eSports: Method plant einen 24/7 Livestream auf Twitch

Auch wenn Method von vielen Spielern von World of Warcraft aktuell noch immer als eine normale Top-Gilde eingestuft wird, so handelt es sich bei dieser Gruppe derzeit aber eher um eine eSports-Organisation, die mehr als nur eine einfache Gilde in Blizzards MMORPG darstellt. Passend dazu verkündeten die Mitglieder dieser Organisation nun vor einigen Tagen auf ihrer offiziellen Internetseite, dass die in der nahen Zukunft einen 24 Stunden am Tag und sieben Tage in der Woche laufenden Livestream auf auf die Beine stellen möchten. Dieser von Darren „Bookmark“ Price und Jeremy „Andallyn“ Quayle betriebene Sender soll die Fans dauerhaft mit Content zu der eSports-Szene von World of Warcraft versorgen. Genauere Details zu dem Startschuss für dieses Projekt sollen in der nahen Zukunft sollen.
Was das geplante Programm für diesen dauerhaft laufenden Stream betrifft, so planen die Mitglieder von Method zusätzlich zu den Progress-Rennen in WoW auch noch Turniere, fest eingeplante Shows, Podcasts und Streams für Gäste. Das erste größere Event dieses Livestreams läuft unter dem Namen „Method Mayhem“ und läuft auf ein 5v5 Turnier in der Arena von World of Warcraft hinaus. Dieses Turnier teilt sich dabei dann in eine am 15. Februar für Europa stattfindende Runde und eine am 16. in Nordamerika startende Runde auf. Daran interessierte Personen können sich schon jetzt (hier) für dieses spannende Turnier anmelden. Um möglichst viele Teilnehmer zu diesem Event zu locken, erhalten die höheren Platzierungen des Events einen Anteil des Preispools in Höhe von 10.000 USD.
Weitere Informationen zu dem 24/7 Livestream von Method und dem anstehenden Turnier findet ihr in der folgenden Ankündigung.
Method Announces 24/7 Broadcast on Twitch
UNITED KINGDOM–February 8, 2020– Method, a global esports team and leading esports content creator, announced Saturday during the Race to World First the launch of a continuous, 24 hours per day, all year round Twitch broadcast. Method will utilize their Twitch channel to broadcast non-stop entertainment, including tournaments, shows, podcasts and guest streams.
“Why are esports teams not livestreaming on Twitch? I have been asking myself this question countless times in the past. The explosion of esports’ popularity globally has inarguably been tied to the success of livestream platforms such as Twitch. Yet, esports teams have solely relied on players, tournament organizers and game developers/publishers to create livestream content.” said Sascha Steffens, Founder & Co-CEO at Method.
Introducing Method Mayhem – Mayhem will feature a number of Player versus Player (PvP) competitions to be broadcasted exclusively on The kick-off events will be two World of Warcraft 5v5 Arena tournaments, for the European region (February 15) and North American region (February 16) respectively, with a combined prize pool of $10,000. Sign-ups are now open, spots are limited.
EU sign-ups and details:
NA sign-ups and details:
Furthermore Method announced that Darren “Bookmark” Price and Jeremy “Andallyn” Quayle have been appointed as Broadcast Producers. Darren and Jeremy will lead the execution of Method’s broadcast programming, utilizing experience gathered from their tenure as co-owners of Resurgent Esports Broadcasting, an organization well known for hosting and broadcasting World of Warcraft tournaments.
“Some months ago in a conversation with Scott, he told me that Method was planning to launch a 24/7 broadcast on Twitch and immediately my curiosity peaked. I could see the potential and quickly realised that there is demand for it, even though nobody really knew it yet. I have always aspired and been determined to push boundaries and enter a territory that has not been entered before, so this is the perfect opportunity. It will be a privilege to showcase our content on thousands of screens all around the world on a daily basis. I’d like to thank Method for the opportunity, and I look forward to working alongside the rest of the team.” said Darren Price, Broadcast Producer at Method.
“For the past several years I have seen first hand the power of exciting content and how it can bring people from all walks of life together and leave a real lasting impact. Nothing is more rewarding than to hear individuals who compete in your competitions thank you for your hard work and say they have never had this much fun playing the game before! I am honored and humbled to bring you the very best of what Method has to offer! Join us on the battlefield or in your front row seat on Twitch to catch all of the action!” said Jeremy Quayle, Broadcast Producer at Method.
This is an important step in Method’s content strategy who broadcasted their first event on Twitch, a World of Warcraft 3v3 Arena tournament, in 2016, followed by two “Method Majors” Arena tournaments in 2017, the Race to World First: Uldir in September 2018, Race to World First: Battle of Dazar’alor in February 2019, Race to World First: The Eternal Palace in July 2019, the Classic Race to World First in August 2019, and Race to World First: Ny’alotha in January 2020.
More details about the broadcast programming will be revealed on Method’s website, social channels and on in the following days and weeks.