Update: Der öffentliche Testserver für Patch 2.6.9 ist aktiv

Update: Die für die derzeit auf dem öffentlichen Testserver von Diablo 3 stattfindende Testphase von Patch 2.6.9 zuständigen Entwickler von Blizzard Entertainment haben vor Kurzem (04.Juni) ein neues Update auf den PTR aufgespielt und praktischerweise gleichzeitig damit dann auch wieder ihre offiziellen englischen PTR-Patchnotes zu Patch 2.6.9 aktualisiert. Dieser überarbeiteten Übersicht zufolge haben die Entwickler dieses Update hauptsächlich dafür verwendet, um den für Saison 21 bestimmten saisonalen Effekt „Prüfung der Stürme“ ein wenig zu überarbeiten und zu verbessern. Dabei haben die Entwickler die Abklingzeit dieses Effekts reduziert, einen Buff zum Beobachten der Laufzeit dieses Effekts eingebaut und die Funktionsweisen der einzelnen Wettereffekte besser an die Bewegungen der Spieler angepasst. Zusätzlich dazu beinhaltete dieses Update für Patch 2.6.9 auch noch Spielbalanceänderungen für den Totenbeschwörer und das neue Rüstungsset der Dämonenjäger.
Genauere Informationen zu dieser Aktualisierung des Testservers findet ihr weiter unten in diesem Beitrag in den PTR-Patchnotes. Alle vor Kurzem durchgeführten Änderungen werden dabei dann wie üblich in einer roten Farbe dargestellt.
Im Verlauf des gestrigen Abends haben die für Diablo 3 zuständigen Entwickler von Blizzard Entertainment nach einer Verzögerung von ungefähr einer Woche nun endlich den öffentlichen Testserver für den kommenden Patch 2.6.9 gestartet. Aus diesem Grund können sich jetzt alle daran interessierte Personen auf diesen PTR begeben und dort dann zwei Wochen lang testen, was für Inhalte das Entwicklerteam in der nahen Zukunft auf die Liveserver von Diablo 3 aufspielen wird. Wer gerne selbst an dieser offenen Testphase teilnehmen möchte, der muss einfach nur seinen Battle.Net Launcher starten, in dem Reiter für Diablo 3 den PTR als Spielregion auswählen und alle benötigen Spieldaten herunterladen. Sobald dieser Vorgang abgeschlossen ist, steht einem Spieler der PTR für Patch 2.6.9 vollständig zur Verfügung.
Was die aktuell auf dem öffentlichen Testserver vorhandenen Inhalte von Patch 2.6.9 betrifft, so beinhaltet dieses Update erst einmal alle für den Start von Saison 21 benötigten Inhalte. Diese kommende Saison läuft unter dem Namen „Prüfung der Stürme“ und wird durch ihren saisonalen Effekt alle zwei Minuten dafür sorgen, dass der eigene saisonale Held vorübergehend mächtige elementare Magie entfesseln kann. Dabei handelt es sich dann um mächtige auf der Natur basierende Effekte, die beispielsweise brennende Meteore vom Himmel regnen lassen, einen Wirbelsturm erschaffen oder Feinde mit gewaltigen Schneebällen niedermachen. Zusätzlich dazu bringt Patch 2.6.9 auch noch eine neue Saisonreise, neue kosmetische Belohnungen, notwendige Fehlerbehebungen und eine Reihe von Spielbalanceänderungen mit sich.
Genauere Informationen zu den Auswirkungen von Patch 2.6.9 findet ihr in den folgenden PTR-Patchnotes.
The PTR is now live! Thank you for your patience, heroes. https://t.co/w0QVDxUivv
— Diablo (@Diablo) May 28, 2020
Patch 2.6.9 PTR begins May 28!
Update on June 4: 2.6.9 PTR has been updated. Please see below for changes with „Developer’s Note“ annotations in RED.
