Shadowlands: Weitere legendäre Affixe für einige Klassen

Der in der vergangenen Nacht auf die Testserver der aktuell noch immer laufenden geschlossenen Alpha von Shadowlands aufgespielte Build 34902 brachte unter anderem eine Reihe von interessanten Zaubern mit sich, die vermutlich als legendäre Affixe für die in Torghast herstellbaren legendären Ausrüstungsteile von einigen Klassen gedacht sind. Während die Effekte für Magier und Krieger sich recht eindeutig zu diesem Verwendungszweck zuordnen lassen, so befinden sich die in den Spieldaten des Builds vorhandenen Affixe für Priester und Schamanen aber nicht an der korrekten Stelle für diese legendären Affixe. Trotzdem deuten ihre Anwesenheit in diesem Build und ihre Mechaniken recht eindeutig darauf hin, dass sie als mögliche legendäre Affixe für Schamanen und Priester bestimmt sind. Die folgende Übersicht listet jetzt sowohl die gesicherten legendären Affixe für Magier und Krieger als auch die noch unbestätigten Effekte für die beiden anderen Klassen auf.
Mögliche Legendäre Affixe für Priester:
Phantasm – Activating Fade removes all movement impairing effects and prevents your movement speed from being reduced for 5 sec.
- Original Source: Mists of Pandaria Talent
- Original Source: Mists of Pandaria Talent
The Penitent One – Penance will fire for 1 additional seconds.
- Original Source: Priest T17 Disc 2p
Item – Priest T17 Discipline 2P Bonus
- Original Source: Priest T17 Disc 2p
The Alabaster Lady – Prayer of Mending healing has a 5% chance to grant you Apotheosis for 8 sec.
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
The Alabaster Lady
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
Mögliche Legendäre Affixe für Schamanen:
Doom Winds – Dropping Windfury Totem grants you 100% inceased chance to gain Windfury Weapon for 8 sec. This can only occur once every 1 min.
- Inspired by: Legion Artifact Weapon ability
Doom Winds
- Inspired by: Legion Artifact Weapon ability
- Primal Lava Actuators – Each time Flame Shock deals Periodic damage, increase the damage of your next Lava Lash by 10% and reduce the cooldown of Lava Lash by 0.5 sec.
- Inspired by: Shaman T16 Enhancement 4p
Item – Shaman T16 Enhancement 4P Bonus
- Inspired by: Shaman T16 Enhancement 4p
Legacy of the Frost Witch – Consuming 5 stacks of Maelstrom Weapon will reset the cooldown of Stormstrike and cause your next Stormstrike to deal 100% increased damage.
Earthen Harmony – Earth Shield healing is increased by 300% if your Earth Shield target is below 50% health, and Healing Wave adds a stack of Earth Shield to your target, up to 9 maximum stacks.
- Inspired by: Shaman T16 Restoration 2p
Item – Shaman T16 Restoration 2P Bonus
- Inspired by: Shaman T16 Restoration 2p
Spiritwalker’s Tidal Totem – After using Mana Tide Totem, the cast time of Healing Wave and Chain Heal is reduced by 50%, and the mana cost of Chain Heal and Healing Wave is reduced by 100% for 10 sec.
- Inspired by: Shaman T13 Restoration 2p
Item – Shaman T13 Restoration 2P Bonus (Mana Tide)
- Inspired by: Shaman T13 Restoration 2p
Jonat’s Natural Focus – Healing Wave and Healing Surge increase the healing done by your next Chain Heal by 0%, stacking up to 0 times.
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
Focuser of Jonat, the Elder
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
- Primal Tide Core – Every 4 casts of Riptide also applies Riptide to another friendly target near your Riptide target.
Legendäre Affixe für Magier:
Triune Ward – Casting any Barrier spell grants the effects of
Blazing Barrier,
Ice Barrier, and
Prismatic Barrier. Each absorb shield has 40% effectiveness.
