself for [ 1,024.7% of Mainhand Min DPS + 512.4% of Offhand Min DPS +
81.4%325.7% of AP – 11 ] to [ 1,024.7% of Mainhand Max DPS + 512.4% of Offhand Max DPS +81.4%325.7% of AP + 11 ], and deal 33% of the amount healed as Nature damage to an enemy within 10 yards. - Expel Harm (Brewmaster) Heal yourself for [ 1,024.7% of Mainhand Min DPS + 512.4% of Offhand Min DPS +
81.4%325.7% of AP – 11 ] to [ 1,024.7% of Mainhand Max DPS + 512.4% of Offhand Max DPS +81.4%325.7% of AP + 11 ], and deal 33% of the amount healed as Nature damage to an enemy within 10 yards. - Expel Harm (Mistweaver) Heal yourself for
[ 1,537.1% of Mainhand Min DPS + 81.4% of AP – 11 ] to [ 1,537.1% of Mainhand Max DPS + 81.4% of AP + 11[ 1,844.5% of Mainhand Min DPS + 390.9% of Spell Power – 14 ] to [ 1,844.5% of Mainhand Max DPS + 390.9% of Spell Power + 14 ;], and deal 33% of the amount healed as Nature damage to an enemy within 10 yards. - Expel Harm (Windwalker) Heal yourself for [ 1,024.7% of Mainhand Min DPS + 512.4% of Offhand Min DPS +
81.4%325.7% of AP – 11 ] to [ 1,024.7% of Mainhand Max DPS + 512.4% of Offhand Max DPS +81.4%325.7% of AP + 11 ], and deal 33% of the amount healed as Nature damage to an enemy within 10 yards. - Fists of Fury (Brewmaster, Windwalker) Pummel all targets in front of you, stunning them and dealing
[ 1,645% of Mainhand Min DPS + 822.5% of Offhand Min DPS + 1,045.7% of AP + 1,645% of Mainhand Max DPS + 822.5%[ 1,320.2% of Mainhand Min DPS + 660.1% of Offhand Min DPS + 839.3% of AP + 1,320.2% of Mainhand Max DPS + 660.1% of Offhand Max DPS ] damage over 4 sec. - Fists of Fury (Mistweaver) Pummel all targets in front of you, stunning them and dealing
[ 2,467.4% of Mainhand Min DPS + 1,045.7% of AP + 2,467.4%[ 1,980.4% of Mainhand Min DPS + 839.3% of AP + 1,980.4% of Mainhand Max DPS ] damage over 4 sec. - Jab (Mistweaver) Not useable in Stance of the Wise Serpent.
- Jab 2.4% of Base Mana /
5045 Energy / 40 Energy / 2.4% of Base Mana. - Spinning Crane Kick (Brewmaster)
You spin while kicking in the air, dealing [ 438.7% of Mainhand Min DPS + 219.3% of Offhand Min DPS + 69.7% of AP + 438.7% of Mainhand Max DPS + 219.3% of Offhand Max DPS ] damage over 2.2 sec to enemies within 8 yards. Generates 1 Chi.You spin while kicking in the air, dealing [ 134.8% of Mainhand Min DPS + 67.4% of Offhand Min DPS + 85.7% of AP + 134.8% of Mainhand Max DPS + 67.4% of Offhand Max DPS ] damage over 2.2 sec to enemies within 8 yards Generates 1 Chi. - Spinning Crane Kick (Mistweaver) You spin while kicking in the air,
dealing [ 658% of Mainhand Min DPS + 69.7% of AP + 658% of Mainhand Max DPS ] damage over 2.2 sec to enemies within 8 yards and [ 197.5% of Spell Power ] healing over 2.2 sec to allies within 10 yards.healing up to 6 allies within 10 yards for [ 197.5% of Spell Power ] over 2.2 sec. - Spinning Crane Kick (Windwalker)
You spin while kicking in the air, dealing [ 438.7% of Mainhand Min DPS + 219.3% of Offhand Min DPS + 69.7% of AP + 438.7% of Mainhand Max DPS + 219.3% of Offhand Max DPS ] damage over 2.2 sec to enemies within 8 yards. Generates 1 Chi.You spin while kicking in the air, dealing [ 134.8% of Mainhand Min DPS + 67.4% of Offhand Min DPS + 85.7% of AP + 134.8% of Mainhand Max DPS + 67.4% of Offhand Max DPS ] damage over 2.2 sec to enemies within 8 yards Generates 1 Chi. - Spinning Crane Kick (Brewmaster)
You spin while kicking in the air, dealing [ 438.7% of Mainhand Min DPS + 219.3% of Offhand Min DPS + 69.7% of AP + 438.7% of Mainhand Max DPS + 219.3% of Offhand Max DPS ] damage over 2.2 sec to enemies within 8 yards. Generates 1 Chi.You spin while kicking in the air, dealing [ 134.8% of Mainhand Min DPS + 67.4% of Offhand Min DPS + 85.7% of AP + 134.8% of Mainhand Max DPS + 67.4% of Offhand Max DPS ] damage over 2.2 sec to enemies within 8 yards Generates 1 Chi. - Spinning Crane Kick (Mistweaver) You spin while kicking in the air,
dealing [ 658% of Mainhand Min DPS + 69.7% of AP + 658% of Mainhand Max DPS ] damage over 2.2 sec to enemies within 8 yards and [ 197.5% of Spell Power ] healing over 2.2 sec to allies within 10 yards.healing up to 6 allies within 10 yards for [ 197.5% of Spell Power ] over 2.2 sec. - Spinning Crane Kick (Windwalker)
You spin while kicking in the air, dealing [ 438.7% of Mainhand Min DPS + 219.3% of Offhand Min DPS + 69.7% of AP + 438.7% of Mainhand Max DPS + 219.3% of Offhand Max DPS ] damage over 2.2 sec to enemies within 8 yards. Generates 1 Chi.You spin while kicking in the air, dealing [ 134.8% of Mainhand Min DPS + 67.4% of Offhand Min DPS + 85.7% of AP + 134.8% of Mainhand Max DPS + 67.4% of Offhand Max DPS ] damage over 2.2 sec to enemies within 8 yards Generates 1 Chi. - Stance of the Fierce Tiger Increases all damage dealt by 20%. Grants you and your allies within 10 yards 10% increased movement speed, and improves the functionality of Jab, Expel Harm, Tiger Palm, Blackout Kick, and Rising Sun Kick. Stance. Instant.
