Shadowlands: Das Dungeonkompendium listet nun die legendären Affixe auf
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Mit dem letzten Beta-Build für die geschlossene Testphase von Shadowlands haben die Entwickler von Blizzard Entertainment das in dieser kommenden Testphase vorhandene Dungeonkompendium erneut aktualisiert und diese nützliche Übersicht dadurch dann um einen neuen Reiter rund um die legendären Affixe dieses Addons erweitert. Dieser Abschnitt des Dungeonkompendiums listet dabei dann scheinbar alle für diese Erweiterung geplanten Effekte für legendäre Ausrüstungsteile auf und liefert den Spielern zu vielen dieser Affixe einige nützliche Informationen. Dazu gehören dann praktischerweise eine Beschreibung des jeweiligen Zaubers, Angaben zu den dafür möglichen Rüstungsslots und die notwendigen Fakten zu den Quellen dieser enorm wichtigen Affixe. Spieler können in Shadowlands also scheinbar einfach nur in ihr Dungeonkompendium schauen und dadurch dann direkt herausfinden, wo sie die legendären Rezepte für die Herstellung von legendären Gegenständen erhalten können. Die Quellen dieser Objekte sind scheinbar immer entweder die neuen PvP-Händler, Fraktionen oder bestimmte Bosse.
Folgend findet ihr nützliche Listen zu den legendären Affixen für jede einzelne Klasse des Spiels.

Allgemeine Rezepte für legendäre Gegenstände:
Die legendären Rezepte für Todesritter:
Die legendären Rezepte für Dämonenjäger:
Die legendären Rezepte für Druiden:
Name |
Spell ID |
Source |
A Memory of Draught of Deep Focus |
Draught of Deep Focus |
A Memory of Circle of Life and Death |
Circle of Life and Death |
Stone Legion Generals |
A Memory of Lycara’s Fleeting Glimpse |
Lycara’s Fleeting Glimpse |
Mordretha, Theater of Pain |
A Memory of Oath of the Elder Drui |
Oath of the Elder Druid |
PvP Honor Vendor |
A Memory of Oneth’s Clear Vision |
Oneth’s Clear Vision |
Sire Denathrius, Castle Nathria |
A Memory of Primordial Arcanic Pulsar |
Primordial Arcanic Pulsar |
A Memory of Balance of All Things |
Balance of All Things |
A Memory of Timeworn Dreamcatcher |
Timeworn Dreambinder |
Tred’ova, Mists of Tirna Scithe |
A Memory of Frenzyband |
Frenzyband |
Sludgefist, Castle Nathria |
A Memory of Apex Predator’s Craving |
Apex Predator’s Craving |
A Memory of Eye of Fearful Symmetry |
Eye of Fearful Symmetry |
A Memory of Cat-eye Curio |
Cat-eye Curio |
Kin-Tara, Spires of Ascension |
A Memory of Luffa-Infused Embrace |
Luffa-Infused Embrace |
Kryxis the Voracious, Sanguine Depths |
A Memory of The Natural Order’s Will |
The Natural Order’s Will |
Huntsman Altimor, Castle Nathria |
A Memory of Ursoc’s Lingering Spirit |
Ursoc’s Lingering Spirit |
A Memory of Legacy of the Sleeper |
Legacy of the Sleeper |
A Memory of Memory of the Mother Tree |
Memory of the Mother Tree |
Lady Invera Darkvein, Castle Nathria |
A Memory of The Dark Titan’s Lesson |
The Dark Titan’s Lesson |
Lord Chamberlain, Halls of Atonement |
A Memory of Verdant Infusion |
Verdant Infusion |
Oranomonos, World Boss |
A Memory of Vision of Unending Growth |
Vision of Unending Growth |
Die legendären Rezepte für Jäger:
Name |
Spell ID |
Source |
A Memory of Call of the Wild |
Call of the Wild |
Stone Legion Generals, Castle Nathria |
A Memory of Nessingwary’s Trapping Apparatus |