- Previously listed as an Arcane Legendary
- Original Source: Torghast Anima Power
Triune Ward
- Original Source: Torghast Anima Power
Temporal Warp – While you have
Temporal Displacement or other similar effects, you may use
Time Warp at a reduced effectiveness, granting 15% Haste for 20 sec.
- Previously listed as a General Mage Legendary
- Inspired by: Legion Legendary
Shard of the Exodar
- Inspired by: Legion Legendary
Legendäre Affixe für Krieger:
Leaper – Heroic Leap gains 2 additional charge.
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
Timeless Stratagem
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
Seismic Reverberation If Whirlwind or Revenge hits 3 or more enemies, it hits them 1 additional time.
- Original Soure: Legion Legendary
Naj’entus’s Vertebrae
- Original Soure: Legion Legendary
Misshapen Mirror – Spell Reflection lasts 200% longer, and applies to your party.
- Original Source: Torghast Anima Power
Misshapen Mirror
- Original Source: Torghast Anima Power
Signet of Tormented Kings Activating Bladestorm, Recklessness, or Avatar randomly casts one of the other two abilities at reduced effectiveness.
- Original Source: Torghast Anima Power
Signet of Tormented Kings
- Original Source: Torghast Anima Power
Enduring Blow Your Mortal Strike has a 15% chance to apply the Colossus Smash effect to your target for 5 sec.
- Original Source: Warrior T13 DPS 4pc
Item – Warrior T13 Arms and Fury 4P Bonus (Colossus Smash)
- Original Source: Warrior T13 DPS 4pc
Battlelord – Your Slam has a 30% chance to reset the cooldown of Mortal Strike.
- Original Source: Warrior T18 Arms 2pc
Item – Warrior T18 Arms 2P Bonus
- Original Source: Warrior T18 Arms 2pc
Exploiter Execute causes the target to take 25% more damage from your next Mortal Strike, stacking up to 2 times.
- Original Source: Legion Artifact Trait
Executioner’s Precision
- Original Source: Legion Artifact Trait
Unhinged While Ravager or Bladestorm is active, you automatically cast a total of 1 (Ravager) or 2 (Blade Storm) Mortal Strikes at random nearby enemies.
- Original Source: Warrior T20 Arms 4pc
Item – Warrior T20 Arms 4P Bonus
- Original Source: Warrior T20 Arms 4pc
Cadence of FujiedaBloodthirst increases your Haste by2% for 5 sec, stacking up to 4 times.
- Inspired by:
Kazzalax, Fujieda’s Fury
- Inspired by:
Deathmaker Your Rampage has a 25% chance to apply the Siegebreaker effect to your target for 5 sec.
- Inspired by: Warrior T13 DPS 4pc
Item – Warrior T13 Arms and Fury 4P Bonus (Colossus Smash)
- Inspired by: Warrior T13 DPS 4pc
Reckless Defense Rampage critical strikes reduce your Recklessness and Enraged Regeneration cooldown by 3 sec.
- Inspired by: Talent
Anger Management
- Inspired by: Talent
Will of the Berserker When Recklessness expires, your Critical Strike is increased by 5% for 5 sec. Your Raging Blow will refresh the duration of this effect.
- Original Source:
Infinite Fury
- Original Source:
Thunderlord – Each enemy you hit with Thunder Clap reduces the remaining cooldown on Demoralizing Shout by 3 sec.
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
Thundergod’s Vigor
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
The Wall – Shield Slam generates an additional 2 Rage and reduces the remaining cooldown of Shield Wall by 4 sec.
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
The Walls Fell
- Original Source: Legion Legendary
Unbreakable Will Your Shield Wall ability now grants 50% of its effect to all party members.
- Original Source: Warrior T13 Prot 4p bonus
Item – Warrior T13 Protection 4P Bonus (Shield Wall)
- Original Source: Warrior T13 Prot 4p bonus
Reprisal The first Intercepted attack granst you Ignore Pain and make your next Revenge cost no Rage.