- Tiger Palm (Brewmaster, Windwalker) Attack with the palm of your hand, dealing
[ 340.9% of Mainhand Min DPS + 170.4% of Offhand Min DPS + 108.3% of AP – 4 ] to [ 340.9% of Mainhand Max DPS + 170.4% of Offhand Max DPS + 108.3% of AP + 4[ 269.7% of Mainhand Min DPS + 134.8% of Offhand Min DPS + 85.7% of AP – 3 ] to [ 269.7% of Mainhand Max DPS + 134.8% of Offhand Max DPS + 85.7% of AP + 3 ;] damage, and causing your attacks to ignore 30% of armor for 20 sec. - Tiger Palm (Mistweaver)
Attack with the palm of your hand, dealing $7.584*[ 134.8% of Mainhand Min DPS + 28.6% of AP – 1 ]} to [ 1,022.6% of Mainhand Max DPS + 216.7% of AP + 8 ] damage, and causing your attacks to ignore 30% of armor for 20 sec.Attack with the palm of your hand, dealing 0.00*[ 134.8% of Mainhand Min DPS + 28.6% of AP – 1 ]} to [ 809% of Mainhand Max DPS + 171.4% of AP + 6 ] damage, and causing your attacks to ignore 30% of armor for 20 sec. Not useable in Stance of the Wise Serpent.
- Chi Explosion Consumes up to 4 Chi to cause the target to explode with Chi energy, causing additional effects based on Chi consumed: 1+ Chi: Deals Nature damage to an enemy equal to [ 1 +
89.1% of AP ] plus [ 1 + 89.1%60% of AP ] plus [ 1 + 60% of AP ] per Chi consumed. 2+ Chi: Deals an additional 50% damage over 6 sec. 3+ Chi: Also generates a charge of Tigereye Brew. 4 Chi: The damage also hits all enemies within 8 yards of the target. Replaces Blackout Kick. Combo Breaker: Blackout Kick is also replaced with Combo Breaker: Chi Explosion, which causes your next Chi Explosion to refund 2 Chi. Monk – LvL 0 Talent. 1 Chi. 40 yd range. Instant. - Rushing Jade Wind (Brewmaster, Windwalker) Summon a whirling tornado around you,
dealing [ 566.3% of Mainhand Min DPS + 283.1% of Offhand Min DPS + 90% of AP + 566.3% of Mainhand Max DPS + 283.1%causing [ 242.7% of Mainhand Min DPS + 121.3% of Offhand Min DPS + 154.3% of AP + 242.7% of Mainhand Max DPS + 121.3% of Offhand Max DPS ] damage over 6 sec to enemies within 8 yards . - Rushing Jade Wind (Mistweaver) Summon a whirling tornado around you,
dealing [ 849.4% of Mainhand Min DPS + 90% of AP + 849.4% of Mainhand Max DPS ] damage over 6 sec to enemies within 8 yards .causing [ 355.5% of Spell Power ] healing over 6 sec to up to 6 allies within 8 yards .
- Breath of Fire Targets in front of the caster take
Fire [ 2 + 43.69% of AP[ 2 + 43.69% of AP ] Fire;] damage. If affected by Dizzying Haze, they will also burn for [ 8 + 19.6% of AP ] Fire damage over 8 sec. Requires Ox Stance. Monk – Brewmaster Spec. 2 Chi. Instant. - Elusive Brew Consumes all stacks of Elusive Brew to increase your chance to dodge melee and ranged attacks by 45% for 1 sec per stack. Your autoattack critical strikes grant up to
45 stacks of Elusive Brew3 stacks of Elusive Brew, which can stack up to 15 times. Requires Ox Stance. Monk – Brewmaster Spec. Instant. 6 sec cooldown. - Keg Smash (Brewmaster, Windwalker) Smash a keg of brew on the target, dealing
[ 1,040.9% of Mainhand Min DPS + 520.5% of Offhand Min DPS + 330.9% of AP – 12 ] to [ 1,040.9% of Mainhand Max DPS + 520.5% of Offhand Max DPS + 330.9% of AP + 12[ 943.8% of Mainhand Min DPS + 471.9% of Offhand Min DPS + 300% of AP – 11 ] to [ 943.8% of Mainhand Max DPS + 471.9% of Offhand Max DPS + 300% of AP + 11 ;] damage to all enemies within 8 yards and reducing their movement speed by 50% for 15 sec. - Keg Smash (Mistweaver) Smash a keg of brew on the target, dealing
[ 1,561.4% of Mainhand Min DPS + 330.9% of AP – 12 ] to [ 1,561.4% of Mainhand Max DPS + 330.9% of AP + 12[ 1,415.7% of Mainhand Min DPS + 300% of AP – 11 ] to [ 1,415.7% of Mainhand Max DPS + 300% of AP + 11 ;] damage to all enemies within 8 yards and reducing their movement speed by 50% for 15 sec.
- Fists of Fury (Brewmaster, Windwalker) Pummel all targets in front of you, stunning them and dealing
[ 1,645% of Mainhand Min DPS + 822.5% of Offhand Min DPS + 1,045.7% of AP + 1,645% of Mainhand Max DPS + 822.5%[ 1,320.2% of Mainhand Min DPS + 660.1% of Offhand Min DPS + 839.3% of AP + 1,320.2% of Mainhand Max DPS + 660.1% of Offhand Max DPS ] damage over 4 sec. - Fists of Fury (Mistweaver) Pummel all targets in front of you, stunning them and dealing
[ 2,467.4% of Mainhand Min DPS + 1,045.7% of AP + 2,467.4%[ 1,980.4% of Mainhand Min DPS + 839.3% of AP + 1,980.4% of Mainhand Max DPS ] damage over 4 sec. - Tigereye Brew Consumes up to 10 stacks of Tigereye Brew to increase damage and healing done by 6% per stack for 15 sec. For each
64 Chi you consume, you gain a stack of Tigereye Brew. You can have a maximum of 20 stacks. Monk – Windwalker Spec. Instant. 5 sec cooldown.