Patch Notes
Below you will find the patch notes for the upcoming update for Diablo III, Patch 2.6.9.
Note: All changes apply to all versions of Diablo III, including PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC unless otherwise indicated. Please note that PTR is only available for PC and Mac users.
Developer’s Note: We’ve received a lot of feedback regarding the seasonal theme being difficult to track and that it sometimes didn’t feel like it was appearing or doing much to gameplay. We are adjusting the following:
- The elemental power will now occur every 90 seconds, down from 120 seconds.
- We have added in a buff to this effect to help better track it.
- Firewalls will now start at the caster and will become stationary once they hit a wall. Firewalls before were sometimes not appearing with the caster.
- Meteors will now track players and not stay at the initial location. We have also decreased the intervals between meteors.
- Damage has been slightly buffed for multiplayer.
- NOTE: We’ve also just found out about the season effects proccing Area Damage. This will eventually be fixed but did not make it into the PTR build.
- The elements have deemed you worthy. With you as their champion, the burning hells will face the Trials of Tempests!
- Your character will occasionally (every
2 minutes90 seconds) channel an elemental power which unleashes into the environment for a limited time:- Meteors rain from the skies around you.
- Breathe lightning.
- A wall of flame engulfs everything.
- Release twisters of pure energy.
- Crush your foes under the weight of rolling snowballs.
- Your character will occasionally (every
- Two unique new rewards, a portrait frame and a pet, will be granted to players who complete the Season 21 Journey.
Demon Hunter
- New Demon Hunter Set: Gears of Dreadlands
- Developer’s Note: We’ve adjusted the 2-Piece Bonus to address the Momentum and damage feedback from players. Momentum will now be a singular buff that affects all Primary skills. You will now be able to use multiple generators without losing the Momentum bonus when alternating between them. The 2-piece bonus will now also give 4 seconds per Primary attack, up to a maximum of 20 seconds. Momentum will also now be applied immediately when using a Primary Skill, instead of when it hits a target. These changes should help with damage output and allow for an easier time when building and maintaining Momentum.
- 2-Piece Bonus
Gain a Momentum stack when attacking with a Primary skill. Each Momentum stack lasts 2 seconds at a maximum duration of 10 seconds. Your Primary skills deal 10% more damage per stack of Momentum.Gain 4 seconds of Momentum when attacking with a Primary skill, at a maximum of 20 seconds. Your Primary skills deal 10% increased damage per second of Momentum.- Developer’s Note: We’ve fixed a few issues on the 4-Piece Bonus. Players will now be able to proc bonuses and other powers such as Simplicity’s Strength’s healing bonus from their Primary skills coming from Strafe. You will now also be able to Strafe forever while shooting Primary abilities as you will no longer need Momentum for Strafe to fire off the last used Primary skill. Lastly, we’ve fixed an issue where Hungering Arrow was not piercing correctly when used with Strafe so players will be able to use this with the 4-Piece Bonus reliably.
- 4-Piece Bonus
- Casting Strafe against enemies will automatically shoot your last used primary skill, and also give 60% damage reduction while strafing and for 5 seconds after. While Strafing, you
move faster per stack of Momentumgain 8% increased movement speed for each second of Momentum.
- Casting Strafe against enemies will automatically shoot your last used primary skill, and also give 60% damage reduction while strafing and for 5 seconds after. While Strafing, you
- 6-Piece Bonus
- Your primary skills deal 10000% more damage
- Leonine Bow of Hashir
- Bolas have a
30%100% chance on explosion to pull in all enemies within 24 yards, and also deal 100-150% increased damage.
- Bolas have a
- Emimei’s Duffel
- Bolas now explode instantly and deal 150-175% increased damage.
- The Ninth Cirri Satchel
- Hungering Arrow
has 20-25%is guaranteed to pierce and also deals 450-600% increased damage.
- Hungering Arrow
- Odyssey’s End
- Enemies snared by your Entangling Shots take
20-25%100-150% increased damage from all sources.
- Enemies snared by your Entangling Shots take
- Hunter’s Wrath
- Your primary skills attack 30% faster and deal
45-60%150-200% increased damage.
- Your primary skills attack 30% faster and deal
- Holy Point Shot
- Impale throws 2 additional knives and deals 75-100% increased damage.
- New Necromancer Set: Masquerade of Burning Carnival
- 2-Piece Bonus
- Your Simulacrums no longer take damage, gains all runes, and its cooldown is refreshed when you die.
- 4-Piece Bonus
- While you have a Simulacrum, damage is reduced by 50%. Damage you take is split with your Simulacrums as well.
- 6-Piece Bonus
- Your Bone Spear deals 10,000% increased damage. Simulacrums gain triple this bonus.
- 2-Piece Bonus
- Grasps of Essence
- When an exploded corpse damages at least one enemy, Your Corpse Explosion deals
75-100%150-200% increased damage for 6 seconds, stacking up to 5 times.
- When an exploded corpse damages at least one enemy, Your Corpse Explosion deals
- Haunted Visions
- Simulacrum now drains
5%1% of your maximum life every second and laststwice as longforever. They can now duplicate Grim Scythe instead of Skeletal Mage.
- Simulacrum now drains
- Razeth’s Volition
- Skeletal Mage gains the effect of the Gift of Death and Singularity runes. You gain 35-60% damage reduction if your Essence is not full.
- Jesseth Arms
- 2-Piece Set Bonus: While your skeletons are commanded to attack a target, you deal 400% increased damage.
- Grace of Inarius
- 4-Piece Set Bonus: Bone Armor grants an additional
2%3% damage reduction per enemy hit.
- 4-Piece Set Bonus: Bone Armor grants an additional
- Pestilence Master’s Shroud
- 6-Piece Set Bonus: Each corpse you consume grants you an Empowered Bone Spear charge that increases the damage of your next Bone Spear by 3300%. In addition, Corpse Lance and Corpse Explosion damage is increased by
- 6-Piece Set Bonus: Each corpse you consume grants you an Empowered Bone Spear charge that increases the damage of your next Bone Spear by 3300%. In addition, Corpse Lance and Corpse Explosion damage is increased by
- Shield of Fury
- This effect may stack up to
2010 times.
- This effect may stack up to
- Stone of Jordan
- Added power: Each of your elemental’s damage bonus is equal to your highest static elemental bonus to skill.
- Reaper’s Wraps
- Added a 2-second internal cooldown to the Health globe effect.
- Mantle of Channeling
- Now works with the Necromancer’s Siphon Blood.
- Convention of Elements
- Added „non-static“ to the wording of the legendary power’s description. The functionality is unchanged
Skill Changes
- Necromancer
- Developer’s Note: We’ve adjusted some non-intended behaviors with Simulacrum while also addressing the frustration of them getting split off from the Necromancer at times.
- Simulacrum
- These will now warp to the Necromancer if they begin to move too far away from the player. This only works if the Necromancer is wearing the Masquerade of the Burning Carnival set or Haunted Visions.
- Simulacrums cannot use Grim Scythe (with Haunted Visions) or Skeletal Mage unless the Necromancer had either of those abilities while the Simulacrums were created.
- Final Service
- No longer consumes pets.
- Bone Prison
- Simulacrums now benefit from this passive skill.
- Serration
- Simulacrums now benefit from this passive skill.
- Corpse Explosion
- Damage increased from 350% to 1050%.
- Simulacrum
- Witch Doctor
- Spirit Barrage
- The Spectres from the Phantasm rune no longer benefit from pet bonuses.
- Spirit Barrage
Bug Fixes
- General
- Fixed a rare issue where players could enter a locked party and become unable to enter games or change game settings
- Necromancer
- Fixed an issue where Skeletal Mages were not attacking certain creatures