5. Hearthstone-Saison: The Chill of Icecrown

Nachdem die vierte offizielle Saison von Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft gestern zu Ende gegangen ist, haben die Entwickler von Blizzard heute nun die fünfte Season „The Chill of Icecrown“ zu ihrem online Kartenspiel gestartet. Dieser Wettkampf wird Spieler am Ende des Monats dann auch wieder mit einem ganz besonderen Kartenrücken belohnen, der dieses Mal von der Kälte in Eiskrone inspiriert wurde. Zusätzlich dazu ist dies der letzte Monat in dem sich die Top 16 Spieler der Rangliste für die Hearthstone World Championships auf der kommenden Blizzcon qualifizieren können.
Hearthstone™ August 2014 Ranked Play Season: The Chill of Icecrown
The fifth official Hearthstone Ranked Play Season is now live—and we’re unveiling a new card back you can add to your collection!
Beat the heat of summer and ascend the Ranked Play ladder to earn the refreshingly frosty* Icecrown card back! You can only earn this card back by playing Hearthstone during the month of August.
These card backs replace the art decorating the reverse side of your cards and are a great way to show off your Hearthstone accomplishments. Add the Icecrown card back to your collection by hitting Rank 20 in Ranked Play mode. You’ll receive the Icecrown card back at the end of August’s Ranked Play Season.
Don’t forget—the further you move up the Ranked Play ladder, the more bonus stars you’ll receive next season. In Ranked Play, you’ll receive bonus stars based on your performance from the previous season —one bonus star per rank you attained. Please note that even if bonus stars from the previous season get you directly to Rank 20 or above, you still have to log in at least once each Ranked Season to qualify for the card back reward.
If the frozen wastes of Northrend won’t cool your drive for heated competition, hone your heroic efforts in on the biggest prize of them all—the $250,000 prize pool at the Hearthstone World Championship! The top 16 players from Ranked Play Season 5 will qualify to participate in a Hearthstone Championship Qualifier Tournament. Click here for more info on the Hearthstone World Championship.
This is the last month to qualify for the Championship Qualifier Tournament through Ranked Play, so don’t miss out on this cool opportunity!
The best way to beat the heat is to keep a cool head as you rise through the ranks! Battle your way up the Ranked Play ladder with our fifth official Ranked Play Season, The Chill of Icecrown, running through the month of August!
Sieht gut aus, fehlt nur noch der DK für den Kartenrücken
Sieht so aus als müsste mein BC-Kartenrücken nach Hause gehen, dass Teil sieht mal megageil aus!