Windwalker & Mistweaver
- Rising Sun Kick (Brewmaster) You kick upwards, dealing
[ 636.4% of Mainhand Min DPS + 318.2% of Offhand Min DPS + 202.3% of AP – 7 ] to [ 636.4% of Mainhand Max DPS + 318.2% of Offhand Max DPS + 202.3% of AP + 7[ 719.1% of Mainhand Min DPS + 359.6% of Offhand Min DPS + 228.6% of AP – 8 ] to [ 719.1% of Mainhand Max DPS + 359.6% of Offhand Max DPS + 228.6% of AP + 8 ;] damage and causing all enemies within 8 yards to take 20% increased damage from your abilities for 15 sec. - Rising Sun Kick (Mistweaver) You kick upwards, dealing
[ 954.6% of Mainhand Min DPS + 202.3% of AP – 7 ] to [ 954.6% of Mainhand Max DPS + 202.3% of AP + 7[ 1,078.7% of Mainhand Min DPS + 228.6% of AP – 8 ] to [ 1,078.7% of Mainhand Max DPS + 228.6% of AP + 8 ;] damage and causing all enemies within 8 yards to take 20% increased damage from your abilities for 15 sec. - Rising Sun Kick (Windwalker) You kick upwards, dealing
[ 636.4% of Mainhand Min DPS + 318.2% of Offhand Min DPS + 202.3% of AP – 7 ] to [ 636.4% of Mainhand Max DPS + 318.2% of Offhand Max DPS + 202.3% of AP + 7[ 719.1% of Mainhand Min DPS + 359.6% of Offhand Min DPS + 228.6% of AP – 8 ] to [ 719.1% of Mainhand Max DPS + 359.6% of Offhand Max DPS + 228.6% of AP + 8 ;] damage, reducing the effectiveness of healing on the target for 10 sec, and causing all enemies within 8 yards to take 20% increased damage from your abilities for 15 sec.
- Censure
Holy, Retribution: Deals [ 30.9% of Spell Power ] additional Holy damage over 15 sec. Stacks up to 5 times. Protection:Deals [ 6.18% of Spell Power ] additional Holy damage over 15 sec. Stacks up to 5 times. 100 yd range. Instant. - Consecration Deals [ 1 +
33.52%13.4% of AP ] Holy damage to enemies within 8 yards. Unlimited range. Instant. - Crusader Strike Holy, Protection: An instant strike that causes (120% of weapon damage) Physical damage. Retribution: An instant strike that causes (120% of weapon damage) Physical damage and grants 1 Holy Power. Requires Melee Weapon. 5% of Base Mana. Melee range. Instant. 4.5 sec cooldown.
- Hammer of the Righteous Holy, Protection: An instant strike that causes (120% of weapon damage) Physical damage. Retribution: An instant strike that causes (120% of weapon damage) Physical damage and grants 1 Holy Power. Requires Melee Weapon. Unlimited range. Instant.
- Hand of Sacrifice (Holy, Protection) Places a Hand on a party or raid member, transferring 30% of damage taken to the Paladin for 12 sec or until the Paladin has transferred 100% of their maximum health.
- Hand of Sacrifice (Retribution) Places a Hand on a party or raid member,
transferring 30% damage taken to the Paladin andinstantly removing all harmful Magic effects from the target, and transferring 30% of damage taken to the Paladin for 12 sec or until the Paladin has transferred 100% of their maximum health. - Jailer’s Judgment Name Changed from Jailor’s Judgment to Jailer’s Judgment
- Weapons of the Light (New) Choose a level 90 talent. Instant.
- Word of Glory Consumes up to 3 Holy Power to heal a friendly target for [ 264.59% of Spell Power ] per charge of Holy Power. 1 Holy Power. 40 yd range.
Instant. 1.5 sec cooldown.1.5 sec cast. 1 sec cooldown.
- Empowered Beacon of Light Your single-target heals heal your Beacon of Light target for 10% more.Also applies to Beacon of Faith.
- Improved Consecration Increases damage done by Consecration by
- Beacon of Insight Places a beacon of insight on an ally, increasing their healing
recievedreceived from your next direct single-target heal within 60 sec by 30%. When consumed, or when the target reaches full health, it moves to the most injured ally within 40 yards. Limit 1. Paladin – LvL 0 Talent. 1% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 15 sec cooldown. - Eternal Flame
Holy: Consumes up to 3 Holy Power to heal an ally for up to [ 1 + 264.59% of Spell Power ] and an additional [ 1 + 16.03% of Spell Power ] every 2 sec for up to 30 sec. Healing over time increased by 50% when cast on self. Replaces Word of Glory. Periodic healing from this spell does not cause Illuminated Healing. Protection, Retribution:Consumes up to 3 Holy Power to heal an ally for up to [ 1 + 264.59% of Spell Power ] and an additional [ 1 + 16.03% of Spell Power ] every 2 sec for up to 30 sec. Healing over time increased by 50% when cast on self. Replaces Word of Glory. Paladin – LvL 45 Talent. 1 Holy Power. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast. 1 sec cooldown. - Execution Sentence A hammer slowly falls from the sky, causing [ 914.2% of Holy Spell Power ] Holy damage over 10 sec. Damage increases over time, culminating in a final burst. Dispelling the effect triggers the final burst. Stay of Execution On a friendly target, the falling hammer heals for [ 674.2% of Holy Spell Power ] over 10 sec.
Healing increases over time, culminating in a final burst. Dispelling the effect triggers the final burstThis healing is a large burst at first, and then decreases over time. Paladin – LvL 90 Talent. 12.8% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 60 sec cooldown. - Final Verdict Empowers your weapon with holy energy, and performs a devastating strike, dealing (
280%185% of weapon damage) Holy damage. Also increases the damage and radius of your next Divine Storm by 100%. Replaces Templar’s Verdict. Requires Melee Weapon. Paladin – LvL 0 Talent. 3 Holy Power. 10 yd range. Instant. - Light’s Hammer Hurls a Light-infused hammer into the ground, where it blasts a 10 yard radius every 2 sec for 14 sec. Each blast deals [ 2 + 51.68% of Spell Power ] Holy damage to enemies, reduces enemy movement speed by 50% for 2 sec, and heals up to 6 allies for [ 40.24% of Spell Power ]. Paladin – LvL 90 Talent. 51.9% of Base Mana. 30 yd range. Instant. 60 sec cooldown.