Nessingwary’s Trapping Apparatus |
PvP Honor Vendor |
A Memory of Soulforge Embers |
Soulforge Embers |
Ingra Maloch, Mists of Tirna Scithe |
A Memory of Craven Strategem |
Craven Strategem |
A Memory of Dire Command |
Dire Command |
A Memory of Flamewaker’s Cobra Sting |
Flamewaker’s Cobra Sting |
A Memory of Qa’pla, Eredun War Order |
Qa’pla, Eredun War Order |
Sire Denathrius, Castle Nathria |
A Memory of Rylakstalker’s Piercing Fangs |
Rylakstalker’s Piercing Fangs |
Devos, Spires of Ascension |
A Memory of Eagletalon’s True Focus |
Eagletalon’s True Focus |
Huntsman Altimor, Castle Nathria |
A Memory of Surging Shots |
Surging Shots |
Oranomonos, World Boss |
A Memory of Serpentstalker’s Trickery |
Serpentstalker’s Trickery |
Domina Venomblade, Plaguefall |
A Memory of Secrets of the Unblinking Vigil |
Secrets of the Unblinking Vigil |
A Memory of Wildfire Cluster |
Wildfire Cluster |
Dealer Xy’exa, De Other Side |
A Memory of Rylakstalker’s Confounding Strikes |
Rylakstalker’s Confounding Strikes |
Sludgefist, Castle Nathria |
A Memory of Latent Poison Injectors |
Latent Poison Injectors |
A Memory of Butcher’s Bone Fragments |
Butcher’s Bone Fragments |
Die legendären Rezepte für Magier:
Name |
Spell ID |
Source |
A Memory of Slick Ice |
Slick Ice |
A Memory of Cold Front |
Cold Front |
Nalthor, the Rimebinder, Necrotic Wake |
A Memory of Freezing Winds |
Freezing Winds |
Sire Denathrius, Castle Nathria |
A Memory of Glacial Fragments |
Glacial Fragments |
A Memory of Expanded Potential |
Expanded Potential |
Stone Legion Generals, Castle Nathria |
A Memory of Disciplinary Command |
Disciplinary Command |
Mistcaller, Mists of Tirna Scithe |
A Memory of Grisly Icicle |
Grisly Icicle |
PvP Honor Vendor |
A Memory of Temporal Warp |
Temporal Warp |
A Memory of Fevered Incantation |
Fevered Incantation |
Oranomonos, World Boss |
A Memory of Firestorm |
Firestorm |
Lord Chamberlain, Halls of Atonement |
A Memory of Molten Skyfall |
Molten Skyfall |
A Memory of Sun King’s Blessing |
Sun King’s Blessing |
Sun King’s Salvation, Castle Nathria |
A Memory of Arcane Infinity |
Arcane Harmony |
The Manastorms, De Other Side |
A Memory of Arcane Bombardment |
Arcane Bombardment |
A Memory of Siphon Storm |
Siphon Storm |
Sludgefist, Castle Nathria |
A Memory of Triune Ward |
Triune Ward |
Die legendären Rezepte für Mönche:
Die legendären Rezepte für Paladine:
Name |
Spell ID |
Source |
A Memory of Uther’s Devotion |
Uther’s Devotion |
PvP Honor Vendor |
A Memory of Of Dusk and Dawn |
From Dusk till Dawn |
Stone Legion Generals, Castle Nathria |
A Memory of The Mad Paragon |
Vanguard’s Momentum |
The Magistrate’s Judgment |
The Magistrate’s Judgment |
Xav the Unfallen, Theater of Pain (Felinator) |
A Memory of Maraad’s Dying Breath |
Maraad’s Dying Breath |
Grand Proctor Beryllia, Sanguine Depths (Community) |
A Memory of Shock Barrier |
Shock Barrier |
A Memory of Shadowbreaker, Dawn of the Sun |
Shadowbreaker, Dawn of the Sun |
Sun King’s Salvation, Castle Nathria |
A Memory of Inflorescence of the Sunwell |
Inflorescence of the Sunwell |
A Memory of Holy Avenger’s Engraved Sigil |
Holy Avenger’s Engraved Sigil |
A Memory of The Ardent Protector’s Sanctum |
The Ardent Protector’s Sanctum |
Sludgefist, Castle Nathria |
A Memory of Bulwark of Righteous Fury |
