Shadowlands Build 34081: Neue Modelle und eine überarbeitete Charaktererstellung

Im Verlauf des heutigen Abends haben die Entwickler von Blizzard Entertainment den neuen Build 34081 für die derzeit laufende Alpha von World of Warcrafts nächster Erweiterung Shadowlands veröffentlicht. Auch wenn dieser Build keine größeren versteckten Inhalte mit sich brachte, so konnten Data Miner aber dennoch die eine oder andere interessante Neuerung entdecken. Dazu gehören unter anderem einige Klassenänderungen, eine Reihe von interessanten neuen Modellen, neue Icons und eine umfangreiche Umgestaltung der im Spiel vorhandenen Charaktererstellung. Folgend findet ihr genauere Informationen zu diesem Build und den daran enthaltenen Neuerungen für die Alpha von Shadowlands.
Die neue Charaktererstellung:
Ein neuer Ladebildschirm:
Neue Icons:
Death Knight
- Frost
- Frost Strike Chill your weapons with icy power, and quickly strike the enemy with both
weapons, dealing a total of [ 62% of Attack Power ] Frost damage. Requires One-Handed Axes, Two-Handed Axes, One-Handed Maces, Two-Handed Maces, One-Handed Swords, Two-Handed Swords, Fist Weapons, Daggers. Death Knight – Frost Spec. Death Knight – Frost Spec. 25 Runic Power. Melee range. Instant. - Obliterate A brutal attack with both weapons that deals a total of
[ 60%[ 120% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Requires One-Handed Axes, Two-Handed Axes, One-Handed Maces, Two-Handed Maces, One-Handed Swords, Two-Handed Swords, Fist Weapons. Death Knight – Frost Spec. Death Knight – Frost Spec. 2 Runes. Melee range. Instant.
- Frost Strike Chill your weapons with icy power, and quickly strike the enemy with both
- Beast Mastery
- Beast Mastery Hunter Increases damage/healing by 50%: Volley Hunter – Beast Mastery Spec. Hunter – Beast Mastery Spec.
- Levitate Levitates a party or raid member for 10 min, floating a few feet above the ground, granting slow fall, and allowing travel over water. Can be cast in Shadowform. Can’t be cast in Flight Form.
Priest – Discipline, Holy, Shadow Spec. Priest – Discipline, Holy, Shadow Spec.0.9% of Base Mana / 0.9% of Base Mana. 30 yd range. Instant.
- Shield Slam (Protection) Devastate, Thunder Clap,
and RevengeRevenge, and Execute have a 30% chance to reset the cooldown of Shield Slam. - Whirlwind Off-Hand Unleashes a whirlwind of steel, striking
allup to 5 nearby enemies for [ 41.1% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Causes your next 2 single-target melee attacks to strike up to 4 additional targets for 50% damage. Generates 3 Rage, plus an additional 1 per target hit.Maximum 8 Rage.Requires One-Handed Axes, Two-Handed Axes, One-Handed Maces, Two-Handed Maces, Polearms, One-Handed Swords, Two-Handed Swords, Staves, Fist Weapons, Daggers. Instant.
Neue Modelle:
Shadowlands Goggles
Revendreth Daggers
Ardenweald Staff