- Sacred Shield Protects the target with a shield of Holy Light for 30 sec. The shield absorbs up to [ 99.5% of Holy Spell Power ] damage every 6 sec. Max 3 charges. Paladin – LvL 45 Talent. 14.4% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant.
- Sacred Shield Holy, Protection: Protects the target with a shield of Holy Light for 30 sec, absorbing up to
[ 130.6%[ 1 + 130.6% of Holy Spell Power ] damage every 6 sec. Only one target can be affected at a time. Retribution: Protects the target with a shield of Holy Light for 30 sec, absorbing up to [ 1 + 186.6% of Holy Spell Power ] damage every 6 sec. Only one target can be affected at a time. Limited to 1 target. Paladin – LvL 45 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. 6 sec cooldown.
- Holy Radiance Imbues a friendly target with radiant energy, healing that target for [ 151.32% of Spell Power ] and
allup to 5 allies within 10 yards for half that amount. Grants 1 Holy Power. Healing effectiveness diminishes for each player target beyond 6. Paladin – Holy Spec. 35.64% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2.5 sec cast.
- Consecration Consecrates the land beneath you, causing [ 9 +
301.7%120.6% of AP ] Holy damage over 9 sec to enemies who enter the area. Paladin – Protection Spec. 7% of Base Mana. Instant. 9 sec cooldown. - Shield of the Righteous Instantly slam the target with your shield, causing [ 1 + 297% of AP ] Holy damage, reducing the physical damage you take by [ 25 ] [Min
3025, Max 80]% for 3 sec, and causing Bastion of Glory. Bastion of Glory Increases the strength of your Word of Glory when used to heal yourself by 10%. Stacks up to 5 times. Requires Shields. Paladin – Protection Spec. 3 Holy Power. Melee range. Instant. 1.5 sec cooldown.
Protection & Retribution
- Seal of Truth Fills you with Holy Light, causing melee attacks to deal (12% of weapon damage) additional Holy damage and apply Censure to the target. Replaces Seal of Command. Censure
Holy, Retribution: Deals [ 30.9% of Spell Power ] additional Holy damage over 15 sec. Stacks up to 5 times. Protection:Deals [ 6.18% of Spell Power ] additional Holy damage over 15 sec. Stacks up to 5 times. Paladin – Protection & Retribution Spec. Instant.
- Sword of Light Increases the damage you deal with two-handed melee weapons by
30%. Paladin – Retribution Spec.25%. Paladin – Retribution Spec.
- Divine Burst (New) Choose a level 90 talent. Instant.
- Echo of Light Heals every 3 sec for 6 sec. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Power Word: Shield (Discipline) Shield a friendly target, absorbing
[ 573.2% of Spell Power or 508.2% of Spell Power ] damage.[ 420.1% of Spell Power or 372.4% of Spell Power ] damage. - Power Word: Shield (Holy, Shadow) Shield a friendly target, absorbing
[ 508.2% of Spell Power ] damage.[ 372.4% of Spell Power ] damage. - Prayer of Mending Discipline, Holy: Places a spell on the target that heals them for
[ 67%[ 69% of Spell Power * Percent Health ] the next time they take damage. When the heal occurs, Prayer of Mending jumps to an ally within 20 yards. Jumps up to 5 times and lasts 30 sec after each jump. Shadow: Places a spell on the target that heals them for [ 44% of Spell Power * Percent Health ] the next time they take damage. When the heal occurs, Prayer of Mending jumps to an ally within 20 yards. Jumps up to 5 times and lasts 30 sec after each jump. Can be cast in Spirit of Redemption. Can’t be cast in Shadowform. 2.4% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast. 10 sec cooldown. (Doesn’t scale with percent health) - Prayer of Mending Discipline, Holy: Places a spell on the target that heals them for
[ 67%[ 69% of Spell Power * Percent Health ] the next time they take damage. When the heal occurs, Prayer of Mending jumps to an ally within 20 yards. Jumps up to 5 times and lasts 30 sec after each jump. Shadow: Places a spell on the target that heals them for [ 44% of Spell Power * Percent Health ] the next time they take damage. When the heal occurs, Prayer of Mending jumps to an ally within 20 yards. Jumps up to 5 times and lasts 30 sec after each jump. Unlimited range. Instant. (Doesn’t scale with percent health) - Shadow Word: Pain A word of darkness that causes [ 5 +
44.02%52.83% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and an additional 25 Shadow damage over 18 sec. Can be cast in Shadowform. 1% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. - Shadowy Grasp (New) Choose a level 60 talent. Instant.
- Divine Insight
Your GreaterYour Heal and Prayer of Healing have a 40% chance to make your next Prayer of Mending not trigger its cooldown and jump to each target instantly. Priest – LvL 75 Talent. - Void Entropy Consumes 3 Shadow Orbs to deal [ 20 +
50%22.5% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 60 sec. Devouring Plague will refresh this effect to its full 60 sec duration. Priest – LvL 0 Talent. All Shadow Orbs. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast.
- Atonement When you deal damage with Smite, Holy Fire, Penance, Power Word: Solace, or their multistrikes, you instantly heal a nearby
low healthinjured friendly target for 100% of the damage dealt. If the Priest is healed through Atonement, the effect is reduced by 50%. Priest – Discipline Spec. - Divine Aegis Critical heals and their multistrikes create a protective shield on the target, absorbing 100% of the amount healed, instead of healing for twice as much. Lasts 15 sec. Priest – Discipline Spec.
- Chakra: Chastise Increases the damage done by your Shadow and Holy spells by 50%. Transforms your Holy Word spell back into Holy Word: Chastise. Holy Word: Chastise Chastise the target for [ 1 + 63.6% of Spell Power ] Holy damage, and
disorientsincapacitates them for 3 sec. 30 sec cooldown. Can’t be cast in Moonkin Form. Priest – Holy Spec. Instant. 30 sec cooldown. - Circle of Healing Heals up to 5
friendlyinjured party or raid members within 30 yards of the target for [ 221.67% of Spell Power ]. Can be cast in Spirit of Redemption. Can’t be cast in Shadowform. Priest – Holy Spec. 3.564% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 12 sec cooldown.
- Mind Flay Assault the target’s mind with Shadow energy, causing [ 3 +
29%23.2% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 3 sec and slowing their movement speed by 50%. Can be cast in Shadowform. Priest – Shadow Spec. 1% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 3 sec cast (Channeled). - Mind Spike Blasts the target for [ 1 +
97.5%92.5% of Spell Power ] Shadowfrost damage, but extinguishes your damage over time effects on the target. Can be cast in Shadowform. Priest – Shadow Spec. 0.5% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast. - Vampiric Touch Causes [ 5 +
54.37%65.25% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 15 sec. If Vampiric Touch is dispelled, the dispeller flees in Horror for 3 sec. Priest – Shadow Spec. 1.5% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast.
- Blade Flurry While active, your attacks also strike up to 4 additional nearby opponents for 40% of normal damage, but your Energy regeneration is reduced by 20%. Lasts until
canceled. 100 yd range. Instant.cancelled. 100 yd range. Instant. - Blind Blinds the target, causing it to wander disoriented for up to 60 sec. Any damage caused will remove the effect.
UseableUsable while stealthed. 15 Energy. 15 yd range. Instant. 2 min cooldown. - Distract Throws a distraction, attracting the attention of all nearby monsters for 10 seconds.
UseableUsable while stealthed. 30 Energy. 30 yd range. Instant. 30 sec cooldown. - Eviscerate (Assassination, Combat) Finishing move that causes damage per combo point: 1 point :
[ 1 + 38.4%[ 57.7% of AP ] damage 2 points:[ 1 + 76.9%[ 115.4% of AP ] damage 3 points:[ 1 + 115.3%[ 173.1% of AP ] damage 4 points:[ 1 + 153.7%[ 230.8% of AP ] damage 5 points:[ 1 + 192.2% of AP ] damage[ 288.5% of AP ] damage - Eviscerate (Subtlety) Finishing move that causes damage per combo point: 1 point :
[ 1 + 47.7%[ 71.5% of AP ] damage 2 points:[ 1 + 95.3%[ 143.1% of AP ] damage 3 points:[ 1 + 143%[ 214.6% of AP ] damage 4 points:[ 1 + 190.6%[ 286.2% of AP ] damage 5 points:[ 1 + 238.3% of AP ] damage[ 357.7% of AP ] damage - Main Gauche A vicious attack that deals
150%225% weapon damage with your off-hand. 30 yd range. Instant. - Recuperate Finishing move that restores
5%3% of maximum health every 3 sec. Lasts longer per combo point: 1 point : 6 seconds 2 points: 12 seconds 3 points: 18 seconds 4 points: 24 seconds 5 points: 30 seconds 30 Energy. 100 yd range. Instant. - Slice and Dice (Assassination, Combat) Lasts longer per combo point: 1 point : 12 seconds 2 points: 18 seconds 3 points: 24 seconds 4 points: 30 seconds 5 points: 36 seconds
$ - Slice and Dice (Subtlety) Lasts longer per combo point: 1 point : 12 seconds 2 points: 18 seconds 3 points: 24 seconds 4 points: 30 seconds 5 points: 36 seconds
$ - Sprint Increases your movement speed by 70% for 8 sec.
UseableUsable while stealthed. Instant. 60 sec cooldown. - Stealth (Assassination, Combat) Conceals you in the shadows until cancelled, allowing you to stalk enemies without being seen.
Lasts until canceled. - Stealth (Subtlety) Conceals you in the shadows until cancelled, allowing you to stalk enemies without being seen.
Lasts until canceled.
- Burst of Speed Increases your movement speed by 70% for 4 sec and removes movement slowing effects.
UseableUsable while stealthed. Rogue – LvL 60 Talent. 25 Energy. Instant. - Deadly Throw (Assassination) Finishing move that deals damage, reduces the target’s movement speed by 50% for 6 sec, and interrupts spellcasting when used with 3 or more combo pioints: 1 point : [ 1 +
17.8%20.5% of AP ] damage 2 points: [ 1 +35.6%40.9% of AP ] damage 3 points: [ 1 +53.4%61.4% of AP ] damage 4 points: [ 1 +71.2%81.9% of AP ] damage 5 points: [ 1 +89% of AP ] damage102.4% of AP ] damage - Deadly Throw (Combat, Subtlety) Finishing move that deals damage, reduces the target’s movement speed by 50% for 6 sec, and interrupts spellcasting when used with 3 or more combo pioints: 1 point : [ 1 +
22.1%17.8% of AP ] damage 2 points: [ 1 +44.1%35.6% of AP ] damage 3 points: [ 1 +66.2%53.4% of AP ] damage 4 points: [ 1 +88.3%71.2% of AP ] damage 5 points: [ 1 +110.4% of AP ] damage89% of AP ] damage
- Assassin’s Resolve While wielding daggers, your maximum Energy is increased by 20 and your damage is increased by
20%15%. Requires Daggers. Rogue – Assassination Spec. - Dispatch Exploits the vulnerability of foes with less than 35% health, causing (315% of weapon damage) Physical damage to the target. Awards 1 combo points. Your successful Mutilates have a 30% chance to make your next Dispatch free and
useableusable on any target. Replaces Sinister Strike. Requires Daggers. Rogue – Assassination Spec. 30 Energy. Melee range. Instant. - Envenom Assassination: Finishing move that deals instant Nature damage, refreshes the duration of Slice and Dice if it is active, and increases your poison application chance by 30%. Damage and duration increased per combo point. 1 point : [ 45% of AP + 1 ] damage, 2 sec 2 points: [ 90.1% of AP + 2 ] damage, 3 sec 3 points: [ 135.1% of AP + 3 ] damage, 4 sec 4 points: [ 180.2% of AP + 4 ] damage, 5 sec 5 points: [ 225.2% of AP + 5 ] damage, 6 sec Replaces Eviscerate. Combat, Subtlety: Finishing move that deals instant Nature damage, refreshes the duration of Slice and Dice if it is active, and increases your poison application chance by 30%. Damage and duration increased per combo point. 1 point : [ 30.6% of AP + 1 ] damage, 2 sec 2 points: [ 61.2% of AP + 2 ] damage, 3 sec 3 points: [ 91.8% of AP + 3 ] damage, 4 sec 4 points: [ 122.4% of AP + 4 ] damage, 5 sec 5 points: [ 153% of AP + 5 ] damage, 6 sec Replaces Eviscerate. Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon. Rogue – Assassination Spec. 35 Energy. Melee range. Instant.
- Blade Flurry While active, your attacks also strike up to 4 additional nearby opponents for 40% of normal damage, but your Energy regeneration is reduced by 20%. Lasts until
canceledcancelled. Requires One-Handed Melee Weapon. Rogue – Combat Spec. Instant. 10 sec cooldown. - Killing Spree Step through the shadows to a visible enemy within 10 yards, attacking 7 times over 3 sec for (100% of weapon damage) Physical damage with your main-hand and (0% of weapon damage) Physical damage with your off-hand. While Blade Flurry is active, each Killing Spree attack will teleport to and damage a different nearby enemy target. The Rogue cannot be targeted or disabled while Killing Spree is active. Requires Melee Weapon. Rogue – Combat Spec. 10 yd range. Instant. 2 min cooldown.
- Mastery: Main Gauche Your main-hand attacks have a 16% chance to trigger an attack with your off-hand that deals
150%225% weapon damage. Rogue – Combat Spec.
- Earthquake
An earthquake shakes the target area, dealing 1 Physical damage to enemies every 1 secYou cause the earth at the target location to tremble and break, dealing Nature Spell Power Physical damage over 10 sec to enemies in an 8 yard radius, with a 10% chance of knockingthem down. 100 yd range. Instant.down affected targets. 100 yd range. Instant. - Far Sight Changes the caster’s viewpoint to the targeted location. Lasts 60 sec. Only
useableusable outdoors. 3.5% of Base Mana. Unlimited range. 60 sec cast (Channeled). - Healing Rain Healing rains blanket the area targeted by the Shaman, restoring [ 5 + 81.9% of Spell Power ] health to up to 6 allies in the area over 10 sec
. Healing effectiveness diminishes for each player beyond 6 within the area. 21.6% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast. 10 sec cooldown. - Healing Rain Healing rains blanket the area targeted by the Shaman, restoring [ 5 + 81.9% of Spell Power ] health to up to 6 allies in the area over 10 sec.
Healing effectiveness diminishes for each player beyond 6 within the area. 100 yd range. Instant.100 yd range. Instant. - Healing Stream Totem
Elemental, Enhancement:Summons a Water Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster that healsthe mostan injured party or raid member within 40 yards for[ 44.4% of Spell Power ] every 2 sec. Lasts 15 sec. Restoration: Summons a Water Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster that heals the most injured party or raid member within 40 yards for [ 83.3%[ 25.7% of Spell Power ] every 2 sec. Lasts 15 sec. Water Totem. 8.6% of Base Mana. Instant. 30 sec cooldown.
- Cloudburst Totem Summons a Water Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster for 15 sec that collects power from all healing spells and their multistrikes. When the Cloudburst Totem is destroyed, replaced, or expires, the stored power is released, healing all injured allies within 40 yards for a total of 20% of all healing done while it was active, split evenly between them. Shaman – LvL 0 Talent. 8.6% of Base Mana. Instant. 30 sec cooldown.
- Storm Elemental Totem Summons an Air Totem with
6,00023,620 health at the feet of the caster, calling forth a Greater Storm Elemental to hurl gusts of wind at the caster’s enemies. Each gust of wind does damage to the enemy, and then heals all allies within 15 yards for 100% of the damage dealt, split evenly. Lasts 60 sec. Shaman – LvL 0 Talent. 26.9% of Base Mana. Instant. 5 min cooldown.
Elemental & Restoration
- Lava Burst You hurl molten lava at the target, dealing [ 1 +
92.45%80% of Spell Power ] Fire damage. Lava Burst will always deal a critical strike. If your Flame Shock is on the target, Lava Burst will deal 50% additional damage. Shaman – Elemental & Restoration Spec. 2% of Base Mana. 30 yd range. 2 sec cast. 8 sec cooldown.
- Corruption (Affliction) Corrupts the target, causing [ 21.6% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 18 sec Your most recently applied Corruption has a
10%10.0% chance to generate a Soul Shard each time it deals damage. - Corruption (Affliction) Corrupts the target, causing [ 21.6% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 18 sec Your most recently applied Corruption has a
10%10.0% chance to generate a Soul Shard each time it deals damage. - Corruption (Affliction) Corrupts the target, causing [ 21.6% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 18 sec Your most recently applied Corruption has a
10%10.0% chance to generate a Soul Shard each time it deals damage. - Create Healthstone Creates a Healthstone that can be consumed to restore
20%15% of your maximum health. 5% of Base Mana. 3 sec cast. - Crippling Shadows (New) Choose a level 30 talent. Instant.
- Demonic Circle: Teleport Affliction: Teleports you to your Demonic Circle and removes all snare effects. Soulburn: Movement speed increased by 50% and you are immune to snares and roots for 8 sec. Demonology, Destruction: Teleports you to your Demonic Circle and removes all snare effects. 10% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 30 sec cooldown.
- Mortal Coil Horrifies an enemy target
to fleeinto fleeing, incapacitating them for 3 sec, and restores 11% of the caster’s maximum health. Talent. Instant. - Seed of Corruption Affliction: Embeds a demon seed in the enemy target, causing [ 15.75% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 18 sec. Detonates for [ 68.25% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yards after the target dies or takes [ 94.5% of Spell Power ] damage from your spells. Soulburn. Your Seed of Corruption detonation effect will afflict Corruption on all enemy targets. Demonology, Destruction: Embeds a demon seed in the enemy target, causing [ 15.75% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 18 sec. Detonates for [ 68.25% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yards after the target dies or takes [ 94.5% of Spell Power ] damage from your spells. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast.