Bulwark of Righteous Fury |
High Adjucator Aleez, Halls of Atonement |
A Memory of Reign of Endless Kings |
Reign of Endless Kings |
A Memory of Tempest of the Lightbringer |
Tempest of the Lightbringer |
Oryphrion, Spires of Ascension |
A Memory of Relentless Inquisitor |
Relentless Inquisitor |
A Memory of Vanguard’s Momentum |
The Mad Paragon |
Sire Denathrius, Castle Nathria |
A Memory of Final Verdict |
Final Verdict |
Valinor, World Boss |
Die legendären Rezepte für Priester:
Name |
Spell ID |
Source |
A Memory of Measured Contemplation |
Measured Contemplation |
A Memory of Twins of the Sun Priestess |
Twins of the Sun Priestess |
Stone Legion Generals, Castle Nathria |
A Memory of Cauterizing Shadows |
Cauterizing Shadows |
Mordretha, Theater of Pain |
A Memory of Vault of Heavens |
Vault of Heavens |
PvP Honor Vendor |
A Memory of The Penitent One |
The Penitent One |
A Memory of Crystalline Reflection |
Crystalline Reflection |
Margrave Stradama, Plaguefall |
A Memory of Kiss of Death |
Kiss of Death |
A Memory of Clarity of Mind |
Clarity of Mind |
Sludgefist, Castle Nathria |
A Memory of X’anshi, Return of Archbishop Benedictus |
X’anshi, Return of Archbishop Benedictus |
Valinor, World Boss |
A Memory of Harmonious Apparatus |
Harmonious Apparatus |
Sire Denathrius, Castle Nathria |
A Memory of Flash Concentration |
Flash Concentration |
Grand Proctor Beryllia, Sanguine Depths |
A Memory of Divine Image |
Divine Image |
A Memory of Painbreaker Psalm |
Painbreaker Psalm |
A Memory of Shadowflame Prism |
Shadowflame Prism |
Mueh’zala, De Other Side) |
A Memory of Eternal Call to the Void |
Eternal Call to the Void |
Council of Blood, Castle Nathria |
A Memory of Talbadar’s Stratagem |
Talbadar’s Stratagem |
Die legendären Rezepte für Schurken:
Die legendären Rezepte für Schamanen:
Die legendären Rezepte für Hexenmeister:
Name |
Spell ID |
Source |
A Memory of Wilfred’s Sigil of Superior Summoning |
Wilfred’s Sigil of Superior Summoning |
Manastorms, De Other Side |
A Memory of Claw of Endereth |
Claw of Endereth |
A Memory of Mark of Borrowed Power |
Mark of Borrowed Power |
Stone Legion Generals, Castle Nathria |
A Memory of Pillars of the Dark Portal |
Pillars of the Dark Portal |
PvP Honor Vendor |
A Memory of Perpetual Agony of Azj’Aqir |
Perpetual Agony of Azj’Aqir |
A Memory of Sacrolash’s Dark Strike |
Sacrolash’s Dark Strike |
A Memory of Malefic Wrath |
Malefic Wrath |
Sire Denathrius, Castle Nathria |
A Memory of Wrath of Consumption |
Wrath of Consumption |
Ventunax, Spires of Ascension |
A Memory of Implosive Potential |
Implosive Pontential |
Surgeon Stitchflesh, Necrotic Wake |
A Memory of Grim Inquisitor’s Dread Calling |
Grim Inquisitor’s Dread Calling |
A Memory of Forces of the Horned Nightmare |
Forces of the Horned Nightmare |
A Memory of Balespider’s Burning Core |
Balespider’s Burning Core |
Artificer Xy’mox, Castle Nathria |
A Memory of Odr, Shawl of the Ymirjar |
Odr, Shawl of the Ymirjar |
A Memory of Cinders of the Azj’Aqir |
Cinders of the Azj’Aqir |
Sludgefist, Castle Nathria |
A Memory of Madness of the Azj’Aqir |
Madness of the Azj’Aqir |
Nurgash, World Boss |
A Memory of Embers of the Diabolic Raiment |
Embers of the Diabolic Raiment |
Kul’tharok, Theater of Pain |
Die legendären Rezepte für Krieger: