Torghast: Die neuen Anima-Fähigkeiten aus Build 34490

Wenn ein Tester in der Alpha von Shadowlands nach Torghast, Turm der Verdammten reist und dort einige Zeit verbringt, dann erhält er langsam aber sicher immer mehr Anima-Fähigkeiten, die die Fähigkeiten, Talente oder Mechaniken seiner Klasse verändern und für gewöhnlich extrem nützliche Stärkungszauber außerhalb der normalen Limitierungen des Spiels darstellen. Da dieses Feature aber nicht in einer fertigen Version getestet wird und die Entwickler das Ganze zumindest teilweise mit dem Feedback der Spieler weiterentwickeln, beinhalten die meisten Builds für die Alpha der nächsten Erweiterung auch immer neue Anima-Fähigkeiten (oder Anpassungen an bestehenden Fähigkeiten) für die verschiedenen Klassen des Spiels. Aus diesem Grund brachte auch der vor einigen Tagen für diese Testphase veröffentlichte Build 34490 eine Reihe von Effekten dieser Art mich sich, die in diesem Fall dann aber hauptsächlich für Todesritter und Paladine bestimmt sind. Diese Klassen haben dieses Mal besonders viel Aufmerksamkeit erhalten, weil der Todesritter erst mit diesem Build für den Turm freigeschaltet wurde und die Freischaltung des Paladins vermutlich mit einem der nächsten Build stattfinden wird.
Wer jetzt gerne mehr über die Anima-Fähigkeiten dieser beiden Klassen oder den kleineren Neuerungen für Hexenmeister und Dämonenjäger erfahren möchte, der findet folgend eine Liste mit allen Anima-Fähigkeiten aus Build 34490.
Die neuen Anima-Fähigkeiten für Todesritter:
Der Todesritter hat neue Fähigkeiten erhalten, weil er seit einigen Tagen in Torghast eindringen darf.
Ancient Drake Breath – Icebound Fortitude unleashes an Ancient Drake, freezing all nearby enemies for 8 seconds.
Ancient Drake Breath – Summons a frostwyrm who breathes on all enemies within 40 yards in front of you, stunning them for 1.5 seconds.
Animate Armaments – Death Grip strips your enemy of their weapon, animating it to fight by your side for 6 seconds.
Blood-tinged Poker – Sacrificial Pact has no cooldown, and Raise Dead’s cooldown is reduced to 25 seconds.
Bone Growing Juice – During Summon Gargoyle, Empower Rune Weapon, or Dancing Rune Weapon your size, Strength, and Stamina is increased by 50%.
Bone Harvest – Death Coil afflicts enemies with Bone Harves, dealing 60% of Death Coil’s damage over 5 seconds. Targets killed during Bone Harvest are reanimated as a Risen Skulker or a Magus of the Dead.
Boundless Fortitude – Mind Freezing a spell cast activates Icebound Fortitude.
Creeping Decay – Death and Decay’s radius is increased by 3 yards.
Darkreaver’s Lens – Anti-Magic Zone reflects harmful magical effects back at the caster.
Darkreaver’s Ward – Anti-Magic Zone lasts 5 seconds longer and the radius is increased by 1 yard.
- Death Turf – You and your minions gain 10% Haste while you are inside your Death and Decay.
Entropic Pool – Death and Decay gains an additional charge.
Exterminator – Death Gripping a Maw Rat causes it to explode and resets the cooldown of Death Grip.
Chains of Anguish – Chains of Ice blinds enemies‘ health together, causing them to share 50% of damage taken.
Lich Robes – Lichborne’s cooldown is reduced by 10 seconds when you cast Chains of Ice.
Monstrous Concoction – Death Coil’s healing infuses you or your minions with monstrous power, increasing Attack Speed and damage by 15% for 60 seconds. Stacks twice.
Necromantic Bile – Sacrificial Pact deals 100% more damage.
Phearomones – Enemies damaged by your Death and Decay have a chance to cower in place for 3 seconds.
Plaguebringer – Marrowrend, Obliterate, and Festering Strike cause your disease damage to occur 150% more quickly for 5 seconds.
Rune of Razorice – Affixes your weapon with a rune that causes (1.05% of Attack Power]% extra damage as Frost damage and increases enemies‘ vulnerability to your Frost attacks by 3%, stacking up to 5 times.
Slick Ice – Path of Frost increases Movement Speed by 30%.
Unbreakable Cuffs – Chains of Ice lasts an additional 3 seconds.
Unquenchable Blade – Summon Gargoyle, Empower Rune Weapon, and Dancing Rune Weapon cooldowns are decreased by 15 seconds.
Die neuen Anima-Fähigkeiten für Dämonenjäger:
Deadly Toll – Fodder to the Flame cooldown reduced by 0.1 seconds.
Fallen Comrade’s Blindfold
- Vengeance: Casting Fel Devastation summons an Allied Havoc Demon Hunter who casts Eye Beam.
- Havoc: Casting Eye Beam summons an Allied Vengeance Demon Hunter who casts Fel Devastation.
Stalker Sling – The Hunt cooldown reduced by 0.1 seconds.
Die neuen Anima-Fähigkeiten für Hexenmeister:
Blood-Stained Dagger – Health Funnel also reduces your pet’s damage taken by 10% for 10 seconds.
Bottled Shadow – Gaining a stack of Soul’s Blessing increases your pet’s damage by 200% for 15 seconds.
Crystal of Perpetual Displacement – Reduce the cooldown of Demonic Circle: Teleport by 8 seconds.
Smoking Shard of Teleportation – Using Demonic Circle: Teleport or your Demonic Gateway reduces all damage you take by 50% for 10 seconds.
Tainted Blood Vial – Your Malefic Rapture (Affliction), Hand of Gul’dan (Demonology), Chaos Bolt (Destruction) no longer consume any Soul Shards, but instead cost you 50% of your current remaining health.
Void Etched Talisman – Using a Healthstone increases all healing taken by 50% for 30 seconds.
Die neuen Anima-Fähigkeiten für Paladine:
Die Anima-Fähigkeiten für den Paladin besitzen aktuell noch viele als Platzhalter fungierende Namen. Sie werden ihre richtigen Bezeichnungen mit einem kommenden Build für die Alpha erhalten.
True Judgment – The first time you Judge a target, it has a 50% chance to be deemed Unworthy, permanently reducing its damage and health by 20%.
Paladin Common 1 – Holy Power abilities are 30% more effective.
Paladin Common 2 – Every 10 seconds in combat, you gain 1 Holy Power.
Paladin Common 2 – When an enemy dies within Consecration, you gain 20% damage and healing for 10 seconds.
Paladin Common 3 – Hammer of Wrath deals 60% increased damage.
Paladin Common 4 – The cooldowns of Judgment and Holy Shock are reduced by 1.5 seconds.
Paladin Common 5 – The cooldowns of Blessings are reduced by 25%.
Paladin Common 7 – For the first 30 seconds of each floor, you have Avenging Wrath.
Paladin Common 8 – When an enemy dies within Consecration, you gain 20% damage and healing for 10 seconds.
Paladin Common 9 – Grand Crusader, Art of War, and Infusion of Light reduce the remaining cooldown of Divine Steed by 5 seconds.
Paladin Epic 2 – Hammer of Wrath extends Avenging Wrath by 4 seconds.
Paladin Epic 3 – Divine Shield protects everyone in your party.
Paladin Epic 5 – Holy Power abilities cost 1 less.
Paladin Epic 6 – During Avenging Wrath, prevent 50% of incoming damage. That damage will be dealt to you when Avenging Wrath ends, if the enemy that dealt it is alive.
Paladin Rare 1 – The cooldown of Divine Steed is reduced by 60%.
Paladin Rare 3 – Hammer of Wrath makes your next Holy Power ability 100% more effective.
Paladin Rare 5 – Once every 45 seconds, Word of Glory applies Blessing of Spellwarding.
Paladin Uncommon 4 – Forbearance increases damage dealt by 25%.
Paladin Uncommon 5 – When a party member is damaged below 50% health, you cast Blessing of Sacrifice on them. Cannot happen more than once every 45 seconds.
Theory of Justice – Hammer of Wrath has a 30% chance to cast Hammer of Justice on the target.