- Seed of Corruption Affliction: Embeds a demon seed in the enemy target, causing [ 15.75% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 18 sec. Detonates for [ 68.25% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yards after the target dies or takes [ 94.5% of Spell Power ] damage from your spells. Soulburn: Your Seed of Corruption detonation effect will afflict Corruption on all enemy targets. Demonology, Destruction: Embeds a demon seed in the enemy target, causing [ 15.75% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 18 sec. Detonates for [ 68.25% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yards after the target dies or takes [ 94.5% of Spell Power ] damage from your spells. Unlimited range. Instant. 60 sec cooldown.
- Seed of Corruption Affliction: Embeds a demon seed in the enemy target, causing [ 15.75% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 18 sec. Detonates for [ 68.25% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yards after the target dies or takes [ 94.5% of Spell Power ] damage from your spells. Soulburn: Your Seed of Corruption detonation effect will afflict Corruption on all enemy targets. Demonology, Destruction: Embeds a demon seed in the enemy target, causing [ 15.75% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 18 sec. Detonates for [ 68.25% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yards after the target dies or takes [ 94.5% of Spell Power ] damage from your spells. 40 yd range. Instant.
- Seed of Corruption Affliction: Embeds a demon seed in the enemy target, causing [ 15.75% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 18 sec. Detonates for [ 68.25% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yards after the target dies or takes [ 94.5% of Spell Power ] damage from your spells. Soulburn: Your Seed of Corruption detonation effect will afflict Corruption on all enemy targets. Demonology, Destruction: Embeds a demon seed in the enemy target, causing [ 15.75% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 18 sec. Detonates for [ 68.25% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yards after the target dies or takes [ 94.5% of Spell Power ] damage from your spells. Unlimited range. Instant.
- Soul Swap (Affliction) Soulburn: Applies Corruption, Unstable Affliction, and Agony without
removing them from a target.requiring a previous copy.
- Dark Bargain Prevents all damage for 8 sec, but when the effect ends, you take 50% of the damage prevented over 8 sec.
UseableUsable while suffering from control impairing effects. Warlock – LvL 45 Talent. Instant. 3 min cooldown. - Mortal Coil Horrifies an enemy target
to fleeinto fleeing, incapacitating them for 3 sec, and restores 11% of the caster’s maximum health. Warlock – LvL 30 Talent. 30 yd range. Instant. 45 sec cooldown. - Sacrificial Pact Sacrifices 20% of your demon’s current health to shield you for 400% of the sacrificed health for 20 sec. If you have no demon, your health is sacrificed instead.
UseableUsable while suffering from control impairing effects. Warlock – LvL 45 Talent. 100 yd range. Instant. 60 sec cooldown. - Soulburn: Haunt Grants the Soulburn empowerment to your Haunt spell. Your Haunt spell also increases the damage of your damage over time effects
by 15%to all targets by 20% for 30 sec. Warlock – LvL 0 Talent.
- Drain Soul Drains the target’s soul, causing [ 4 +
60%76% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 4 sec. If the target dies and yields experience or honor, one Soul Shard is energized. When Drain Soul deals damage, it causes all of your other damage over time spells on the target to instantly deal 40% of their normal damage. Warlock – Affliction Spec. 1.5% of Base Mana, plus 1.5% per sec. 40 yd range. 4 sec cast (Channeled). - Haunt A ghostly soul haunts the target, dealing
[ 295.5%[ 1 + 375% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing damage over time you deal to the target by 35% for 8 sec. Warlock – Affliction Spec. 1 Soul Shard. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast. - Nightfall Your most recently applied Corruption has a
10%10.0% chance when it deals damage to cause you to regain a Soul Shard. Warlock – Affliction Spec. - Seed of Corruption Affliction: Embeds a demon seed in the enemy target, causing [ 15.75% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 18 sec. Detonates for [ 68.25% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yards after the target dies or takes [ 94.5% of Spell Power ] damage from your spells. Soulburn: Your Seed of Corruption detonation effect will afflict Corruption on all enemy targets. Demonology, Destruction: Embeds a demon seed in the enemy target, causing [ 15.75% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 18 sec. Detonates for [ 68.25% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yards after the target dies or takes [ 94.5% of Spell Power ] damage from your spells. Warlock – Affliction Spec. 6% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast.
- Soul Swap (Affliction) Soulburn: Applies Corruption, Unstable Affliction, and Agony without
removing them from a target.requiring a previous copy.
Affliction & Demonology
- Drain Life (Affliction, Destruction) Drains life from the target, causing [ 6 +
350.7%150.3% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and restoring 9% of the caster’s health over 6 sec. - Drain Life (Demonology) Drains life from the target, causing [ 6 +
350.7%150.3% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage, restoring 9% of the caster’s health and generating 60 Demonic Fury over 6 sec. - Drain Life 1% of Base Mana, plus 1% per sec. 30 Demonic Fury, plus 30 per sec.
- Demonic Fury
Damage dealt increased by 8.00%. This effect is disabled while in a Demon Form. Warlock – Demonology Spec.Warlock – Demonology Spec. - Doom (New) While using Metamorphosis, your Corruption spell transforms into Doom. Warlock – Demonology Spec.
- Mastery: Master Demonologist
Increases the damage done by your demon servants by 8.00%. Increases the damage you deal in caster form by 8.00%. Increases the damage you deal while in Metamorphosis form by 24.00%. Warlock – Demonology Spec.Increases all damage done by you and your demon servants by 8%. Further increases the damage of your Touch of Chaos, Chaos Wave, Doom, Immolation Aura, and Soul Fire while in Metamorphosis by 16%. Warlock – Demonology Spec. - Metamorphosis
Transform into a demon, increasing damage dealt by 24.0%, tranformingTurn into a demon, transforming your Corruption, Hand of Gul’dan, Hellfire, and Shadowbolt into alternate improved abilities, and improving functionality of many other abilities. Also increases armor by 250%and reduces the duration of stuns and snares by 35%.Warlock – Demonology Spec. Instant. 10 sec cooldown.
- Cripple Cripples the target, reducing
movmentmovement speed by 80% for 30 sec (4 sec in PvP). 30 yd range.Instant. 30 sec cooldown.30 sec cast (Channeled). 30 sec cooldown. - Shadow Shield Encases the Voidwalker in shadow energy, reducing physical damage taken by 60% for 30 sec. Each time the Voidwalker is struck, a blast of Shadow damage is released, dealing
01 Shadow damage and reducing the power of Shadow Shield by 20%. Auto-Cast: Use this ability when being attacked. (Right-Click to toggle) Special Ability. 60 Energy. Instant. 10 sec cooldown.
- Bloodbath For the next 12 sec, your melee damage abilities and their multistrikes deal 30% additional damage as a bleed over 6 sec. While bleeding, targets move 50% slower. 100 yd range. Instant.
- Concussion Blow (New) Choose a level 60 talent. Instant.
- Hamstring Maims the enemy for (20% of weapon damage) Physical damage, reducing movement speed by 50% for 15 sec. Requires Melee Weapon. 10 Rage. Melee range. Instant.1 sec cooldown.
- Heroic Strike Instantly deals (
75% of weapon damage) Physical damage (increased 40% while a one-handed weapon is equipped105% of weapon damage) Physical damage). This ability is not on the global cooldown. Requires Melee Weapon. 30 Rage. Melee range. Instant. 1.5 sec cooldown. - Unleashed Rage (New) Choose a level 90 talent. Instant.
- Improved Recklessness (New) Increases your critical strike chance while Recklessness is active by an additional 15%.
- Improved Heroic Leap
The damage radius of Heroic Leap is increased by 2 yards.When you use Heroic Leap, the cooldown of Taunt is reset.
- Bloodbath For the next 12 sec, your melee damage abilities and their multistrikes deal 30% additional damage as a bleed over 6 sec. While bleeding, targets move 50% slower. Warrior – LvL 90 Talent. Instant. 60 sec cooldown.
- Enraged Regeneration Instantly heals you for 10% of your maximum health, and an additional 20% over 5 sec.
UseableUsable while stunned. Warrior – LvL 30 Talent. Instant. 60 sec cooldown. - Furious Strikes Wild Strike costs
1015 less Rage. Warrior – LvL 45 Talent. - Siegebreaker (New) Use your full strength to slam the target with both weapons, dealing (300% of weapon damage) damage, and knocking them back and down for 1 sec. Replaces Intimidating Shout. Requires Melee Weapon. Warrior – LvL 0 Talent. Melee range. Instant. 45 sec cooldown.
- Slam Slam an opponent, causing (150% of weapon damage) Physical damage. Each consecutive use of Slam increases the damage dealt by 50% and the Rage cost by 100%, stacking up to 2 times.
Requires Melee Weapon. Requires Battle Stancefor 2 sec. Requires Melee Weapon. Warrior – LvL 45 Talent. 10 Rage. Melee range. Instant. - Sudden Death (Arms) Your autoattack hits have a 10% chance to make your next Execute cost no initial Rage, consume no extra Rage, and be
useableusable on any target, regardless of health level. - Sudden Death (Fury, Protection) Your autoattack hits have a 10% chance to make your next Execute cost no initial Rage and be
useableusable on any target, regardless of health level.
- Execute Attempt to finish off a foe, causing (
120%100% of weapon damage) Physical damage to the target, and consuming up to 30 additional Rage to deal up to (625%300% of weapon damage) additional damage. Only usable on enemies that have less than 20% health. Requires Melee Weapon. Warrior – Arms Spec. 10 Rage. Melee range. Instant. - Mortal Strike A vicious strike that deals (
360%215% of weapon damage) Physical damage and reduces the effectiveness of healing on the target for 10 sec. Replaces Heroic Strike. Requires Melee Weapon. Warrior – Arms Spec. 20 Rage. Melee range. Instant. 6 sec cooldown.
Arms & Fury
- Recklessness Grants your special attacks an additional 15% chance to critically strike, and increases your critical strike damage by 10%. Lasts 10 sec. Using this ability in Defensive Stance activates Battle Stance. Requires Battle Stance. Warrior – Arms & Fury Spec. Instant. 3 min cooldown.
- Bloodthirst Instantly strike the target for (72% of weapon damage) Physical damage, generating 10 Rage, and restoring 1% of your health. Bloodthirst has an additional 30% chance to be a critical strike. Replaces Heroic Strike. Requires Melee Weapon. Warrior – Fury Spec. Melee range. Instant. 4.5 sec cooldown.
- Wild Strike A quick strike with your off-hand weapon that deals (
180%270% of weapon damage) Physical damage and reduces the effectiveness of healing on the target for 10 sec. Bloodthirst has a 20% chance of granting 3 charges of Wild Strike that cost no Rage. Requires Melee Weapon. Warrior – Fury Spec.30 Rage. Melee range. Instant.45 Rage. Melee range. Instant.
Fury & Protection
- Enrage (Arms, Protection) Shield Slam and
DevasateDevastate critical strikes, critical blocks, and activating Berserker Rage will Enrage you, generating 10 Rage and increasing damage done by 10% for 6 sec. - Execute (Arms, Protection) Attempt to finish off a wounded foe, causing (
252%150% of weapon damage) Physical damage. - Execute (Fury) Attempt to finish off a wounded foe, causing (
252%150% of weapon damage) Physical damage with your main-hand and (252%150% of weapon damage) Physical damage with your off-hand.
Ist das nicht der Orginal Log Scren von vanilla wow ?Der kommt mir so bekannt vor.
Doch das ist ne etwas aufpolierte Version des Classic Screens warum sie nicht den aus BC genommen haben mit nem Roten Portal ist mir schleierhaft
Au ja Vergelter Nerf ! Bitte mehr davon ! nacher steht der retri im Dmg doch noch gleichauf mit allen anderen Klassen das kann man nicht riskieren ! …..
Wie das mit deinem Vergelter im fertigen Addon aussieht ist doch ne ganz andere Sache Encore.
Die Spells werden doch fast täglich überarbeitet.
Naja nicht wirklich 😉 Sie haben ja schon gesagt der nerf jetzt kam da der Retri zu stark ist und wird in zukunft noch weiter runtergeschraubt ;D freu ich mich wieder im dmg mittelfeld rum zu pimmeln mit noch weniger raidsupport als mit mop 😀